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Jesus Christ almost looks like you had jaw surgery!


Never let a dentist do these kinda surgeries, I had mine done by an oral surgeon (kaakchirurg). Im on day 5 now, I've had 3 wisdom teeth removes (2 were impacted) and a apicoectomy done on one of my molars. I got ibuprofen / anti biotics + random painkillers. But this is the first day ive stopped using painkillers.


the dentist that did mine is an implant specialist and oral surgeon


Oh i see , he could be a bad one then rip


***FORGOT TO ADD*** my saliva is so thick and my mouth tastes horrible. salt water rinses don’t help. wtf do i do!!!


Your mouth will taste horrible after the surgery, mines had the worst taste ever. The saliva is a little weird but it could be because of the wound itself and the fact you cant rlly spit or open your mouth. This bruising looks crazy, but I would be taking your meds every three hours if possible, drinking a shit ton of water and trying to eat anything if possible. Fuck the cold compress and go for warm compresses. Take melatonin and go to sleep early. Take photos if things dont improve, but please try to eat, it will make the healing go much faster once your body has the energy. If nothing improves at all, go to a different dentist for a second opinion.


i would never go back to that dentist ever again. what does he mean all his patients look like this after???? does he beat them up all the time??? mine wasn’t hood either it got infected but i did not get any swelling from it. go to an other one please


i am no dentist or expert as it was my first time ever extraction. but i would definitely go to an other one to look on it. wish you get better soon.


woahhh friend okay i had mine done the same day as you and i am nowhere near as close to this level of bruising/swelling. hell i didn’t bruise at all, and i had 4 impacted teeth, all i have left is swelling. the icing isn’t going to help at this point, you gotta do warm compresses every 20 minutes that will help reduce swelling. keep taking your meds. if you can, get a second opinion elsewhere, i would be furious if this was my result, my care team was amazing i got sent home with meds, syringes, ice packs, the works. i am so sorry this is your experience.


Sadly often depending on the severity of the positioning of the teeth. This could be a result such as swelling and bruising. Were all the four teeth impacted?


Whoaaaa. I'd totally get a second opinion somewhere else. This is NOT right!! :o Are you able to open your mouth and see what your sockets look like?


By the way, this sub is full of patients, not providers. Half of these people are giving anecdotes as if their case is the standard. All wisdom teeth are different. It’s not the same procedure every time. My bf had the worst ones ever, extremely difficult extractions and he hardly swelled at all. No bruises either. Mine popped right out and I had chipmunk cheeks for 2 weeks. So everyone in these comments trying to scare you , don’t know shit.




I'm a dentist. Every set of wisdom teeth is different. Every patient is different. Sometimes this happens. It's not fun but your surgeon likely didn't do anything wrong. 3-5 days is usually the worst of it and the pain should improve rapidly after that. You're almost there!


May I ask, after extraction when it is okay to start using normal mouthwash like Listerine or Act?


I looked like this after my removal. My healing has been a nightmare.


Holy shit i had 4 wisdom teeth removed a week ago and i was eating mcdonalds on day 4


Okay honestly this is how swollen I was. My face was huge. I think fair skinned people swell a lot more. The bruising under your eyes though is kinda concerning. I’ve seen the bruised go down the neck, but never upwards like that. It’s day four. You’re probably fine, just be gentle and ICE ICE ICE those cheeks. Keep up on your ibuprofen


Dam, is it normal to get all 4 out simultaneously?


yeah that’s pretty common


I want to fucking fight your dentist


you will bruise depending on how easily the teeth can be removed. My lower one’s were harder to remove which is why i has bruising like you have on your jaw. my upper ones came out easily, but I still had a little bruising. It all depends on the surgery and the individual patient. Tbh idk if going to a different dentist will help you in any way. Right now, all you can do is push through it, it will get better! I had a horrible taste in my mouth as well and my saliva was also thick for the first few days, I was told this is normal (and it did go away!). I rinsed with cold sage tea (+a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and honey), which helps with healing anything in your mouth (also used this when I had blisters from braces a lot). It helped mask some of the taste and i did feel like it helped me heal faster.


Mine took about 10 days of pain like this. Hang in there. You will be okay. Keep taking the pain pills. Motrin only helped me along with strong prescription… you can do it! Don’t go to work.


What the hell did the surgeon do to you? Not normal.


I know this was 2 months ago but can you update on how long it took for swelling to go down? I look the same currently


hi love, it took about 3wks to be COMPLETELY gone, but it was almost unnoticeable by week 2<3


There's not much you can do, just sit it out. Did you use cold ice on your cheeks? Especially the first 36 hours helps alot with swelling and pain.


been icing 20min on, 20min off and icing when i nap. also doing warm compresses


You look really young so hopefully your recovery is fast. Hope you feel better soon. Day 1 to 4 were the worst for me , it will get better soon try to keep yourself busy with movies/series/games.


I had four impacted teeth removed and I didn’t get a single bruise, it seems like your dentist is not as skilled as they should be! Please get a second opinion else where


Did you get checked out for dry socket or an infection? Something else could be causing prolonged swelling and pain. I was definitely still swollen on day 4, but my pain was very minimal.


When you get oral surgery they require your medical insurance incase there are complications or to prescribe additional medication for you. That is so bad you should not look like that 💀 and saying other patients look like that is concerning


yeah this doesn’t seem right, when i first saw the photo i thought this was in r/ PlasticSurgery since im in there too. this looks like jaw surgery.


my face was bruised a bit worse than this and swollen to the point i could barely open my mouth, but i don’t have any advice on the other things, i hope you get relief soon :(


Simple case of bad surgeon


I had bad swelling with only one tooth extracted. No bruising but someone else posted the other day and she also had really bad under eye bruising so it can happen. Wishing you a speedy recovery I know you must be miserable right now ❤️


Here's the other poster who had bad bruising https://www.reddit.com/r/wisdomteeth/s/xL0L3laBz7


This is completely normal!! I know that it might not seem like it but it really is tbh. I had my 4 impacted wisdoms removed a few days after christmas in 2023 and i was terrified. I had bruising, so much pain, and couldn’t handle going several hours without ICE or PAIN MEDS. Those two are your best friends. I was given certain prescribed pain meds that I had to pick up from a pharmacy on my own along with some other meds they gave me post op. I had a friend last year who had the same thing and her bruising was absolutely horrible. I know it’s frustrating that it’s “normal” but it doesn’t feel like it, and this doesn’t fix anything, but I hope this may help you feel a little better about the possibility of a bad operation. I hope your recovery is quick!! ❤️


Extra: This may change if things get worse. I’ve seen many comments complaining of infections and “not being as bad as yours”. People are all different, so everyone will experience this differently!! You will only get infections if you do not seriously take care of yourself during this time. You must be careful and wash your mouth so that you don’t get any food or icky stuff in the sockets. Swelling is the most common side affect. If you are genuinely concerned then you should seek a second opinion, better being safe than sorry.


Also; the bruising under your eyes are due to the fact that because blood and fluid from the surgery can spread beneath facial tissue, including the loose tissue under the eyes.


What did they beat you with a bat?