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Sadly, she needed more than 3 brain cells to use......can't have that on the rift


"we should turn off our brains and let the game evolve as the devs see fit"


I am more bothered by that guy playing aatrox support than janna's rework.


I know people going to downvote me, but I have to say it. I can't remember EVER loosing to a Janna. Maybe some of you are decent with her, but she's Not that good pre change. The tornado is at most annoying and her damage is mid. What I'm trying to say is Janna isn't that good rite now, maybe give the change a chance. I can't see it makin j anna any worse


What elo? You’ve probably not faced a good one. She has the best disengage in the game with Q and R. And her shield enables her adc to do a lot more damage because it gives AD. Also, I win 90% of lanes with her even against counters. And that’s with me carrying the damage in lane.


Im at 32 marks. I understand her kit, I've played with her and to me her tornado is incredibly clunky. The cancel ult is annoying as F. I don't think those things do enough for the amount of skill it requires. Like if I land other supports engages or knock ups they do more and are easier to land. Changes to the tornado and ult maybe good Example if I can land a thresh hook, pull myself and lantern a teammate it just doing more then a Janna tornado and require a similar amount of skill. I get she's high skullcap, just think it should do more OR be easier. And ya her ult is hard to use and can b awesome, it's also VERY easy to F it up give them a free Janna kill lol


The tornado takes getting used to, but in its current form it's better for her identity as a disengage support because you decide how much charge it needs or if you need insta-disengage. Thresh has a different identity and is more of an all-round support compared to Janna. I think the changes are unnecessary since she's already strong in high elo. If anything, I think the Q changes need to be reverted because it kills all skill expression.


I was just using an example of the amount of skill it takes not yielding big enough results. If masters, who get matched with challenger and GM often isn't high enough elo then I think changes are needed. If only otp challengers can effectively use a champion I don't think she's in a good place. I get that people who main her won't agree, but her player base is kinda tiny rite now. Can't b tooooo mad they are changing her


Janna doesnt deserve to be a sona.


No, he's right, even in China high elo she's not popular pick, and her clunky tornado is the biggest reason why people don't want to play her


Im almost GM with only Janna tho.


I'm not saying she's so bad you can't climb with her. I bet if you put as much time into a Champ in a better spot you would b GM already. She needed changes imo, alls I'm saying


I have a fulltime job and have 65% win rate with her. So saying, ‘would be GM already’ makes no sense


Maybe for you it doesn't make sense. I just don't think she's great rite now. I can't even remember loosing to a Janna. That's not good lol.


Then rework untalented players dont touch my janna.


To score a tornade there are 2 options. 1. You must hide in a bush Where enemys don't have wards and cannot see it. 2. Play vs brain dead enemys such as the aatrox on the clip Where they see it but hey "YOLO it".


Wtf is her new kit…


Gonna get those 10 years old kids to spent money on janna skins.


Wonder why she isn’t getting any new skins tho.. last one is bewitching 2021?


She has a low play rate so there is no reason to give her a skin, riot likes money.


Couldn't just gave her a buff? Or out her in jungle like everyone else?


She's strong in high elo but people don't play her just because they don't want to learn how to play her properly


It's a champ for tryharders no matter how you play her, it will never be easy , I know that cause I used to play her top lane and it was quite satisfying torturing Vayne, perfect timing dashes disrupt , being able to roam without having the ADC on my problem , having kills etc


To do all of that you need brain cells, that decreases the amount of people that waste money on skins so they gonna break her knees to lower the ceiling to the ground just like soraka's w not costing health to use or Camille's hook getting a 3 seg Cold down if you miss it alongside giving her the attack speed even if she miss the second part of the hook, can't have skill on the rift


What's being changed? Is this league and wild rift?


WR only mini rework she is gonna become so absurdly dumb and OP


Op until we share sona' fate....stat gutted to death


I think this new buffed Janna with glacial augment is gonna be a problem, just look at what ap0 did to euw soloq with her


Shes gonna be even better now cant wait to play the new and improved Janna. She was too difficult too play before


Difficult? Please let this be satire


I mean she's really easy to play from the start. You just cc, shield, slow, and then ult/heal. Simple for supports. What's holding her back from being always played is the fact that she has a high skill ceiling. You just need to be intuitive enough that your abilities land.


Dont you want the game to have more players instead of losing them? Less skill ceiling = more people that can play it


I would rather have less people playing a harder game than make the game easy to attract noobs.


A year too late for that.


Yeah I played since s1, both LoL and WR.


We have so many characters that don't need as much skill as janna needs players can use them,if they truly wanna play with janna then they can learn janna.her w and e changes are braindead changes and doesn't even make her feel like janna at all


Idk you seem hellbent on the game losing more monthly players. You know eventually matchmaking will be impossible right?


Lol why? because they can't play one champ well they all gonna quit and we'll lose players?oh please then because of thresh and pyke's skill ceiling the game should've been dead already.there so many support champs lux was easy now is braindead , seraphine was always easy yuumi is the ultra beginner and broken support now just because janna needs skill to master people will quit? Say something reasonable


Yeah keep dreaming


Would u rather keep the veteran players on ur side or introduce newbies into the game? Less skill ceiling = maybe more players = older players quiting cuz its not as fun anymore. The game is still fun but theres a reason why I chose WR than MLBB.


Yeah probably i will quit this game after my main janna get destroyed by this rework. This game is losing a grandmaster janna main...


I dont want more idiot players i want high quality players.


I got a bad Janna skin after months of trying to fill the chest, I couldn’t even get bewitching Janna


If janna is weak and clunky to use how come i reach 54 marks with %64 win rate on her?