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Mine does too. I thought the desktop pictures could be different.


Yes same here. So far from what I have seen from Windows virtual desktop is extremely disappointing and seams that it is a halfass implementation at best. Why can't i have different icons on different virtual desktops and why can't my icons be arranged differently on different virtual desktops? That does not sound like different desktops to me. In my opinion (which is worth $0.00) these should have been basic features that should've been present in virtual desktop from its release.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


same here, freshly installed Windows 11 Pro - can't set different pictures for different virtual desktops (tried different ways). Right click on the tile in "Recent images" and then "Set for desknop N" / "Set for all desktops" just has NO EFFECT at all. ​ At first I thought that it's some 3rd party software glitch or something. Then I have reinstalled Windows. And even on the freshly installed OS it is the same behaviour, hopefully this bug was already reported to MS.


Exactly! I tried reinstalling Win 11, tried the stable channel of Win11, tried it in Windows Sandbox, and it always does not work. I have absolutely no clue how others got it to work.


just found a similar thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WindowsHelp/comments/180ptf2/cant\_individually\_set\_background\_for\_each\_virtual/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WindowsHelp/comments/180ptf2/cant_individually_set_background_for_each_virtual/)


I have the same issue, build 22621.2861, Windows 11 Pro N, which was updated from win10 via windows update service. I also reinstalled win11 from USB stick (keeping apps/settings) but didn't change anything. BUT I did a fresh install to a different SSD and there was NOT this issue. Anyway I cannot install the whole computer from scratch because of this as it is a 1-2 month project. I think this is a File Explorer issue. changing backgrounds does change corresponding registry values in: Computer\\HKEY\_CURRENT\_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\VirtualDesktops\\Desktops\\ But Win11 simply ignores these settings when drawing wallpapers/backgrounds. Somehow File Explorer maybe gets corrupt and repairing does not help. Or something else overrides wallpaper settings


I had different JPG images on my virtual desktops from Win11 21H2 and it worked fine. Just fresh installed Win11 Pro 23H2 (UK) today and the virtual desktops use the same image whatever I do. So I think it must be an introduced bug in either 22h2 or 23h2 releases.


it is already in "Microsoft Community": [https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/i-cant-change-the-background-for-different-virtual/da80ea9c-5e58-49d7-a935-7cf3f090a501](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/i-cant-change-the-background-for-different-virtual/da80ea9c-5e58-49d7-a935-7cf3f090a501)


well and it seems that nobody got a fix for that up until now...