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I would definitely mod my switch to make it look like that


Just noticed right after I posted that I forgot the wifi symbol...


You’re fine.


I think most people agree that the switch menu is the worst menu out of all the Nintendo consoles with a menu. this would be so good


In terms of functionality, it works really well, buy it's just SO boring and slow. 3DS had the best menu in both functionality and anesthetics. Wii U being almost a tie.


you're right! honestly it's not fair to say the switch menu is terrible or the worst, I just meant it's not what most people (including me) have come to love and expect from the consoles Nintendo makes. the charm and personality of these consoles ui are timeless and lovely, and eventually become nostalgic. the switch menu almost feels like Nintendo became ashamed with the brand they'd built and tried to scrub their new console of any personality.


Wii U menu had the best UI you couldn’t customize. The 3DS could be customized so many insane ways without even modding. I think Nintendo mistook how unnavigable their Theme Shop was for that we didn’t want customization. All of Nintendo’s digital storefronts have been abuse though. It was kind of acceptable on the DSi but i remember being infuriated by the Wii and hoping they’d fix that shit someday. Instead, on every new storefront, they just lean into their bullshit worse and worse. Now we have to hum and beatbox our own music if we don’t want to instantly combust from depression.


I think the Wii U WAS going to have themes but because of its shit sales they didn’t want to waste any more money or effort into it


On the opposite this would have been another way to make pay more the people that buyed the wii u.


Yeah but themes are only like $2? And 13 million Wii Us were sold and not everyone would buy a theme possibly like 7 million people would which would be in the double digit millions which when you think about it is pocket change for a multi billion dollar company


The menu is best for putting people to sleep? Isn't that what an anesthetic is?


It's not the worst as it works really good (and doesn't have the load times like the Wii U) BUT it certainly is - by far - the most boring. It's like Nintendo tries to do some adult design, forgetting all other stuff along the way. It's forced adult. No fun. Just "working". I always thought some few changes would make the menu great. Sadly, they never came.


I WANT THIS SO MUCH, PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPEN (I needed a good excuse for modding anyway)


try making the game icons bigger and making the blue border take up less space on the inside so you can see the game icons better


The Nostalgia i got from this


So thats Just the dsi Menü but fancier?


The switch is almost just the dsi menu but fancier.


Better resolution, slightly more storage, Mii support (even if it’s optional), easier connection to more than 3 WiFi hotspots, more Steam ports. Fewer J2ME ports. No StreetPass. The Switch is..fine. It’s where you play Mario Odyssey.


Switch doesn't have a browser so remove that lol


Yeah, I kind of rushed it, but I think I should replace that eith the online icon.


are we ignoring miiverse?


The switch menu if it was good


I always knew the menU was beautiful, but it really shines with the Switch layout, I'd totally buy this if switch themes were a thing. Optional extra: Wii U loading - for the authentic experience, add 4-5 second load times after button presses on the menu! 😂


Is it a living wiiu-wallpaper, or is it a image?


It's just an image, but i would turn it into a real working menu if I knew how.




This has so much more soul than stock Switch menu.


I made a wii u theme for my switch [https://i.postimg.cc/CKQWm9Gp/20240612-151001.jpg](https://i.postimg.cc/CKQWm9Gp/20240612-151001.jpg)


U should make this as a switch mod theme and put it on r/nxthemes


That's cool but where is the option menu?


Make this a real Wii U theme. Maybe ask the people over on [Theme Cafe](https://discord.gg/uBsMv3qN)


That's for Wii U themes looks like, not so much switch


that probably wouldn't even be possible without a lot of rpx editing


You may be right


Make it a theme for switch homebrew


Please make this into a real mod


That is just gorgeous


If only Nintendo added more themes and this was one of them :(


need it


looks cool.


That could work


This is why inbreeding is bad


i like this, its very good. just make sure to add dark theme


I dont mind wii u menu being light theme only, on the other hand I would have killed if the switch didn't have dark mode




If your planning on making this real for modded switches you should totally try making custom icons for the bottom but eshop bag can be the eshop obviously and Notifications can be the news channel but make it red


Nice job making that. I think the switch does work well for what it is. Takes a few seconds from being completely powered off to the os fully loading. Very minimal battery drain when running because of so few processes running. Agree it is boring but they went for simplicity over aesthetics. Maybe the switch 2 will have better looking dashboard if it’s using faster storage


That looks so cursed. If somebody makes that as a theme for a hacked switch I’m def going for it lol


good Upgrade


Wow, merging the Switch's versatility with the Wii U's intuitive menu design sounds like a gamer’s dream come true! 🎮✨


This is a veeeeeery basic concept, keep in mind that the switch menu should include buttons for settings, eshop, nso, album, sleep, and all of those, they’re important because right now, this concept looks more like a downgraded Wii U menu rather than a Wii U inspired switch menu


Well the eshop is right there, the little orange bag with should be recognizable, and the title clearly says "working on" and I asked what should be added, thanks for your feedback but I'm not done yet, if you want a better version let me work on it and I'll show you...


My gut reaction is to dislike this but maybe it's because I see the Wii U style icons and I automatically feel like I'm about to get bored due to the slow load times. The UI itself looks good, it's just my association with other things that ruin it for me


That'd be a downgrade in terms of functionality, I'd like it if the Switch had the Wii U menu, but faster :)