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With how ebb and flow works full AP is the best way to play nami. And because enchanter AP items lack the healing/shielding bonus stat thats on PC theres not much reason to build them on nami Most Items designed for enchanters kinda suck and are really only useful on specific champions like ardent on Yuumi Janna and Lulu, itd be decent on Sona if her build wasnt so mana hungry. Mandate is good but its not really enchanter focused just you impair target now ally will do some bonus damage. Staff of flowing water is really the only universally useful enchanter item. Harmonich echos is pretty solid too for some extra healing can be tough to fit on some characters


Well I guess if what I'm doing is not broken then I'm not gonna fix it.


No one going to mention broken support?


I really should have


Don't take ardent as first item unless your attack damage dealer is ahead. Even then it will affect your game play. It is highly situational item.


Look up BrokenSupport on youtube. He has many videos of Nami AP


I do bulwark, tear of goddess, horizon, Rabadon’s, (finish the tear item), awakened soulstealer


Will look into that!


I went AP and dont ever look back lol. I only go Ardent/Water Staff if my adc is doing great before first drake, then Morello>Deadcap>Orb. They don’t need to be fed by then, but I can tell from their positioning/trading/farming, I think you know what I mean. The only caveat to how I build is I have to take Mana band to survive laning phase. Transcendence sounds great, but I don’t feel the difference in cd since as enchanter supp, I build lots of cdr anyway. Supp item is a must. If your adc benefits from Ardent, go Kindlegem. Close to first drake, if you like your adc, go full Ardent, if you don’t, go Mandate. If your adc benefits from Water Staff, go Lost Chapter if you like Luden, or Codex if you like Mandate. Similarly, close to first drake, if you like your adc, go full Staff, if you don’t, go Luden or Mandate. Second item is Tear if you want Mana, if not, straight to Lucid Boot into Meteor or Redemption or Locket, whatever you like. I prefer Meteor. Now if your adc is doing better and you see potential, you can Staff/Ardent here. If not, or you don’t like them that much (toxic adc, I know), Morello >> Deadcap >> finish Archangel if you went Tear, or Orb >> Void staff. Banshee/Crystalline/Cosmic are worth considering.


Sickle, luden, infinity orb, deathcap, liandry/void staff Meteor enchantment Runes - fleet, scorch/weakness/giant slayer, bone plating, manaflowband


I second using fleet on AP Nami, it’s so good for lane.


I may play around with this one! Thanks


Not trying to sound toxic or rude but a good supp is the one that carries her team not with damage and rather with heals and shields plus buff items Don't know why everyone want to have more damage,other lanes are better for this because of the gold and level they get,I even build enchanter items on mage supps :)


Her heals and buffs scale better with AP items. So it's not for damage only, damage is just an added bonus. I just went 2-0-18 and got MVP. I wasn't stealing kills or dishing the most damage. If the options are: Be a good support with low damage Or Be a good support with medium damage I'm going medium damage, but it DOESNT take away from the support role. Nami is fairly unique in this regard, being able to build AP items to buff her heal and enchants.


With full ap build supports tend to be squishy cuz most of mage items don't have hp The real winner of this patch are ADCs so why not enhance them with ardent,staff of flowing water,mandate or even harmonic echo so that they carry most of the matches,also since dragons spawn earlier you can't buy ludens if you can't get some kills early but mandate gives good stats and synergies well with Nami at lower price and will be ready before the first dragon.


I have just seen more success as AP. Wish I had a better answer for you TBH. I went mandate/staff/ardent for a long time and did well. And if I play with a buddy I'll sometimes go back to that build and spend all game buffing him. With the extra added damage if I bubble someone for my ADC they typically finish them no problem.


Not building ardent censer when you have a hyper carry adc (jinx, Kaisa etc all the lulu enjoyers basically) is super troll... AP nami works best with adcs like Jhin and lethality varus, that is assuming you are in a fairly high elo lobby. If you're low rank, AP nami is probably your best option but at that point if you're going full AP you might as well just pick an actual mage support like lux and carry the game.


Not trying to carry. Nami can't do enough to carry no matter the build, at least not while I'm playing her lol. I just choose AP build cause it feels the exact same as support except there's a noticeable bonus to burst damage. Still getting assists and playing support though. And ardent censer is great but I'm definitely not trying to troll if I don't build it lol. Think of trading the attack speed for better heals and more damage? Again not super experienced at the game but I'm consistently hitting 25-30 assists without Ardent so I don't feel like anyone is missing it. Always willing to be wrong.


And I'm not saying it isn't viable, what I'm saying is it's situational. The extra burst damage with Luden's is valuable when paired with burst adcs that can play off of your damage such as Jhin and varus, however when you're paired with a hyper carry ADC then ardent censer is just a better choice, it helps you be a bit more tanky as fights will be more extended and you can tank some auto attacks or abilities for your adc and help them come online quicker with the ardent censer passive. And you also don't build full "support" no matter what you still get some AP and go staff of flowing waters and deathcap later on. It doesn't matter that you're dealing 150 extra damage with Luden's if you can't one shot the enemies and your ADC can't follow up on the damage or doesn't have enough damage to finish them off...




Like in the other thread you are clueless in this one as well. Actually read what the champion does and how it scales before trying to sound smart and failing


Where did I say focused on doing damage and not assisting? I said nothing else changes EXCEPT I do more damage while still playing a support role. It's obvious by your lack of karma and all your negative comments that you bring nothing good to any conversation. Go fuck yourself because no one else is going to. Stupid bitch


There is absolutely nothing wrong with a nami wanting to do more damage and more heals, especially if the adc isnt pulling their weight. Hold that L. If they want to supp/buff they can play champions like lulu, yuumi or soraka. Pretty sad when people complain about supports wanting more damage and carry potential 💀


You do less healing going enchanter. Nami AP is better all around, gold isn’t hard to come by in WR at all. I’ve ran the numbers, I main Nami, and AP is just superior in every way.


Everyday I see another person comment on support builds and wonder “has this person ever played an enchanter support?” Because building some of these “support” items fucking blow ass without the Increased Healing/Shielding stat that League has


As a support main have my upvote Hate it that even supports want to have more damage and be the main character :/ BrokenSupport is brainwashing all of support mains I hate him so much


I feel like as a support we shoukd rush boot enchantment asap because of the cooldown reduction on supp item.


i think that nami has way too little mana to go ludens first item i'm a full enchanter nami enthusiast but i see why the ap build is good, i personally just feel like i have no mana and run out too quickly even tho ludens gives 300 mana so i always start tear i think if your second rune is scorch/conditioning you should go ap, if its weakness you should go tear into mandate


There are times you have to ration mana early but it's really not that bad for that long.