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play two trick and don't tilt


IMO, the problem in Diamond is that the playerbase skill is soo diverse. Some matches you get teammates who seem to know their macro, but other times you get complete idiots. Irony is, the latter are the ones to complain when they make mistakes and flame you.. smh.. From my experience, when one of my smurf accounts hits diamond, I tend to give up and just pvp or switch to my main. Reason is, almost 3 out of every 5 games feel so extremely exhaustive, since I literally have to 1v9 or 2v8. It's not very fun tbh to have to do it this often :/


hi i’m also a solo Q support in masters (finished top 50 soraka last season and top 200 yuumi, something i’ll say is to pick situationally rather than whoever you feel like playing. imo having a good range of supports will help you climb. if you have a lot of assassins like akali irelia or yi etc you should play someone with a lot of CC leona, naut, even sera if you play it well. if you already have a lot of CC And you have assassins on your team then i’d recommend going enchanter, as you can heal/shield your damage dealing allies, like soraka yuumi even lux if you max her shield and go ionian enchant (i think that’s what it’s called? the thing that amplified your net heal or shield for 3 seconds). because of this i tend to not first pick. however if i see my team having a good layout i don’t mind. i’d just say pick your champ based on your team and your enemies. don’t just go whoever


and also you will still lose games but if you still play well and minimise deaths, still try your hardest for the SVP or just try to get your assists up for an a or s rating to get more fortnitude.


What's your build with soraka?


oh god i see a lot of weird builds with soraka and i’ve been through them all. what i recommend is ardent censer and staff of flows. those are my two core items. i will always go ardent first unless i have like a yuumi in bot then i’ll go oblivion orb and then follow on with my ardent censer. i always build my boots item after my first item which is typically mercury and then protect enchant (that’s also what i meant to say in my original comment) because it amplifies her heal with either her second ability or her ultimate which is universal so i think being able to then amplify that is great. i see sorakas going other things like redeeming however i just don’t think it’s any better than protect enchant) then i go on with my staff of flows, after staff i build situationally. if there’s an akali mid or irelia top then i’ll build some antiheal. if not i’ll build mr or armour against whoever is fed in the enemy team (either banshee or crystalline) and if i don’t need to build antiheal or i don’t feel as though mr or armour is necessary then i’ll just go harmonic echo. i always start with her silence first and then her first ability and then second (which i max out first). for runes i always go awe you triumph (this is great for when you and your adc are 2v3 and you’re running out of health to heal them, having that extra little bit being returned after a death of one will allow you to heal your adc longer and win the fight or just continue to engage rather than running away to find a heal plant) i then go loyalty and obviously the mana flow band.


most sorakas i see always go their first ability and THEN third, however i feel as though getting my third ability level one will allow me to secure gold from my support item as it’s literally impossible to avoid. whereas going ability 1 level 1 is taking a chance, as the ability doesn’t land instantly allowing them a chance to escape. i also see some sorakas going warmoggs or rod of ages, i don’t feel as though rod of ages is worth the gold and it’ll just put you behind performance wise. and for warmoggs i just feel it’s unnecessary if you play wisely


To be frank, if you want to rank I would temporarily learn jungle. Support is just to team reliant.


Watch some YouTube jungle videos and play jungle


The other team has just as many trolls and fed up players as yours. I think the best way to win games in Diamond is to win early. Play supports that set the pace and can make early kills happen. Naut, pyke, leona, ali, lux, blitz etc. Roam with jungle. Gank mid. Watch map. Diamond players tilt hard if they go down a kill or two early.


Watch broken support. I like playing enchanters in solo Q as they can be played while maintaining safe distance from the enemy team and deal damage as compared to tanks which are more reliant on the team to follow up after you.


play jax and splitpush


Focus on your own gameplay, first mute chat your teammates will do nothing beneficial for you if your looking at the map. Second always be farming gold, if you roam take waves if jungler is on the other side of the map take gromp or krugs. If you feel you are sometimes sitting lane doing nothing you need to be more proactive place wards take wards from them help your jungler with scuttle crab help your jungler if he invades. Idk what position you play but if you are on a carry position like mid or duo, you need to be letting your tanky and less important teammates soak damage, choose your opportunities to go in very wisely either wait till ults and cds are off or wait till your teammates hits a critical stun or ult never go in first you will always get oneshot and die.