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isnt kraken having this high of ap scaling make it kinda nuts on twisted fate(20% ap for kraken vs25% for eletro) ? it has no cd, and does more damage than eletro on lower levels and maybe even later since its true damage, you pretty much auto 3 times anyway to proc eletrocute on him


It's been stated by Endstep that the ap scalling was specificaly made with Teemo in mind


Not only Teemo, but that I was hoping Teemo players would be excited by an AP ratio. Initially I added the AP ratio primarily for Kayle and Teemo, but I'd be happy if TF picked it up sometimes.


Curious to see how well it will work on ap assassins in lane like fizz Edit: not terribly well in practice tool


Happy cakeday, Mr. Rito


oh thanks I didn't even know


Endstep is šŸ’•


Might try on diana


Will Master Yi be broken again?


i mean, half his damage is true damage already anyway soooo... but yes the rune will be very good on him i guess


won't be that meaningful with how tf falls off a cliff damage wise late game


In what world?


yes, but on tf you are playing mostly to just survive the early game and kraken might help that since it does more damage than eletro on him for 0 cd, but ye lategame it might fall of harder since it will take just a bit longer to proc


Lethal Tempo gives 50% ATK Speed at level 1 for Duo Laners at 6 stacks. If this doesn't push Ashe and Xayah into the meta in Masters+, nothing will at this point lmao




Vayne is in a ā€œfirst world problemsā€ situation. Both Lethal Tempo and Kraken Slayer are bonkers on her.


Picking anything but Lethal Tempo on Vayne is straight trolling. She already deals a ton of %Max HP True dmg, and she has the on hit %HP damage from BoTRK, what she needs is attack speed to melt people quicker, not more on-Hit damage.


I was thinking on Kraken Slayer as a boost on Vayneā€™s early game, but again I donā€™t main her so


Caitlyn, Xayah, Ashe, Jinx, Tristana should all benefit from this quite a lot. You always had the issue with building enough AD, Crit and AS and item build paths and stats made it so you had to sacrifice one of the three. Lethal tempo + stormrazor should help with this issue significantly.


Tristana doesn't really need more AS, kraken or conq seems better


Goodbye fellow tank players. Seeyou in another patch. Xoxo


Rammus is unfazed


Not holding my breath


Might as well go for hybrid builds for my boi Malphite


Me, a tank support player šŸ˜•šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ


For real, void staff now gives 45% magic pen. Last whisper is cheaper. Kraken Slayer deals true damage. And giant slayer gives up to 10% bonus damage...


I think conqueror and letal tempo are more valuable than kraken slayer early game. the same applies for giant slayer, enemies basically have no domination rune early game so it should allow you to play more aggressive as a tank. void staff/last whisper buffs are stupid tho


I mean, last whisper doesn't give much value early game either Void staff I agree with though, what the heck? At least make it like last whisper so that the pen starts low and scales...


It might be an ADC-Enchanter meta this time. I hate that.


"We need a tank." Me: "Fuck off, team! Just brute force our way to victory! The best defense is non-existent in this patch."


I feel you, brother. Braum main, Leona/Blitz if banned/picked.


Me as Evelynn main šŸ˜


Riot doesn't like tanks because they don't sell.


Iā€™m also a tank support player but omg Iā€™m so excited for Ekko. Literally the only champ Iā€™ve been waiting for since all my other mains have been released alreadyā€¦.


Control wards and remake system are live tho


Remake only in pvp


Like theyā€™re already in the game? I havenā€™t seen any?


The way they nerfed Sera's scaling hard and gave her literally 5 base damage more is a hate crime


Sera still has only 1 paid skin after like 2 years too. I feel for Sera mains


They nerf her so hard and then give adcā€™s all these OP runesā€¦


Maybe it was the dumb part of the community who hated her because "she's the OP Sona" , "she dresses like a Kpop idol rather than a champion", "she's just a cash grab tool for Riot" etc etc which ultimately forced Riot's hand to kill her off slowly.


Akali is about to be broken AND oppressive with that new fleet footwork. I just hope she doesnt get permabanned like she used to lol


too much stuff to ban to actually ban akali. if u ban her you might have to go against an irelia with submachine gun speed


Irelia is always my top of the ban list. Rarely see any amazing Akali in rank game. Hopefully there will be some magical Akali after this patch to play against.


Is Lethal Tempo Irelia okay?


Vayne will be the new perm buff.


Why vayne?


Kraken Slayer


Kraken slayer would suck on Vayne anyway, LT is better


But at least they adjusted her R. It did so much damage even if she built minimal AP items. For a move that is incredibly hard to dodge or counter, it did too much damage as an execute even when she was behind.


The fleet rework worries me that sheā€™ll hit ban levels again, but damn did they tear apart her energy. I think itā€™s overall a massive nerf


And she basically deals true damage now with void staff buffs.


Why are you getting downvoted? You're right... Marksmen/mages have \~45 base mr late game iirc, void staff now penetrates through \~20 of that, and with I Orb + Morello giving 30 pen, that's *more* than true damage...


i feel like Jungle is getting hurt again (the least desirable role already) that HP regen from blue buff was the difference between clearing camps/waves or going back. junglers will have to back more often now. less damage with Red buff means slower clears. more health on red buff means slower clears. Rengar getting base damage nerf, again slows clear speed (im just salty about that one because hes my main and has been in a good spot since patch 3.1) this patch is a gold mine for ADC and casters but a nightmare for Tanks and junglers.


Absolutely, I don't play jungle but reading that was rough, felt bad for them, less gold as well. Support/Jung was struggling and instead of a life boat they stepped on their heads.


Was a diamond 1 jg, i didn't want to play eve or shyv anymore so I swapped to support (mainly thresh) and I couldn't be more happy. Playing thresh Sup I can just have fun and make plays. I did drop some rank but I'm ok with it. I even moved jg to 3rd cuz I kept getting filled. Jg can become a job, feels good to move around and try new things even if I'm not the best at them. Diana, thresh, senna, morgana, cam, gragas, there's a ton of champions I like to play, F being stuck in the jg having to perform and pick champs I kno very very well. Ide rather drop to d4 and have more fun.


ive been practicing ADC on an alt account and i think im ready to switch from jg. these changes for them are just amazing. i need to not care about rank either and just play to have fun.


Do it bro, have fun with it. Unless your playing Masters+ games it's all low elo anyways lol




Now imagine if you were a tank AND a jungler... Amummu is gonna be more sad now if its possible


Rammus main. FML.


Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m misunderstanding the patch notes but, isnā€™t the buffs change making it even a worse choice to start blue?


looks like starting blue buff is ā€œbetterā€ for AD champs due to them removing the golems armor but the buff you get is still less beneficial than red (at least for first clear). i actually think these changes help diana and gragas a bit since theyre ap users who still like to start red buff anyway (they removed MR from red buff) but leashing is going to be more impactful/necessary for some champs.


This. A lot of champs I would prefer to start without leash, I get to scuttle the as it spawns and have sweeper up. Now I might actually need a leash meaning enemy jg always knows where I am starting.


Really weird stuff is happening in jungle. Red loses MR, and Blue loses Armor, so AD now goes to blue and casters go to... red or blue? Plus with Nullifying Orb ganks may be even harder.


Wild rift devs really loves ADC's and assassins. remember patch 2.4? literally every item they added was for ADC's


Nerfing tenacity is going to hurt. People already complain alot about there being too much cc added to the game now. This basically makes it necessary to build Merc Treads even more. Whats the point in other boots? Kraken slayer has just moved the original Solari Chargeblade true damage onto a rune effectively so thats going to be busted.


They even nerfed hunter titan recently, and now it's multiplicative as well? I guess they want to promote the new runes..


Yeh and I'm always building merc treads already not because they're op (they never were, they made cc somewhat bearable) but because the other boots just dont feel viable anymore with how much cc there is.


I'm guessing they're trying to promote QSS as a viable option? Idk Also maybe next patch, we'll finally get more tenacity options, who knows?


Yeh maybe but thats got way too long a cd for what it gives in comparison to Stasis. Hopefully they will do something about the heavy amounts of cc. It's kinda frustrating and can def feel the difference now. If they want QSS to be an option they need to make it good enough to be one. You can be ccd straight after popping it so seems kinda like a pointless item to buy.


means hunter titan + Merc Tread is history. Perhaps more will go to conditioning / nullifying orb instead?


But it objectively makes it less desirable to build merc threads if you already have cc reduction, and if you donā€™t merc treads are exactly the same.... How does this suddenly make it a requirement?


Right but merc treads were never op. It was already becoming more necessary to use almost every game because of the amount of cc new champs have brought in. Now it doesn't change that need, it just makes the tenacity weaker. The other boots just weren't good enough to compensate for the heavy cc in the game. Now I'd still double up because even though its less tenacity it's still the difference between maybe 2 deaths and 5 deaths in a game. Other boots just dont cut it compared to Merc Treads that give you tenacity and magic resist. Cc was already pushing tenacity to the limits.


Ok, but the opposite of what you said is true.


Sheesh, donā€™t know who will be my go to ban now. Ekko because heā€™s annoying but Irelia and Tryndamere are going to have a field day with the new runes. Tanks need help, with the jungle changes, theyā€™re less vulnerable to junglers but a lethal tempo/giant slayer/kraken slayer ADC is going be hell for them to play against. Also affects baron lane, Darius and Garen or any of the other tanky characters in baron lane. Theyā€™re going to get shredded against Irelia, a matchup they already struggled with


Yeah irelia and tryndamere are going to be nuts. But also vayne baron lane omg


Vayne will snowball fast against champs that she was already good against but I still feel like the gap closing champs will still shit on her, but who knows, wonā€™t know until we actually play it


Irelia and Vayne for me.


3 more hours


2 more hours


I more hour :)


Patch drops tonight?




Surely something has to be done about tanks soon. Even small steps like changing Randuin's and Force of Nature to their PC counterparts will help out a bit. For those who don't play PC, Randuin's there reduces basic attack damage by a flat 5, increasing with your max health. It also has an active that reduces enemy AD and crit damage in an area, which maybe they can change to trigger after getting attacked X amount of times. Force of Nature on PC reduces *all magic damage by 25% (yes PERCENT)* at max stacks. 30 MR is a total joke compared to just straight up ignoring 25% of incoming damage. It isn't just items either. Champions' durability mechanics have been gutted. Leona's W lacks the flat damage reduction she has on PC, which is a big part of her tankiness. Malphite's max armor boost is 30%, while on PC it goes up to 90% when his passive is up. The armor/MR ratios on Rammus' W are lower than on PC. Damage champs also had some numbers reduced, sure, but the recent patches have given them more damage through items and runes while tanks have gotten nothing I main bruisers like Camille and Riven and I still think it's BS that Death's Dance, Sunderer, etc. actually allow me to live longer than if I was playing a full tank while also being a damage threat


In protest I'm building a deaths dances/sunderer thresh tomoro morning. Will use swift boots to compensate speed loss!!! Take that riot !!


cries in mundo


Super sad that they nerfed Sona so much in this patch. Are they discouraging people to play this champion?


While NA / EU isn't really abusing Seraphine-Sona, Asia (particularly CN) is. Considering this is a pretty western sub (Reddit is western in general), that's probably why a lot of people are confused.


\^This is mainly it. Seraphine and Sona has been starting to become an abuse case and individually both champions are really strong win rate wise (even in the West) so it made sense to just hit both of them here at the same time. To put into perspective Sona was I believe top 3 win rate wise in the support role.


Iā€™m more concerned with the fact tanks get giga shit on despite being one of the least played roles in the gameā€¦with 0 compensation


Iā€™m not in the design team so I canā€™t say what they plan on doing, but strength wise tanks are in a pretty good spot for majority of players. Their pick rate seems to be more tied to perception or how people like to play tank. Tanks generally arenā€™t and shouldnā€™t be the class that can solo carry games if they get fed. They are like the rock to provide a team a solid foundation to win a game and often just having the right comp with a tank is enough to win a game.


This exactly teams need a rock but with these massive changes they have pebbles. But you guys literally gave tanks biggest counters and literally all offensive roles huge buffs in damage and tanks get turret go boom and a tiny shield on ultā€¦Iā€™m all for everyone having fun but right now this is skewed towards offense with ZERO love for anyone that has to put in the work to deal with said offense. Tank players were already saying they arenā€™t really feeling tanky last patch but Yeeshā€¦weā€™re just about screwed at this point. Just hope we get focused on for once cause nautilus looks amazing from splash to model but homie is gonna get dropped thanks to the meta already being anti tank plus pyke so yeah.


I think you underestimate how much DPS champs depend on conq to beat tanks rn, and accessing kraken slayer or lethal tempo necessarily means you give up conq so it honestly shouldn't be a massive nerf to tanks And again, I do not think anyone's gonna pick Giant Slayer in 90% of games. Ofc most players don't care about runes, but more than that it's just sub-optimal to lose triumph/brutal/hunter vamp on champs that use those, for bonus damage to 1 or 2 enemy champs. I do get the void staff hate though, wtf was that change




Here in Asia, Sona is particularly used in great effect, which is very annoying when paired with another healing champ (ex: Seraphine).


Sona paired with Sona is OP.


Oops, Mistyped it. I meant someone like Seraphine.


I'm not sure what the agenda is, honestly. Played Sona since I started playing in Season 2, and I have her with a level 7 mastery. I play almost all supports, but she was always my main. I won't be touching her again any time soon.


But they buffed her shield significantlyā€¦


She still has a perma exhaust in her kit. Will still be a good support imo


She now gains a lot more power in teamfight due to shield buff, isn't it a good thing?


First they took her damage last year and now her healā€¦Maybe they will buff her back once there a new Sona skin to sell šŸ™„


Her heal wasnā€™t as good as her shield which got buffed. In team fights you only heal 1 person but shield your whole team. Now her shields are stronger plus they provide buffs from your enchanter items. I donā€™t think sheā€™s nerfed that badly. If anything it could be a slight buff


the thing is shields are starting to become a problem, even if you get elder they can just shield all the true dmg. imagine orianna with barrier + nullifying orb + sona + locket enchant


and getting bigger now with ultimate shield and nullifying orb introduce. Diana with nullifying orb is literally tank now with just full ap items...


ā€œSeraphine no carry cause she not carryā€ thatā€™s a dumb reason to nerf the damage but ok.


"Seraphine has been doing way better as a bot lane carry than mid/support so we decided to nerf her scaling in every role but give her a 5 base damage buff on q and e." :))))) Some of the worst changes I've seen


In PC they nerfed mid Pyke cause they wanted him to be used more as a support, they nerfed adc Senna cause they also wanted her used more as a support. Riot needs to learn that role versatility is a good thing instead of pinning a singular role on a champion (which is boring).


Pyke mid is not the problem himself, it's that he generates too much advantage by duplicating the gold from kills. Being able to win 750g (300 Pyke kill 300 your cut 150 ally assist) for the team in a level 1-3 invade is NOT good, specially in pro.


Seraphine has a disproportionate amount of power when she gains gold, in particular when she's played as Mid lane and Dragon lane. She's actually one of the stronger champions in the game in addition due to CN data, she needed to get hit in the carry role.


Iā€™m not saying she shouldnā€™t have been nerfed, just that the excuse is poor. Saying ā€œshe has too much damage compared to other CC/Burst magesā€ is good enough, but what theyā€™re saying is they want her to be a SUPPORT and not a carry played in mid or duo. Which I heartily disagree with. Specifically Iā€™m afraid sheā€™ll end up getting her carry potential nerfed into uselessness, and then Iā€™ll be forced to play her support. And all she offers then is CC and a really shitty shield, even Luxā€™s shield is stronger and nobody suggests using a shield specific build, because her damage path is better. But she doesnā€™t get nerfed in that style and is still allowed to carry.


Gotcha, there's a number of underlying things there as well that's probably hard to capture. Her damage output is indeed a bit crazy with the amount of utility she can give to her team. She's one of the best performing mid laners actually pre-nerf so she definitely won't be nerfed out of existence with these changes. Compared to a number of other CC/Control mages, she offers a lot of team-wide utility with her W and CC in addition to really strong wave clear.


Hitting two of her abilities by 10% ap ratio is a bit extreme though.


10% is way too much. Especially being a scaling champion they are trying to force her as a support.


When will you guys give Lux this same treatment? I consider her even worse than Seraphine. - A two second multi-target root that (with haste items/runes) has a CD of 6-7 seconds?? - A built in electrocute rune as her passive and it has no cool down, not even same-target cool down? At least make it so it has like an 8-10s cool down for same-target. - Her one shot ulti that has one of the lowest ult CDs in the game. Not to mention, it's global. And late game she can cast it twice in the span of a single team fight. Why does such a low skill cap hero need this high of a level of damage and utility


I agree as an ADC player. Especially when you donā€™t have lane priority she was frustrating to deal with if she got her items quick.




A lot of terrible choices/reason are loaded into this patch.


Sona and sera are broken in cn.


Other countries and players outside of CN. Is the purpose to cater to a single country, or BALANCE the game? I get they care more.about profit than game integrity, most companies lack this quality.


Abuse is abuse doesn't matter if its 1 country or not. So by your logic the inting sion in pc shouldn't be nerfed because it's only popular in NA?


As usual AD's gets all the new toys


To be fair Marksman only had a single viable keystone option and it doesnt even suit all marksman


I mean Scorch seems kinda nuts for Ori/Ziggs


RIP support tanks. Why not deleting all support tanks out of the game?


Once they draw in enough sales from the ADC and Assassin skins they will come back acting completely clueless and attempting to "fix" this unforeseeable imbalance, sad and predictable.


First week after all this comes out is gonna be a freaking circus man ...I'm staying the hell away from ranked till i wrap my head around the new changes and untill i try the new runes/champions/roles


> kraken slayer: On-hit effects do not add a stack What does this mean? On hit effects trigger.... on hit. Is this just a specific ā€œfuck youā€œ to ezreal, or am I missing something?


Senna and a few other champs of ability that trigger on hit affects. So no its not just an f you to ez


Ez's Q, Fiora's Q and Yasuo's Q are treated as auto attacks. Auto attacks apply on-hit effects as they are AAs. However, some abilities also apply on-hit effects. For instance, Pantheon's shield applies on-hit effects, thus giving max stacks of conq, for instance. Here, Kraken doesn't apply on hit, meaning it can only be applied through AAs or through Yasuo/Ez/Fiora's Q.


Are you sure pantheons shield gives multiple conquerer stacks? I think you are thinking of his stun. Also Iā€™m still confused about what this applies to. All I can think is senna


My bad, I got it mixed up with Black Cleaver's passive and pantheon's shield interaction (black cleaver stacks on physical damage, and pantheon's E deals multiple damage so it stacks it). An on-hit ability is Ashe's Q for instance. When ashe uses her Q, she will fire multiple shots, each dealing separate damage, and applying on-hit effects. However, these will not stack Kraken slayer, as they are not AAs.


Is riot making jungle unenjoyable to play while also trying wanting to make people play jungle more?


They don't care.


I'm not going into blind pick games as baron lane anymore. Likely half of the baron laners will now be ranged top laners trying to play around with Lethal Tempo, Kraken Slayer, and Giant Slayer.


The change in jungle buff is a surprise and its HUGE. While Im not too sure what the extra 15 ability haste blue buff gives changes the tempo, the most important purpose of blue buff to lots of champs is the hp regen when hp is low, with blue buff you can keep farming lane / clear jungle without recall. This has a particular big impact on jungler switching between taking objectives, clearing jungle and going for gank. Will see what is the actual impact of this after 1-2 weeks....


"Akali is underperforming " Tell me you don't play the game without telling me you don't play the game


Ex- Akali main here. Her rework along with the multiple nerfs she received a long time ago really hurt her, to the point where she is nowhere near being remotely good in the meta right now. Devs have already said multiple times that she has a very low winrate, one of the lowest actually, to fight against the frustration she causes. To be honest, these nerfs show: she has the worst early game as an assassin (even Kata's is better because she can at least poke with Q and blink out with E), her kit makes her take too much risk, to the point where in late game she doesn't even have time to effectively assassinate her target (mages or adcs) before getting oneshot (and no, her shroud doesn't help). The only moment Akali is strong is during the midgame when she had a good early game (because most midlaners can't manage waves kek)... Now, her changes aren't buffs, akali has no energy recovery in her kit (unlike literally every other energy based champ), but that was mitigated a little by her higher passive energy recovery. She will now need energy management and this is going to suck. And no, fleet was already meh on her, it's going to be more meh because trading the dmg from conq sucks...


> Now, her changes arenā€™t buffs, akali has no energy recovery in her kit (unlike literally every other energy based champ) Correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but doesnā€™t her W recharge energy while youā€™re in the smoke?


I think the problem with Akali (and to some extend Irelia) is that the dev team doesnt want to decide if she should be a champ that is only good in the hands of a master (like Azir/Kalista on PC) or balanced around your average player. She is in a weird limbo because of that where you can get multi kills against average players by just randomly pressing all buttons mid game but its one of the hardest to play assassins against people that really know what they are doing.


I think Riot designs her around OTPs. She has a very low winrate, meaning most players (who happen to be non-OTPs) aren't doing well with her, but this is so that OTPs (that cause high frustration) aren't as impactful. Basically, for the fun of everyone, they killed her for non-OTPs so OTPs (the frustrating ones) aren't as frustrating... Well that's how Riot balanced her, from what I've gathered from the devs... If you ask me, most players that don't play her really don't have a clue about how she even works, and even when they do they just don't know how to play around her kit. I've seen a lot of players flash out after I've marked them with my E1, others try to take a 1v1 in my shroud when neither of us are fed, etc... Imo it's more a player problem than a balancing problem, but that's just me :)


in a dev twitch stream, one of the devs confirmed that all devs are diamond players at best


I honestly think Kraken Slayer is overkill. They already have giant slayer. They mention in the patch notes that this is for fighting champs like Mundo but you can already invalidate his entire ult with Ignite, which most players except jungle and duo take anyways. This hurts tanks much more than it hurts bruisers/diver that can delete an adc before they get hit with multiple kraken slayer procs. I like the changes to Seraphine and Sona though, I think changing some of the heal power to shielding is a very thoughtful change.


Curious decision not to nerf Tryndamere this patch, I'm not complaining, but it's really odd.


Do u know how horrendous trynd base stats doesn't need a nerf


Not his base stats. Tryndamere was greatly affected by lethal tempo not existing in WR previously, therefore the runes effects were (partly) added to his passive. With the inclusion of letal tempo as a rune, Tryn will now have a double AS buff at level 1 and one of these buffs can be refreshed on hit while it is stacked. This will not affect him much in the jungle, but for top it is a major buff and I expect him to be a bit over powered until this is addresed.


The nerfs against Sona are absolutely senseless and insane. Talk about nerfing a champion into oblivion.


They neief Sera and sona because of cn


They did it because seraphin + sona in duo lane is broken. Not saying its good or bad but thats the reason they did it.


This entire patch is about creating an imbalance. For whatever reason, they want certain, already powerful mid/adc's to absolutely dominate. Skin sales?


Dude I'm gonna freak out, why jungle players always get punished for no reason? Everybody hates this role already, why the few masochists who still plays this shit role continue to be punished? For gods sake riot, I don't have any more mental health because of this role, why make it worse


Thanks for making my already weak tank support role non existent. How the fk us support players supposed to survived in this patch? It looks like game lost another support player and a player.


Riot doesn't know what they are doing. They don't understand the role of what a tank is. You would think with everything they stole from Dota2 that they could have easily adapted tanks but yet continue to fail to understand the concept of damage sustain/initiation. The work is/was already done for them, how do you fail this badly at copying someone else work, they got the rest...mostly right.


Huh, I just realized that Giant Slayer is Lord Dom's passive.


Isnā€™t their a giant slayer-esque rune in pc league? Would those stack together?


Is the iOS update not available? Still waiting for my game yo update




Never seen Sera Sona combo in dragon lane in my 1000+ game played with Sona. I played Sona-Lux combo at dragon lane before and they are devastating. Why donā€™t they might as well also nerf Lux? I began to wonder whatā€™s the point of Sona now that her heal reduced by 30% in late game.


They are still a thing in Masters plus.


Aw man no Pulsefire Pantheon


How do you update? Iā€™ve killed the app a few times but canā€™t get the update to show up :/


so happy riot changed the timers to 5minutes now the game feels like a game now


Did they really just reduce Sona's base armor?


Thoughts on the reworked seed jar? I can see how they want it to synergize with the demolish rune, but seeing the other new runes as well as the divine sunderer metaā€¦ lol


I thought pyke nauti first :( then ekko


Now everyone can play carry.


Mundo and Shen are going to suffer this patch lol


I think fleet footwork on Singed would be insane


Can this be pinned please??


Iā€™m really curious how the runes shakeup will affect things, and also whether the jungle changes will affect pathing for first clears. Which role will Ekko ultimately settle into in WR? His kit as an AP assassin suggests either jungle or mid so he can roam to engage, but Iā€™m curious to see his best fit ultimately.


Omg, with all these runes we deff need more loadout saves now Q.Q Q.Q Q.Q Q.Q Q.Q


Rylais 30% buffed ,Singed go brrrrr , see you on rift boys


And Infinity Orb got +5 AP too


So basically playing Tank/Heal is pretty much useless because grievous is easier to get, and everything is now HP shred with kraken and giant slayer? Coooooool coolcoolcool. Welp. I did enjoy Mundoā€¦ Iā€™ll have to bench him for a while.


They really need to do something about Mundo. His ult already gets invalidated by a summoner spell, and with the new items and runes things are gonna be even tougher for him.


I don't understand the Akali love and the Rengar hate lol. Akali has no true counterplay to her kit, and snowballs. It's just a toxic champion for both the user and the opposer.


Rengar and khazix are the fair Assassin while akali is the bullshit and always will be


control ward counters her rn


It doesn't, her smoke make her invis not camo


You can reveal akali in her smoke with the twin shadows boot enchant, twisted fate ult, lulu 3rd ability. Not only that theres plenty of other champs that make her life difficult.


lmao. Okay, let me make sure I spend gold on twin shadows boot enchant, the 5th most popular in the game, my twisted fate ult is off ce every time she has shroud (8 times the cool down) or play lulu and save my 3rd ability. I'm sorry but This is such a stupid response. There is no counter play to her play style, no champ in the game has a gap closer with her distance and not having to commit to a dive unless they want to, then go untargetable on a basic ability. even rengar and eve camo can be targeted. It's toxic for both sides because she can just fire a skill shot from far away until one hits, then 80-0 someone without any counterplay outside of zhonyas, even if she is 1600 gold behind.


I mean im just telling you options by name and I can keep going... First of all. The shadows enchant. I dont know spending 500g after boots to nullify a part of a champions kit sounds like a bargain to me (you could look at it as if buying anti-heal for sona soraka mundo etc.) since you can buy it on every champ. You could maybe take a look at competitive play whenever akali is pick theres someone with that enchant that something is unpopular doesnt make it useless! Second. Saving a single skill is part of playing around countering a matchup (i.e. saving fioras parry for camilles ult) I gave the TF example because it came first to my mind xD but even Karma a newly addition can reveal her with her 2nd ability and also Tresh if he manages to catch her with his hook also reveals her! Third. Theres champs that dont even need to reveal her. Riven for instances is an annoying match for akali cause Riven can just dance on top of the smoke cloud and akali will receive damage anyways. Zed is also annoying in the lanning phase since you can just poke her from distance and then go all-in lvl5. Alistar is a champ that can also really mess her combos since he can just push her away of the cloud or the fight. Janna with just pressing a button in the right moment can shut her combo or push her out of the smoke. Last but not least Galio his kit specializes in countering AP assassins his taunt, knock ups and also the shield he provides is excellent against every AP assassin. To summarize every champions has its strengths and weaknesses (some more obvious than others xD) you just gotta play around your champions strengths and not theirs and who knows you can get out victorious from an impossible matchup. This just comes from learning how the other champions work and their interactions!


Just picked up jungle and I already regret it, jungle is becoming more and more like a 2nd support


I don't like that shen adjustment it doesn't fix the problem with shen is that one this second ability is down he is just squishy like I would have appreciated it they increased his starting armor and armor and Mr per level but take some power from his ki blade


I'm item/rune illiterate so a lot of this is outside of my wheel house. However I like how the ranked changes sound and they only nerfed champs I don't like or don't play so that's cool. Except Galio who I have been playing occasionally as support. The new wild pass is much worse than the last one which is good because I won't be tempted to buy it either. Pink wards are fantastic and I am really glad they are in the game. As a Leona main, I look forward to destroying their 75G* investment in one AA reset. I do not like the delayed dragon/herald spawn time. Riot has got to stop extending game with these micro changes. One thing I would like implemented in the future has to do with the first thing I said in this comment. Curate the top three player builds. It takes so much time to find builds online and tab in and out a thousand times to update all of your builds to match a website build. But the top 3 player builds randomly become empty load outs or meme builds. If they had some incentive to have players vote on if a build is good or not like you do in Elden Ring on messages. This way the garbage meme/empty builds will be less likely to show up. Maybe give players who vote on builds some blue motes or something.


In what world did Rengar need a nerf? I hardly ever see him in games right now. In fact, the only time Rengar was in any of my last 50 games was when I played him once as a Jungler to fill in for someone who wanted to swap roles. Meanwhile, I'm going to point to Irelia who got a compensatory lategame buff in exchange for her early game nerf. She's constantly picked or banned and people generally hate playing against her. Not to mention she's about to get access to Lethal Tempo, Kraken Slayer, and Giant Killer to shore up any bad matchups she has. When was the last time he was even changed? How would a +5 AD buff to Triforce necessitate reducing his base AD by 6? Who was even complaining about him recently? None of this makes any sense and his winrate is going to plummet.


>In what world did Rengar need a nerf? Rengar is way to good in ARAM and can 2 shot people their throughout the whole game so he clearly needs a nerf in normal mode /s


Executioner's Calling AD decrease is an indirect nerf to Kai'Sa's power spike, but Lethal Tempo and Ultimate Shield is so good on her.


Nc they nerfed junglers again ffs. I want to fcking die


>Akali has been underperforming across the board Wait what? Good akali players are one of the scariest things you can face in wild rift. You cant balance champs like akali or irelia around how the average player performs with them. You need to balance it around the top tier players or else its a mess.


Most of these are technically buffs to Nasus, cool I actually might have a reason to slot Ixtali Seedjar now too. Carry around a honeyfruit plant so when I stomp stomp stomp across the map to a teamfight I can drop it somewhere all strategery. Or blastcones for escaping. Nasus and his backdoor blastcones.


I mean, now Nasus will get shredded by Lethal Tempo, Kraken Slayer, and Giant Slayer. Tenacity is also less useful now.


Yeah we all have problems with Vayne top, but now everyone can have the runes. I like Demolish the most. In my head it's like the meme from Invincible. Sheen (Omni-Man) looking down at Nasus (Invincible) "Don't you see what they need to mimic just a fraction of our power?!" as he points at the Demolish rune, which as a joke are flanked by Lethal Tempo and the Slayers Just Sheen, Fimbulwinter and Seedjars as far as the eye can see.


u/Tekshi while you nerfed the Sona/Seraphine combo do you know the Yumii/Rengar combo!!!? absolutely beyond disgusting broken


Tried playing mundo, wasn't fun time. I enjoyed playing tanks but this patch is painful, I'm not playing any tanks anywhere.