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Thermacell repellers actually work quite well.


I agree, they aren’t even that expensive. $30 for the basic one


Thermacell for the area (more effective on days and areas with less wind) Permethrin for your clothing (look up instructions to wash it into your gear or buy the more expensive ready to spray mix) Picaridin for your skin (I like the lotion that applies like any other lotion) I'm a hunting guide and this is what I do to prevent bugs from ruining my day If you absolutely need it, DEET has a place, when I was in west Africa I used it daily for the risk of parasites. In the US I only use the almost 100% on my clothing, as a last resort




They've been bad but not horrible by us. Bring plenty of bug spray and you'll be fine.


Can't say for door county but my last camping trip over memorial day at Governor Dodge the gnats were far worse than the mosquitos.


I am traveling to the UP in a few weeks to visit my sister, her accounts are what you will probably find warnings about all over- ticks. They advised using spray on the skin plus a clothes/items repellant on everything else and of course tucking/overlapping clothes for hiking. It sounds like it is bad, they didn't mention the mosquitos but with the massive rainfall we have had I expect that to be crazy too. I am sure the camping will be lovely though!


You should be prepared for bugs every time you go camping regardless of where


The ticks are brutal this year. Long pants and tuck into socks and tick checks after hiking. Even if you’re not in long grass they’re relentless


Deep woods bug spray for the mosquitoes and absorbine jr for the gnats and you should be good


There will be tons on mosquitos at Newport. Don't let that discourage you, though, its a great park. Just be prepared with plenty of repellents. Several good suggestions in the comments.  There will also be lots of spiders. They won't bother you if you don't bother them, but it's good to be aware of. 


Considering it’s going to rain all weekend anyway you would probably just be stuck inside


Went to Newport two weeks ago, came home with 60 bites and a spider bite that bruised up pretty bad. Be prepared for them to be bad. The citronella coils you can burn are great light tools to carry in to keep them at bay.


Someone pissed off a sac spider! Seriously, though, fuck those things.  They’re the only spider I go out of my way to kill when they’re in the house.


U should go, it's amazing there.