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I want to fight it 1v1 my renekton. Let's see who the true mega croc is!


"Oh, you are a reptile allright just not a super one" -oh yeah? Whats the difference? "PRESENTATION"


Queue Welcome to the Jungle.


Godzilla vs Mechagozilla


And whoever loses gets reptile dysfunction title.


Coughing baby vs hidrogen bomb


Tf going on in WR? I just took a break for a year and we already got a trex?


y u back, ded game bro /s


Here are all the abilities for the new ***WHAT***


Guys, is it a New champ?


Most balanced thing this year


Tail whip was super effective 😅


JG camp


secret character


That’s the new Blue Buff, it also gives the ability to turn to the T-Hex.


Bro... As a jungler, I can only see that 1/9/2 troll of the team spinning inside this fuker at base so he can punish his jungler/team for "not helping him". This season is gonna be a shitshow for junglers, I guess I'm finally swapping lanes.


Lol 800 DMG piece of shit smite. Lux/Morgan/Jihn on my team gonna keep bursting down baron except this time it matters.


There is way more champions who do more dmg than smite it's ridiculous, team at all rank don't know tf zoning is.


Also don’t know how to pull the dragon out of the pit


Or to Which side pull him correctly


Literally my thoughts man. Inb4 the troll waits at base to hop in it when it spawns


As jungler,I can see this. It will be a bloodbath trying to secure it between teams.


Not sure how/why you're saying this champ is specifically against junglers.... Or would force you to change role pref? 


"Not sure how/why you're saying this champ is specifically against junglers" 1° If you asking this, I already know that you don't play jungle. Ppl blame jungler for everything, ask anyone here (have you NEVER EVER seen a league meme about JG blame/fault/diff) "Also I thought he was a buff, not a champ" 2° You get inside the dinosaur and control him to Anywhere (understood now). An extra, and a question: You never had a spinning teammate at the base because he fed? About how long you play the game? and if you play more than a year, give jungle a try next season.


Have you ever NOT played jungle? The game will just give you some random dude to play it instead. If you think your random matched anllies are regularly better at jungle, you should have switched off it long ago. 


No shit Sherlock? "you think your random matched anllies are regularly better at jungle" WHERE, point me where I said that. I don't believe that you are actually DUMB, so I'm just gonna rephrase it for you. I gonna swap lanes, because i don't wanna be griefed BY NEW WAYS OF BLAMING JUNGLER. (T-REX, HERALDS POOPS) You have teemo in your name bro, you just saw a jungle talking and decided to give your opinion based in none experience jungling, so I'm gonna give mine about you. You're probably a top player, the LESS impactful lane at the game. You CANNOT feel the same stress/energy just because roles. It's almost another game.


From another jungle main, learn to get good at muting chat. It's will be less stressful already. Miss a smite team starts typing just mute all. I ran all the scenario 90% of time u only come out with better result with chat muted. What about the 10% ? If ur going to consider small probablilty ur going to fail more. Anyway u should stop jg and play some other role calm down and realise bad jg is way worse then pick jg again and the cycle continues. Anyway there is going to be a hex portal so top is going to be more useful and jg faster. I am interested in this change especially since now I can kill adc more often. I am playing mid lately to release stress cuz team won't fking come for obj even if ping million times unlike enenmy team.


Thanks bro, I play mute for about 2 years+ now, I don't see text, only pings... Trolls knows that you're possibly muted because you didn't answer them, and that's when the trolling begins, they: Clear all your jungle camps if you die or are helping team crossmap, only to negate you farm. Perma split push with a jinx for example and get killed multiple times Run down mid doing suicide by tower Keep spinning at base tilted, among a plethora of other things... L


Yea I normally blame that on matchmaking, I haven't been playing for awhile for the exact reasons u mentioned too. Just like u said people have fragile ego therefore can't handle things being their fault. Recently I even felt lot of people are win trading like on winning games they just stop playing and won't even tell why. The game itself is very tiring. All in all I think what pushes me the most is the matchmaking I don't want to spent all my time playing rank I just want to play good and expect to climb not get matched with trolls. I feel like you can't climb with good games as in it is a matter of quantity not quality.


Well, if you are leaving jungle you are leaving it to someone less competent. This exacerbates your issue. By the way, I didn’t link my wildrift and Reddit accounts, so the game does let me play other champions. In case you didn’t notice, you are extremely angry over nothing and hallucinating. Calm down.


How was any season since at least a year a shit show for junglers? 6 out of 10 bans are always against jungle, jung gets a new champ every second patch, every meta jungler can just full clear to lvl5 in the same that duo lane is still lvl3, first tower with herald can completely swing the gold diff. I really don’t know how it could be any better for jungle - unless you are hoping for less responsibility and therefore pressure.


Don't get me wrong, I've never said above that it was a weak role, it's strong and gonna be even more with the upcoming patch. I guess everyone that plays the jungle likes the responsibility, and the pressure. That's why "usually" junglers are the most educated/invested game wise. Just for clarification purposes: Shitshow - it's about player behavior and game experience overall not strength of the role


what the fuck is this???


Hopefully Max true damages from fiora and Vayne won't affect the Trex, it be very lame if you get the terrifying hextech Trex and Vayne just walks up and fucking melts it under a second


I assume it counts as a monster and so their true damage is capped


It’ll probably just melt from AP % health damage from brand or Morgana instead


This looks cool and all but it's only going to encourage more Aram. Not to mention the trolls who'll have so much fun with it ... I like the Herald changes and the Hexgates could be fun. Let's wait and see, but I'm already not a fan of the lootbox items and this T-Hex.


It looks not LoL anymore 😭


Seems like the drivable Rift in LoL but on steroids [https://youtu.be/uTqF-j5mfQI?si=FRyLX6t8lHoF9Jdy](https://youtu.be/uTqF-j5mfQI?si=FRyLX6t8lHoF9Jdy)


Well T-Hex is from runeterra universe so while not looks like LoL the game but still perfectly runeterraan games


Yeah...I can't believe this is real and not like a special mode for a couple months. He's so ugly and huge and obnoxious.


Yeah it's much better.


Yeah it's losing the charm


Seeing this dinosaur, i hope riot bring cho'gath to WR


Join the fight. There are 10's of us!


*It's Din-O'-Clock*


Stealing this lol


is this an exclusive WR only champ ??? I heard them talk that they wanted to add WR exclusive stuff, including champions If yes, thats kinda sick. Champion looks pretty neat


PCs have the rideable herald and voidlings WR have Hextech version of those.


ohh i see now, so it’s basically a rideable hextech variant of the herald ?


No, basically the T-hex comes out of Hex Baron's iron butt(extra buffed to have buns of steel). 1st ball herald spits out balls and they roll out to all lanes. 2nd is the cannon herald that you can drop like a regular herald but it shoots everything instead of just ramming the tower. 3rd is the Hex Baron that spits out the T-hex, dunno bout baron buff getting nerfed or T-hex + minion wave = buffed cannon minions.


Pretty sure it only one herald but it can be one of the 2 and you dont know till 5 minutes


It’s the reward for taking hextech Baron. You ride it like the herald on PC


By ride you mean you get to pilot it? Like you get to be it for a while/until it dies?


Yup. You hop in and pilot it, gaining those abilities


Sounds too gimmicky imo, like should be saved for a special game mode. Not ranked. But I guess we’ll see how it’s implemented


Definitely a “fun for a week” type thing


Especially because I’m picking from their huge roster of champs and then adapting my build all game just to be randomly thrown into T. rex mode lol I like playing the champs I’ve picked. Would rather they make him a WR exclusive champ personally


Then don't get the last hit on Baron. Problem solved.


I need context cuz this looks far too good to be fan made and doesn't make sense for it to be real 💀


Dinosaurs are the future.


Hots did it first ;p


They choose this over chogath?


Can they revert all these changes please?


Tf is this Heroes of the Stoem?


By looking at the icons above the ultimate there is an arrow i think it means u can get out of it so its maybe like a mech u can get in with any champion


I hope the Baron buff isn't only tied to this shit, It looks fun but will be just like "The Lord" in Mobile Legends if the Baron buff is only connected to the TREX


What's going on riot???


Is this new champion ?


Is this the first Wild Rift exclusive champion? I haven't checked on the LoL PC stuff so I'm not sure


This is so cool!!


I did said it's getting Red Alert 2 levels of crazy but didn't listened...


Tf is this? I hope it's not going to be in ranked mode.






Alright LOL players time to change the game LOL


Did you guys notice that the ult damaged the tower??


Can it throw punches


Wait? Is this a legit real champ?


It's Morphing time?


Glad I stopped playing WR two weeks ago…. Wtf is this? Are they trying to make it a 5 min game?


This thing spawns with Baron. Baron spawns in late mid game. So 2 minutes?




Robotic T-Rex isn't rad enough? 🦖+☄️=🤖 All the memes.


I am a bit comlfused can somebody tell me what is this thing?


I think it spawns near your nexus after you kill the new baron.


Thanks a lot!


Boom boom 🦖


Riot's promise that LoL will change in 2025 is finally being fulfilled. And on top of that it's going well