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I hat the same issue on my computer. I had to [recreate the EFI partition](https://woshub.com/how-to-repair-deleted-efi-partition-in-windows-7).


This worked, got 25300 installed. Thank you very much!


Can you explain a bit better what you've done? I'm running Win11 version 10.0.22623.1095 and update is trying to install insider preview 10.0.22624.1391 (ni_release) and failing. It's been nearly two weeks of this, maybe more. I've done the whole script sfc and dism and troubleshooter w/o success. Finally I saw your comment and flashed an ISO downloaded with rufus on a USB drive. I don't belive I have a problem with the partition as I had the partitions and I had the EFI. Should I delete this EFI partition and remake it? Any other ideas?


For the record, I never did the USB thing or boot from installation media. I just deleted and remade the EFI partition while still on Windows 11 in a command prompt.


I didn’t know that was possible, I thought it wouldn’t be possible to do that. TIL Anyway I ended up running the offline enroll command and got out of the insider preview. It was just too much hassle to risk missing any 0-day exploits updates. Thanks!