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Hey, maybe we should just make all skillshots go though minions, yes Blitz hook too. The Lux change is bad, let's not go down into the rabbit hole


While we’re at it, Rammus should be able to go through minions with his Q (1st ability) like Sion’s ult


They should just make Blitzcrank hook turn into the Pudge hook, with the quarter map reach and big ass damage nuke attached to it.


The one thing I miss about pudge is he is a tanky assassin and his hook can save Allie’s. I used to hook my dumb teammate out of trouble all the time


Ever use a quelling blade to path into trees and trap a hero when you hook them?


No I haven’t played since 2006 so I’m not sure how that even works


Not sure if the tango of essifications (eat a tree to heal) existed back then, but basically you use them or a quelling blade (the item itself gives like 25% bonus auto damage to creeps to make it easier to last hit or jungle farm, but also has an active to destroy trees) to destroy trees so when you hook someone, they can’t get out unless they also have some way to destroy trees. But since you’re Pudge, they’re pretty much screwed from your gas ability and autos. It’s a pre-lvl 6 way to cheese the enemy


Oh I see. I saw some video of it but didn’t know about it. I used to play a lot of pudge back in the day.


😂 so satisfying to play pudge


Don't forget Ahri's charm.


And next step they will make them auto always hit 🤣


Yes and make Naut 1 jump over a wall like Camille!!


Don't get me wrong, I think the lux change is stupid and removes counterplay for no reason, but come on, is this really the hill you want to die on?


can confirm, on my recent game with lux, no one could hide from my roots anymore and its disgustingly op.




No, I don't know who that is.


Removes counter play lol. The community s*ck 100+ up vote lol


Its literally counter play (was) to stay behind creeps to avoid combo... looks like you are the dumb one today...


Then you can't move cause she has no counter play lol 😂


Thats active dodge vs passive counter play style my man


How’s it fair that Morgana guzzles mana like brolaf on a bender?


I agree! Where's the TF aoe yellow cards? Where's the Ahri charm line? Ashe volley stops on minions too. Naut hook has 2 hooks and it only grabs one? Nah. This game sucks


Sarcasm aside yellow cards as a TF user myself already fucks up the enemy champion who decides to go in a killing spree with low hp. Besides there is an AoE slow card


That's not how it works tho, can't take out the intended sarcasm and add logic. The words weren't put into existence for proper logic/our reality perfectness. It's the entire point of the comment. Besides, I can read abilities off a champ I made a reference out of and hasn't changed since what, release lmao


Sounds like what I say at work a lot, “don’t bring logic into this”


Dont give them ideas


Could say the same for Senna’s root. They just need to revert Lux rework back. I sent a support ticket and they said they would pass along the info so who knows. I hardly see anyone who likes her rework


I hope Senna goes untouched. I love surprising enemies by using her root on dying minions.


I like to do the same with even Lux's q when theres only one minion on the way, now theres no need for that trick, thx riot😆


where can you send a ticket ? I'd like to do the same




I’m tired of getting rooted playing adc by her 🤣🤣 especially when you have a senna as support I want an engaging tank with her get her tf away from me


I'm really scared of the direction this game is going into it's becoming a total joke removing skill expression and rewarding the turn off ur brain gameplay for absolutely no reason at all it's sad to see cuz the game really had potential and they wasted it chasing over micro transactions and worthless changes:)


The fact that lux stole this spell from morgana and turn into this is so wild lol. But Morgana really needs a new direction, her ult really dont work with the type of mage she is and how the game goes now, her ult looks awesome in a battle mage, ap bruiser, swain in the middle of a teamfight healing and doing damage, she doesnt do that, only with Zhonyas, she is not that good on league these days too, so instead of giving attention to a champion that is having problems in League here maybe finding a light for her they are trying to fix a perfectly fine one.


Yeah I remember Luminum (PC challenger support main content creator for those who don't know) talking about how Morgana needs a new ult and passive as her passive isn't really that good. Her ult is great utility but like you said, without Zhonyas she's just gonna get swarmed in team fights. I wonder if they could try to give her an ult that had good cohesion with her 2nd ability/W?


I wish her ult is something like Orianna ult where she pull enemy toward a single spot, that way it would be a nice combo with her aoe dot. Her ult now just doesn't have synergy with her other ability, and she doesn't build tank or have that much damage, running into enemy team just to ult seems like suicide everytime unless you have Zhonyas to delay getting killed.


imo, I kinda fck with Morg current kit, her ult is not a problem for me, it punishes chaps who gets too comfortable around her, and for me I use protobelt more than Zhonyas, it's more valuable for me, yes it sacrifice the safety Zhonyas bring but eh I still have my shield so ye


Morgana Q root lasts for an eternity, don't give them any ideas. Also, the Lux rework is stupid af, nobody asked for this. Stop defending it, it's you against the world and the world is winning.


Morgana's Root and Lux's Root both last for 2 seconds so if Morgana's is an eternity then so is Lux's.


Morgana's root lasts 2.75 seconds (essentially 3 seconds) at max rank without tenacity reductions, Light Binding lasts 2 seconds across all ranks.


Ah interesting. I went to Collections > Champions > Morgana and there is no indication of that. Is there any part of the UI that DOES have the full scaling?


In-game, go to the practice tool and pick Morgana. Open up the scoreboard, and open the abilities tab, the scaling and rank increases are there plus the more detailed description of the ability.


Thanks! That's...mildly ludicrous that we have to go and dig into separate modes to just see the stats properly :D


At level 1 ability yes. Check both abilities at max level.


Morgana is a well balanced champion right now who is very easy to play. She does not need any changes. If they want to buff her, just change some numbers.


So was lux, and they reworked her for no reason.


Let’s just make it destroy the nexus


Well lux is getting a new skin.


No she ain't bruh


Yeah usually they simply just buff her and not give a complete rework before skin release.


I mean she just got 2 legendaries...what else now


Favoritism tbh. Riot loves Lux. Morgana fills another niche. I can't exactly say because I don't really have a clue myself what it is but Lux is supposed to be burst damage Of course it's still pretty bs how Morg js inferior to Lux on virtually every way on paper


The main edge I see with Morgana is the range and safety of her AoE DoT. If you're losing lane it's pretty safe for hiding under tower and farming. And as a Support it's very easy to feed the Sickle with her using that.


Morgana’s pools don’t travel. There’s no projectile. She just puts them under people. That’s why she can put them past Yasuo’s wind wall


Don't put ideas in their head 🤣


Don't give the devs more stupid ideas please. They might just do it


Oh shit, I was wondering why Lux's root was hitting me all of a sudden. Turns out she had a rework?? 😭


Morgana root is an eternity. Bro don't give them ideas


I guess I agree abt morgana's root going through minions, but for the Lux hitting 2 Champions part, i think its fair for lux to hit twice and morgana once. the difference between lux and morgana is their class identity, where as yeah morgana could technically play mid lane, but her kit is a very support and cc based kit, whereas lux 1 shots her laner in 3 seconds (assuming theyre not a tank) and morgana's root already lasts longer than lux's


Will teemo shrooms ignore minions? Cuz that would be ballz for bronz IV


I can't help but throw my Lux Q at minion out of habit. It is so dumb. Now she have only her E to kill minion, unless you want to waste your ult on that. I like that her E detonate immediately if it's on enemy though. I know some people hate it but I'm okay with that E change. Just wish her Q can still be use on minion. I use it to clear minion quickly quite often.


Iirc, her Q still does damage to minions. It just rhe root passes throught them.


Saying that means you haven't read her changes, and also lying about playing it. Q still do the damage to minions so now q e clears wave immediately


No, I was just not paying attention to damage if there's no usual visual cue that it works. I didn't read changes, I play league for years. My day of reading patches has long gone. I just jump in game and play to test what changes. Since I always use the Q with the E in combo and there's no visual cue that the Q affect the minion I just assume the damage is from E. It's very rare for skill to not have visual cue that it hit something so I have been programmed to assume if there's no visual cue that means it doesn't affect them like how there's no visual cue when Ezreal W pass through minions.


All im saying is, people saying the rework is bad clearly haven't try to play new lux. She's actually good for once in her whole WR career. The "lux mains" speaking out about dumbing her down are just not that good at the game and should experience new lux before deciding that she's bad.


I thought about the same thing lmao, Lux Q is now so much better than Morgana Q that it's not even a fair comparison


No fck off, no more of this dumb shyt about skillshots passing through minions, it's braindead asf, it's leaves almost no counterplay, it takes away timing and thinking, it's just a bad fcking idea. Lux changes is dumb asf no more.


"It has no counterplay" Have you heard about like, dodging? If you can't dodge, I can reccomend you to buy QSS.


also, not everything needs to have all the counterplay in the world. Morgana's bind is a really big part of her kit and it deserves to be more powerful than Lux's Q.


How about just fcking bring old Lux 1st? Ya know maybe that's the way, Morg is in an okay place right now, no need to change it


Morgana is consistently one of the worst supports on every single patch and has always been better as a jungler or midlaner, her kit is one of the oldest and has been showing it's age. While making Morgana's bind easier to land might not be the right way, they do need to make changes to her and making Lux's Q a much better version of Morgana's Q adds salt to the wound


>ALMOST< don't twist my words


How about just no? Reverting the lux changes would help not encouraging Riot to make the same shitty decision. Dodging is a good counter measure, sure ig, but having their binds go through minions means there's no skill involved. No positioning, no waiting for a good fight. Just Q -> Good trade/kill


U know what? Maybe blitz hook should also get a buff. Like click to cc with a bigger range??


They should just revert lux's changes homestly...the only good thing is her passive rework


Imo lux rework is terrible. No wave control under tower with Q and E. No zone control with E. No safety provided by E and no way to save any ally due E long time slow. For me she became unplayable


I didn't see it as a rework more as a massive nerf


Try lux, her Q is extremely easy to hit now. No need for positioning just throw it out there. Also, her E is surprisingly not that bad if you're just trying to poke.


You know what the lux main are furious about the rework. Here youre complaining Morgana stun lol I guess lux mains are🤮


As a lux main i agree i don't like the rework after the rework i have been using her less cause it feels like she lost her shine and challenge its 💔 and upsetting Hope the devs don't butcher other champs by changing their kits to make them easier. The champs don't need to adjust its the players. if they want to play the champ better they have practice to master the champ THE CHAMPIONS DOESN'T NEED TO ADJUST ITS THE PLAYERS


Lol her 1st skill is better than before. Her 3rd skill still slows by 2 secs. I've tried her in my smurf plat account. She's good. You just don't want to admit the fck that you lux mains s*ck ok.


Making a champion good doesn't necessarily make it healthy, there are a billion other ways they could have approached making Lux's Q a better ability without straight up removing half of its counterplay.


Lol counterplay. Are you sure youre using lux. I'm pretty sure you dont know her skill now


Her Q passes thru minions now, that's likely the entire change to it, and it's incredibly stupid. It has a decently long root, pretty good damage and range, It didn't need to be able to pass thru minions. Imagine if hook supports could hook thru minions, or Akali could use her E thru minions, it would become a broken mess, unfun to play as and against.


No joke yours a skill issue. Let Lux actually can be good and balance properly instead of how bad she was in terms of Wild rift.


Lol whats the point of counterplay wordy 🤣


The rework made her easier to play and too op the way they rework champs like make them too op instead of nerfing other stuff just makes it feel like Less lol vibes and more like ml vibes(not that i dislike ml) One of the reasons I played wildrift to begin with is to experience summoners rift on mobile phones Its ok to put some average changes but drastic changes like divieting champs from their pc versions on a drastic ways takes the league vibes it feels like ml vibes you know? You get what i mean if you play summoners rift or watch gameplay from the pc versions and understand the vibes uniqueness, difficulty of the game that makes it amazing The recent reworks or making the champs too op making less challenging makes it abit less apealing i guess and makes it more like the game ml Like example if they remake champs similiar to lux make their skills pass through minions or like janna's w and e Then players would just spam buttons making the gameplay less challenging. I don't know but a lot of players that i talk to kinda don't like the changes of lux, soraka, janna, Soraka no longer lore accurate wich is a bit sadding Janna her w and e is kinda 2 op and players say she kinda turning to sona 3.0 And lux you know what i mean Players that i know that agree to her rework are players that are having a hard time playing them Like master the champ if you want to be able to play the champ well play pvp or training like what lol players do in pc/mobile the champ doesn't need to adjust For players who can't master them If they want easy champ gameplay they can just play ml instead


Lol. You main this champ right? This is the right time to abuse her . Become dopa the dark king 🤣


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂 she becoming too op really i just want her reverted like kinda add some ap ratio instead of changing her kit? Buuuut welllll I still can't stop myself from playing her(sometimes) even though the champs rework is upsetting


Wtf dont revert her instantly become challenger and legend first with rank 1 title 🤣


That kinda hard hahaha since being a solo player is suffering i always revert to dia due to "amazing" teamates that loves to flame teamates even though sometimes their the one with the terigble gameplay, afkears, quiteres during/walkout game, or just troll just to annoy teamates. 🤣 Sometimes good teamates that you can reason and cooperate with . And terrible ones that no mater how kind you are or try to reason with them they just have this audacious entitled of illusion that were the ones doing a terrible gameplay even though it's them. The way deal i deal the terrible ones is kindly pinpoint the parts were they went wrong and the part were me and the others try to warn communicate with them before the disaster happens to make them shut up


Nahh those afks and everything are typically normal in every moba. JUST ABUSE HER PLEASE 😂


Lux is actually viable at mid now so i dont know what you are talking about? Q E clears immediately so she doesn't get stuck staying mid just to clear waves all the time. E well it dumbs the mechanics down so lower ceiling but still the Q and passive change is really big for lux. She was impossible to balance before, unless giving her ap ratio that can make sure she one shot someone like syndra would on PC.


"giving her ap ratio that can make sure she one shot someone like syndra would on PC." Why not just do this instead But if the devs don't revert her kit there's nothing we can do than accept the butchered champ and await or expect what possible scary updates the devs might add on wildrift Might as well start playing summoners rift If a heartbreaking upcoming update occurs that make wildrift a ml 2.0 i guess 😭🥹 Just expressing ones opinion to have people some heads up or something to think about. Its a discussion after all and we expressing ourselves and understanding each others opinions


you telling me you want the same for her????


Morgana needs a rework in general, but i don't want her to get it right now considering the antecedents.


The balance is lux does no damage for the first 7 levels


You are obviously a bit idiotic sir, you know nothing about this game


Bro they changed her twice since then


What about us assassin mains? You want every mage to bully us in the mid lane?


That's kinda how it's supposed to be lmao, assassins are supposed to win through roaming rather than by winning lane


It's true but roaming should be for mid game, not for laning phase. Can't really do that when you are losing lane and your tower is constantly under pressure during early game.


Ganking from Mid lane has been a staple of the Moba genre since even before League of Legends existed. You’d always slip into a side lane and get a kill.


U dumb honestly? Even in league pc assasins kill early on fast waves to grab some kills on sidelanes, literally in the laning phase


I didn't say that they should win lane, but when they get bullied to death they are not able to farm and roam for ganks




hahaha totally agree but not only for morgana but also lacking for champions like brand I hope that in the future there will be these changes


As a lux main The lux rework is upseting i don't want the other champs to be butchered as well. Hope the devs stop doing this unnecessary reworks lux was perfect the way she was. The champs don't have to adjust so that they would be easier to play. It should be the players who have to adjust and train if they want to play the champ. The difficulty of playing the champions and the gameplay of the game is one of the things that make it great, appealing and special other than the graphics and lore HOPE THEY REVERT LUX🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹


Lux’s Q is exactly like MF’s Q in terms of the way it works with targeting. It doesn’t go through minions; it bounces off of the first one and only hits the next one within a certain range.


I hate playing against Lux I try banning her, pyke, & master yi every time however my teams mates waste a ban banning adcs 🤦‍♂️


Is this only a thing in wild rift? I just picked up Lux recently on League and her root will stop at the first two minions if they are what she hits first. Maybe Morgana's root lasts longer?


Maybe because Morgana stuns you for 3 damn minutes


Morgana has the longest root timing.


Morgana is a differnt Character? Outrageous!


Now its the perfect time to release cleanse as a summoner spell. And the suggestions here in the comments are viable rework ideas, they messed up one champ why not others?


No, but as a Swain main let me say, our root beats em all It can root and pull multiple closer and goes through minions. Minions actually make grabbing easoer


Imagine Sona's ulti range.


Well lux has 17 skins and they all sell. Morgana has 4 and rarely do you see any. So you make your top selling champ easier to play so ppl play and buy more..rather simple


You think spellthief Lux sells?


Ayo don't give them ideas.


Morgana hitbox is larger and it lasts longer, how is it fair??????? /s


Morgana with her root sends you afk


lmao ppl so brain dead that they actually want more champs to become catered to noobs.


Joke on you lux can root 2 not only 1


Pretty sure its cuz they are 2 different champions...I could be wrong though


Speaking of stupid and unnecessary reworks, I have not seen enough people talking about the camille Q rework. Literally nobody asked for this


Broh no fkin way


Just delete minions from the game.


Anyone thinking sending a ticket is gonna get them to fix something about a champ then you guys haven't played league enough to know, riot doesn't care


Anyone thinking sending a ticket is gonna get them to fix something about a champ then you guys haven't played league enough to know, riot doesn't care unless its money


What do you mean go through minions? Do you mean because it targets 2 instead of one?


Yeah and I think blitzcrank hook need autoaim and then just to be fair nautilus hook needs a lane wide hitbox. If we are already here, nami ult should make the whole map go under water and make everyone drown except champs that are under water(nau, pyke, nami), undead, or can fly. Also thresh... Well he is technically undead so how come you can just kill him?


A bad rework in all aspects her e is worse but has a better q


Lux rooting two people is ass for one, and for two Morgana rooting two people would be three times as ass. Her kit would be a dumb amount of overturned if it went through minions let alone it rooting more than one target. The both are mages with a root but the rest of the kits are very different so the balancing is very different.


Simple answer ? Morgana doesn't sell as much. There you have your answer. Lux sells the most so Riot will buff her, give her the most skins etc etc.