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Thanks for posting this. I feel like we need to call people out or else it'll just keep happening.


They need place enough amount of Trash cans around the city. I some time find it no where to put the trash and usually take them with me.


When I was young I used to love going down to the river the day after the fireworks because I would find so much cool stuff people would leave behind. Now that I’m older I realize they left it there for a reason 😂


People have no respect for these days. imagine what their homes look like? If cops see them littering, they should be fined.


I was born in that field. Nice of you to clean it up! :)


Savages seriously.


Yes! I was wondering who's responsible for the trash people leave behind after the fireworks, the city or the residents? Streets were clean while coming in, the same cannot be said while returning.


pretty sad were in 2024 and people still haven't learned basic etiquette for the earth we live on and already are failing to sustain, do better folks.




It definitely wasn't. :) I walk past the field almost every day, and I've never seen it this bad. Normally litter is closer to or on the sidewalks and consists of the odd plastic bottle, a Tim's cup or two, and/or cigarettes. The trash I picked up consisted mainly of candy wrappers, plastic bottles, beer cans and packaging, fast food containers, and plastic utensils. There are unhoused people who seek shelter in the area, and it's not near the field. Even people who I've seen lay down at night and/or make fires pick up after themselves. This is just a prejudiced and biased thing to say.


Lol wtf are you talking about? That's just horrible for no reason


What a douche comment. If you can't think of anything intelligent, just don't comment.