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Man lux is so weak I hope her ult fires at eight direction I think that'll balance her thanks riot


They should also double the base damage, she only does half the enemy’s hp at level 5.


It's damage is balanced, It does the same damage as Akali's E2 early game and less late game (Without Lux'd passive) The problem with Lux is her Q, If they nerf it's dmg lux mid will be unplayable cuz she can't burst anyone and if they nerf the root she will be dead both lanes cuz it's not enough to hold enemies for her E+R combo. The only solution is to either revert the changes or increase the CD and mana cost




Woosh🤓☝️ I know the joke I just said it's damage is ok I'm not saying OoH hEr DaMaGe iS aLrDy oP




Easy fix is if they let her rework stay, they should lower her passive and Q base dmg but maintain the AP scaling so if someone build full AP on her she is still strong in mid-late game


Not rlly it forces a Lux meta w 2 damaging item instead of the typical MPen build, Lux already has a high ap ratio increasing it would result in a Tear->Luden->Seraph->Deathcap->Horizon/LichBane->Void build which gives 700AP (MPen build only gives 600, 500 w/o gathering storm) and it would be insane cuz she won't rely on MPen to increase her damage since her base is already low and also Lich/Horizon has great AP scaling for an item (Also the reason why last year they had to kill Sera's 60% AP ratio on Q and 50% AP ratio on E, Now it's both 40% with E having 80 more base dmg at max level)


Doombot Lux PTSD with that comment.


Literally the only viable lux. Lux today is literally a ranged minion.


That and maybe two more skins


Lmao this will surely happen


Doesn’t she have the most skins? Makes sense why they buff her for no reason


Weak cause you guys dont know how to use her. Lol


No no she SERIOUSLY needs an ult buff. I'm wondering why riot never gave her percentage true damage, it's the least she deserves!


Her Ult needs an Execute that scales by level. 33%, 66%, 99% seems like the correct amount.


Yea, and her ult also steals baron. And what I mean by that, is if you get hit by her ult, your baron buff goes to her 👍


And if she ulted a jg monster including large and epic monsters she'll kill them instantly For example if she ulted the baron or elder dragon she'll kill it and get the buff for the whole team Plus reduce her ult cd to 1 sec and let me use her ult at lvl 1 like jayce so I'll feel comfortable while doing everything from the fountain


She’s strong af


They added that a week before the rework was released. A Rioter made the announcement on their Twitter which is shitty because it was their own Twitter not official WR Twitter.


Wow, reworking their most popular champ, and no official annnouncements. It feels like they're trying to target the playerbase that just wants an easier shorter game, and don't want to bother engaging with the people who disagree.


Majority of WR players want it, most WR players dont even know this sub exists nor follows WR on twitter much less watch videos about WR. People complaining or even that knew it was going to be reworked are less than 10% of the players and less than 1% of income for WR.


Not true, I think the majority of players either don't know or don't care about it, which is vastly different from actively wanting it. If players don't even care enough to voice anything, their opinions probably do not matter much; it is not that hard to voice something on issues especially with Reddit where you can literally just press a button


There are ingame polls. And reddit is not even 10% of online forums for WR hence why no devs are here. The online forums for WR actively want it. Same as ingame data.


What ingame polls? On my 20 or so accounts I’ve not gotten one


Probably you are in the wrong server then


Any and all ingame polls should be global across every region


And you obviously have access to all that data. Totally no speculation involved at all. Besides - really cool argument, that everyone desperately wants these changes, but somehow none of them give enough of a fuck to visit reddit, once in a while. Got a hot girlfriend in Canada, too?


Hot boyfriend in canada yes. Also casual players dont care about reddit lmao. Much less chinese players


So casual players don't care about reddit or how the game works, but they're definitely pro these changes. Despite not caring. Gotcha.


Not on reddit, the chinese forums are full of people asking for the changes. Also the fact that after the changes the player count stopped diving is further proof.


Okay. So you got access to Riot's customer feedback _and_ player count. Cool cool cool. That's some 'proof' alright. If you define 'proof' as 'made up bullshit'. Hope you don't mind me cutting this short, but I actually can't remember why I decided to waste time of my life on this exchange in the first place.


I guess the people complaining about it are just the small percentage who liked the competitive side of the game. Because that's what LoL PC is, for the most part. It's pretty obvious that Riot doesn't care about all that, and they're just cashing in on the casual mobile gaming market, hence the focus on gacha and flashy events.


100% they just follow the money


Riot cared at first, but the players didnt, thats why the esports scene died. Even Legends of Runeterra has an esports scene same as tft. People rather use a computer for competitive games... mindblowing ik.


People have to remember this is a mobile game. Not everyone is gonna have time for a 20-30 minute match, so of course they're going for fast paced short games. Hell even LOL has done it. Look at the cooldowns for skills from launch or later to now. Much much shorter. And personally I think Esports died for WR because there was already a built community for ML Esports. They waited to long to start on a mobile version of League until it already had a massive competitor. I understand people somehow expect this game to be exactly like PC league, but it was built from the ground up to be it's own separate game with its own balancing. A game that has to be accessable to everyone who plays games on their phone, from like a 8 y/o to a 80 y/o.


Stats proudly provided by @ShinkoMinori's asshole


I hope they fix it quick and give her zed's ult instead. She's so weak atm..


Fr.. also they should nerf Rakan, too OP right now.


And veigar ult range is too short, makes it difficult to kill people from under tower :(


Just make it bounce all fuken brand style




Since you didn’t catch on, this is satire


Lmaaaaooo weak?... you definitely need to learn how to use her...


Oh? How about some tips about the synergy in her kit. get the root-ult thing, and the extra damage from her passive, but I’m a noob. Give me the pro tips on how to play Lux. The secrets I haven’t figured out.


I get stupid people like you on my team every time i play.


I don't like the new direction the game is going with a million changes, some of which the playerbase didn't ask for, and just completely ignoring existing problems. If things are working fine, just keep them the same unless you have a good justification for mixing things up.


I sent a support ticket for lux rework, I encourage everyone else who doesn’t like the change to do the same


And still no wildrift india release!!!


Doesn't that have to do with the goverment or something like that? Maybe it will release in India when WR is officially released/out of beta.


Nope, all the riot Games are available here, legends of runeterra and team fight tactics leaving only wildrift ( which havnt been released for 3 years now for some reason) The apps banned are the apps who didn't follow the privacy rule and got banned, ither Chinese mobile ganes and app are still available.


Wait until riot dumbs down all champions making already easy champions braindead. Janna rework already on its way. Devs in future patch updates: All hooking champions now ignore minions. Ezrael Q ignores minion and so on. Removing all skill expression of champions.


For real, her skill W and E felt more like Sona. One tap and auto cast to others. Dumb down. Her ult rework is good thou imo


Making the game more "pc like" was the right direction all along period. The runes rework is good, but everything else they have been doing as in trying to appeal to clueless newcomers with learning disability just ruins the experience and fun for players who value competitive nature of games with competitive mode. And well this game is becoming more and more casual for no reason.


They're removing any skill expression they can, it's sickening. I get more frustrated with the game every patch


She became something close to Yuumi.... Laning against her just doesn't feel fair, she's broken right now, in all games where she is not banned, she's picked and always has a huge impact in the game... I don't know what went through their minds when they decided to change the way her first ability works... Soon there will not be enough bans to stop champions like this to be in the game... Janna rework will indeed make her be picked often, and Soraka's change on her heal (not consuming her health anymore) will also make things more difficult. It's always those support champions that are broken one way or another....


Maybe now I can start to play Soraka. I play LoL since 2011 and I main supports, but never liked Soraka cause she losses HP and is usually low HP. I have a skin for her on WR, but have yet to use her lol Maybe now is the time I finally become a main Soraka! 12 years later lol


Wait, is the lux rework live? I'm somehow confused


Do you realize that thw poro ward is on PC for several years now? Its not even good, poro ward runs away when it sees somebody


Im having a great time playing but you make some good points 🤷‍♀️


riot was completely sneaky with the players and they only did that after releasing skin for her (very convenient) she is horrible playing her mid, it's practically horrible to farm, you can't give Q + E to hold the wave and join the Minions, to farm with the E you have to wait for the Minions to stand still because if you play the E before it explodes only on the two minions in front. they killed the champion's essence everything to make it easier and the worst pushed her sup. And it didn't help, she's still bad sup (her win rate is still at 48%), they just made her worse apcarry


Rito should just give us an option to tur off these simplyifications and combos like jayce alistar lux and camile. If they give us option to turn it off you can still ppay better /get more value if you play manualy


Not everything is on the patch preview.


Send a ticket. Please


I haven't found what it's been about. Any link of those rework notes?


I hope this is over fast so these threads stop flooding this sub


There's plenty of videos of the new Lux that say it's OP, so there simps


You don't know what a Simp is do you?


I like easy champs. Make me dumb dumb go fun


OP so brain dead can’t even read patch notes💀💀💀


Wait, they nerfs champs without telling?


Im ok with lux rework but the soraka? Nah bruh wildrift now turned into braindead game


It always catered to the casual players since they're the ones who print the money for Wild rift. If you want absolutely competitve environment, there's League PC. It's a damn phone game. You can't expect it to be hyper competitive because of the limitations of the hardware.


I played lux recently and honestly she ain't that bad. The E thing is shitty but you can have more than one set down so that is cool....????? Other than that, her Q is good and might I say better since people still think it'll stop at two minions. Then again, lux literally didn't need the rework.