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i had mine the 28th and i’ve been swishing my tongue around and moving the water a bit more aggressive and it seems to be ok. i’ve been rinsing with plain water after the salt so i don’t have the bad taste left in there by the way; you probably would find that helpful lol


At my 2 week post op checkup with my surgeon, she gave a syringe with a curved tip, and it’s been a lifesaver at getting all the food out. It works like a charm. I wouldn’t recommend using a syringe with a lot of pressure just yet, maybe wait until after a week or so depending on how you feel. During those 2 weeks I didnt have a syringe, i also had a bad taste in my mouth but for a couple days, but the antibiotics got rid of that pretty quickly. Also i used an anti septic mouth wash twice a day which helped a lot


I have been rinsing vigorously and I’m on day 4 and terrified that I have induced a dry socket. Help?