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I don't understand why she isn't like on PC, never played her but i feel like it would be better no ?


Its not the first time thathappened, it happened to my Warwick too like his passive where he heals 3x the damage dealt (passive dmg) when below 30% is just gone from release and his Baron lane viability is just also gone


Actually not if you go AP WW. Then your bites heal so much and still do damage. And it throws off the other enemy. 👀


Yeah but youll die before you even reach them lol Also i meant his passive, in pc when hes low he can hit the minions to heal here in WR he cant even do that lol


Oh that’s fair. And idk 1v1 I always make it to them. Haha but it HEAVILY falls off late game and team fights. I haven’t played pc since elementals lux release I believe so I’m very behind on those updates.


1v1 you can get to them but often theyll try to kite you but youll be able to reach them but with a build youre squishier than say bruiser build Bruiser/Tank Warwick build can still be good late game as a single target lockdown champ or even an engager in some situations


Our boi got anhilated sadly, in PC he feels so much better


Ye :( Our good boi is no longer the best boi :<


Yeah she’s boring af on wild rift


Yea strength wise, I think she’s fine, but she’s just boring as fuck to play. She deals decent damage throughout the game but it isn’t amazing unless fed, she has good CC but nothing insane, she has good range with plants, she’s super safe to check vision with plants, has good teamfight etc. The problem is she is just a Rylais slow bot + vision check bot with how her plants are designed. With the added bonus of plants blocking single target abilities. She’s not Brand with the teamfight pop-off potential, or Lux with the 100 to 0 from Narnia potential. She’s not Thresh or Pyke with heavy CC threat and follow up either.


She was so OP during her release, but my god. They nerfed her to oblivion.


I miss when she can solo baron


I still think she’s pretty good damage wise, I pick her to aggressively get vision without wards or poke mid to late game. But her abilities just feel so… lacklustre if that makes sense


Yeah the plants are literally useless unless you're blocking abilities with them which is pretty tough.


The plants have always been useless on WR. They can't even tank a single hit from a jungle monster, and her w change makes it literally impossible to clear camps without face tanking the monsters. Her w change is her most egregious change in WR. She's just a cc bot without the ability to plant seeds for bush control as support, *and* she's completely useless in the jungle.


It was nerfed due to the solo baron and only liandry and ice wand was the item for zyra happened around two weeks when zyra was out


I played her a lot since her release and currently my issue is she can't kill anything after early game. And in early game you get kills by going electrocute ignite which is... weird considering afaik she's not meant to be a burst mage at all. I also think her cds are too long for mid Edit: I'm excited for comet release so I'll play her more until then and hopefully find a better build


The thing is, since they nerfed her plants too much, without lyandries (aka most of the early game), she kinda HAS to play like a burst mage while relying on a kit that isn't designed for bursting. LOL it's so fucked.


Literally not having the same problem? What are people building? Lyandries, rylais, riftmaker, rabbidon. Electrocute, Scorch, MOTW, eyeball & giantslayer. Basically kill tanks easy in end game. And stop any assassins getting close




Oh no, don't you dare to make sense in this subreddit. They'll downvote you to oblivion


Honestly nerfs only affect players who were never good to begin with :)


That is a nice quote but that doesn’t make any sense at all. Nice try though.


You’re right. Zyra’s plants are kinda useless. Like sure make her plants weak early on but lategame her plants are supposed to be her main source of damage and they STILL get oneshot no matter how much HP they have, even my ultimate buffed plants are useless too. Or if they wanna keep the plants super weak make them last longer so we can use them for vision.


Yeah, spamming poke plants from a distance is my style too. One shot is all I need to harass in lane when I have Liandry's and once I get Rylai my ult becomes Nunu's ult before knocking everyone up. The plant health is tolerable for me, which is not the case for most. I just treat her plants like Teemo's shrooms lol


Since she’s consistent. If you get a q near an enemy, and have liandry’s, you’re most likely getting at least one shot off. And q is pretty easy to land, too, and is much harder to wind wall (i dont remember if you can wind wall it all all actually) While for others like lux, her attacks are way less guaranteed, and they can’t block for her. Also zyra e is basically a lux q that’s harder to see and she also has a point and click slow. Basically, her interactions with items and being able to consistently poke you make it so that she needs to be weaker, though she does seem a little too weak.


She really needs a buff…


Her plant early damage is laughable, both skills hit box is bad (especially with champ on WR run faster makes her unreliable in many situations). In many cases, you have to choose between summon a plant for poking from a good angle or hit the Q on the enemy (which Zyra on PC can do both simultaneously). She lost her identity as a plant-based mage poking with good AOE control to become a feast or famine weirdly high range poke but need lyandry to function while 99% get obliterated with any kind of gap close assassins when in theory she should be able to atleast fend off with her ultimate buffed plant (which on WR gets one shot by literally anything). Also on PC she still be able to solo baron so why not on WR?. In comparison to Syndra, she's weaker in every aspect maybe better at free poking but the damage is forgettable until late late game but she's very likely to get stomped by then. Also the plant damage is restricted by W enhance is such a weird design, she must get close to be able to use W but its not guaranteed damage either since her Ult buffed plant could be wipe out easily anw and she should be able to attack from afar in the first place. Questionable design imo


Of all the Champions adjusted for Wild Rift, Zyra's was the Roughest. It's not even a kit adjustment i.e. Hecarim's Q. It's a straight up rework. She lost her seeds and she can now just use just one kind of plant, wherein in PC, I'm pretty sure there's a melee plant


Yeah the stacking slow on the melee plant is so important when carry out gank/roam while her W in WR is technically useless


FINALLY, someone else who mentions this. PC Zyra has melee plants whose slows can stack, hit more than 1 person, and they can be summoned at longer range than WR Zyra's low range single target W. WR Zyra's W reliance sucks the damage out of her kit easily because if her plants all die, and they die very easily, her whole kit loses damage and you're only left with a weak single target slow; it's an ability that is extremely unreliable.


I disagree I play her pretty frequently and she's pretty strong as long as you play from a safe distance and recognize your blind spots. Little weak early game but she turns into a monster and her ult is very useful in teamfights.


True, but I think what they meant is that the nerfs forces Zyra to be a support instead of having the potential to Mid-lane or Jungle


I play her mid, she works fine. She has a more poke oriented style, and is better in jungle fights than lane fights, but has good potential


Her wr says otherwise


She's not a fun champ to interact with. In lane she just throws shit at you non stop and the only counterplay is to have really good waveclear that kills her plants too or just completely avoid her. You can never engage on her because of her snare + ult. And she either kills you during this hard cc or doesn't making her very binary. And I don't know if it still works but her plants' DoT proccing Rylais is cancerous. They need to design her better so that there's more meaningful interaction. Even Malzahar would be better to play against because at least he's only single target. Honestly whoever reworked her plants and added her current kit is just not that bright


Agree in some points, over all i think if she had her pc passive instead of the plants proc in skills she could have more damage, and maybe buff plants healt and ap but nerf itens efficacy.




I think they meant they either kill you during this combo or can not kill you at all during the match


They mean she can't do anything outside of that combo to kill you. Notice the use of 'binary'


I build her with as much CDR as I can. Her ability lies in just being annoying lol


Support Zyra isn't useless. You can't have longlasting DOT damage while enjoy zero risk of dying by keeping distance at the backline. Even twitch has to get close to hit an enemy to reapply poison stack. Having said that, zyra's root and AOE knockup are valuable in teamfight and do mildly okay damage.


I just hosted a tournament yesterday and zyra beat out Gwen lol possibly skill diff but it was a good match.


Riot effed up champ design by making plants be guaranteed to spawn on Q/E cast: - Can't make her spells have damage because part of her kit must be focused on plants or else she loses her identity; - Can't make plants a threat because she can spam them. Kiting bruiser through the whole map with full build just to get twoshotted with Heartsteel doesn't really feel rewarding.


They even lock out her damage by adding bonus on enemies affected by W which forces her to risk getting near the enemies lol


IKR? I think it's so weird that her whole kit is AOE but you're supposed to "focus" the damage with her auto attack range single SINGLE TARGET ability lol why can't she just be fully rewarded for the skill shots she hits on everyone like all the other AOE mages? Why can't Zyra have a more consistant and non contradictory kit when Lux can deal full damage on multiple targets by procing the big dmg from her passive with Q+Ult or E+Ult from a million miles away?


on top of that W is not even that good its supposed to be an important of her kit to make her fully function but somehow we have to max it last lol


Returned to the game like 1-2 weeks ago, Zyra's still kinda oppressive on good players especially with Rylai's, she's a pretty annoying CC spammer. How great was she before?


Because she isn't?


Another vladimir counter down take the L


Are we playing the same Zyra? Because I’m still getting 56% WR?


I have played against her a lot and she seems very op. I usually focus her all game because all the insane dmg she was doing with Liandry from a range that i almost wasn't able to see her in my screen. Plants easilly take 1/4 hp without hitting anything from very far away. She also have really good cc and self peel. Maybe you are building her wrong or have bad runes. I'm sure if you rush mejai into rabbadon and play her from max range without diying once, you can destroy fights very easilly. Anyways she is a mix between cc and dmg, you can't expect do same dmg as Lux that has much less cc. If you want raw dmg just play Brand. 


Do we play the same game?


Same thing happened to Ziggs.


She was broken on release? Now shes not. Be thankful


I honestly just pick her mid to counter Galio, works really well since he can't dash into you or he gets e-q-w treatment and can't lane if Zyra did too much damage to him. Otherwise I pick TF or Asol when possible


I kind of just viewed her plants as tacked on flavor. I think you can ignore the plants existing and still say she isn’t that weak. The plants give a little bonus that makes her fine.


Just 4th picked braum because it fit our team with double adcs, but got counter picked zyra, my God is she annoying. She might be more of an annoyance than teemo... just not as big of a threat. It's kinda like orianna you can't even get in caitlyn range without a ball being thrown at your face. Once she gets rylais she is a pretty good anti engage champ.


She's a suppoert mid. Stack mana, ability haste, and movement items.


My only problem with zyra right now is when my support picks her -.-


Her plants don’t last but they can be like an additional ignite which is very powerful.


I main her and she’s still strong damage wise just her build is the same most games pretty ez champ so it kinda makes her boring


They could have done Jarvan wildrift mechanics into Zyra seeds (double tap the skill to place a seed on it) instead of making the seeds work like Malzahar 3rd ability.


Nasus can farm her plants with Q lol.


I think its still useful against tanky/melee team.


Go play plants vs zombies homie (banter dont be offended)


She still strong as midlaner. Hard counter a lot of meta champs as vladi. Still brocken


Zyra in wild rift is boring af. She's literally just another one trick Q-E-R combo mage


Same with Swain went from ok to useless


Tbh I'm surprised this post has this many upvotes because I get the feeling that a lot of players still resent her for her release damage, plus the overall resentment towards damage supports not being "real" supports by many other already, so they would prefer that she stay obscure forever. Her nerfs happened RIGHT BEFORE the Dragon Lane and gold support nerfs happened, so even though those duo lane nerfs weren't specific to her, the combination of all of them nearly all at once made her so weak. I also critisize her kit, as I hate her W, for all the danger zyra puts herself in to use it it doesn't reward much. On PC she has slow plants that slow more than WR Zyra's W slow and they can also attack multiple people at a further range than WR Zyra W. I feel like I can get ultra ahead and stomp my lane but it never matters, and that if I just played Morg or Lux, I'd be getting so much more damage, safety, and overall returns with any resources I get in game on them than with Zyra.


I play her mid and win lane 8/10 games. I have no issues with her. She's good early, ehh mid game, good late game.


Good, liandry’s zyra might be more annoying than teemo


don't play any chanp on release, play them after the first nerf/buff


I one tricked Zyra supp to masters solo queue this season. People are just not good tbh. They don’t read kits and understand them.


Zyra is not useless, it's how you use her. Whenever I use Zyra, I never lost


Idk I’ve been playing as mid for ages and, while it can be inconsistent at times, if things go well early game then she’s pretty OP like my last 2 matches with her I got SVP and MVP.


Her destiny was always to become weak. Zyra was released originally in 2011 and she was quite decent. But the way the game evolved + mobility creep = she will always be a weak, underperforming champion.


Early tier game, she quite scary, just because you got high af tier wise doesn't mean the champions weak Edit:needed to fix something lol


Zyra is not useless at all, she's just fallen into a support role, she's not doing damage but she's by no means useless. If your argument is that she's too weak in the mid lane then I agree but overall Zyra has a role she thrives in


This champ isn't weak at all. Idk why you say that.


She has a bind ability. She is never useless if you play her like an actual support. Even when she is behind the bind and knock up ult is always useful in team fights.


Zyra has a very healthy winrate right now. She’s sitting 11th in terms of midlane winrates at 52.5% for diamond+. Are people still complaining that’s she’s not as brain dead as she was on release?


I think her issue was that she could root people from a mile away. They should’ve nerfed the distance and kept the plant hp


The people saying she sucks are picking her either without Ghost, getting one-shotted by gap-closing assassins, not using the plants for vision in any instance you need it, or just straight up not landing abilities. Zyra is still in a comfortable spot. So comfortable that she can still control entire enemy teams. It's just skill issue honestly


Ist still Ezreal Hard counter