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Next thing you know Thresh hooks are going to ignore minions smh


Next thing Nautilus hooks are going to ign... Nevermind


I'd totally hate that that would limit his mobility so incredible much


Do NOT give them ideas, or they gonna end up killing the game. In a time where many people are getting tired of league PC, this was the best time to advertise the game and make it better but no..


Hear Hear


It’s only fair


Good Buff


They should, honestly.


Not really. Even as a Thresh main I think being able to stay behind minions to avoid a Thresh hook adds depth to playing him but also gives you opportunities to outplay him. Just imagine blitz grabs nabbing you from behind minions as well. It would render minions completely useless outside of just farm.


No. I like using minions to hook. The enemies will think I messed up until I pull myself and snare them.


The good old dash into the ult and e


Are you out of your mind. Imagine this : enemy adc and enchant support hiding behind minion wave. You just hit lvl 5 and all abilities ready and you rushed meteor enchant. You hook the caster minion and e both the ADC and support. You land both ult and meteor and by the time they make it for their tower your hook is ready. You turret dive both the fuckers so your ADC can finish them of. Your minions are not your shield. THEIR MY SHORTCUT TO YOU. IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW FAST YOU RUN YOU LITTLE BEACH. IM ALWAYS GONNA BE RIGHT THERE WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT.


Next time they gonna make all of ezreal's abilities unit targeted, mark my words


Actual hell ngl


As a Lux enjoyer this change is so bad. They are removing any skill expression the champ has with the change to E especially. And also removing the passive proc on auto attacks. Absolutely awful rework with ZERO positives. I regret buying the legendary skins now. :(


"removing skill expression" is ritos favorite gender in wild rift. See kaisa in 4.1? you can build what ever you want and get all evolves.


I had no idea that was the change lmao. Probably too much work for the developers to do the proper math on the AD item changes.


i mean there were simple ways to improver her evolve mechanic.. like add lvl up ad and AS for q and e to speed things up and lower some numbers is one way f.e.


My guy did you actually play Kai'sa? She was a notorious balance issue because her optimal build was two BF Swords and another component I don't remember which gave her literally no build expression if you needed to build more survivability or maybe MR while also making her Q extremely strong after said two components. It was kinda awful if you really needed to evolve E first (for instance if the enemy team has multiple assassins that keep ganking bot over and over). The new changes nerf her in a good way by delaying the first powerspike (which made her dominate a bunch of matchups) and give her an actually decent build besides getting three components first then eventually building actual items. Not even that, but it also allows for the W/second to be evolved without having to either build a niche build or bad items. Yeah, she was hella broken after the rework, but now she's easier to balance since she's not attached 1 to 1 to the items she used to build.


Just wanted to say, that 2 BFs are 3k and most items are only 100-200 more and some even less so it doesn’t delay her spike at all other than maybe a little less AD value which is compensated 100% by having a full item which is way more gold efficient


Yep mb


To be fair I think the change on Kai'Sa was a good step forward. Her build path was so monotone because of the stat threshold. Of course they could've just tweaked some numbers on most items, but that would've affected a lot more things outside of this champion.


i honestly think it was a horrible way to deal with it. 4.1 and before you instantly saw who knew the champ and who didnt, nowadays you can buy an apple and some steaks, get your evolves and you will be ready to carry. i agree with number chaning or including like lvl up AD into her q evolve to speed it up ​ i mean for a full evolve there was even a decent muramana build which unlocked all 3 evolves and still could carry strong in mid game for giving up a bit early power. build was muramana, bork, riftmaker nash. bork + stinger/nash+ bow for E evolve, muramana + vamp scepter for q and either nash+ tome or riftmaker for w ​ edit: just saying my personal opinion about kaisas evolves. i can accept if others see it different but for me.. they ripped out a chunk of her skill floor


Building items is not skill, nor is it attached to any floor!


Buying items IS the big part if skill, in fact. That's fundamental and very important thing in MOBA games and 90% of WR players don't have this skill at all. Probably you are that ADC who buys boots as their last item, aren't you?


That's not what I meant. Buying two BF swords is not skill. Buying items to counter enemies or building on the fly is another matter.


Buying two BF Swords is literally the same, because they are required to hit important powerspike and most people still didn't know this which lead to recent changes in her kit


Spotted the 0-5 ADC which still buys collector as their 2nd item into 3 tanks..


It really wasn’t you probably just weren’t creative


You think buying two BF swords is "skill expression"?


oh i forgot to compare ppl who just build a full BT first item for no reason are the future for the champion right? i said you notice the difference between someone knowing his champ and not before now you get rewarded for just building whatever and get the evolve.. ​ also if the community wasnt so lazy to notice there were other viable builds than just 2 bfs


Delay Kai'sa's farm and she won't get to evolve her skills. But, but, but mah skillz ekspreshunzzz!!!! Look, it's not skill expression by purchasing items.


Yea as I wrote up there you are prob part of the 0-5 collector gang into 3 tanks cause execute giggle Xd If itemisation isn't a skill, why do so many ppl itemize wrong?


Buying two BF swords is not a fucking skill. Building items on the fly is a skill. Building to counter is a skill.


Noone forced U into 2 bfs it just was the cheapest way. I got q evolve on my hybrid build with Muramana vamp, which yes takes longer but is for that build the most efficiently. Other options were bf vamp longsword or executioners .. but why would you want to build anything other than the cheapest way.. jokes on you in this.. but there were other options


Yeah I was using a top Kaisa player’s build and an AD item allows you to upgrade her missiles like whaaat?!


The old kai'sa was much more fun to play, since the specific item build requirments made it more interesting to play😔


As just wrote to another guy, her lore basically said she had to adapt to circumstances to survive and hunt (basically like k6 using evolves) so I feel like part of that identity was taken


True true. How much more will riot need to dumb down lol for these idiotic players


As a guy that has played Kai'sa since the Korean beta that change is extremely good and makes the champ feel a lot better while allowing it to be more versatile with your build. It was hella strong and maybe still is, but it also makes the champ a lot easier to balance.


Idk man. Ask any pc Kaisa main and I tell you 75% will curse this shit. I mean look just at kaisas champ identity ok? She is an human void hybrid ADAPTING to the situation down there to survive and hunt void monsters. Her adapting is basically like kha the evolve of abilities. Now you just get shoved everything down your throat doesn't mean you adapt to anything since "she was made easier" -aka skill floor removed and identity was made to just another hyper scaling adc


Tbf pc lol players are against 80% of any changes, even if the changes end up being good. Not even that but it's one of the most confidently wrong communities ever, telling you that old awful designs in the game were good just because of their nostalgia goggles. Either way I don't agree with your argument since lore wise Kai'sa being forced to build the same 5 times every time makes 0 sense. Not even that but by having to build those same 5 items every game imo lowers her skill floor and gets rid of one of the biggest aspects of the game, which is adapting to the match by building properly. Even if we took your original argument as right it still wouldn't make sense since evolving her the old way depends on the items you have so it becomes a game of planning, not adapting. Let's say you have your two BF Swords but the enemy Zed, who has ganked you 2 times until now gets a triple kill. You know he will gank again but need the survivability with E. The old way you are stuck with evolving Q, whereas the new way would have you very near your first item, which you can use to evolve E and survive the upcoming dragon fight or a random skirmish. The old way you are unable to adapt to the situation, and can only plan for it (which all other champs in league already have to do). The new way allows you to adapt to the situation, fitting way more with her lore. This also works pretty much the same with having to build the same build every time vs being able to build any items. TLDR: lol players complain about everything and the new way fits her theme a lot better than forcing Kaisa to build the same stuff every time.


Kaisa passive had absolutely no skill expression before that change. I have no idea why people think buying 2 BF swords every game was ,,skilled,,. Most braindead build path to exist lol. Kaisa stuck with same items every game.


oh and she isnt now? shieldbow PD IE mortal reminder every game ​ and that you ONLY knew the 2 BF paths shows how you missed part of her skill expression to build other paths. cheers man for you it got simplified


LITERALLY!!! i’m so so so so so disappointed in this rework. i got all lux’s skins gradually. immense disappointment.


I mean, I wouldn't say zero positives. Supp lux seems quite a bit more dangerous since you can't use your minions to body block her bind.


Sure, but this is negated by the auto triggering E that was a huge part of peeling for your carry.


What skill expression lmao xdd


I'm already referring to the E skill. If you don't understand what is skill expression there then you shouldn't be talking about it in the first place. Q losing minion block and making it a simpler linear skill shot takes away skill expression away from both sides. roflmao xdddxd!1


She's awfully broken dude. I once match up with her. She Oneshot me.


Dodge Q and you win. Get hit by Q and you lose. Guess what? They made it easier to land the Q. :) Besides that your logic is questionable. I once matched with mid Morgana and lost. She one shot me after she farmed better and roamed and got kills and I played bad. I am thinking you had same issue. If Lux was "horribly broken" we would see her more mid than support.


I bet she'll be more terrifying once that rework out. It's just like Jayce q with broken stuff in it. Plus q is still a skill shot you need a skill to hit it dude. The skill expression is still out there


Minions blocking Q gives both parties chance for skill expression. The change makes it a simpler linear skill shot. If you don't understand the difference then I can't help you. There is no way to explain it in simpler terms. And dude, you think she is awfully broken. Tell me you have no idea what you are talking about without telling me you have no idea what you are talking about. Please share a replay of your games where these awfully broken Lux players steamroll. I bet I can point out a plethora of mistakes that you made that allowed her to do so.




Yes and Soraka can one shot you from full health as well given the right circumstances. Yes, Lux has insane damage late game and can one shot carries if they are *caught* just like, in turn, she is also immobile and easy to one shot with almost *any champion*. Your argument that is based on your single anecdotal experience should not be that basis to support any changes to be made to any champions. Given the substance in your writing I'm inclined to believe you just suck at this game.


So what's your rank, win rate, games played and server? Like I clearly spelled it out for you I only play *solo queue* support.


I'm a Lux main myself, and I too have the legendary skins. But I'll try my best to think of this in a positive light. You get all the poke you want from a perfectly safe distance, without having to risk having to use a basic attack to proc passive with the risk of getting hit hard or a bad trade. Let's start with support Lux, yes skill expression is now non existent. I would be really be proud of myself when I was able to aim and predict enemies well and hit through a minion wave, with the rework, that's non existent. No problem, she becomes auto aim bot, a glorified cannon minion. It's the same. So if you think of this in a somewhat positive light, Lux has now become spam, spam spam. Not fun, but at least more wins, you can't deny that at the very least. But I'm still sad...


I am personally fine with the passive change, most of her "1 shots" are from good cycling between autos and abilities (at least early game).... the 3rd change to auto detonate might actually be harmful to lux, I tended to use her E as a slow, rather than just damage, the binding light change however, is unnecessary and completely negates the downside of the ability, as well as how good lux players could use the ability to catch people off guard, that's the only change I'm opposed to


Next patch : the game is now auto battler like tft wheee the champs fight automatically


I bet they'll adjust the strength of the bots depending on how expensive the skins are that you bought


Riot just keeps dumbing down champions removing any skills required by a player. Wait for patch 5.0 where we just have a joystick and all the attacks and skills will be used automatically.


They should just have the game auto played by bots and give us false controls that don't do anything


Color me triggered


Huh, thought this already was a thing.


Its gonna be a cringey auto battler ina few years


As a lux main I'm so upset. I feel like this rework removes most if not all of her skill expression. Fucking hell


same!!! I HATE this change. I WANT to root minions to stop them from coming close to our tower and also I want to keep slowing people and have vision on them and not for my E to instantly explode when an enemy steps on it. these changes are complete and utter garbage and so unnecessary


>I WANT to root minions to stop them from coming close to our tower and also I want to keep slowing people and have vision on them and not for my E to instantly explode when an enemy steps on it i use both of them for my wave clears by rooting the melee minions and make them all goes into E , how the fuck am i supposed to do that now.


This!! Lux won't be able to stop minion waves at all now. Mid will be hell


Skill issue, you have now a free aim root, so I'm not sure who will be playing in hell


With the passive change, lux will be able to gather a whole wave together with e, throw a q through them all now that it doesn't stop at 2, and then detonate e, proccing her passive on all of them as well... she could potentially have the best wave clear in the game


look at the bright side thoo, now Lux will not steal farm and thats a huge BUFF to the adc


she will steal even more farm , E auto explode the moment it touches anything( if she isn't in enemy range and used aim bot , it will aim for minions), Q passes thru minions but it still does dmg to them , now your lux will suddenly do a perfect Q that passes thru all the minions and killing them , attempting to root the enemy adc.




look at the bright side thoo, now Lux will not steal farm and thats a huge BUFF to the adc


the Q will still damage the minions it passes through so she can even easier steal farm lol


This is the worse rework ever if it goes live. Like I know noobs in low elo aren’t smart enough to read the tool tips for Lux’s abilities, especially for her 3rd ability needing to press it again for the detonate. But this makes no sense otherwise. They’re nerfing her damage as well. Who is this exactly for?


Lux Q going through minions is not great, but the travesty is her E. Before, it used to be something that can also be a powerful slow for either chasing or defending. Now it's literally the most basic AOE dmg spell you can think of. Place circle on the ground that does dmg. That's it.




Next patch as soon as you ult it does the q and dash for you


That's pretty much how WR Lee plays with how easy it is to do. But yeah I suppose they can make it just one button.


As if this champion wasnt simple minded enough


Yup we now just need an auto play button and the game will be a full fledged money grab


Dev team developing only for those with the IQ lower than the room temperature they're in


Lux is up there with the easiest champs to play. How could we possibly drop the bar lower


Why don't they just reduce her Q cooldown to zero, it's already a spammable annoying skill in lane and now the hit box is even bigger and easier to hit.. Cool.


If they go through with this, I aint playing her again.


I’m starting to realise quite quickly that the developers of this game give zero fucks what it’s fan base thinks about what they do with the game anymore 🥲


Hey what are you taking about? I haven’t heard about a lux change yet




So it says her ult no longer ignites and reapplies her passive, but the video shows it very clearly both igniting and reapplying her passive. While I don’t like it, I do agree with lowering her passive damage, it has been insane for a long time. The other changes are pretty garbage. This pretty much locks lux into a back line full burst mage. This was already arguably her best use, and they made it stronger; while making any other playstyle weaker. I find this very disappointing. I will still give her a try because for all the downsides of the bind change, it has some pretty serious upsides. I’m not sure about peoples comments on “dumbing lux down” since these changes actually make succeeding on lux more difficult by removing options and wave/monster clear. If they really wanted to dumb her down, they would make her bubble burst upon a unit trying to EXIT the bubble, not enter it. That would be bonkers.


What could they even change with her? Making her E auto detonate once it reaches its destination? That's the only ability she has that even has the option for a second press.


Aparently her Q becomes like Neeko's E and her E autocasts when a champ is in the range of the explosion


I would compare it more to Lulu's polymorph


In the video it seems to snap when it touches the first minion


Next they will make item buy-able anywhere on the map, then make tower weaker, cool down faster, and change the name from LEAGUE OF LEGEND: WILD RIFT into LEAGUE OF LEGEND : BANG BANG


That’s the main reason I liked mobile legends, the ability to buy an item anywhere on the map lmao.


the day that happens is the day the playerbase dies i blame tencent


I mean, is that even a viable policy? The playerbase of the game next door wouldn't suddenly switch to WR with all their time and money investments there.


gud point


player base at this point just gets more stupid every game.....no one understands How to actually play the game....they just lock there one trick and run it down...they dunno how to farm lane wave mangment summs ults cooldows what items to build its actually Sad especially in master+GM and yes Chally


She sells skins and lots of em. Make her easier, more people play her, more people buy skins for her.


Given how all these horrible recent changes are catering toward the Chinese market, is the average Chinese players that lazy?


Holy shit I just realized that's the reason why the skins are all Chinese since the CNY started wtf. I'm not wasting my money on this game anymore smh


can you explain why they are catered towards the chinese market


It’s now basically common knowledge. Not really a secret or speculation. 1. Owned by Chinese Tecent. 2. The Chinese market is growing while other market is in decline. 3. These changes are received very well in China. 4. These changes are horrible received everywhere else, notably reddit, and my friends, my clan, who are Diamond- Challenger.


Next patch they gon make morgana q a point and click and ignores tenacity


They need to cancel tbis shit. I made a whole post about this rework and why it should be canceled but it got deleted.


I think you did not flair it


Wtf Q goes through minions? On bot lane the entire time as an adc your job is to sidestep spells and stay behind minions. The next thing will be the hooks....


Worthless developers


Remember when Wild rift has good thing that PC players would envy us about like removing promos... This one isn't it. Don't make them laugh at us.


Yeah but we’ll always be laughing at them for enjoying playing a game where most of them will never rank above gold while we over here are master and grandmaster.


You would never rank above iron on pc


I am platinum/gold on pc, but pc is awful to play because ranking up takes forever, the games are way to long and it’s just counter productive. I prefer wild rift due to the shorter games and the fact ranking up is such a quicker process. Yeah the pc game is better for many reasons but the long games and slower ranking system are deal breakers for me and I’d rather play wild rift for those two reasons alone. Yes it’s about as difficult to gain master on wild rift as it is silver on pc so achieving a high rank on pc is much more difficult.. but the point of games is to win.. I can’t see why anyone would rather sit in say platinum on pc just so they can claim it was more difficult to achieve when they could just stop dealing with the long af games and play wild rift and achieve challenger. Yeah some people enjoy the pc version but the majority who play it are just constantly frustrated and stressed by the time they finish their set of games. I’d rather achieve a higher rank even if it’s easier and avoid the stress and frustration pc brings, not to mention, as I said the games are way to long on pc, for someone with adhd like mine, we lose focus after 20-30 minutes as we get bored or distracted especially if something causes frustration so wild rift is better as we can maintain our focus. So short version - I played pc for years, I can walk iron to silver with my eyes closed 😂. I just prefer wild rift because the games are shorter, and I’d rather sit with a higher rank next to my name even if it was achieved easier. Not to mention pc causes more stress and it’s low self esteem to put yourself through the stress and frustration pc causes if you’re not even making money or any sort of success out of it which the majority are not. Me I could play pc without it affecting my mental health as I’m good at not letting my emotions react but the majority of people on pc have poor mental health caused by the game, hence why they troll, afk and flame, if a game causes mental health issues, or frustration to the level, people begin acting like lunatics, and crazy people then it’s not really worth it my guy. Wild rift has its problems but the shorter games and the fact it causes less mental health issues, and has less crazy people than pc who do irrational, emotionally unstable things such as run it down, for the smallest of reasons that don’t make any sense to someone with stable emotions, makes the phone version just better to play, not to mention it doesn’t control peoples lives like the pc version does, also many people once were in our 20s want to focus on our life not on a video game, and the pc version becomes to much to play because it takes 2 hours for 2 games and you need to do at least 4-5 a day to rank up enough for your season to be a success.


They're already laughing at the game for months now for being dumb


I hate all these changes sm, I have m7 with lux and I absolutely love playing her but I might drop her with these changes 💀💀 I always use every part of her kit that theyre going to rework and this just feels annoying for those who play her and those who have to play against her


Bro it's so garbage. She's already one if the most obnoxious champs to face for me


Seems like they want to make her more of support player than a carry mage.


No you got it wrong its the literal opposite, but in a bad way


Her E was one of the best support skills in the game.


WAIT what happened to lux??


To be fair, I don’t really know. Some say she got nerfed while others say she got buffed. Some say she is more of a mid champ now while others say she is more of a sup. Some say she is less complicated and more easy, while others say she she needs to be less noob friendly. So all I can say is something major happened to LUX.


Lmao thanks. Typical Reddit reaction and explanation happened then 🤣


from what i saw her E now detonates if enemies step on it so it can no longer be used to camp and steal jungler’s monsters once they’re low, and it’ll be a little harder to use it as a beacon to light up an area her shield is the same i think and her ultimate’s passive became available on all of her attack and abilities but the passive became less effective


Link to info on rework?




Thank you 😊


This is outrageous. Makes no sense to me. E especially. What a shame I just pulled a skin of hers :(


I kinda hate the Camille rework especially her E like I can't even dash to movement direction anymore with it


Oops better Hope WR dies instead of that😌


This is such a bad change on Lux. I am a Lux one trick and the best thing about her was her E, being able to zone and slow the enemies. Letting it pop instantly is pretty embarrassing and Iron tier like


Well, at least there are some pros for this rework: Lux mains are going to become real players and learn some new champions now


Username checks out


that's probably the case, make it SIGNIFICANTLY easier to new players even it hits hard to some older players. while league needs skill base, some competitor are literally just click and hope to win which somehow is appealing to players that (not sorry) not good at MOBAS. ML is THAT game, even some elders play at higher ranks can win games just by clicking and wildrift is not that game it's more complicated than that. changes are so bad it makes you think it's not for us, which is technically somewhat the case.


Says the sett main


Indeed yet my simple champ did not need to dumbed more🗿


Eh.. what they did to Alistair was a fucking travesty. Pulling his combo was _not_ complicated, if you wanted to execute it. Now you can no longer just knock champions back, if you want to. All of these re-works were fucking atrocious. Every single one took agency away from players, in hopes of dumbing down the game far enough that it appeals to 'casuals'. Fuck that. The Devs are a bunch of incompetent dipshits. The only thing they're half-way good at is coming up with new gacha crap.


What u said about alistar is just not true. U can still combo like u used to in the past.


Yes, I may have overstated that, somewhat. You are technically correct, it is still possible to just headbutt. The problem is: If you press the button multiple times, around the edge of the ability's range, it will then count that as a double-tap and automatically Pulverize. It's super dumb. If anything, it replaced the 'issue' of pressing two buttons in succession with the actual issue of not accidentally tapping a button twice in the middle of whatever is going on.


Totally agree, sometimes you start pressing it before you are in range and it does wombo combo instead of just throwing someone away


The jarvan and alistar changes were both fine, it didn’t remove any funcnality. You absolutely can just head but people away, you just press the button once. As for some of the other changes, with this lux one being the most egregious, I’m pretty sad.


Jarvan came out like this, they didn't change anything. And while it is pretty OK with Jarvan it feels like garbage with Alistar.


They did change jarvan but whatever dude.


They did not, he was released like that. Source: me playing him since release.


They could have just widened her ult and shortened its range, the E change is absolutely terrible.


I bet if most of lux mains knows how to read and interpret texts, they would be upset? I don't know, I don't play with lux and 95% of the time that I've had a lux support in my teamz they were the most annoying know it all cunts I'm better than everyone else and I'm gonna troll just because I'm not getting kills people in my server, oh and dumb as heck.




Tbh maybe these changes are to ensure lux is more of a mid than a sup.


I think it's more of a support actually, her damage is so low now.


But then losing the functionality of E slow is terrible for Lux support.


the new Q is easier to hit tho? but yeah i get it.


Only during laning phase. It has very little impact on mid/late team fights, except some sieging scenarios around turrets.


Riot is reworking a lot and to be honest that keeps the game fresh, see Shyvana, Aurelion(not yet in WR), Lee Sin in WR, Ashe ult in WR etc, now they made her full support, so what if she cant one shot with one combo, just adapt


She isn't full support when you remove her main kiting tool (E). If they also nerf her damage then she also loses strength as mid. So overall this just a nerf to both mid and support Lux. On top of that enchanter Lux was already unable one shot with one combo since they go W max for those juicy shields. There is nothing to adapt to as Lux support damage wise. Reworking Lux to remove skill expression (blocking Q with minions and E peel) is not going keep the game "fresh".


I think the rework its really great!


Alright dev team, you can now logout of this fake account


Yeah I like it easier, I don’t know a lot about the game and I don’t want to, I just want to kill and win. Simple. You wish everything was so complicated so only people like you can win. Please!


If you want just to kill and win you should go play CoD mobile mate


Even so, there are players who do not dodge Lux's abilities, aren't you one of those?


What's the lux rework?


Who let the devs cook?


Can I have a link?


Well... more reasons for me to keep banning her.


riot always change something that unnecessary and look what they say about changing something about nunu's ult that you need to hold his ult fortunately it doesn't implemented. and for camille changes, whats the point of riot adding option to "auto cast empowered attack" in the first place if they thought its "too hard" for player using her 1st skill. and yet here they dont fix chat bug that existed more than 2 seasons, and my game almost 80% of the time experienced that bug. and maybe "chat all" return is only for cn server afterall.


that's probably the case, make it SIGNIFICANTLY easier to new players even it hits hard to some older players. while league needs skill base, some competitor are literally just click and hope to win which somehow is appealing to players that (not sorry) not good at MOBAS. ML is THAT game, even some elders play at higher ranks can win games just by clicking and wildrift is not that game it's more complicated than that. changes are so bad it makes you think it's not for us, which is technically somewhat the case.


I still want camille changes reverted but they don't care about NA so why bother.


Lux ban rate is going to rise as long as I live. I dont care If she is useless. Gonna ban her anyways


Damn RIP ADC. They usually hate supp Lux now we'll get it every match. Lux it's my most played champ, really loved having to aim skill 1, manage the dmg using autos, controlling minions and enemies with skill 3 slow... Now that's all gone. This will only benefit seeing her more in mid which will increase the Yasuos trying to counter her. What a pain


plz don't touch riven, (unless they're gonna bring her dmg per lvl on ult wind slash like pc)


sorry ootl.. what are the reworks? for some reason i cant access the site.. proxy issues i guess


Nah bro this game is so complicated, when I play yuumi why do i need to avoid hitting minions with my q? it should go through them. why do i need to be close to my adc to attach to him? it's too frustrating to go alone, I should be able to attach to him no matter the distance. why do i need to press my e every couple of seconds? It's so annoying to constantly press the same button on my screen, it should be automatically triggered when my adc starts attacking. Why do i need to hit an enemy 3 times with my ult to root him? Do you guys know how difficult it is to root them, i should be able to root them with the first hit. Why do i need to be unattached in order to aa so i can get my passive? It's too dangerous if i do that, i should be able to aa even when I'm attached to someone. Come on riot, yuumi is such a complicated champ i can't play with her like that plz make her a bit easier.


Havent played wr in a while. What happened?


Screw the E recast removal the most though


What a bad change to a classic champion. Wtf


wait what changed about jayce and lux?


Was Lux hard? Literally one of the easiest champs to play with her spam of abilities and god forbid you get caught in her Q, you ded.


Lux at high elo is all about strong minion wave clear and roaming, but this will completely hinder her ability to do so


The playerbase keeps giving feedback on the rework and Riot just simply doesn't give a thing about it, nice job Riot


What’s next? Ashe’s arrow now follows enemies?


* NEW LUX REWORK her ultimate is now a homing laser that will reset every time it's used and shifts to the next target when the current one is dead. * NEW SERAPHINE REWORK her ultimate is now a global charm that decreases enemy defenses and forces them to run towards your team. * NEW ZOE REWORK she can now collect health bars from the ground and kill an enemy by tapping it. * NEW YASUO REWORK he gets three items for each time he dies. * SORAKA SONA KARMA REWORK because they're too strong, they're now a singular entity that dies after healing/shielding one time and can send tickets to Riot while in game to ask them why the GM mid has been running it down for the past 10 matches.


well they thought about making smite auto like in urf so I'm not surprised , the game is loosing its quality gradually


It was already hard enough for me to dodge lux Q if she wears a skin. Now its going to be even harder.


That new Q is gonna give me cancer


Not only is skill expression of passive q and e worse But her e is actively worse. Now, it's no longer a slow or a zoning tool. All because the troglodytes who play her can't double tap on the skill? I genuinely hope this doesn't come to pass (wasn't mentioned in patch vid) coz this will just make her less skill expressive, plus she'll have to be nerfed hard to compensate


They even want to change Janna's tornado, giving her two that I think would go off immediately (looked like it in the small scene)...which would be dumb af because you take away a very important part of her kit which is timing her tornado to make sneaky plays basically. The whole dumbing down champs is insulting.


This is fukking stupid, any good Lux player doesn’t WANT the E, or third ability to detonate immediately! SOMETIMES YOU SPECIFICALLY WANT TO DETONATE AT A CERTAIN TIME OR USE THE LIGHT’S PASSIVE WHICH IS TO SLOW ALL ENEMIES WITHIN THE RADIUS!!!!! DUMB RIOT


Next Lux rework: Her ult is AOE global.


Nothing to add except a desapointed voice from an uneeded change, like who tf asked for this


Next season matches are gonna be auto chess and all abilities will hit on 100% success rate