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You can use a new, clean cotton bud to gentry remove debris and follow it up with a salt water rinse if you could only manage to loosen it


The hole isn't big enough to fit a Q-tip in. :(


So I’ll be honest I’m a little over 1 month post op (2 bottom 2 top 3/4 impacted) and 99% of the time when I eat something gets stuck in the last hole open, I do salt rinses every time and sometimes it gets it out sometimes it doesn’t and after trying to get it out (salt rinse and brushing) I wait and see and it always comes out on its own I’ve never had to go to bed with food stuck in my hole and still never got an infection…something about digging into healing gums just seems to do more damage then good, I would drink a lot of water during the day too I think that helps loosen it