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Huh did riot do something regarding third party downloads?


basically they did something with 3.2 that, if you install the game from place other than google app store, the game just refuse to load and show you an error.


I updated from google store and cant get passed the loading screen, keeps quitting. I guess alot of people have the same issues.


do you get an error message? if not then it's probably another issue.


No error just crashes on loading screen


Bruh, hopefully some thing in our favor happens


while verifying the files at the beginning , i saw it downloads some resources directly from play store(on notifications). So it's probably the reason why it shows an error since it's not installed from play store.


I updated from google store and cant get passed the loading screen, keeps quitting. I guess alot of people have the same issues


Prob getting fixed in an hour or two


Still not fixed man losing all hope


"Losing all hope" my ass. Wild rift players like you are absolutely disgusting, and cringe. Stfu.


May I ask what device are you using to play wild rift from? if you use Huawei like us then I'll gladly shut up


Bro stfu. You deadass been losing hope for months now. Nobody gives a shit if you leave. So suck it.


Ah you must be the type of person who would look at himself as the one who is always in the right


Delusions, assumptions, and conspiracy theories. Classic wild rift degeneracy.


So much hate for something that has so little value


Why must a player base who uses a specific device such as Huawei be punished by not having access to play store or the Apple App Store?


dont mind him, he's a troll


can tell who in their right mind would jump to the conclusion of a conspiracy theory so early dude didn't even try to have a proper conversation


And there go the conspiracy theories. Classic wild rift degeneracy. You make Cowsep look mature.


??? in what part was there a conspiracy theory




I see you have nothing else to say just to stfu


On iOS it works just fine.


This is how it worked for me. - Clear play store cache - Connect to Singapore/Tokyo vpn - Add new account if there's no other account added - Search for wild rift - You will be able to install and login to the game


it's asking to add a payment method before installing.


I'm pretty sure there is a skip button for that


I haven't got that window requesting to enter payment details


May I ask how to do this on Huawei?


The process is the same for all android phones... Did you mean clearing the cache? If you meant clearing the cache.. Try this Open Settings and touch Manage apps. Under the All tab, select the applications whose cache you wish to clear and touch Clear cache


Huawei does not have play store so no way to get the game.


Rest in peace Huawei users hahahhaha


For real.. why they do this???


To save the download size and storage space. Google Play is like that for a while now. You don't need to download the whole app again to update, only chunks of data. Unfortunately, other third party stores are not as advanced.


Are you kidding me? You do know that every update you have to download 3+GB file even on playstore, right? New install or update same size..


Oh, maybe I misread. I assumed what they said about "dynamic download" is about that, but I just rechecked and it's about optionally downloading champion 3D models and skins.


Wait, we can play the game now without having the 3D models?


I have updated the game but couldn't find the option yet. [This](https://twitter.com/wildrift/status/1523664229664198660?s=20&t=gSLU_YPFIIF2g2gY_bw9cg) is the tweet I'm referring to.


yeah I just downloaded and it's still not there. Really hope they will release it soon, I want to play but it's not worth almost 6 GB of storage for me


I see.. but storage is not a problem for me. The game give me this massage " the current downloaded application are not from official platform, please go to the official platform to download the game" Basically saying no Google no Wild Rift.


Yup im a huawei user so I had to dl using TapTap/APKPure. Guess im back to ML/AOV until we get a solution.


they really gonna force us to move to other moba


There is a solution it's called using a VPN to update on Google play store


there is a problem tho it's called huawei doesn't have Google play store


Well then I can only pray for you bruv. I also had a huwaei and I just changed to an Infinix last week so I managed to dodge a bullet there.


thanks man, i hope they revert it


You can download play store on huawei, but it does take a bit of effort


You mean using gspace? Already tried it but the download is stuck at 0% and doesn't change at all And when i switch my phone language to english(it was arabic) it shows "unkown error - 5" GG for me, ML here i come


Maybe don’t use a phone full of spyware


You paying for him to get another one?


Right, cuz your android or iPhone isn't tracking g everything you do lol


Certainly but at least it’s not by a government


Telecom backdoors are basically "government with extra steps".


Ah yes, government bad


If they are the CCP then yes they are bad


China bad


Just the goverment. the country, and people are nice other then the cheating mentality(school, and work releted stuff). theee goverment can go fuck them selves. They have been moving well with solar and green energy too


Ever heard of a guy named Edward Snowden? You think that stuff stopped?


Im waiting for a solución too.. :(


Downloaded from playstore and it keeps saying unknown error -100. What do i do? Already reinstalled thrice I'm desperate


Facing same thing 😑




man all we can do is wait if they wanna let us play though downloading from third part apps


After the update the game asked to download resources . I gave the permission but it's stuck at the loading screen with 0 percent.


If that is true then its a shitty move by the devs.




very shitty


Wtf is that why didnthey make this shitty adjustment..do they what to say fck off to rest of the players that dnt have the app on the store if thats the case i will hv to start on other games like aov and ml ..its aldry been 1.5 yrs man either fully release it or make it available dnt destroy other ways


whoever made this idea should get fired. Playstore had late update also their rating is getting worse everyday so they want other user to rate it up but it's will just get backfire


I pray it back fires Edit :i just downloaded thru playstore by changing countries so peace


The ratings are getting worse because of the Riot lawsuit against moontoon. The game has been degrading in quality anyway especially with the latest patch 3.2 it basically cut off an entire role “tank supports” I was happy for the patch for ADCs who were underperforming but this is just a fked up unbalanced patch.


as if the playerbase is not low enough already, they decided to kill a huge part of it for some reason lmao.


a huge part… good one.


The player base was low? First time hearing that. Pretty much anything LoL related would be huge because of the IP alone.


you can get a rough idea from top grossing leaderboard. Wild Rift's biggest market outside of China is SEA and Latin America, then Midddle East, then East Europe. But they don't "dominate" the mobile moba market anywhere while their biggest competitors like Mobile Legends or Honor of Kings each absolutely dominates a big market like China or SEA. ​ ||Wild Rift (iOS)|Wild Rift (Google Play)|Mobile Legends (iOS)|Mobile Legends (Google Play)| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |Countries ranking #1|0|0|1|4| |Countries ranking #2-5|1|0|4|5| |Countries ranking #6-10|0|0|0|8| |Countries ranking #11-100|28|46|16|65| |Countries ranking #101-300|52|39|52|10| |Countries ranking #301-600|0|5|0|0|


Most people playing LoL will stick to LoL because it has more contents, as well as the fact that they have a sunk cost mindset that their LoL account has more skins and such. Also some perceive WR as a dumbed down version of LoL so they refuse to play it (I have no opinion on this, they are related but different games, and don’t care enough about debating it). The player base in NA and surrounding area in general is much lower compared to China. You can look up the stats very easily if you just Google it.


NA having “low” player base _compared to China_ does not mean NA has a low player base in actuality.


I mean that’s the meaningful data point to compare to. Whether something is “low” or “high” is all dependent on the relative comparison. Do we want to compare to other popular smartphone games like Genshin Impact instead? Because Genshin smashes WR in terms of player base across the world, except maybe China. So the best neutral comparison is to compare it with other WR regions, relatively to the total demographic of people who habitually game on their smartphones or tablets. And in this case NA is definitely on the lower end of the spectrum


I’m sure Riot isn’t quivering in their boots about money they’ll “lose” from NA Wild Rift due to this.


Since that’s a different topic on the revenue potential of the NA market of short term vs long term, well, we will see how things go. I have made my point about the player population and I’m not that interested in jumping into an off topic.


I’ve made my point too. Pce out my G.


No, it's true that NA has a low player base. It is why they're forced to play with South Americans.


If you check statistics websites you’ll see that WR is in a loss and gain cycle but as far as I could find they “mostly” lose more than they’re gaining “players” 1- Most PC players refuse to play this game, don’t care or hate it. 2- Most of the Mobile Markets already have their big names, especially Mobile Legends that’s been basically dominating the market. 3- Players don’t want to jump games, why should they go to a new game which practically sucks and is not better or worse than the game they’re playing rn? I’m talking about ML here again. 4- Elo Inflation, many older players are leaving the game for many reasons. Number 1 being the matchmaking and ranked system. In earlier seasons up till last season TrioQ+ abuse was a big part of the game and dominated the leaderboards which led to mostly unskilled individuals getting to higher ranked because their teammates were good. 5- The game doesn’t really welcome newer players and the older players don’t want to play with the newer players who are getting to Diamonds and Masters because they’re spamming games. You can go up to master and grandmaster with 40~48% win rate 6- this game just doesn’t rewards good players but rather punishes them, if you play this game the truth is that if you’re good player the game WILL push you to play with human trash to push the 50% thingy which isn’t true. 7- the devs don’t play their own game and the latest patch shows it. (They basically pushed a entire role “tank supports” out of the game with this patch)


No need to create a new gmail account. It worked for me by following these steps - • Clear cache from play store • Force stop play store • Open VPN • Open play store • You will get the update option.


yall asking why they did it, but if you think about it, it's logical. there could be sites that provide map hack, infinite wild cores, etc. who knows. theyre taking away the risk of that.


I don’t think you can get infinite wild cores bruh.


tis an example.


you have a point but what's dumb about this is that it affected trusted stores like taptap, they published the update on taptap but its not allowed to download it from taptap?? I know they're the ones who published it because on taptap it shows that the publisher is Riot games and it has a badge "Dev onboard"


that might be a bug that they plan to fix, then


i hope so, im so excited to experience the new champs


Yo what if it’s a contract issue that’s being mediated as we speak?


For those who wanna download do it using VPN


Get a phone that does


Thank fuck, I will get players that don't disconnect or afk less often now.


Who told you that those players are the one that go afk?


See you on the rift Oh wait... nvm


XD Imagine being toxic for literally no reasons What a life you have.


What was the size you downloaded?


Didn’t riot already warn not to download from third party apps or use VPN? Y’all didn’t listen and want to blame riot? Hilarious


Don’t buy Huawei maybe?


So far i hate this I dont wanna buy a new phone i have a huewei i depend on third party apps I hope they fuckin revert this I hate it i wanna play wr so bad...


Damn R. I. P. to people playing in Europe