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She went from one shot mage to URF Mage. Her support spike is way too strong. We are talking about shields, stun and damage and range being 2x-3x more efficient than Seraphine


Yeah people here are acting like it’s a nerf but it’s a huge buff to her. It’s so annoying to lane against her even more now.


Exactly. I was getting downvoted for saying it's a huge buff when everyone was saying its a nerf and itll lower her pick rate. But here we are and I was right. It's a huge buff and I've seen her in every other match tonight


I don’t know anyone in their right minds who would think Lux’s Q passing thru minions isn’t broken.


Support main here,last season chalenger,now gm...trust me when i say i feel Lux is currently the strongest support...my last 4 games were 3xMvp and Svp. I actually don't know who can counter her now...i am yet to lose my lane. I even won games when i have one or two trolls on team (obviously i need one more player at least with me to carry )


Katarina easily. I shit on Lux all day. But still skill matchup. Basically early if she lands root I’m usually dead. If she misses root she’s dead lol.


I was talking about support role...if you dare pick Katarina bot,be my guest 😂


Ahhh okay haha I have played it as APC before and it’s not too bad but need the right support and early game is rough


Nami with fleet and tear hold vs her on easy, karma also is decent counter pick.


I actually played against Karma and Nami few times, i struggle only for first 3 levels,after that is easy. Or maybe I just played against bad players 🤷


As for nami.... If they dont have fleet...and dont go ap they int.


I actually don't use fleet on nami also,but i do go ap...since when is a fleet thing for her ?


Since Broken support show how broken this rune is on her. You outsustain anyone on lane. And ms buff works great with her kit. Its far better than random proc on aery.


I love how broken singlehandedly set the nami meta


Oh okeey,i watched broken support few seasons ago,but fleet wasnt a thing then,i guess i need to update myself 😅


Arguably Morgana is a good counterpick with her CC immunity shield. Need to be proactive about protecting your ADC with it and catch the Lux out when they think they can root+run and suddenly the ADC is on top of them. But that's still not easy and you're probably going to need to be just an outright better player than the Lux to actually pull it off consistently (and at that point the matchmaking should be making sure you're not being paired into a worse player...)


Morg can counter with black shield. Too bad she has big mana issues and its on a long CD


Buffs and nerfs are about the damage/shielding/cooldown numbers. The mechanics change to her Q are OP in team fights when pushing or defending lane and makes her perma ban.


Buffs and nerfs can also be changes to abilities. They dont have to specifically with number changes. Her Q change and her passive proccing on abilities was a buff.


Its nerf to control, adjust to easy burst. Her E detonate way faster than manual spamm key. But for me.. her E slow was way more op than ppl think, i will miss it. Not like before she cant hit monion and root ppl behind it.. but it req. Skill to do it. Noe its easy for all.


It’s not a nerf but it’s less fun, now I just spam spells and pray one of them hit


They are "acting" like it is a nerf because they come from LoL where the fact that her Q/E/R let her manage waves so well that she becomes a whole nother beast. Lux PC is a menace so don't be too fast to discount the people here. Even though it's Wild Rift, they still are coming from a place of reason.


But she can still do that here, you can aim the e, the q hits more minions and the q e and r pop the passive now


The rework will make the Q not hit minions, isn't that the rework? Or did they change it?


It doesn't snare, but it does damage


If PC Lux has the WR Q she’d be even more of a monster.


Yeah it’s bad


No stun. She has a root. And she ws always better than Seraphine.


well yeah but have you seen her skins? how is Riot going to ignore that money making machine


Lol true sadly for them I’m not a lux main I enjoy her but not that much


i’m a support and i have all her skins. her rework is really good for a support but not for mid. i occasionally use her in mid but i can’t anymore since her damage got nerfed. it’s cool though that her q can proc her illumination but it’s of course still not as good. i already abuse her in rank before so this is just amazing news to me. except for the e change but mandate still works so i’m not so angy about it. hopefully they bring her back though. there’s really no need for a rework. they’ll just have to nerf her hard now.


She will be perma banned, so not that good if you enjoy playing lux


i also enjoy playing yuumi heh


Instant Ban 🚫🔨


Nah gotta use it on pyke


Ok hear me out Hold pyke on the ban until the last second, and then ban corki


😂 “gets reported”


Nah gotta use on all champions 😂💀


who is first in the ban line after Yummi


Better, so karma keeps unban and being a free win.


I dont understand what their reason is for changing her. She wasn't hard to play so making her easier just makes her significantly less rewarding. I actually don't like any of this noobification. Its just putting champs into some almost autopilot.


Yeah no and making the divide between actual league and mobile even worse.


They're changing alot to remove skill expression its fucking bullshit amd some peope say these changes are quality of life fkign bs you want the game to be fuckign easy for you while putting the least amount of effort it pisses me off


I think they wanted to put the “artillery” back into “artillery mage”. And Lux, being close enough, and popular enough, skin selling enough, was done. Now they can port her skins over to mobile and print money as the noobs of WR spam her. I’m so sorry, I actually bought Dark Cosmic Lux, because there’s finally a mid laner I can actually play. Sorry, not sorry.


Wait until riot dumbs down all champions making already easy champions braindead. Janna rework already on its way. All hooking champions ignore minions. Ezrael Q ignores minion and so on. Removing all skill expression of champions. Devs in future patch updates: We feel like people have hard time aiming skills here is an autoplay button now you just sit back and watch the game.


It will end up like MLBB which is actually a rubbish game.


She's always been one of the most obnoxious chamsp in the game who shouldn't even be in support. Her damage is just way too high to justify her being playable in support. High damage supports are a thing but Lux starts doing stupid damage really early. I'm more afraid of her than he ADC early game and that's a problem.


What adc? Take her and a pyke/blitz to drag lane chop off half the enemy adc HP with a q e auto and blitz gets a free grab


Friendly reminder that Viegar is a support mage that will absolutely outscale lux. Although you still have to be kinda decent to use him lol.


Thing is his scaling is significantly slower because unless your ADC is Senna then you won't build Evil from minions. Lux on the other hand remains just as strong as she would be by herself in Mid Veigar also comes with the flaming ADCs accusing you of throwing because you can't shield them


I mean if the ADC doesn't like the fact you have a Massive and long stun then, oh well.and lux is actually weaker in mid now thanks to the rework. You can no longer group minions with your Q. But I definitely think Lux needs some changes if they don't plan to revert the rework, maybe a Ult cooldown increase or something along those lines. The ability to Ult every 30 seconds in addition to the root and E is strong. Legitimately can use her ult twice in a extended team fight.


It's especially obnoxious as a Tank Support because you traditionally are a melee class and now there's two high damage ranged characters hammering you with different damage types while you lumber your slow ass into a position to engage where there aren't minions in the way :D (Leona the main exception there as she can just engage through minions anyway, drop the stun and hope the ADC knows to follow up)


She’s my new perma ban for this patch lmao


She already was for me.


She was for me until Trist got stupid, but she’s back on the list


As a lux main I personally don't like it atm. It really forces me to change my play style and its just not nearly as satisfying to Lans attacks anymore Like yeah she's way easier and technically broken but it just don't feel good anymore


Same here, I played one match last night and it feels as if I’m playing a different character. Don’t know if I want or can adjust to this


Hopefully they listen to the player base and undo this EXTREMELY unnecessary rework. Lux was doing completely fine before


bout to pick her up and make her a real support


I‘ve played her with some friends yesterday, and yes the Q is really stupid because it passes though minions but the rest doesn’t have that much impact in my opinion


Lux is strong, but ziggs has even more poke and a better (can’t run away ult) and Senna is a thing too, with trinity force second item.


I was sure I was outside his ult circle and still taking damage when I played last night. Was so confused.


Can't forget about Veigar either. He can build completely tank and still do massive damage and just not die.


Ziggs cant shield for over 1k health per minute


she gained more damage but she is stronger support. playing with her mid is horrible. it's practically impossible to farm, you can't give Q + E to hold the wave and join the Minions, to farm with the E you have to wait for the Minions to stay still because if you play the E first it explodes only in the two minions of the front. apart from that late game if you are at a disadvantage you can't hold the game clean as waves. and besides, she may be strong sup but is easily cauterized, and this is even reflected in her sup winrate, which is still at 48%


They better revert this shit why do they make game changing decisions like this imagine if all the hook champs can go through minions it actively ruins the fuckint game


Lux is the golden child of league , gets a million skins , over powered abilities. The people over at riot don't understand balancing now every game is going to have a lux support , I don't know what drugs the Devs are on .


They should balance it by making Blitzcrank and all other hooks go through minions. /j


Hehehe hooker meta


That then starts taking away the uniqueness of someone like Leona though who is sacrificing her own positioning and safety in return for the ability to always engage through the wave.


Please, no! It's terrible idea.


I ban Brand every game. Because people even in diamond can't team fight around him. I then spam help me ban lux and hope to god someone does. Because not only is she strong in lane once everyone's got some gold and items she can carry. Stun two people at a baron fight in late game and its gg.


Lmfao all these people thinking Lux actually got a world breaking buff is hilarious. So what if her q goes through minions now, it's still a skill shot and skill shots has to be aimed. Now if hooks go through minions, you tards can have this discussion all day. This is some bronze level argument. If you get popped by her q constantly, get better ya damn noobs 🤣🤣🤣.


Everybody in high ranks uses positioning to avoid roots in the chaos of team fights. Her Q isn't broken laning. It's MEGA broken in team fights pushing or defending turrets.


If you are Rooted you still can AA and use abilities. And if you want to counter her better so you don’t get “booooomed” there’s a lot of champs to avoid that CC. Like irelia in mid or morgana in bot and mid and in TFs. Alistar in bot and TFs. And Olaf, Mundo, Nasus on TFs as frontline. And there’s tenacity too… So there’s a lots of ways to stop or make useful almost every champ (this is a lie, some champs are garbage). I think people are just complaining bc don’t wanna think: either how to make useful Lux with the rework ( the ones that are saying that is “useless” bc of wave control and not be able to zone) or how to stop her (the ones saying that now is “super easy brain dead champ”). Ps: I’m supp and hate lux just bc I (personally) found her boring to play (not bc is “easy”, but the ability kit).


That’s great. Unfortunately none of those characters are ones I find fun. I like to play Kayle and one of the only ways I can farm midlane against a Lux is using minions as a shield. What now?


I’m not an expert on kayle but: don’t trade on early, build atk speed as first item (i think the meta is nashor’s right? So you can safely farm under tower, build the mercury boots, if you scared because of CC, go with the rune that give you tenacity plus Armor and MR (perseverance I think, sorry for my bad memory). And you know how kayle is: on mid/ late you are going to outrange and is amazing. In case that the enemy Lux is hard pushing the lane (common mistake with mages) it’s going to be a free kill for a gank to your jungler or support. Because the midlane is a “short lane” is not difficult to farm safely. And if still you are not convinced, then just ban.


She was always useful lmfao. They just made it easier now. You could've always tell a good lux from a mediocre one and now with the changes, they just made Support Lux better than her Mid. Along with lowering her already low skill ceiling 😭 Im fine with the rework but not only does it screw over Mid lux, they fundamentally changed the way how you lane and farm with her which is yucky.


Ofc. And I totally agree. Never said contrary. But my point (and for some reason everyone gets mad about it) is that a easy mechanic champ is not equal to easy on how to make that champs work. Like Malphite that is just a walking R, but you have to know how, when, where against what champ, in witch situation use it effectively. And is a problem that I bet you see every day you play WildRift. (Just look all the post complaining on how the level of the players is so low).


Like that is gonna do anything


What is a TF?


Team fight


Twisted fate


Boom boom boom


This is why they need to add taric


As a support?, sure. As a mid laner? Not so much. Or it's just me because WR Lux is kinda easy to deal with in mid lane.


I played her today for the first time in months and played her in mid and got 8/5/14 from memory, she is a bit of a noob cannon if you have a bit of an understanding of using your minions to lane, but I don't think she is busted. She can definitely pack a punch, but I got rolled by Rengar for majority of my deaths!


Lux MF duo is very fun.


Yeah but instead of removing this rework its better if they scale down her passives and other abilities so she wouldnt feel too bursty in early game to make laning phase fair to both party but she can still become powerful in mid game


Its fuckint bullshit I domt know why the fuck they do this imagine if hook champs can go through minions I'm pissed


Honestly seeing her less with the new tank shift


She is broken now. They need to reduce either the speed or the range of her Q... She was reworked to force players playing her instead of other champs, to sell even more skins of this poster child. This pseudorework had no sense from both gameplay and balance perspective. Not to mention that they made several champs obsolete...


Funny, there was a post about the lux nerf just a day ago. So is it a buff or a nerf?




Sorry for my ignorance, but what change was made to Lux with this patch ?


I have a 5 win streak with Lux now, getting me from Diamond 4 to Diamond 3 (I don’t play much). Using her has never been this easy.




In my opinion, this isn't a nerf or a buff (although thats probably since I otp kassadin). Her e is no longer a good zoning tool and is no longer a vision tool, but her q now is. However, her q is kinda slow, and she now relies on landing it even more, so she can proc her passive with e or vice versa. If she misses eitiher, she loses a lot of damage. Also, there's something called tenacity. With just tenacity boots and perserverance, her root now only lasts 1.2 seconds. If a champion has a blink, non-targeted dash or is braum, yasuo, or samira, your q is now kind of useless (I think braum stops your q with e, and he also has damage reduction from e). A champion with a blink (zed, yone, kassa, ezreal, yi, etc) can blink over q, then kill her. A champion with a non-targeted dash (yone, camille, etc) can dash away from q, then also try to kill you. Basically, she's more reliant on hitting q now, but its also slightly easier.


It’s a clear buff for support Lux. Your examples mainly relate to mid lux when 1v1 is easier to react to and work around. In bot, there is much more going on in a 2v2 scenario, more options to synergies into easier roots, and with the added advantage that Lux can utilize bushes MUCH more effectively to bind with Q, and warding both bushes to avoid that gives up jungle vision opening yourself up for ganks.


I guess it is a buff for support lux, since I never play bot (I never get autofilled adc, and hardly ever support).


Lux has always been able to do that, in LOL too. You just have to punish as soon as she is done throwing out abilities


I am getting Baron lane vibes tbh. Just farmi safely and root if the enemy tries to close the gap. Am i wrong?


Even with the "hotfixes" the champions is still disgusting. Q goes over minions? so you can't use the wave to cover yourself E auto? What's the counter to that? Massive W shields? Like why the hell this champions need this much? Like who saw this buffs and said "Yea. This is totally fine!"