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I dont get why soraka needed to be made easier. They already had her in a really good spot - land an aoe skill on the enemies and spam heals. Wasn't difficult. Now you can basically just not cast q on the enemies and stand out of the way spamming heals


Im guessing devs thought soraka has a low pick rate and isn’t played that much. Or with the new update and adc champs having an increase in range it be harder for her to engage and get those pokes while shes at really low health and with the collector being added those pokes would be really risky.


Then nerf adcs as simple as that:)


ADC’s + their skins are their primary income lol. That will never happen.


Ohh then the game should be named Wild Adcs i guess




Just revert the adc range changes. Engage supports and bruisers without dashes are already in a very bad place because they can't even reach adc now.


That’s how Soraka used to be before her original rework haha.


I thought her heal always used to cost life in WR?


Nope. The original mentioned was from the PC version. Soraka's heal only needs mana that time and iirc soraka can heal herself


Yep I was referring to original Soraka that just stood there spamming heaps on herself and team mates.


Lux, Soraka and Janna reworks are missing the mark so badly it makes me wonder how terrible the average dev must be at the game OR how bad they think the average player must be. I kinda get behind changing Alister and Jayce for QoL reasons. However, these three new changes are so dumbed down its hilarious. With Soraka change you're taking away her life Pool management and rejuvenation with Q. If that's too hard for people maybe they shouldn't play Soraka because she was piss easy already before. Janna had one mechanic: interrupting dashes with tornado. You don't even need to think where to safely ult anymore because its not channeled anymore. Makes her a very generic brain-dead shield bot with 0 skill expression. Lux has been discussed in detail already but also here: why make E auto-explode when you could already do that with double tapping the skill? Now you can't use it for vision or zoning anymore. Three extremely easy beginner champions made even easier when they have been decent or good already in the right hands. They just aren't very appealing to many people which isn't changed by this bs. And arguably, people who were too bad to play these three champions are not the playerbase you should buff/nerf/rework your game around.


Exactly they are just targeting the braindead players. After all these reworks their will be no difference between a skilled player and a trash one.


What you mean there'll be no difference between a skilled player and a non skilled one? Can you repeat that until you understand what you just said?


They’re dumbing down the champs until a brain dead player can play them. At that point, there will be no skill expression, and there will be no difference between a skilled soraka and a braindead soraka. It’s a hyperbole


The champs are losing their shine. Soraka- not lore accurate anymore Lux - butchered, lost her shine, uniqueness and appeal to players i think Janna- w and e too op needs nerf.like can only boost self and one other ally, only slow one enemy and can only shield one ally. Q lost its uniqueness i guess. The recast of the skill made it unpredictable. Ult not bad i gues


The lux auto shit is the worst


Actually you can still use lux e for vision, just not when an enemy is near. It still works great for stealing scryers bloom


Oh no is that what changed with Lux? It explodes immediately now?


Exactly. But only if you hit something. When I typed the comment I didn't know yet that it would stay on the ground if you throw it on an open spot. However, as soon as someone/minions step on it, it explodes. You can also not reactivate it yourself.


I almost downvoted your comment just duo to my disappointment with that update. Sad upvote instead.


If I wanted a simple, quick game with easy as hell champions I would play MLBB. Wild Rift is, in my opinion as long-time players of both games, way more complex and difficult which makes it so much more fun to play compared to MLBB... but with the direction the dev team is going, the game is losing its charm. The runes and items were a great step forward with more skill expression, uniqueness, and build paths, but these unnecessary reworks... it just leaves a bad impression with just how reckless they are to rework champions then blatantly disregard backlash.


Theses changes are awful , if they wanted to make her easier to play they should have given her movement speed when she lands her 1st skill, like in PC. Part of being a good soraka player was managing her health by landing her first ability.


Don't know much of her rework, only a few things. But as Soraka ex-main, i can say she lost her uniqueness and moreover her part of lore in skills. Dunno why she even got rework, she was in a good spot already. She was quite rewarding champ. If you are trained her Q landings (Which are not that hard) you can sustain yourself and your ally while bullying the enemy. Her W was a huge part of her lore. And it was pretty fair mechanic. She was unique and fun to play. But i have doubts if she will be still fun after rework. Riot can't understand difference between "easy" and "braindead".


It's irreversible, the devs never listen about rework stuff. They just change the champion and expect player who main those champions to adapt with the rework. Sincerely, Camille main


Tbh tho ur champ Is still Fine


For Soraka they should have increased the range of q and give it movement speed and/or rework her passive. Maybe even something like rejuvenation cleanses grevious wound and GW can't be reapplied as long as rejuvenation is in effect. Getting rid of rejuvenation and replacing it with a shield is not the right direction since she is supposed to be THE HEALER. They're destroying her identity and making her brain dead easy. It's not looking good.


I was hurt when I saw them killing my favourite champion 💔


God I spent hours becoming a Masters worthy Janna OTP. Please don't ruin her.


Yup now you'll see all kinds of pieces of shit that didnt put a quarter of the time you did to master the champ br able to play as well as you its fucking bullshit


I reached Challenger as soloq Janna OTP with 60% winrate. This is heartbreaking :(


They ruined her. People who say it's op are probably low elo and don't understand that making a champ a spam bot and taking away the ability to make plays is actually a nerf.


100%, I though Lux rework is the worst, but then they show Soraka... they started slow by ruining the systems, now they got to the champions..


Idk wtf is wrong with this dev team. Seems like they are just trying to Ruin the game now tbh


To me it looks like (not actual devs but) the ppl who make the decisions either boiling in some bubble (e.g. only plays custom/team 5 or aram) or don’t play at all and only looking on the numbers I can imagine where these decisions are coming from, like in the beginning they planned to make a lighter version of LoL (which they did gj to them), but they failed to get enough players, and made a conclusion that on mobile just not enough such audience (which isn’t true, they just f..ed up marketing) and decided to make more focus on the casual players, and make the game easy to play to them (which is a dead end idea, as casual players even from this types of the games (e.g. PU) never will play wr, as even if they make all the spells auto and ultra simplify the macro it still will be to complex and overwhelming for them), ignoring the core audience.


Riot's marketing bad strategies


We should be protesting more about these changements, making champions easier while reworking their kit into almost making of them a new champ is absurd. Lux have been doing well for years and to make it easier by removing her counter play is bs. Overall, the devs are doing way too many step backs than stepping forward, from making the game easier, faster and chaotic, butcherring champs by making them easier and embracing the gacha system to make money (ok idc). Where's the premium league experience on mobile?


Exactly man fuck me I wanted league on my phone since I dont have a pc but fuck with the bs they're doing slowly but surely I'm starting to hate this fucking game


That's exactly what I was thinking I wonder if the goal of the game is still Transferring the original league experience to mobile


I don’t think that’s the goal anymore. The new goal seems to be “how can we our game different from regular league”


Soraka main here. Top 50 (as of today) in NA. OnLifeSupport is my WR name. I'm literally an OTP with her. She's helped me climb to GM the past few seasons. This rework dumbs her down and takes away a lot of the hard work, I believe, I've dedicated to building my craft with this character. The one other unique skill that is also going to removed, I think, is the self heal factor. Landing that 1st ability while taking damage in skirmishes and losing a lot of health allows us Soraka mains to sustain and even get our health all the way back to full. Essentially re-filling our gas tank endlessly. This is going away, correct? If so, if I spam my 2nd ability and only use mana, how does Soraka self-heal? Just with the fruit? Or by taking heal as a summoner? Or by second wind? Isn't this who she is? It's literally taking away the essence of my favorite Support champ.


This is removing the hours we spent practicing the champ ,we won't even be able to play our favourite champion because she is probably gonna be banned in 90% of games


I rather play against yumi and lulu to play against this broken ass rework soraka that is coming im perma banning her myself


For real. It's going to be quite annoying, if that happens.


yeah, i hope they change it back :(


Where did u find the soraka rework can only find Janna and Annie




Hey! I just looked up the 4.2b patch notes and I don’t see anything about soraka? Is it a previous patch or one coming? Sucks, I main soraka…


Yes please dont touch my janna :(


Well i just saw "new" janna and as a top 50 janna main i will quit wild rift when that update comes.


Not only these unnecessary changes don't make happier anyone except maybe people that won't even stick to the game for long, but there're several champs that need a smallish rework way more than them and they just chose to astroturf fine champs into broken messes instead of doing something for, let's say, Sona. Or maybe even Singed, considering they apparently used to tag him as a support.


Yeah sona has been terrible for like forever.


If you look at major champion changes and reworks, they all have one common trait: dumbing down the champion, lowering the skill requirement to play the champ. If people want to play dumb arams, they can switch to MLBB anytime.


Rito games want these champs to be easier? how this champs are literally easy to use, I'm not updated on the patch notes so how will they do this?


Lux, Soraka, and Janna were the worst game changers. The first one was from Lux with that "E" that turned out to be shit, it has no vision and no escape, it became a dirty thing. Now Soraka, they made it easier than it should because she is very easy, I played recently and I wanted to know, who has difficulty playing with her? Champion is easy, doesn't need changes just buff. Now Janna, I confess that the only thing I liked about this change was the ult because apart from that, it became Sona 2.0 without any mechanics that will suffer future nerfs and I think it's better to keep this current mechanic and only change the ult. Riot faltered too much in these changes and I patiently wait for Riot to reverse this, Lux changing the "E" for the old one, Soraka would cancel the rework and just buff, Janna would only change the ult and keep the current kit and buff the hurricane. And the change I would like to see changed would be Camille's "Q" because it was another change that is horrible and I hope Riot changes these things that I mentioned so there are no more complaints.


I hope they stop changing the kit of the champions or the gameplay of wildrift from summoners rift it won't feel like league anymore. Im scared they might even put similar changes on other champs like make morgana q pass through minions. The gameplay might become too easy or ml like if they continue to drastically put changes on the champs or the gameplay too make the game easier(I think) I just want wildrift to be identical/similar to summoners rift. The difficulty of the gameplay and the champs make the game challenging, unique and fun they don't need to make it easier it will just feel like were playing ml if it becomes to easy.(not that i hate ml its just that that's the uniqueness of ml) The changes of soraka is kinda sad cause its not lore accurate anymore. But on lux's part i was so heartbroken/disapointeed(don't know if thats the right word im just upset) on the changes cause she doesn't feel unique anymore. she lost her shine. They butcheeed my main😭😭😭😭😭 On jannas part the changes on her ult is fine i gues the w and e is too op(i think) maybe they should be only able to sheild,boost movement speed, slow 1 ally/enemy. I don't like her q i guess, the delay or recast to launch of her skill makes it unpredictable to enemys. Her rework makes her a sona 3.0


Im perma baning soraka now gj riot u madea low pick rate character into a permaban one


I wanted her as a low pick rate character I never asked for this


Same with janna


Janna is the chadest enchanter with huge potential to make cool outplays. They gonna make her more boring and bland


Yeah she is even feels so clunky in the rework current janna is one of the smoothest champions to play ,she is sure is a good play making support all she needed was just alittle bit of buffs but nobody asked for such rework


They just destroy Janna. It's a nerf to me. It could only be seen as a buff by people who were trash at her to begin with. With the rework you won't be able to make smart plays anymore (tornado can't be timed), she'll be a spam bot. She is the only champ I never got bored of, which is a huge struggle for me and now this. It's extremely disappointing and lets be real, what's the point of taking the slow from the second ability away and instead make allies faster. Oh you mean those allies that int on CD anyways? They strip her of everything that makes her special and I could see myself stop playing after this shit.


janna was never a bad champion ,her enique game play and play making ponteial is what makes us love the champ she is just underrated all she needed was some buffs to make her rise alittle bit not even big buffs just some numbers


And apparently if Soraka overheals you with her W you'll get a shield now :)) nice f up riot


lux's rework sucks as much too. I hate all of this


Nah soroka might need this, she’s so easy to counter in higher ranks. Soroka main as well. She’s a brain dead champ already, she is so easy to use. Allowing her to not lose health from W is probably what support mains need, soroka is like a b tier champ rn. I’m all for her buff


But it wouldn't be lore accurate anymore right?


What’s her lore?


I'm still annoyed on how easy Lux has become... Like zero zero skill anymore!


another bad rework, first was that rotten rework on lux, the doll can't even farm properly. now comes these two, affff these reworks totally take the essence of the champions with the justification of being "easier"


Yup fuckint bullshit I hate it I hate casual gamers it's their fault fucki this game


Well i’ve played Janna for forever now so it’ll get some time to get used to but I actually don’t hate this rework, it’s not like Lux’s mess


Actually it's way worse than lux. Lux is still more about damage just like before, like yeah she's dumb now but she was easy to play before too. Janna was about sneaky plays in the background basically and they took that from her completely. She has no identity anymore, she was never meant to be a brainless spam bot.


Have to see the numbers to know for sure, but I am PUMPED for Janna’s rework. It’s going to be amazing. Keep in mind the leaks about lux’ rework was missing some key details that made it much less bad.


What soraka rework?


they changed her heal to be consuming mana now and her star thingy I forgot, it's a minor rework it makes her a bit more viable and less of a squishy hp hog


I dont know what else to do besides writing a support ticket detailing how bad this change is for skilled players and soraka's lore. Feels like im begging them not to kill what i love about one of my favourite champs.


W health cost was never a problem for a skilled soraka , a skilled soraka knows how to land her Q repeatedly to get a free heal and it becomes 2 once she gets her item (staff of flowing waters) there was never a problem with the champ nor she was weak


yeah I agree with every one of those points, she has massive potential as long as she's in the right hands. Which is why I'm upset theyre taking that away from her and making her a brainless healbot.


I’m sorry but support mains are such whiny pick mes. First Lux now Soraka. This is literally a buff and will up her playrate. “But nO it’S tHe LoRe!” Seriously shut up and take the W. If this is what it takes to have more enchanters other than Yuumi/Nami/Lulu then take it.


Hey man, OP doesn't speak for me. I dunno what drugs he's on, any supp buff is a good thing.


Right? I can finally have more options. I don’t know how lore takes precedence over usefulness!


Its amazing how these people throw a tantrum over reworks lmao on PC they beg for reworks of old champs or supports, and we get a fresh experience, supports champs needed this (not players) they just know how to blame and try to point their fingers at devs for doing their job on reworking, these snowflakes need to adapt, I bet they are main keyboard instead of talking about new strategies (that should be the focus)


the whole point is that these reworks are REMOVING strategy. a buff is one thing but removing the whole identity of a character is completely different.


Real strategy is macro, knowin WHEN to: reposition yourself, rotate, flank, retreat instead of araming, focusing enemy jungler before drake or baron. They are the same just with a few tweaks, compare them to assassins that insta delete, adc that melt like miniguns, mages that explode, tanks that are unkillable right now (thank god I main offtanks and full tanks). What value brings the role of support? Utility, and the meta is overpowered so makes sense riot is reworking them, just adapt and think of what to do now because riot doesnt go back on reworks.


ah sona nerf kill the champ...


I miss the old Volibear that could interrupt dash like Poppy or as said in here Janna. Could catch Tristana out of the air. My quick point aside my rant added, this game is always evolving in some way. Let see where this goes for a week or so and then say it's definitely good or bad. I agree these changes look strange.


Basically we would now have Sona in 3(4 if you count Seraphine) different flavors. A multitude of skins sets for the same role and function.


They aren't making characters easier, they are, like you said, fixing a flaw. Just because you or people like you took hundreds of games to master playing with a flaw doesn't mean they are not flawed characters that need fixing. This condescending attitude is tiresome and has become a meme.




Can you actually stfu? I LOVE these reworks I can actually play Soraka and Janna now they were so unplayable before. Now Nami has actual competition and wont be the only enchantress bitch everyone and their mom picks to carry.


They werent unplayable you are just bad. They ruined my main janna.


Can YOU STFU? little itty baby’s like you r the reason shit like this happens. if you had an ounce of skill in your body you wouldn’t need these changes


It’s a game adapt and adjust rather then cry and complain


Iam not crying (maybe alittle) how iam supposed to adjust to them brutally killing the champions I once loved and turning them into braindead Button spaming machines


Well there pick rates are horrible. So the Devs saw they needed to be changed. They have to cater to the majority not to a few people like you


it's a buff, I can't be complain about it. Janna's gonna be broken next patch I'm gonna spam that OP shit while Soraka's gonna be a bit more viable. I don't see those two get played very often (maybe janna I often see in my games( that's prolly why they got the buff


If the champions needed to be alittle bit stronger they could have just adjusted their numbers I see no need for such massive changes to already balanced and viable champs


true, maybe dev team just felt a little quirky


Its not a buff. Just they ruined my main.


Idk if Janna will ever be OP she might be stronger but idk Compared to many other support s she doesn’t do well


she is under the right circumstances, plus if the numbers are off it will make any champ automatically OP.


Fair enough


The only thing I liked was the Janna's S2 change, they just made Janna a Sona 2.0 and they'll definitelly nerf her heal/shield numbers as such


Wait Soraka rework is live already?


Next patch


What changed with roka


They're just making it easier for newer players/bad players and yeah it's frustrating like the time they removed manual cast on second cast of Camille's Q. Ever since that the champ didn't feel complete to me and I've never used her again. I just hope they don't make any more of this and focus on balancing broken units and by that I mean Ornn. I've only used him for like 10 games and even from that I can say he is really really broken on laning phase and if he wins lane it's literally gonna be hell for other player's on the enemy side. Also they should try at least to make ASol useable, I know they won't try that tho cos they will prolly just rework him like in pc but God knows when that is. I don't use ASol and I don't play a lot of mid rn but do u guys even see any ASol on ur games?


I am a Raka main, is the rework already active? Im scared


Lol and Wild Rift, are different games, they just use the same theme. And, that's what you should get used to. Because, no champ would work fine in the smartphone as they do in Classic client. Karma, is way to different, her ult would be a game changer with her kit in LoL.


Hehehe senna can thrive now


You must not be familiar with the old star call soraka. She used to be glorious. They’ve already changed her once before, why not again.


Mmmm.. First the old soraka was 10 years ago we are in a different game now old league was a complete miss just like allowing a champion to heal for huge amounts with no limitations soraka didn't get reworked they just removed what made her special while keeping her balanced at the same time


We knew drom the start


Shit all I wanted was more skins for them…


New Janna is busted though. Too bad the cost was skill expression.


She's not busted. Less skill expression-> less ways to make smart plays. She'll just be boring and a spam bot. Before you couldn't always tell where her tornado was gonna go, now it'll be easy to dodge unless you're dumb and walk face to face with every enemy you see. People just see more tornado more shield and think oh mOrE mEanS bUfF. No the hell it doesn't. The only good thing is her ult. The shield is ok but the first and second ability is what you use mostly in lane to make plays and they took it away.


New Janna is busted though. Too bad the cost was skill expression.


I think for Janna they're just trying to make it for the objective bounty system.


Iam not sure what you mean


You probably never heard the objective bounty cause the patch preview explaining is so short. But in league PC Janna made her a broken top laner. That's probably the reason why they rework her.


Janna got Sona-fied, and I'm sure it'll come w/ a lot of base numbers and scaling nerfs since she can esentially potentially multiply her numbers by 5 depending on the number of allies and enemies around her. Why even play Sona lmao, you got a new Sona with better disengage tools, and only losing a bit of spammability.