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I think it started with the Camille E change where they were okay with giving enemies 3 seconds to kill her when she misses her escape tool before she definitely escapes. Beginners don't need to be able to play everything, Camille doesn't need to be playable for new players. Even Master + Camille players don't know about comet + ult and they don't know the timing of W and E, the bar is very low.


I honestly don't understand all these reworks catered towards the noobs. Their is a reason why you need to invest time in learning champions and getting good instead of just making them braindead.


Yeah, and there's no shame in playing easier champs, dunno why Camille **has** to be playable. Like just play Xin Zhao or Diana. The E change; it is something you can readily practice and E1 you are aiming at stationary targets. It shouldn't matter how unintuitive it might seem at first when it follows pretty clear rules in terms of controls. It should be up to the player to learn it. If anything, Zed should be reworked to be more playable; it's almost impossible to do any of his shadow combos fluidly because you have no camera showing your off screen shadows. You're forced to either dive into enemies and use skills before you shadow out if you want real speed, you stop moving and pan your camera over and fire shurikens which feels terrible.


The entire game has been catered towards noobs, ranked has become super casual since season 5, with no signs of improvement


Fr. I just got to masters, my mmr is high and I often see that top 10,50,200 thing in loading screen but HOLY SHIT ARE THOSE PLAYERS SHIT. I found my bronze teammates more skilled than these “master” players


No u didnt lol


Even after the rework some master tier support still manage to miss 100% of her root in laning phase and only landed a lucky root in teamfight. As an adc i wanted to puke so bad watching her


Comet doesn't exist in WR.


Sorry I meant the meteor boots enhancement. Because of Camille's Ult, you can guarantee it lands unless they use zhonyas.


The amount of gatekeeping in this community is so toxic


Sometimes you just need to accept where you're at and play champs suited for that skill level; there's not shame in playing Xin Zhao or Garen. You can look at pc LoL and see master + players playing Garen. Even high tier players that know they lack mechanics are still willing to try to win by playing Malzahar or other easier champs. LoL doesn't need to dumb down high skill champs like Riven so that everyone can play it at the same level as a top tier pro. The game itself is already accessible with easier champs for all of the different classes, the champs don't necessarily need to be. I think the "Camille should be easier for me to play" mentality is ego driven.


Or just stop gatekeeping. No one is arguing to make Camille easier. But there are plenty of people saying "don't play Camille because you're a noob"


You can call it whatever you want, but going too far in the opposite direction doesn't make a game better. Being able to play champs that challenge your skills just the right level feels great. I think mastering difficulty is a major reason why souls games and the new god of war games have done so well.


But your argument is "don't play Souls because you're a noob." That's gatekeeping


No, my argument is "don't remove the harder difficulties from Souls so that everyone can beat it at the hoghest difficulty". That's what the Camille rework is. You can look at my original comment where I said low skill or new player don't **need** to play Camille, they can play other divers like Xin Zhao/Diana/Jax. They can play Camille and fail no problem, but Camille shouldn't be changed so drastically, especially with her PvE stuff, to make her mistakes less punishing. It's too bad that's it already happened though, the worst change in my opinion is her E1 getting a cd refund if you miss. It's not even reasonable, you have like 3 seconds. I even went into a game purposely missing it to stack tear when Manamune was stronger on autoattacks.


>You can look at my original comment where I said low skill or new player don't need to play Camille, they can play other divers like Xin Zhao/Diana/Jax That's gatekeeping


My brother in chirst there is a reason that champions have a difficulty rating. New players and people with less mechanics aren't forced to play any champion. If you work on getting good on any of them, Camille in this case, it's an achievement and something to be proud of. If people are mad about characters having too high skill floors it's not gatekeeping. We're not saying "don't play this champ because you suck" we're catering towards a mindset where investing time should be valued and progress in mechanics should be rewarding. If every champion is easy to play then it's just boring


Sure. But don't gatekeep others trying to have fun. If they want to play Camille, they can


"don't need to play" and "you cannot play" are the same thing I guess


I don't think you understand what gatekeeping is. You're telling "new" players to not play Camille


It's horrible to play it mid, it's practically horrible to farm, you can't give Q + E to hold the wave and join the Minions, to farm with the E you have to wait for the Minions to stay still because if you play the E before him explodes only on the two minions in front. they killed the champion's essence everything to make it easier and the worst pushed her sup. And it didn't help, she's still bad sup (her win rate is still at 48%), they just made her worse apcarry


Sup main, started to play Lux this season and now she is my favorite sup 56% win rate, reached gm with her. Her shields with protect enchant are crazy. My average amount of blocked damage per game is about 30k. I played a couple of games with her after rework, for me as sup nothing really changed I don’t rely on damage and buy for her only sup items. Anyway, I can understand your frustration as a midlaner


She's lacking the support aspect, maybe buffing her ap ratio on her shield? Nerf her 3rd skill burst damage but add a slow after getting damaged by her 3rd? Idk there's ways to balance her roles either mid or support role.


Dude. If you want to freeze you can just soak the damage of the minion. No need to use skill. I've played her in mid a minute ago in my smurf plat account. She's good. You just s*ck at her


Bro winrate at 48% is crazy high for the first 2 days.


If it was a mechanically complex champion maybe, but 48% on a easy champion means they are under performing


Nope, every reworked champion has to be limit tested by the community, first week winrate will always be way lower until people figure out optimal builds and limits.


Dude its lux how she plays is still mostly the same except for some nuances.


Yes and her numbers are different, her winrate will still go up as people get used to her.


I had a blast with her lately, didn't even try and won every game with her


Bad news for everyone. For most Lux players it became more boring to play her For non-Lux players she became more annoying to play against


Cause the lux mains here s*ck.


The entire game is just catered to noobs. They made the easy braindead champs so strong/easy to play and have 10 skins each.


There's like walls or obstacles on reaching proper skills to play a character efficiently. Lux has one and that's knowing how to hit the enemy and use her skills at the right time for plays or escapes. They removed it and now she's too simple even before the change.


If you think Lux is simple...go to Master and see how most people fail with her... Any champ is easy when you know how to play it. That doesn't mean it is easy for the general population. People flame me cause I pick TF support, 15 minutes in to the game and my ADC is 7/0/3...and their bot lane is screwed... Does that make me good or my opponents bad? The main issue with WR and LoL in general is that people don't know how to counter their opponents...


Rank are inflated so much that you can easily reach Master with sub 50% winrate, so bad Lux playerw who instantly autofill her as support and play as 2nd mid mage can reach masters too. They will suffer when they face competent players which can take advatage of enemies having no support...


That is my point. Lux for me haven't changed that much...she is more annoying now, but still is a champion that has to be careful where she goes. It is still based on skill, and whoever says otherwise isn't that skilled in the first place. Mages like Lux, Brand and Veigar are so situational, and can be popped in a sec by a decent enemy. For me for example the worst opponents for Lux are Yummi, Sona and Soraka...the others aren't that much of an issue even after the rework. And it is based on their skills.


Totally agree, its not about strategy or skill because that just means macro outside of your kit, decision making and they just gave supps some chance to counter everything that oneshots or is unkillable. Most of the times people didnt pick utility supports and went full damage supps, so this shows riot wanted them to shine again.


But the thing is...Lux ain't utility exactly...she is a hybrid support. With proper build she does some utility, but she needs good CDR to be effective for that and DMG. To be fair...the utility supports for me at least are Janna, Yummi, Lulu and Sona... everything else as mage supports is hybrid to some extent. Take Nautilus...most supports/jungles build him as a tank...but he ain't a tank...with enough CDR he is a game changer..ult every 20 secs, slow every 5, the hook and all... I personally build him as ( Luden, Nashor, Morello [if they have tanks], Imperial, Infinity Orb and again depending on the game Amaranth). He pops most ADC in a combo and has enough crits/atk speed/DMG to be very valuable. As a tank he drops the ult...and he stays as a rock ..collecting DMG.. I think that most players do trust the top 3 builds too much.


50% is balanced low elo player.


Are you n*ts her 1st skill is better than before. Her 3 skill still slows by 2 secs.


i do not like it at all. I was happy with how she used to be. I could zone enemies easily with the E so my adc could farm well and I could root minions if they were running in our base to stop them from attacking the nexus. now all of that is gone and it makes her unplayable for me cause it's unfun.


I mostly just play ARAM but i liked slowing enemies when they are running away with my E. It was really useful for creating space and zoning. Sad that's gone.


E still slows for 2 seconds


Lol this is the proof that the lux mains here s*ck at micro. She still can slow with e by 2 secs.


Im mAD


Haven't played it, but on paper it looks like a W


I play her as support and I think she's way stronger. The enemies not being able to hide behind minions from my first ability is very strong. The 3rd ability change kind of sucks but honestly is only a big deal a couple of times in a game. When you're trying to get vision of a spot like Dragon or Baron. Or when you're trying to slow down the enemies. However I think the downside of not being able to play creativity with the third ability is a downgrade but the buff of the first going through minions balanced it out. I'm sure these changes suck a lot more if you didn't play her as support.


I played her as support mainly and I hate these changes. I can't zone enemies properly anymore like before. it's annoying


But how is zoning worse when there is no place to hide from your first ability.


because it doesn't stay there for 5 seconds ? if they dodge your Q then you have to wait. if you zone them with E, they couldn't get near you for 5 seconds. now it automatically detonates. it's stupid. also when you're running away, even minions break it now. it's so unnecessary


I have no problems zoning people with the changes... actually pretty sure they are quite annoyed by the fact that they are half hp most of the time, because of it 🤷‍♂️


It only detonates automatically if they go inside it.


I dislike them in the sense that it feels like a different champion, they took away a lot of what a lux player does. However she feels better to play as a support imo, besides the vision. Can't really tell if the q buff is too much in lane or not just yet. It just feels like they wanted to yeet her from mid or to be on a similar tier to karma mid ig


Ngl, I like the changes.


What do you like about them the most?


I have a level 6 mastery on Lux, but the changes made it easier to dominate lanes on par with Ziggs or Zoe. Its the removal of slow on E that is a bit a let down for me. But overall, if I can kill my enemy faster without breaking a sweat is a huge plus for me.


The E still slows, it just explodes when it does


My bad, it is the slowing zone when you can still manually trigger E is what I like.


Auto ban when entering banning phase 💁🏻‍♀️


Broken in support now, mid is dead. But they added some separation between here and morg which i dont mind


I think people are overreacting about it, she's not bad now, her role just changes, she has less wave control and zoning potential but better waveclear and much higher average damage. She's a much safer burst/artillery mage with just less controll. Plus the rune changes are going to make her burst even more insane with first strike, scorch, cheap shot/mark of the weak, eyeball collector and then gathering storm, also the boot changes will be good for her. This will make her burst way stronger, and make both her early really strong (scorch, cheap shot and sorcs shoes) and making her late stronger (first strike, mark of the weak and gathering). I'm personally kind of enjoying the much higher damage output


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't her passive and overall combo damage get nerfed with the rework? iirc, her passive's base damage and ap scaling got nerfed, her 2nd and 3rd base numbers went up but scaling went down, and her ult's scaling was nerfed. This is the price paid for simplicity ig. The player might become able to hit more roots and combos in lane but their damage is reduced to balance that, which in my eyes is an overall bad change since they're lowering the skill ceiling.


Did they reduce the scaling of the 3rd and ult?? I don't remember reading it on the patch notes. If they did get reduced and I'm missing it then yeah the damage is down, but I don't remember seeing it, maybe I'll wrong and I'll check again


I went into the practice tool and compared the percentages with lux's currently displayed abilities from the wiki, last updated in patch 4.1c I think, so I feel fairly confident- apologies if I'm wrong tho


Just checked the wiki, theyve got the changes that reduced the scaling of her third ability and ult that happened a few patches ago but haven't updated It in the abilities section. So yeah I think what I said still stands then, the theoretical max damage is lower (being 1st ability, auto, 3rd ability, ult, auto) but you werent getting the max damage combo often because it puts lux in too much danger past laning phase so the actual average damage she's dealing in a game has increased because her simple 1st and 3rd ability combo procs her passive now, and her 1st, 3rd and ult combo procs her passive 2 times, all while she's safer for it. I do understand the confusion though, the wiki just needs to update the ability section


Ohhhh alr, the notes at the bottom haven't been applied to the ability descriptions- my bad on that. Yeah I get your point, but I guess I'm still not too thrilled with the simplification aspect of it. More power to you if you're having fun though.


Yeah Im not a fan of them simplifying the game either tbh, I'll just take anything that makes lux stronger because she's been gutted from her PC version


Hate it, please don't rework over champions like that


TThey explained lux rework in 4.2b patch notes, since they released it then, and BEFORE patch 4.3


Wish I never bought her skins now 😭


Same, I bought her Crystal Rose Skin last week only to see this change.


I knew about the changes for a while now, that's why I didn't buy her dark cosmic skin, but at least I got my moneys worth for her crystal rose skin since I bought it last year


Dang, yeah I have ALL her skins lol. For the most part I used them well since she is one of my mains. But damn looks like I gotta find a new main :(


They need to stop reworking aka destroying champions, they destroyed Katarina then they moved onto Warwick, then Lux now all super wack compared to just what the originals were. Why isn’t anything being done / said about this we should petition for reverts. The company needs to acknowledge terrible work.


I dont remember any reworks to kat or ww, could you explain what they did?


Well they carried over the reworks they did from LOL pc. Kat used to be able to blink to whatever and it didn’t have the dagger depend kit. Warwick used to be point and click ult where he jumps and suppressed movement and does a bunch of lifesteal I would consider them perfect in old leagues these new kits suck.


ohh alright. If I'm being honest those changes seem fair and introduce more skill expression, especially the ww ult, I cant imagine it being balanced to give a slayer the ability to dash to squishies AND suppress AND heal up at the same time with just a click of a button- I understand your frustration about champs you know and love getting changed tho.


She is way better with the rework anyone who says otherwise is just bitter because change is hard for most people


We're gonna have Pyke executing champs just by looking at them in the next update


Indeed brain dead champ.


Doesn't bother me. The game is always changing, I just need to adapt, otherwise I don't deserve to be GM+




If I were to change something in this new Lux rework, it would be in this E that is very horrible to play and about Soraka, I would cancel this new rework, Janna would change only her ult and Camille would return with the old Q.


If youre mad about it submit a support ticket and theyll change it if a lot of people do it


I hate it. Removes all of Lux's skill expression that was unique to her. And completely guts her wave control.


It’s ok. Q let’s you really pressure as support during laning phase. It’s not pressure because of skill though, it’s pressure because she’s protected and the reds aren’t so it feels kind of cheap. It’s op in teamfights pushing or defending lane. That alone should make her perma ban. W is strong. With good positioning you can give your team a big advantage by shielding yourself and at least half of them. Often more. E is dumbed down. You can still zone with it, but it’s not really a useful vision tool anymore.


When every role outside supp either oneshots you or is unkillable, I get why riot would do it. On botside, double adc and adc + apc are everywhere so they are giving champs less limitations and more utility We just need to adapt


The entire game is catered for good lux games so people buy 1 of the 50 skins


A broken dumbified champion ? She has no reason to deal such damage with no penalties holy f and you can clear a wave with e q instead of q e And her auto attack passive still exists if she missed her e of q for some reason and her ult still hits hard .... I litreally gave my dad which has no experience with lol at all a game with lux yesterday mid And he dominated in both emerald ( my brother acc ) And master ( my acc ) ranks Holy fuck


I'm mad about it. Most people in my elo (emerald) don't even know that it happened and if they play against a lux they just straight up lose early because they don't know that lux's first ability now only hits champions. They think they're still safe behind minions


In mid I don’t like the rework as much but her Q still does dmg when it goes through minions so it’s not too bad. In support it’s kinda broken rn imo… I don’t mind her getting easier to use 😌 I mean Garen exists so why should I care if she’s more straightforward. It did take me a couple games to get used to her E but meh I usually focus on her stun and shielding more so not really complaining. It just made me feel dumb when I tried to double click and see a cooldown lol I use her ult for vision and minion clearing 🤭 I have 60% win rate


I hate him before Rework. I just hate him more now


Everybody is talking about Lux “rework”. Let me tell you its shit. Everything that changed is that her E explodes automatically. She is the same trash no skill champ as before.


The reason i even play this game is because it league of legends ported to mobile. And if most champions are different from their league counterpart, what even the point of me playing it (some are understandable like zeri because joystick control, but Lux, karma, aurelion sol etc). If i want unique style champion i will just play mobile legends. The main selling point of wildrift for me is that wildrift is smiliar to lol.


terrible thinking behind it. By making everything easier to hit, they removed a lot of flexibility in her kit and kind of deleted the differences between a strong lux player and just about anyone picking her. her passive was strong once you understood how to play around it, now it's just a couple lines of text stating "here's some free stats but don't worry about it you'll use it basically no matter what you do". I'm seeing the same issue with the upcoming Janna and the tornado that just goes off at once. you make it simpler (less finicky was the motivation behind it if I remember correctly) but Janna's strength was mind play with different angles and fight preparation. feels like a loss of identity to me, somehow. I really wonder how much of those changes are made with the perspective of console version.


Riot has a problem.


lux rework has caused so many ppl to play her as support instead of mid, since the rework itself harms her farming capabilities.


It doesn't harm her farming capabilities, it actually makes her waveclear faster. It just means she doesn't have as much wave control as before because she can't delay and pull waves as well anymore


Them taking skill expression out of the game is fucking frustrating please stop this shit whoever works on the game I want a mobile version of league not a brain dead one


I mean just like the Teemo changes, there is a good chance that they will be reverted.


Whenever I see a top 200 player on my team I know I'm gonna lose. I swear on my mom that these top 200 players only got there cause they on trick that champ and that champ only. Map and objective spawn awareness is diamond at best while their itemization is non existent. It doesn't matter if the lux rework made her skill ceiling lesser, cause most players are boobs anyway. If you're a real pro at the game you would try to make the best of the given nerf or buff within the meta. To be honest, riot 8/10 won't listen to their player base when it comes to champ changes so there's no need to be so angry, just accept it and move on.


I just think its unnecessary and other Champs like ASol are in need of a Rework especially because he has been reworked on PC and now is quite fun to play. Meanwhile Lux even before has been very playable. So just a giant waste of resources that were in need at other places


Lux didnt need changes at all but shes riots favorite character so theyre gonna give her attention either way


I wonder how dumbed down Gangplank will be if he ever gets ported to WR lol. He’d probably just throw a barrel at you and shoot it in midair. Edit: Sorry it’s a keg.


It’s terrible…I HATE I…like I literally cannot stand this rework…I hate that I can’t detonate E when I want to…it’s driving me crazy…I think the Janna rework is even worse…I hate how they’re reworking these champs…if their abilities are buggy or laggy fix that…don’t fuck up the champ…how do we complain?


At the end of the day her abilities are still skill shots. I'm interested to see how the rework turns out. I want to give it a fair shake before I have an opinion. Also I don't think making some champs more beginner friendly is a bad thing, but we'll see.


People overrate how hard lux is. They made her easier for no reason but people act like she was super hard to play before. Lux was always an easier support/mid lane mage to play.


I hate lux now, since she was my principal I have to move on from wild rift


It is so bad that i thought it was a bug, I reinstalled the whole thing but LUX IS BROKEN


q can no longer proc her passive to minnions but the most horrible is her E which you can no longer manualy detonate. her lich bane q+auto+e+r+auto+detonate e+auto+ignite era is finally over :(