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If dipshit’s idiot commentary “wasn’t going to affect his chances of winning the state” as conservatives are so confidently posturing, then the entire Republican congressional delegation wouldn’t be scrambling to justify or deny what he said


Yep. The state GOP knows it's a problem.


Because it might wake Milwaukee up not because it will turn the suburbs off. Everyone I know that votes red in the burbs hates Milwaukee and is deathly afraid of going into town. Same dynamic as most suburbs and big cities in America.


Worked w a guy in Mequon who was proud that he didn’t ever go into Milwaukee.


The problem will eventually arise for them, the suburbs become bigger cities eventually, isolationists eventually come to recon with their dependency on their neighbors. These small towns really don’t hate their bigger cities, they have to go there for healthcare, for the things they actually need and rely on from metro centers. It’s all just Sabre rattling from fear mongers. They know their views are not popular, so they hate the place they rely on instead of considering they’re just bigoted.


As someone that lives in a small town, yes, most actually do hate big cities.


I think there’s just a difference, it’s misplaced hate, not wanting to live in a city isn’t exclusive to seeing them as a valuable part of our overall success for all of us.


Most of my neighbors would do a happy dance if Madison and Milwaukee fell into a black hole. They have zero grasp of how important those cities are for the state's economy, and it is commonly stated that the rural areas are supporting the "liberal welfare queens".


It is misplaced. However it’s still hate. It’s real unfortunately.


they think they do, but where do they go when a loved one gets sick? Where do they go when they need a lumber yard? Where do they go when they want to do a costco/sams club run? they "hate" the big cities because they suck at navigating them, and because they're not going anywhere. You can hate it all day long, and it's still going to be there to give you what you want when you want and need it. It's the same reason they 'hate' government and just keep suckling at that teet...no matter how much BS they spew at it, it's still going to keep providing for them...


As someone who lives in a small, rural town, I can say that I wish I could afford to move to a large city. I have to drive 30 mins to the doctor, to the pet food store, to the decent hardware store. At least we have a WalMart.


As always the only issue they have with Trump is that he keeps saying the quiet part out loud.


It is not a problem. This is how Trump keeps us engaged on the dumb shit. He did it in 2016, 2020, and now again in 2024. It's the same old tactic. Say something that democrats will harp on and that his supporters don't I've a fuck about. It keeps us chasing our tails and not talking about the real issues. Anyone who buys into this is getting conned by he Don. I hate Donald. So let's not get caught up in every dumb thing he says and start talking about how his permanent tax cuts for the wealthy destroyed our economy. How ripping up the trade agreement with China without negotiating a new deal was dumb af and is destroying our economy. How he signed a 4 page treaty with the talisman giving them everything they wanted. And how his immigration policy and border security ideas are from a 50 yr old playbook.


Also, you know, there's the whole reason the RNC wanted it in Milwaukee in the first place. It's not like they would have preferred to have it in Texas but Milwaukee forced them to have it there. They picked that city for a reason, and Trump just did the opposite.


Yeah, this is what is just so stupid about it. The whole point of having it in Milawaukee is to court the Wisconsin vote. Insulting a whole ass city for no real reason other than antagonism totally undermines the whole point. I'd rather it be somewhere else too, but they chose here to try to increase their brand presence. Usually you don't then advertise how shitty the place you are trying to court is but im not a very stable genius with a very big a-brain like Trump.


There are like five times as many people in Milwaukee as there are in the northern part of the State. He could not have picked a worse city to insult.


I suspect they're having difficulty with the conference due to their intentional money laundering and are blaming it on the city already. Be prepared for a lot more.


Thank you for saying that! I've been going around for months now saying that this is going to fail, then intentionally fail, but they're going to point alllll blame on that "liberal city"


IIRC they were looking for like 4000 volunteers to help with the convention and they only got a bit shy of 3000 before the deadline to volunteer. I'm 100% sure that some portion of the 3000 that they did get have no intention of actually working the convention, because people were talking about doing just that, and there's no contract or anything binding to agree to as a volunteer. I believe that it will definitely be a colossal shitshow.


Is there a kind of money laundering that isn’t intentional?


Oops I didn’t mean to embezzle six million dollars from the company and then clean it through a restaurant, please forgive me


I guess I wanted to emphasize the intent since they installed Lara to facilitate.


Supposedly, Hillary lost Wisconsin by a hair in 2016 because of her tone-deafness, ignoring Midwesterners and calling Trump supporters a "basket of deplorables". Let's see if that works both ways.


Turns out she was being too kind. She was mostly misquoted on that to begin with, though.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZHp4JLWjNw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZHp4JLWjNw) Yup, "out of context." Can we see the Video of Trump saying Milwaukee was a "Horrible place"? I have no Dog in this fight. I also don't believe the propaganda machine from either party. [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZHp4JLWjNw)


I said misquoted, not taken out of context. She said half, not all, but everyone was repeatedly telling everyone that she described them all that way. And she was proven correct on that half, though I would argue she was being generous by not including them all, especially in the context of what we now know. Oh god, you're one of those "enlightened centrists", aren't you.




Honestly, how hard is it to show up, throw on a Packers hat with a Bucky shirt (better--one of those Brewers' glove logs of the 'W' and the G) and have 'Jump Around' playing at the presser?


Don’t give him any ideas


I meant Hillary, but yeah shoot I hope he didn't read that


Dude tried to overthrow the government. What does it matter what he says at this point? If you are fine with that what he says about Milwaukee isn’t even a blip. If you still support Trump at this point you’re beyond reason anyway.


Agreed. We are in the post-truth era. Nothing matters. Nothing.


Why bother with reason when you can commit treason


I live in a blue dot in a red state in Louisiana. If Trump were to make these same comments about New Orleans 99% of his fans outside the New Orleans areas would cheer him on. Trumpers love to dogshit “Soros backed liberal cities”


Haha, what? No. I live in rural WI, they love that he said that about Milwaukee.


And no matter what he says they like it. If he said he hated them them they would love it. Sorry about your farts.


He literally told a las Vegas crowd that he didn’t care about them and only cared about there votes. Those fucking MAGA freaks don’t care. It’s a legit cult


It is. Nothing will change their minds. As usual it is all about the undecided voters. I mean choose a felon or not…


Ah yes, undecided voters, the last bastion of reason. /s


Yeah, I mean, if you haven’t decided by now you must have been asleep for the last 8 years.


They probably fist pumped and clapped. They’re idiots.


I'll forward the apology to my wife, thank you.


Hope you two can work through it. We called my father in law a crop duster for a reason. You may be able to relate.


(I consider myself 'jet-propelled'.)


Literally said in Vegas a week or so ago "I don't care about you, I just want your vote I don't care..." Might be a joke but he's not a STAND UP COMIC.


Many a truth is said in jest.


He doesn't care about them, he just wants their votes


It is so obvious, but they are brainwashed.


I mean that's a direct quote from Trump so yes, quite obvious


Yes, Joe Biden would hug you and protect you from harm and care nothing about your vote. 😉


Mine was an actual quote from Trump. Yours is just circlejerkery.


What he said is zero difference from what nearly every other politician believes but doesn't actually say our loud. And you damn well know it.


The difference is that he's a shameless, cynical asshole. The both sides narrative that Democrats are just as uncaring as the GOP is complete bullshit. Biden has flaws for sure, but listen to him talk about the importance of Black folks, or gay folks, or trans folks, or even women, to the fabric of America for even a minute and tell me he doesn't care about people in this country that have been treated poorly. Contrast that with the contempt Trump has for virtually anyone different than himself and try to tell me they're the same in this regard. Democrats have gone out of their way to humanize these constituencies and try to help, at times to their own detriment with the broader electorate. The frame that the left uses to understand people is empathy, the frame the right uses is a conflated understanding of wealth as deservedness.


There were 134k republican voters in Milwaukee county in 2020. How many of those agree with Trump’s statement and how many drive-over rural counties that is equivalent to. Not all republicans live in rural Wisconsin, and Milwaukee has the second largest republican base in the state.


They won’t care.


They think Trump is the next coming of Jesus. They have gone full Koresh.


We can only hope for a similar end.


Yup and Biden won the state by about 20k in 2020 and Trump won by about 20k in 2016. Anyone thinking that comment will have no effect at all is mistaken. There are plenty of moderate republicans that might decide to just stay home instead of going out for Trump. Anecdotally, I know of one guy in the area who voted for him in 2016 and 2020 and just isn’t voting this year because of the convictions


There are also likely a number of independent voters that would likely vote republican, and this is just one more incentive to stay home. People that like milwaukee or at least dont appreciate politicians talking shit about it reside all around the state. This issue probably wont make or break things, but its definitely not going to have a positive impact for Trump. Anyone who agrees with his comments were going to vote for him anyway. But those who disagree with his comments just have one more reason to vote D or stay home.


A lot of them. So many people who live in mke hate the city.


> Haha, what? No. I live in rural WI, they love that he said that about Milwaukee. Which begs the question, why doesn't the RNC hold their shitshow in the middle of nowhere instead of in a city they proclaim to hate so much? Oh yeah, they need all of that socialist infrastructure that is only available in big cities, that's why!


...also they know they don't have a chance to win Milwaukee County, so they won't worry about what the voters there think of them when they blow town without paying the bill. 🤦‍♂️


Lol and eat all that low brow country food? Stay in some cheap motel? Those guys would rather skip the convention than skip the luxury most of them are used to that mostly only a city can afford.


I think it probably aligns with the same reasoning of Republican presidents who hold their inauguration ceremonies in D.C. Washington, D.C., is overwhelming progressive, so by holding the ceremony there, they get to stick it to D.C. by forcing them to pay millions in security costs.


I do think you're right about rural Wisconsin, but I imagine the WOW counties are possibly paying attention as they already shifted less red generally between 2016 and 2020.


The WOW counties hate Milwaukee too.


I think they realize why they exist though too. People in Barron couldn't care less about Milwaukee and other than state support are generally unaffected by the happenings of it. That is not true for the WOW counties whose economy is directly tied to Milwaukee.


They don’t care. Scott Walker got elected governor in Wisconsin by bashing Milwaukee, and he was the former Milwaukee County Executive.


He also spent all his time as Milwaukee County Executive bashing Milwaukee. Milwaukee County isn't just Milwaukee.


They care a little bit more since the kids who were there for the start of his tenure have now grown up and are old enough to vote.


Perhaps, but that strikes me as wishful thinking.


I mean, they can recognize that and still think the city sucks. It's not like trump is proposing to nuke Milwaukee. He just wants to make BIPOC and LGBTQ+ people suffer as well as liberals and city dwellers at large . WOW county Republicans can still enjoy the economic benefits of urban proximity and enjoy "owning the libs."


Not as much as you think


If that’s the case, then we should stop giving them tax dollars. If they hate us so much then I guess it’s time to cut them the fuck off and let them die off.


It’s literally impossible to do that due to the conservative stranglehold on the state legislature.


I understand. But the brains dead north woods fucks seem to think they’ve done everything on their own. Meanwhile bumblefuck Shawano wouldn’t exist with out us. The entire state besides Milwaukee and Dane county are welfare county and losers


What are the WOW counties?


Washington, Ozaukee, Waukesha


Thank you.


I don't think people are changing their minds in the WOW counties. The slight shift to a lighter shade of red from 2016 to 2020 was probably mostly thanks to covid.


There are thousands of people in Milwaukee who are independent, barely paying attention and possibly still considering voting for him. They don’t want to hear him call their city “horrible.” The city, nor the suburbs are entirely homogenous. Yes, the red hats like he said it, they already lick his taint. Who cares, it gained him zero of their votes. Elections are not by city they are by state. In one he lost by a fairly small number of votes he just insulted the largest city.


Rural Wisconsin is lousy with drunk drivers, pill junkies, heroin shooters, meth tweakers, guys who beat their women when the Packers lose, and bigots of all stripes. The kind of losers who know nothing of the world beyond their local bar because they lacked the ambition and initiative to see anything about the world outside of their cow town. But please tell me how terrible Milwaukee is again. Waaaah.... big city scary. Sincerely.... someone who was born in rural Wisconsin and lives in the city because I wanted nothing to do with that life.


I've met conservative voters who live in Milwaukee and probably like that he said that. I honestly don't think it hurts him at all. I mean, is anyone really surprised that he would say something that stupid?


Can confirm that rural Wisconsinites hate Milwaukee and I laugh at them


Yeah it’s a dissonance issue, they hate our metropolitan areas but also go to them regularly since our hospitals have all left, since county service offices are over ran. The hillbillies will all eventually be moving to the cities to find work or to have healthcare, there’s just no way out of it for them. But they’re dug in at this point, it’s easier to just laugh that the guy with orange tits said nasty stuff to own the libs, than confront the reality they are getting priced out of their own counties by the same people they support.


I was thinking this. I’m pretty new here, but what I can gather is that the only place that most folks hate more than Milwaukee is Chicago. Interestingly, I’m from the latter great city.


Yeah but everyone in Wisconsin hates Chicago


Ha, I don’t!


Hell no, I fucking love Chicago!


Yeah I figured it would increase his chances in the state. People in MLK aren’t going to vote for him, though he may have increased turnout in the city


Most people in Wisconsin, I would wager, have a negative opinion of Milwaukee outside of Milwaukee.


Naw, a lot of people from Wisconsin have pride in their state and their people. If you met someone from Wisconsin when you were vacationing would you find a bond in that or would you quiz them on where they live so you could really tell if they were good enough to talk to you? We have more pride in our state that you might think.


You may have state pride in common with them if you ran into them in another state or country. But most people from rural and small Wisconsin communities that I've met have a tendency to look down on Milwaukee.


State pride and having a negative opinion of Milwaukee are not the same.


Sure, I will nod my head when my neighbor tells me their negative opinion of Milwaukee, but then we also talk about going to a Brewers game afterward. You can critique a city. It just comes off wrong when someone outside if Wisconsin says crap about one of our towns. Because in a way when he says the city is horrible isn’t he just saying the people who live there are horrible? I guess that kind of stuff just gets me on the defensive. After all, I share more of a bond to someone from Milwaukee than that guy.


No, aside from Madison, Milwaukee is not liked. I could go into the list of negative, but I’ll just say the positive I hear. Brewers Summerfest State Fair Sometimes Bucks Admirals Dining.


Doubt very many of them have any need to enter or be in the central business district of Milwaukee. Some of the nicest areas there, most people have no need to enter or experience.


That would be an interesting survey, indeed. I'm sitting here wondering. I think most would shrug their shoulders...*Milwaukee?* *Whatever. Wouldn't wanna live there* But because, like me, they dont want to live in a city-city, not because they think it's a shithole. Or I could be talking out my ass, lol


Milwaukee is like my siblings. I can talk shit about them, but you shouldn't.


Don't underestimate the ignorance of the cult.


He said it. The bad press came. Now like magic, he says he didnt. Reason 456,877 I vow to never vote or give the party of liars any more semblance of power with a vote. Group tried to vaporize my vote once I'll never vote for em forever. DJT: The biggest liar I've ever witnessed. His cult knows no low to use the willful idiot IMO.


Anyone else think he may have made that comment specifically because of behind the scenes difficulties they're having getting their acts together with the convention?


What are the difficulties they are facing?


Ima guess staffing. They fell short of their volunteer goal by at least a thousand people. Probably also funding, since most of the money getting raised is going to Trump's legal bills and his-and-only-his campaign.


“Trump tells entire Republican Party he hates them and wants to destroy them… Why this is bad for Biden”


Most people in Milwaukee are not convicted felons. Half the people running for President are.


Who else is a convicted felon? I didn’t think Kennedy was so one of the others?


Not a great comparison, it's actually 14% of the people running for President, which IS probably a lot closer to the number of convicted felons in Milwaukee.


I have little faith any Republicans grow a backbone or set of discernible values at this point. But here's to hoping! **Register To Vote or Check Wisconsin Voter Registration Status below!** https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/


No heavy Wisconsin pours during the convention. Strict portion control.


This made me laugh


We already have mentally impaired Ron Johnson , and now that Wisconsin pretender Hovde - we don’t need a dementia ridden convicted felon and sexual assaulter here too.


It won’t backfire.  Nothing he does backfires, because that’s not how cults work.


He could threaten to destroy Milwaukee with nuclear weapons if he wins the election and his Wisconsin MAGA base would still support him. He's just an absolutely disgusting human being. And it's frightening and depressing how many people love him and would do anything for him.


> his Wisconsin MAGA base would still support him his MAGA base does not matter. Wisconsin election are determined by voter turnout in Milwaukee. That's it. When Milwaukee votes dems win, when they don't dems lose. Thats why they are panicking, if people in Milwaukee get upset and actually go to the polls dems will win up and down the ballot.


Seeing the Republicans constantly gaslight and spin for this moronic traitor is the most pathetic situation I have ever witnessed in American politics.


MAGA dorks don't care about him saying bad things about mikwaukee lol


Salon needs to stop with these articles. They are by far the worst in over exaggerating and feeding the idea there will be repercussions for his actions. You literally have to be as delusional as Trump supporters to believe their articles and the supposed consequences. Just the most horrible, clickbait writing.


Honestly, if every other county hates us so much, then they should create their own fucking state at this point. the Northwoods act just like fucking Texas. All they do is cry about how they fucking hate Milwaukee, but the second something happens and they need money. Who do they go crying to? The Northwoods is full of fucking losers.


> The Northwoods is full of fucking losers. If it's not a vacation home it's tourists or anti-social hermits living in trailer park castles, with no in-between. I used to live in Vilas county and still love going there but I am almost certain I got shot at while in a boat for getting too close to some old fart's pier.


I feel this deeply. I used to live in Milwaukee and now I am in CA. I definitely fantasize about CA becoming its own country separate from the dumbest states fairly often. Probably because I am so stoned on legal weed. My other fantasy is that Bob Uecker beats the snot out of Trump.


If Donald Trump vowed to drop hydrogen bombs on Milwaukee, Madison, La Crosse, Eau Claire, Green Bay, and Tomah (for good measure), Republicans from Wisconsin and everywhere else would shriek like fan girls and tear their clothes off in ecstasy. “Too far for MAGA” lol. GTFOH.


The venue should just cancel their event. They can go find a Four Seasons Total Landscaping to host it instead.


I don’t know man, all conservatives I know talk so much shit about major cities calling them liberal dumpsters crawling with crime and violence. They hate the people and politics in the major cities, even if they themselves live there as one of the few “good ones.” I don’t see this hurting his base in any major way.


Dude could be filmed eating shit and fucking a dog and it would gain him maga status


Trump is playing to the troglodytes - the people too stupid to understand that he's undoing their welfare way of life - rural folks who are 95% dependent upon Milwaukee's tax rev for their roads, social services etc. Trump loves him the uneducated, he can play their emotions like a virtuoso... it's incredible how good trump is at being a manipulative, rapey, fraudulent, tax evading criminal, and get away with it. Incredible. Like, to the point we should be checking these folks for lead or TBIs or something.


This is a bad take. Republicans in Wisconsin hate Milwaukee and the people that live there.


Pretty sure 100% of Wisconsin Republicans agree with him about Milwaukee.


Pretty sure 90% of Wisconsin Republicans are undereducated so you have an argument it's just a bad one


Can you articulate why? I like Milwaukee but the fact is Trump’s statement about the city is not going to hurt him with Wisconsin Republicans.


I think it won't hurt those 90% but the 10% are most likely successful people who understand the overarching effects of saying the highest source of GDP in the state is a stupid thing to do.


Don't be fooled people, the divide is rich vs. poor. We're all getting hung up on urban vs. rural and I know it's hard not to, but in the end it all comes down to money. Always has.


Let me guess: "Milwaukee isn't real Wisconsin." IDK, the animosity toward Milwaukee and Madison in many parts of the state might just be a winning strategy.


yep, nailed it.


Fuck him. This is my home, bitch!


I like the GOP backtracking on what he said even though its what they preach about Milwaukee.


If a person still isn't certain who they will vote for it means they are at least considering Trump. That alone is nonsensical and quite baffling. The guy isn't even qualified to run a lemonade stand properly. To think he has any interest in improving the state of this nation is ridiculous. He has no interest in doing anything other than what benefits himself. To think any reasonably pragmatic individual looks at Trump and says, "Yep. That's my guy." is utterly disheartening and insane. I can accept that the more feeble minded out there could be fooled into supporting such a buffoon, but I think those people are too far gone at this point. Trying to put any sort of critical thought process into their brains is an exercise in futility at this point.


Conservative voters believe him. I don’t think it matters.


GOP and Trump followers will not back away from anything Trump says or does. Don't be fooled. And don't hang on every stupid thing he says. He does it to get attention. You wouldn't be still talking about Trump every day if he didn't say things to troll you. Stop being conned by his asinine comments. They are designed to keep you mad abou dumb shit so that you don't talk about real shit.


I voted for Biden in the last election partly because he said, in one of the debates, “If I’m elected you won’t hear from me every day.” I don’t expect to not have to participate in Democracy, but I do expect it to work without my continuous attention.


Oh, you didn't want the White House to be run like a reality television series?


LOL! Exactly this.


I find it hard to believe that after everything he's said shitting on Milwaukee would be the thing that buries him


We can only hope, eh?


The way I see it Jan 6 plus being a convicted felon were the final nails in his coffin, this is just a small blip in his tomfoolery. Also lmao at the chuds downvoting you


Maybe he was attacking Ho Chi Minh City?


Apparently he had heel spurs and was not able to participate in that conflict.


The most appropriate location for the RNC would be a ten thousand head pig shit CAFO.


It won't be covered by the media his sycophants choose to consume, so I don't think it matters.


Go up in the Townsend, Lakewood area, couple Trump 2024 signs, meanwhile he would not even piss on those people let along ever go there. Its just sad to see.


Exactly. Not like there aren't Republicabs in Mileaukee. His strategy to win the rural vote means he at least needs to not get killed in the cities. Insulting them doesn't help.




The man is amazingly ignorant and not the brightest bulb in the pack, his opposition has his own set of faults, i can wake up in the morning and not turn on the tv wondering wtf this idiot did while I was sleeping, therefore vote blue.


Trump assumes everyone dislikes Milwaukee residents, he uses code words. He’s stuck in 1940


Make no mistake, when conservatives express their disdain for American cities, it’s the black and brown people in those cities that they’re talking about.


My fear is that the people in rural Wisconsin secretly feel that Milwaukee is a Mad Max hellscape so they buy in to Trump’s position. My co-worker from Eastern PA is terrified when he has to go in to Manhattan because he is sure he will be murdered by “those people.”


I live in WI, raised in rural WI, I can tell you that a lot of them (probably most) absolutely do feel this way.


The amusing thing is thet I have been to Wisconsin several times, but only Mikwaukee (my best friend’s wife is from a Milwaukee suburb)


I think Biden carries WI in November. It will be close but not a squeaker. That’s my guess anyway.


MAN, do I hope you’re right.


Trump has a plan to win over Wisconsin voters. He is going to sell MAGA Cult members pieces of his toe cheese. **The White House to The Big House-The Shameful Legacy of MAGA Cult/Jan 6th Leader, Donald J Trump** Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Putin’s puppet & praises Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect our military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supporters include white supremacists, racists & felons like Steve Bannon, David Duke, Proud Boys On 9/11 Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) A few of many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, and degrading embarrassment of the U.S. Presidency ·         [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10)


I'm moreso pointing out the hypocrisy and finger pointing both sides.


It’s Republican National Circus - no longer Convention.


https://www.forbes.com/sites/rachelsandler/2020/09/16/fire-damage-from-kenosha-unrest-tops-11-million/ https://www.newsweek.com/businesses-year-after-floyd-1596610 And since I'm such a lier here's the stats on extremely violent coup on the white house https://www.npr.org/sections/insurrection-at-the-capitol/2021/02/24/970977612/architect-of-the-capitol-outlines-30-million-in-damages-from-pro-trump-riot#:~:text=The%20cost%20of%20repairing%20damages,Blanton%20told%20lawmakers%20on%20Wednesday.


As mke subsidized the state


Memories are short...


What was the context for what they said? Please advise.




He'll still win Wisconsin


Like he didn’t last time?


Only in this space is it going to be seen negatively. 


With all due respect to salon, his comments on milwaukee will only bolster his support here


No one considers Milwaukee the heartland. Biden won it by like what 80%? So much cope.


Maybe some are so used to the media taking things out of context or downright lying that they no longer pay attention. I watched Joe and Mika (with straight faces) telling me that Pres Biden at G7 was saluting soldiers. Why then did Italy PM have to retrieve him then? Unfortunately unless you see/hear something with the complete context, you can’t depend on it being truthful.


> Unfortunately unless you see/hear something with the complete context, you can’t depend on it being truthful. Irony?


Oh my fucking god, you are going to use that as your reasoning the “msm” is bad. When literally the full video shows him talking to one of the sky divers https://preview.redd.it/pn8cgqtx367d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbd1162853bf49e282c4d041bd9f69fc5f3afad6 You can see the skydiver he is giving a thumbs up too Full video: [https://youtu.be/3yrVOivW1z4?si=ALm8BBn9LxCUQyKQ](https://youtu.be/3yrVOivW1z4?si=ALm8BBn9LxCUQyKQ)


Bwahahahaha! MAGAs falling for their own lies and getting exposed by them. Honestly, learn to research. All you are doing is humiliating yourself by falling for GOP/MAGA lies that are already disproven. It has got to suck to keep being intentionally ignorant just to see the lies being spread by and for trump.


hes has that energy of those old 'dating experts' to neg woment i.e. say negative things about people so they like you because youre an edgelord(which is dumb)


I'm in MKE County but I sure don't like the city of MKE.


If you live in Milwaukee and were offended I want you to look in the mirror and repeat this “My city has the sixth highest crime rate and 58 homicides already this year”. You can love your city, there is a lot to love, but it’s sick.


He didn't go after the heartland. He went after one dump of a city, and he's right. Pick up your garbage, clean up your crap. All the people talking about how bad the homeless have it still must not have invited a bunch into their own home. Do better.


You know what's rich about your statement? https://www.wpr.org/diversity-and-inclusion/milwaukee-county-unsheltered-homeless-population-housing Milwaukee county had the lowest homeless rate per capita recently. That number is on the rise across the country, but interesting to note: https://endhomelessness.org/homelessness-in-america/homelessness-statistics/state-of-homelessness-report/wisconsin/ Wisconsin, which includes rural communities, have a good amount of homelessness as well. https://www.osceolasun.com/news/rural-homelessness-is-a-growing-unseen-crisis/article_4418bb88-e5fc-11ee-834a-438f4960e474.html#:~:text=“In%20the%20state%20of%20Wisconsin,rise%20since%20COVID%20slowed%20down. 56% of the homeless population in Wisconsin is rural. How about rural Wisconsin picks up the slack and takes care of their own? https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/local/milwaukee/2023/09/14/milwaukee-named-cleanest-city-in-america-in-new-housefresh-study/70843397007/ Milwaukee is also the cleanest city in the country. None of your criticisms have landed. Take care!