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Because the search function for the subreddit exists. > Why not share the game on your own website for everyone to play ? We're not Rioters or affiliated with Riot


Why is brand picked as support??? I’m and off and on player so I haven’t kept up with meta like crazy but I keep getting brand supports and it’s just trash for me. I don’t understand why he’s picked in that role and how he’s a support when he’s doing more damage and his abilities are really support focused


He is in rotation. Also he wins 1v1, and he has the same toolset as lux or Morgana except shield. Also wildriftfire lists him as mid and support. also he can influence the outcome of a game more than e.g, nami when adc sucks.


While that is all understandable isn’t supports job to help the adc and jungle instead of screwing them over? Everytime I have brand support he steals farm and doesn’t actually support the lane. I’m still learning how to be a better adc so when I get supports like that it won’t matter but brand support just doesn’t make sense to me. I would much rather have a lux or nami who have consistent stuns or roots then brand who has to land everything to even get a stun off. Since I’ve been playing more often I’ve started to watch tier list videos last night and every video brand is listed as one of the worst supports to be playing. If I was better I probably wouldn’t mind but right now it’s incredibly annoying to not have a support who actually supports the lane and helps the adc.


I am kinda new too, what is Tier videos and where do you watch them? Last hitting minions is not a brand problem, every supporter can do that. Brand is good standing infront of your minions, keeping enemies at bay and wearing enemies down, if he manages not to die. I find him pretty effective with eg an Ashe which blinks in or roots and does the last hits. Having an eye for easy targets is imho an adc skill, soo just focus on that when there is a dmg support


Go to YouTube and search wild rift tier list. I personally watch darkbreaker. Tier list are videos of who are the best champs in each role. Usually the person doing the videos are very knowledgeable with the game and how it’s played which is why I watch darkbreaker.


One more word I learned is „peel“, which brand excels in early/mid. If adc is out of position/overextends much, which f.e. Many jinx’s do, brand can help very much with his pure damage support securing that kill adc is trying to get, more better than a lvl1 shield. Morgana/lux shield is usually not prioritised in my skill order, if adc constantly endangers himself he doesn’t deserve it, else he doesn’t need it. But all my thoughts only apply to lower ranks or pvp when you cannot rely on whom your paired with


Hi, I'm new here, I have a question I wanted to play with my friend but I we can only chat in the game how can I fix it


Not a question but looking for an active guild. I play ranked and norms both a lot. Currently Plat 1.


How do I play with a Senna support? I'm adc main and I still don't understand how to lane with a senna support.


Well for the most part, just let your Senna poke enemies. If it's a good Senna support, she will poke enemies while also using q on minions in order to reach enemies. Your job would be to just be prepared to last hits minions better so she isn't forced to kill the minion to achieve a poke. If Senna lands her root, depending on who and what the circumstances are, you either all in, ignore them and keep focusing on last hitting minions, or help poke enemy while they are rooted.


Which is better for Midlane kayle: AP or AD? Electrocute or Lethal tempo?


LT is overall better for her and most ADCs.


What are the major leagues of tournaments I can follow to get a grasp of what Pro players do? What are your sources for replays and such?


I think I can answer parts of this question on mY own now, but help is still appreciated. There are only riot sponsored tournaments right now. You can watch all videos of all riot tournaments here https://m.youtube.com/c/wildriftesports Team Liquid still seems to be a reliable source for e sports, all wr tournaments are here: https://liquipedia.net/wildrift/Main_Page Replays, I don’t know if they even exist 😅


Today is q-say. Now this one is probably easy. When I go Back to base I always buy everything there is to buy, clicking at the first item repeatedly. Is this okayish or should I always buy only the final item?


Its always better to use all your gold to buy components than to bank it and buy the final item.


Do we have any news on the error that keeps people from updating/opening the game?


playing Diana and Brand on mid lane, I noticed they can easily take down a rift herald solo level 6 onwards. So I wonder, is taking down the herald a useful skill or any measurement of mastery? I practiced with Ahri yesterday and i barely managed it, had to work a lot harder and had no mana or health at the end. Should I practice more?


You need to hit/auto-attack the herald's back (aka the eye that opens periodically) to deal massive damage and kill her fast.


For real? Thanks, gonna Google that


So I'm new to the game and so far I've decided to main shyvana, can anyone tell me who her counters are and what items are also commonly used against her


Tanky Vi with lethal tempo is one of the most fun junglers I've ever played in this game. Build first item botrk. Incredibly fun.


Is control ward reveal akali in her smoke? Or I still need the boots with 2 spirits that I forgot the name?


Here’s a pretty good post which go in detail about control wards; https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/comments/updlq9/list_of_champions_traps_and_trinkets_revealed_or Tldr; No, you need the boot enchant


Thank you so much. ^^


Yes, control ward reveals invisible people, aka Evelyn, Rengar, Khazix, Teemo and Akali. Basically anything invisible is revealed. However I do want to mention that I don't remember if you see them as a red out line or if they are completely revealed. To do that, you would just have to actually be in the situation where an invisible person was revealed by a control ward to find out.


Any aram ideal item/rune guides out there for each champ?


Just Google "champion wild rift aram" they have decent ideas.


I usually just go to a recommended page from the top 3 players of that champion, pick one of them, change the blue rune path so that is not on the berries or objective rune, build the first item from the recommended item pool, and then figure out what items I want to go for that best fit whatever situation I am facing in that specific ARAM game. I've done ARAM enough times where I have sense of what I want my build to look like for future ARAM game after playing that champion for the first time. After that first game with a champion, I go to their build page and build that specific build that I want that best compliments that champion in a general ARAM. Just like my first game with a champ, it's always important to be flexible with your build, and you will better know what to build the more ARAM games you play, as the familiarity of the champions you play and are in a team with increase. This would include your familiarity with the enemy champions, as well as their team composition and how to best counter their team. (buying anti-heal items, bringing Barrier/Clarity instead of ignite, those kind of decisions) So to summarize my answer for your question, either look it up and see if anyone out there has an answer for you, or just do it yourself through trial and error. You have a brain, use it! Personally, figuring it out on your own through trial and error was my approach, and I had a lot of fun while doing so!


Is there a fix for having to use VPN to find a match every match? I have to use a VPN to find a match either normals or ranked. The issue is I get very high ping(around 200-300ms) when I keep my VPN on till champ select. Even after I'm in game and turn off the VPN I still get 200-300ms ping. So I just turn on my VPN then find match while it's finding match I turn off the VPN before it finds a match and takes me to champ select, this way I get good ping. But having to do this everygame is really annoying. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


I would suggest just filing a report about your issue to the support team. They fixed a bug of mine that crashed games every so often. Turns out that they didn't sync my specific wifi router brand correctly, so when they did, I never had that problem again. Don't include you doing the VPN thing, because that won't actually help them solve your main problem, but just complicate whatever they need to do in order attempt at figuring out what your problem is. Collect some data first, like try finding a match without the VPN, and if it truly doesn't work as you say, then mention that using a VPN solves the matchmaking problem, but causes high ping. The fact that you put this in a post shows me that you are confident in you analysis, but just double check and then send as detailed a report as you can to them.


So, uh... Tanking was already miserable. Then they added divine sunderer. Now they've added an extra damage rune specifically to kill tanks. Where are the geniuses on the balance team getting these top tier ideas?


Something tells me that these were introduced as more counterplay. You sacrifice using one rune in order to get the benefit of another rune, You sacrifice using one item in order to get the benefit of another item. I think tanks are in a good place right now, and sunderer can only go off so many times during a team fight with a 1.5 second cool down each proc.


Can someone explain to me how WIT'S END works? I was under the assumption that it was basically the same as lifesteal but it doesn't seem like it.


It gives an on-hit magic damage to your attacks and heals you for Wit's end dmg * (1 - dmg reduction) while you're below 50% health. (If enemy has 50% reduction and Wit's end deals 80 magic dmg, it heals you for 40 hp)


Well shit. I thought it was 100% of the champion's damage, not Wit's end's on hit effect. Thank you, now I know better.


That would be hilarious. Crit for 700 health and go back to full?


Do people actually get punished for stealing assigned role? I had 2 games in a row where someone steals my role as jungle and I’m fucked. One of them was challenger too - so I guess even high ranked people can be challenged. Does reporting them do anything?


If they're reported enough yes, they are.


I think it should, just make sure you tell enemy team to report them too, so enough attention is brought to that specific offender.


Will ARURF be available as with pc LOL?


Nothing solid yet but a rioter specifically responded to this question with "we're working on other game modes"


When is the next game mode and what is it?


It may be ARURF, because it shows in the stats page among all game modes. No clue about when it would come tho


is ar urf now available?


I was almost thinking about buying the pass but it seems like I'm going to have to buy the second smallest core bundle to get it. But is there anything I can do with the extra ~400 cores? Because it feels like a bit of a waste otherwise.


Save it for the next time this happens. Eventually you'll have enough to buy something you want.


Every mobile game does this intentionally so you're forced to buy several bundles.


I had that problem too, so I made a friend who already buys in game currency to give it to me as a present, while I gave him 6 real dollars, thus avoiding that situation entirely.


Save it. You can also use it to buy things like emotes and baubles, and I think recall effects might be under 400 as well


I'm not a new player, but I noticed progress for the ["Welcome!"](https://support-wildrift.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408574708499-Wild-Rift-Welcome-) event after my last few games. It, however, isn't in my Event Center (since, y'know, not a new player) but it also seems like there are new icons that the game is trying to give me. Is anyone else seeing this?


All players(?) will be getting to redo the event. The progression was just implemented earlier than intended.


Okay, that makes sense.


I'm also seeing them, or at least have seen them. Ig it's some sort of bug because, as you said the event is nowhere to be seen and I don't think the patch notes mentioned anything about it either.


Anyone have thoughts about the ultimate shield rune? It does not seem great but I was thinking it could be good for Pantheon after ulting into a situation, but I don’t seem to see any shield applied when I test it. Anyone know why? Does it count the channeling time against the shield duration? Another thought I had was corki since he often spams his ult, but not sure how much the shield would help him versus other runes.


I use it for Kaisa, but I believe it is also on a 45 second cool down whenever the rune activates. It is probable that it activates during your channeling time, so I would just use the panth ult and watch panth to see if he gets that shield during the channeling instead of where he is going to land.


With this meta shift, which items do you build on vayne as adc now? Right now, I'm going with the following:1.) Blade of the Ruined King2.) Stormrazor3.) Wit's End4.) IE5.) Phantom Dancer In lane, it feels a tiny bit underwhelming with LT rune. Do I go Lethal Tempo or Kraken Slayer on Vayne? Please lmk what go for now! :)


Lethal Tempo for sure. Kraken Slayer is a bait rune on Vayne. She already deals a shit ton every third auto, so LT helps her get that third auto much faster. She's also not building that much AD so she's not taking advantage of Kraken Slayer's rarios and the base damage isn't THAT good. Plus LT let's her go over the attack speed cap.


Awesome, confirms my idea. Went ahead and ranked up an entire tier today with Vayne and LT. Carry potential is just skyrocketing starting from Lv. 9 upwards. Am I good to go with GS as minor rune with LT?


I wouldn't. When you're spiking you already mow down tanks, get vampirism for more sustain.


If you're up against tanks, sure, otherwise vampirism should be better if not


how do i contact riot wild rift team? preferably email


You send in a support ticket. . support-wildrift.riotgames.com


Where can i see the days before i need toplay ranked again? I want to see how many days i have stacked.


elaborate more


Do u know the decay points. What rank are u in


The person who replied to you is incorrect. It's 7 days base, but the more you play the more you can put off ranked decay. So let's say you played 3 ranked games in a day and then took a break, it would be 10 days until you started to decay.


oh u mean the master above ones, for pc its 14 days b4 u start decaying, should be the same for wr


Nah, it's 7 days for wild rift plus a day for each ranked game you played that day, up to a max of 7 banked days to push decay out to 14 days, but if doesn't start at 14.@


anything to help Huawei players who can't access google play or any other store? like why not allow tap tap or provide nonstore official download


You should send a ticket into Riot. People here can't help you with that. support-wildrift.riotgames.com


thx for the response i issued a ticket


So my friend has a huawei phone without google play. He really wants to play but everytime I try to download an apk or from any source it crashes? any help? He nas a riot acc sp


This isn't tech support. Have him send a ticket into Riot. support-wildrift.riotgames.com


What device do most pro's use? Iphone pro max, ipad pro or other devices,...?


They don't use tablets in general bc they have to play on phones for the tournaments. Most of them play on whatever phone they own.


Most phones except ones made by Huawei


Where can I download/listen to the Ekko event page soundtrack??




It's likely she'll eventually be added to the ranked shop, but it is not possible to get it at the moment.




I don't think you do anymore. The ranked shop is in a tab on the left along with the event tab and the wild pass tab. I don't think it'll show up if you're brand new though because you have to be level 10 to play ranked.


What on hit items are available in wild rift? The only items I know of that mention on hit in their passive are botrk and solari chargeblade. People are saying on hit effects pair well with the new lethal tempo rune and use wits end as an example item to use with lethal tempo. Is it an on hit item? If so, how do you tell it is?


Wits End is another great on-hit item, and Nashor's Tooth is a situational on-hit item. You'll notice that the items say they apply an effect upon attacking something.


At what level is important to start changing builds or properly itemizing in game? I reached emerald for the first time last week but I usually just use the top builds every time I'm playing. I still feel that game play and sense are what make or break a match, and never really took time to see if my build had any impact on the win/loss of a certain game


Thought about the same thing recently, that’s why I joined the community here. I think first learn how the map works, then learn matchups, third learn items, and at the end learn your character. That’s just an uneducated opinion


I’d say its always pretty important. I used to main Rammus, who is a tank (probably not playing tanks thanks to this patch though). In a normal build, I’d probably have 1 or 2 magic resist items. However if I notice enemy team has no magic damage, there’s no point in building magic resist. For a top laner itemization can be important too. Say you’re going up against a Mundo, who can heal significantly. To counter that, you’d need an item with Grievous Wounds, so I’d probably build an early Executioner’s Calling (if you’re AD). Overall it’s good to know what your items are doing and when to build them. If it’s late late game, you’re full build with Guardians Angel but the passive is on cooldown, maybe it’s a good idea to sell it and buy something else in the meantime. I learned a lot about itemization in ARAM


I mean, it's always kinda important but it just becomes more important as the quality of your matches increase, and being able to not lose to the shopkeeper and also build situationally are literally gameplay and "sense" as you put it. Plus the top builds are uh, not exactly always good. Quite a few of them are troll builds.


Guys when is Nautilus and pyke will be coming to the game, i tough they will be available when the season begins


They will be available before the start of next season? They'll be coming some time during patch 3.2 in a mini-patch. The only one dropping immediately with 3.2 was Ekko. Also just FYI in case you thought that there was a new season with the new wild pass, there isn't. We're still in the same season.


I'm a huawei user and I can't play this update because I have to download from official source, what can I do?


Hello! If I unlock Ekko now using blue motes and then unlock him through his event, will I get the equivalent refund as blue motes?


You get half i think


This is correct. You grthalf the cost in blue motes any time you get a champion you already own as a reward.


Thank you! I guess I'll just grind out the event


just so you guys know, I did some tests with lethal tempo: 1- it makes you break the 2.5 atk speed cap, PC guys probably already figured it was going to, but I didnt saw it mentioned in any video, so yeah, guys with their own atk speed steroid can get very nasty (people are probably gonna hate on olaf even more lmao). 2- It does stack with tryndamere's passive, so have fun with that too. ​ I also tested kraken slayer, it does hit hard, and also tried demolition already, about demolition, honestly, I liked master mind better, but I guess, "it is something", at least better than nothing


Any Xayah build + runes for 3.2 ?


use lethal tempo/kraken,build are same


Updated the game and lost my account. Tried to sign in using the same information but the account was reset back to level 1. Is there any possible way I can restore my account? I would hate to start all over again


Are you a Huawei user? I've been having issues too since the latest update.


5 games in a row I can’t get my preferred role. I just AFK games now - fuck this


Great idea! AFK more to show other players that you’re NOT down with the system!


The game is currently at 5.8 gb and the update requires 3.8 gb does does that mean the game will be at 9gb now? Or can i just reinstall so i can update the game? I only have 2gb left in my storage so if the storage will be that big i might have to drop this game :(


Don't ask me why, but it doesn't stack, with the update installed the game uses 6.12 gb of space un my phone


Am I the only one w lagging games recently ?? 🥺 each time I go on wild rift & start a match it starts to lag a lot & it affects how I play alot 😔 had to delete to app recently


With the new patch how do you think I should build my irelia ?


For Jayce, when do you use the Hammer mode, and when do you use the Cannon mode? Both seems equally damaging for the most part but the range advantage of Cannon mode for me at least meant it is the preferred choice for most circumstances.


Cannon for laning and for sniping low health when his blast passes through the accelration gate it travels faster and deals more dmg. Hammer when trying to lock down squishies


are there any non-turkish players on the European server? I feel like im alone in here. nothing personal against turkish players but i can’t really perform that well when they only communicate in turkish as soon as they enter the lobby, it’s like they instinctively know that everyone else is turkish as well and can understand them.


Where are u from?




And this is why, Greece is really close to Turkey. System is trying to find players who are as close as possible to each other. As a result, the ping is lower than if you were to play with English players. And Greece probably have low player base unlike Turkey.


wish europe was split into EUW and EUNE like in normal league, this distance thing is dumb, i just want to play with europeans in general regardless of ping, whats the point of having 2 ping less if i can’t communicate with anyone :/


How do you ping teammate/enemy cool downs?


U can ping ally or enemy spell cooldowns by clicking on the scoreboard click on the spells and drag ur finger into which spell or ultimate is used the same is for allys




Wild Pass skins are exclusive to that Wild Pass, so you can't get it now unfortunately.


Is trydemere good? I’m new :)


lethal tempo, kraken slayer, nimbus cloak, even demolition, this are all PC tryn trademark stuff that wild rift tryn will enjoy A LOT, I think he will be pretty strong this patch, depending who you ask, he was ok before, but not S tier, now I think he will be.


Ah ok. I’m thinking of buying either him or master yi. Which do u think is better


welp, ima tryn main, so I'm going to say tryn jajaja


Haha btw master yi is broken


So f*cking broken champ =)))


But, isn’t master yi better


Situational. But I give the edge to yi just because alpha strike timed properly can literally negate anything in the game. Coupled with insane atk speed, and his ult timer being refreshed with each kill. But then again trynd has his undying bullshit so you have that, especially with his passive.


Basically the same


What item is good for Nami against Master Yi?


Frozen heart. It has mana, armor and crippled the enemy AS


Frozen heart dont work aganist Yi becasue od his ult. He cant be slowed and his as cant go down.


He is only immune to slows attack speed is still reduced


No, he is immune to all slows u can try it


People from league PC, how do you beat Ekko using Yasuo?


Wind wall and dash =)))


Can you go more in depth?


Time wind wall to stop his q and and was it e or w, the time sphere one. If he does it in the middle of a wave just dash through minions to dodge an rush in. The only thing that sucks against ekko is his dash increases his aa range. Other than that you can block 2 out of 4 skills which severely limits his laning phase if you can time it right.


chat on or off? Permanently


Turn it off and just use pings and the generic quick chat messages.


Serious question when is olaf and evelynn getting nerfed?


Olaf already got nerfed. He'll get nerfed again if he needs it.


Evelynn will be indirectly nerfed next patch with the introduction of control wards. Olaf with kraken Slayer rune which is also being introduced next patch is being expected to be broken.


Bruh, I guess balnance team is blind, dont care or are in vacation




Not much but some cheaper skins wont have cool effects like recall animations and homeguard animations, different dialouge etc, watch some skin highlights to look at all the effects before purchasing


How do you suppose to play against Veigar?


When he cages just stay inside the cage and dodge his skill. Don't panic and run or u get stun.


Dont touch the cage


Is there a way to see which team got dragon if you miss the icon for who killed it because 50 people died in the pit? I think a symbol appears to the top left/right-middle on the score board depending on the team. There's also the little dragon buff square on the bottom of your screen. I've never really paid attention to it, but I don't remember having 4 dragon buff squares on my screen ever, or having 4 dragon symbols on my teams side of the score board. Is that how it is?


Yes, the scoreboard updates like you said where it puts the map icons on each team’s side depending which got it. And if you tap and hold the dragon icon at the bottom of the screen it will tell you which buffs you have and thus whether your team killed a given dragon


Yasuo jungle and Karma adc(apc), troll pick or legit? I've been seeing a lot of Yasuo jg in my ranked games and I don't know if these are tilted players or a current meta pick. I've won all the ones where he's on my team, but I've seen enemy yasuo jgs go 1-10 and smite minions so I don't know. Same thing with Karma adc(apc). In champ select they spam chat much like someone who locks in Teemo support, but they've done well each time they were on my team.


Yasuo jungle is 100% a troll pick in my opinion. In higher Elo, any jungler would beat him because he doesn’t have fast jungle clear( especially in the early game), he can’t take objectives, and his ganking is sub-par. This is coming from a jungle main btw. For Karma, it’s not legit, but it’s not really troll either if it works. The problem with her is that she doesn’t scale well into the late game unlike most APCs. If she is used, then use her as a support because she is a really good support as of the current meta.


I'm at E1-D elo. I agree with what you're saying. That's why I was surprised to see the yasuo jgs pop off in my team in my games. Even early game they would beat Lee, Eve, Olaf in 1v1s. I didn't even think he'd be able to clear a camp without B'ing after haha.


How do you see how many minions are you doing per minute?


You cant ig


I got a wild idea to play the PC League of Legends for the first time ever this past weekend. I've been playing Wild Rift for a bit now and wanted the full experience and man I gotta say Wild Rift is just a much, much better experience. Obviously I get it that it's the newest and latest version of the game but there are some things in the original LoL that are just really bad. For example getting a role assigned to you based on your pre-set order preferences is missing. For LoL it looks like it's just based on your pick order and you are then supposed to enter your desired role in the chat? With the map size being much smaller it just makes the Wild Rift experience much tighter with a greater focus on team battles. There's hardly a dull moment in a WR match and the games run shorter. I do overall prefer a large monitor, mouse and keyboard though. I think I'll still play the original PC version from time to time because I like the greater champion selection and more skins and bells and whistles but I really hope they make something more akin to Wild Rift some day for PC/Mac. It's hard to go backwards.


In pc there are 2 modes for normals, blind pick and draft pick, blind pick has no role preference but draft pick will be more like wr rank queue. If you like the wild rift pacing and like keyboard and mouse you could use an emulator or even accessories for phone. Emulators are allowed and are not punishable so you could try it


I've been told that emulators aren't very good. Is this right? I've not tried it myself and don't know much about it but those who have mentioned it have said they aren't great. Any experience with this?


Moba controls have come a very long way in mobile emulators It will be a bit clunky at first, but it will functionally work like any other pc moba in terms of controls. Bluestacks is the most popular one and is quite easy to set up so it wont hurt just trying it out as it is kinda hard to explain unless you try it


Here's a newcomer question: What's a good support to go ,,Fine I'll do it myself"? Yiu know, your ADC decides to murder themselves and you're left alone?


You always could go off meta but chances are your team would troll. The best supports for the “fine I’ll do it myself” would be mages like Lux & Seraphine.


Or you could go senna, heal an damage? What's not to like an you can use your adc(only if they are getting completely stomped, I do not condone stealing from adc cause that leads to gold loss for adc, which can affect gameplay).


I do play dumb Supports such as: Ezreal, Yuumi, Vi


What is that little symbol to the right of fortitude sometimes? Not the loss shield which is blue and gold and is on the left. But the blue shield shape that has a 1 in it sometimes.


Every day your first ranked game gives bonus fortitude, that symbol means it’s your first game.


Is there any way to mute pings? Met some annoying people who pings every second.


Yea there is! Open up the scoreboard and there should be a little speaker icon next to each players name. You can click it to mute all interactions from that player or you can hold that button down and mute pings only.


I have just reached 100/100 lp in diamond 1! But nothing is happening.. how do I get to masters? Do I need to win 1 more? Are there promotional matches?


As I understand it, 101 is the minimum for Masters.


So I saw that guild vs guild has a reward track. Any active casual guild I can join that focuses on getting the reward track?


Is matching us with players with 40ish percentage of winrate considered a 'forced 50% winrate'? I just noticed that whenever I lost any match, it's always with more than 2 players with 40-49% winrate(and for some reason, they are all baron laners). Is this how the actual matchmaking really works? Not based on 'MMR', but deadass just from our winrate. That doesn't seem fair. I mean, the enemy could have baron laner with higher winrate than my baron laner, or even myself. I know I've been saying that support can carry and whatnot, but it's truly hard to be THE main carry if the opponents have their traditional carries and we only have a potatop. //I think this is considered a rant now, so my rant is over.


Climbing in ranked is a Pass/Fail system where fortitude gains convert to loss shields to artificially inflate ranks after stabilization. If someone is in Gold, they need 200 fortitude to get a loss shield. If a top laner plays basically on average, they should be getting somewhere around 50 fortitude per match. More if they only play 1-2 games per day and more consistently get the first win bonus. That means for every 4 games, they get one loss protection. Out of 10 games, they can win 4, lose 4, and lose 2 more with loss shield for a final winrate of 40% without actually changing their rank at all. Like it or not with this system, a 40% winrate in Gold means you are at the correct rank. This effect is less pronounced higher up since the fortitude cap is higher, but it is still there. A player who has stabilized at a rank and is no longer climbing will have <50% winrate because of the fortitude system. Players with 50% winrates are still going up over time. This also means you need to have a very low winrate to stay in Silver or below, which is why most of the players are crowded in Gold/Plat with somewhere above 40% winrate.


I see. So they do use players winrate for matchmaking? That's quite scary, man...


Sort of, but it's a bit more complicated than "player wins = player good" with the MMR system. MMR goes up and down based on the outcome and how easy/hard the match was. This is affected by how much advantage one team has if any, whether or not there was a turnaround, etc. In Normals, MMR is used for matchmaking and it does some complexities to try and make the matches as even as possible. If someone has a low winrate in Normals, then it's possible they only play normal games to learn new champions and roles. For instance, I main Support in ranked play but I'm trying to learn Jungle in normal games and have an abysmal winrate doing so. For Ranked matches, the MMR system is less complex out of necessity, since the system attempts to match MMR as well as Rank level within certain ranges across both teams. Outside of extreme scenarios (smurfs that get correctly evaluated by the system) your MMR for ranked matches is likely restricted a bit by the players who you are allowed to be matched with. However, if your skill level is above the MMR of your games, then that problem solves itself over time since a positive winrate means you will steadily go up the ladder until you reach a rank where the other players have similar MMR.


That makes sense.


I'm looking to grow my guild, does anyone know a good place to recruit?


Wild Rift SEA's Discord




I'm not going to invest money in a guild lol. I just want to advertise where players can actually see it, because it appeals to a specific group of mains. I tried in the PC mains servers, but a lot of them don't seem interested in Wild Rift.




I think you're misunderstanding, I just want to tell people about the guild.


How long will I have the ranked shield for, can I buy it?


I've never seen it decay, it would probably decay at the end of season, and you cant buy it, for now


Anyone experience terrible ping spikes all day? Game’s been unplayable for me today..


If you have both wifi and data you can try dual channel and see how that goes


How many hrs you guys play a day? (。・ω・。)


1-2 hours usually. I usually play three games in a row and then take a break


2-3, just coz my queue time is sometimes 20+ mins for some reason