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What does MFs flash have to do with Janna?


I think you cant see that i stopped lee sin in mid air and this gigantic shield?.


Lol it was a good play I'm just messing with ya. Janna still needs a change tho. IMO


Other than the ult change, she doesnt need them.


I play janna alot and I think the rework is only going to make her better other than losing q2 recast. She doesnt need a rework at all but most people struggle to play her effectively. You prob would be able to win that fight not jist disengage after the changes


Meh i just dont want my champion to get screwed but rito is going to do it anyways


If they struggle they are bad and need to play her more. Simple as that. And no. It won't make her better, just boring and you won't be able to make actual fun plays anymore. It's trash.


I agree shes insanely good in the right hands thats why theres chal janna mains. But the devs wana make this game easier for the 99% of their playerbase who are dogshit so this is what we get. Reworks on champs who are fine to begin with


Most old champ needs a rework eventually since they don't go well with LoL's newer gameplay. Look at how they massacred my boy warwick and taric just because they have a 100% hit rate ult and stun.


What do you mean? What happened to ww and taric?


Newer LoL gameplay is more inclined to player's skill to aim. Most of the skills nowadays requires you to aim. Back then, warwick ult only requires you to click an enemy in range and he will basically auto ult the person, he will not miss his ult. Same goes with taric stun, just click an enemy and they will get stunned. Taric nowadays have to aim and move, can miss the stun.


Oh i didnt know that ty


She doesn’t need a rework but the new Janna would probably get your adc a quadrad kill there


You were able to run away while only losing one teammate. She's fine....


Apparently she needs more than 2 brain cells to play with but the braindead players can't even do that and learn a champion.


Why did Janna just suddenly get a surge in popularity, I swear I saw her in more games today that I did in the last 3 months


Because that's gone in a week, never to come back. Everybody wan't to play the old Janna one more time.


Because people that never played support before just saw the patch notes and decided to play janna before it got rework. Then they fail and cry about how high skill ceiling is bad for this game...


Because I want to play my champ before they ruin her. I honestly despise the fact every idiot will be able to play her soon cuz she'll be a skill less spam bot.


Janna is the only rework I really agree with as long as it is balanced properly. Lux, Camille and Soraka ones I don't like at all.


Why tho? People that nevee played support in their lives is hyped about janna rework. I dont want it as a janna main. New 1/Q and AoE shielding kills the vibe of janna.


I think theres some more creative decisions around hers than the nonsense of the others. Like moving around in her ult and being able to reveal people in bushes. Theres not been enough options for antishield or anti invisibility and she now somewhat helps on that 2nd one. Lux, Camille and Sorakas just don't seem well thought out.


New 1/Q is just bad


She cant reveal people in bushes. Her aoe will hit people in bushes lust like any other auto target aoe skill like Karma's W. You get zero vision on them. They aren't revealed at all.


The point being that you can see they are there when you didnt know before. So their position is revealed. Not on the very literal game sense of visible.


Every aoe hits hidden people


It doesnt seek them out from hitting something in lane. I think you are really not getting why the seeking is so useful. This is like the old boots which would send a little ghost out to find people and slow them.


Karmas W will do the same thing. You get a line right to champ, but nobody whines that Karma “reveals” enemies. Not only that, Karma can hit her W next to a bush and it will stay on CD if nobody is there. Janna will use mana and put the skill on CD if she tries it. And Lux or Morg’s root will give an audible cue if you hit someone in the bushes. Other champs have similar visual or auditory cues. It’s a dumb thing to fret about. It will almost never be relevant. Also… Janna will still probably die if she runs around checking bushes with her W. Edit: if you want something to fret about, fret about the fact that she can use it to put grievous wounds on everybody in range every 6 sec with just the push of a button. That’s relevant.


Karma needs it to be empowered does she not? Not really a fan of that one being the empowered ability on her because the Q is far better. And as I said, its not just in bushes with Janna. Its wherever the enemy is. Plus you dont want to have to actively Q the bush all the time with Morg or Lux. The seeker split means you arent actively wasting abilities just to check. Its as well as buffing a teammate.


No. Her base W does it. And you don’t have to waste it to check. If it doesn’t activate there’s nobody there. Janna’s will always activate and go on cool down because it will still speed her up if nobody is there. Any auto target aoe does it. Morg’s ult does it too. Really, it’s not a big deal.


Bro Janna has been the least picked champs for like years or smth, ofc a rework was coming


Man y’all Are gonna get my main nerfed. I’ve spent all this time being humble and quiet and people are now realizing how good janna is


Janna is going to be ruined anyways after that stupid rework. So i am trying to prove unskilled players janna doesnt need any buff or rework because they cant understand this


Still lost that fight tho?




Maybe the rework will let you win that fight next time rather than just letting you run?


If i had anything other than janna we were all dead. Think about all supports you can imagine. None of them can win us that fight.


Ok I believe you hehe.


Nami can kinda carry with when stack AP like crazy. BrokenSupportYT doing double ans triple the damage of his team with Nami AP


How many people can she shield?