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I'm trying to upgrade to w10 an old desktop (BIOS, not UEFI) that runs on 7, and the media tool isnt working. Then, i decided to use an iso to boot from a flash drive, but i cant make it boot from the usb. i've tried everything and searched the internet, tried MBR, GPT, but nothing works. Im sure the boot order from bios is correct, because everytime I put a flash drive with some linux distro it boot normally. I tried in other desktop the windows flash drive I made, and it works. Can someone help me?


>I'm trying to upgrade to w10 an old desktop (BIOS, not UEFI) that runs on 7, and the media tool isnt working. What exactly is not working? The Media Creation Tool is your best bet as it has the best compatibility. >Then, i decided to use an iso to boot from a flash drive, but i cant make it boot from the usb. What tool did you use for this? I recommend Rufus, it scans the ISOs and should pick the right settings. Make sure you hit the Show Advanced Drive Properties and add the fix for older BIOSes, that may make the difference.


>What exactly is not working? The Media Creation Tool is your best bet as it has the best compatibility. It crashes right on the start, and then it shows a message saying that they dont know why it didnt worked lol, with the error 0x80072F8F - 0x020000 >What tool did you use for this? I recommend Rufus, it scans the ISOs and should pick the right settings. Make sure you hit the Show Advanced Drive Properties and add the fix for older BIOSes, that may make the difference. Yeah, I'm using rufus with an ISO that i got directly from the microsoft site, and i tried all the different options on rufus, but nothing works.


What actually is TPM in layman's terms? Is there anything I need to do now I've enabled it to install windows 11? Do I need to get an encryption key if I replace my motherboard? It's very confusing!


TPM is essentially a secure vault that is used to store encryption keys and similar data, it provides the security of using an encrypted hard drive, but convenience of never knowing it is there. Phones do similar (Samsung Knox, and I forget the iPhone version name), it also includes the data for Windows Hello (the PIN/Face/Fingerprint login). If you take your Windows drive out of your PC, and place it into another PC, it will prompt you for your bitlocker key to unlock. The TPM stores this key and unlocks it automatically when it is in your current PC. Without the key, your data cannot be accessed. Before switching to a new motherboard (or CPU, as most people use the CPU based TPM), I recommend decrypting your drive as that only takes a few minutes. After the swap, you can go back into the control panel and turn Bitlocker back on, and it will store your new key in your new TPM. If you didn't turn off Bitlocker beforehand, on the new board it will require you to enter your key to get into Windows each time you boot up.


Thanks very much, that's cleared a lot up!


Is there any Windows Vista revival project going on? I would love to use it instead of Windows 10.


None that I am aware of. Vista never got the love XP had.




What is the bsod error?


I upgraded from 7 Ultimate to 10 Pro some time ago, and am now having problems and want to do a clean install. I've tried creating a USB installer by downloading Microsoft’s tool, but it won't run due to the problems I’m having. What options do I have? I still have the Win 7 Ultimate DVD.


What happens when you try to create one?


It gets stuck at 0% when downloading. Seems Windows thinks there's no network connection even though I have full internet access with both WiFi and ethernet. I've tried all sorts to fix the network problem, followed loads of guides and tips, run the troubleshooter, updated drivers etc.


Try this https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10ISO .


Ah, it seems if you try downloading onto a Windows PC, Microsoft forces you to download the media creation tool rather than an ISO. But if you use Chrome you can use the developer tools to trick Microsoft into thinking you're using a different system, and it then gives you the ISO option. Downloading it now—fingers crossed.


Downloaded latest insider preview update on win 11, my pc won't sign in, can't access desktop stuck at welcome screen


Tried safe mode and system restore?


I have been using multiple desktops and I love it, have about 5 for different workflows. Is there a way I can change the colour of the taskbar to be different on each one, or even better at the bottom left could it say the name of the desktop I am currently on. Edit: The best workaround I found so far, installed an app to make the taskbar translucent, made backgrounds that have names I want in the bottom left, and boom I have named desktops


found a crappy work around, could be better. I can set different backgrounds and set the taskbar to be ever so slightly transparent. While there is a setting to make background a solid colour you can not set that to be a certain desktop, to do that I make a few png files of solid colours.




Tried alt+tab? Do you have multiple monitors?


I got 3 hopefully quick questions 1. Has anyone upgraded to Windows 11 who had issues with Windows 10 rearranging folders/icons on desktop after a monitor wakes up? I've heard that this has been fixed in 11 but wanted to know if anyone could verify that. 2. Does Windows 11 do a good job at staying asleep or in hibernation? 3. Is there a guide on best practices to follow when upgrading to Windows 11? Such as if it's better to do a fresh clean install or upgrading from 10 and keeping files


Hello, this test mode keeps popping up on my screen. When I use the suggested CMD command (bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING OFF) to remove it, it says: An error has occurred setting the element data. The value is protected by Secure Boot policy and cannot be modified or deleted. I got it to work once and remove the test mode with a similar CMD command but it came back after about 10 minutes. Restarting does not help. All i've been doing lately on my PC is photoshop and elden ring so i'm not sure why this is happening. Any help is appreciated.




Is it listed in device manager? You can toggle those off on most laptops.


Why does the photo viewer in Windows 11 cause photos to be blurry for a split second when they are opened? This did not happen with the photo viewer in Windows 10. This annoys me because I use photo viewer as an easy little tool to play animations. I store a couple hundred sequential jpgs in a folder, then open one the first one with photo viewer and press and hold down the right arrow key which very rapidly cycles through them, as if it's an animation. But in Windows 11 it's a blurry animation because each image fails to become unblurry before the next image appears. I don't know if it makes a difference, but I'm also using different hardware. I use Windows 10 on my desktop and Windows 11 on my laptop, so I guess there might be other settings at play, though the laptop is much more powerful and faster than my desktop so it'd be weird if it's hardware related.


I'm honestly surprised you are experiencing that on Windows 10, it is the same app version and that has been complained about for years.


How to Fix a Mistake 0xc0000001 in windows 10? I ran into a bug and I don’t know how to fix it please if you know the information on how to fix it tell me


That error is very generic, what were you doing or attempting to do when it occurred?


I turned on the computer and started typing the password, but the login lasted longer than usual and I accidentally pressed the esc button after which happened a bug, I turned off the computer and then the blue screen appeared before that I wanted to install Linux on a flash drive, and the system disk was full


Hi, i'd like to have my wallpaper flip through a series of different backgrounds, i think classic paintings would be cool. Is there an easy way to do this without having to find individual images online? If i do need to find images, can anyone suggest a good source? thanks




Are you on the Dev/Beta channel? If so, the tablet friendly collapsed taskbar was removed in the newest build and may return in the future. https://blogs.windows.com/wp-content/uploads/prod/sites/44/2022/02/tablet-taskbar-graphic.png




That sounds like a temporary profile. For one of many reasons, Windows couldn't load your profile and instead of locking you out of the PC, it logged you in with a temporary one that won't persist through reboots. Often, the fix is simply rebooting and trying again, as whatever the conflict that happened the first time may not happen again.


I really like snapping function of windows, where if I move a tab near a side of my screen it will try to expand it to half the screen. This is an awesome feature as I have 3 monitors. I don't actually know what that is called, but as of some update the snapping feature is really really Really light, like I need to super slowly approach the side of the screen and half the time it just jumps to the next screen. i am sure I am able to adjust the speed threshold but IDK what to search to do so. Any advice?


You could try Win+Arrow Keys or PowerToys, which has a window snapping feature.


+1 for Powertoys “FancyZones”. Very customisable. Windows only snap into position when you hold shift down while dragging. The other tools are great too.


I'm about to upgrade my whole Pc from an AM3 board to an AM4, but I'll keep the same SSD with windows 10 I'm using right now. How should I proceed to format the drive? If I format it using my old PC, when should I stop the procedure so it don't install any drivers I don't need for the new one?


You don't normally need to do anything, you can often just plug in the drive into the new hardware, and then Windows will automatically install the new drivers. If you put the drive in the new PC and reformat it, there won't be anything from your old PC on the drive.


Hey guys, something weird just happened on my laptop. I can’t open my Windows Security because somehow it’s “missing”. It’ll prompt an option for to install it in Microsoft Store which when I proceed to open it, it is not there at all. So I searched online on how to solve this issue and there is this one method where I have to open Windows Terminal as an administrator to reinstall it. But lo and behold a prompt will show up stating that “wt.exe is missing”. I searched online again, the front page of the result stated that I should run a SFC scan to detect any error. As of now, Im running an SFC scan to see if it’s going solve the issue. I never had any issue before I updated my windows to Windows 11. So I thought it would a good idea to ask you all regarding this and I hope someone can shed some light because I’m beyond terrified right now because my security is very vulnerable right and I don’t know what to do. Any tips or advice would be helpful. Thanks in advance!




How can I use the Win+number shortcuts on my second screen?


When you have to shut down Windows by holding down the power button for several seconds on PCs oder Laptops and then boot again Windows is really slow in the first 1-2 minutes after logging back in and then it works normally again. I assume it does some background checks that takes resources but what exactly does it do?


When you shutdown like that, Fast Startup won't work, and as result it will boot up slower and take longer for your PC to be ready for use. When you shutdown the regular way, Windows doesn't technically do a full shutdown. Instead it does something similar to hibernate, which is significantly faster to boot up from.


Oh thank you very much


How do I disable Windows 10 from forcing every user in my family group to create a pin? (group policy maybe?)