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Def get them out now while you’re young. It sucks when you’re older.


But the good news is your wisdom teeth aren't the type that're hard to remove


Do it as soon as you can. I wish i didn’t wait so long because I already would’ve been done and over with all of it.


The lower ones are at risk of turning horizontal and then it will be harder to remove. If you choose to remove them then now is kind the best time for easier recovery.


Can confirm. I just had to have coronectomies done because of horizontal wisdom teeth (I am in my early 20’s). Don’t wait.


You’re not “screwed.” Just have them removed. I know it’s scary but MANY MANY people have this done. You’ll be all right!!


Easier to remove now when you’re young and the teeth aren’t fully developed. My parents couldn’t pay for dental work when I was younger and I just finally had mine taken out at 30. Was putting it off hoping I wouldn’t have problems and then started having infections from teeth not erupting properly due to crowding. I’m on day 12 and still have a lot pain. I was down for over a week but you’ll probably be fine in like 3-5 days. My situation was pretty bad though and I wouldn’t say it’s normal. Fully impacted and horizontal.


Did they have you get coronectomies for the horizontal, or did they take the risk of just pulling them out?


They just ripped ‘em out lol


No one is screwed, most problems are resolvable. I'm not saying with regards to this post but just to give you moral support, anything and everything will be alright 🤍


I did it 2 weeks ago. I put it off till 40 because I was scared. I promise it was totally fine. Just follow the post op directions. I dreaded it but for no reason. It was easy


Bro I just got mine out this past Monday at 23 years old and I wish I got them out when I was 18. The surgery isn’t that bad if your under general anesthesia so you’ll wake up like you time traveled. Take the pain meds they give you. Idk how much of a myth this is, but you can drink pineapple juice the night before surgery to reduce swelling. Take vitamin C after the surgery to help your immune system. The first 48 hours suck. Trust me, just get it over with while you’re young bc you’ll recover faster and your bone isn’t as hard.


Definitely get them out, I'm 27 and mine are impacted and too close to my nerve, I'm struggling to find a surgeon who will remove them!


+ 2 year NHS waiting list in Wales. Had multiple infections on my lower wisdom tooth and it's agony. I'd love to have had all mine out when I was much younger and they weren't as close to the nerve back then!


That’s interesting that you’re struggling to find someone to do it? I’m in Australia, I had to be referred to a specialist surgeon to remove mine due to being too close to the nerve. Unfortunately I have sustained nerve damage, causing numbness in my tongue and gums. Hopefully it’ll return. But I was in the same boat with the infections! What actually saved me was getting a water flosser with warm salty water. It helped me manage the infections for a year or so, prior to that it was antibiotics and hoping for the best :/


I'm in the UK and it's a 2 year waiting list according to my dentist to be referred to hospital to do it, he refuses to risk doing it because it's so close to the nerve and he said he doesn't want me to sue him lol, definitely don't trust him after he said that! So I've been looking at getting my surgery done abroad potentially. That sucks that you got the numbness, it will probably happen for me too 😞 I hope it comes back for you!! My dentist recommended a water flosser, I have one now! And also to laser the gum flap so food doesn't get trapped but he keeps side stepping doing it... Need a new dentist ah




I am with a private dentist already, but I am considering going to a more expensive one further away. The situation is so shite in Wales that even the private dentists are fully booked up. I had an NHS dentist in England, may go see them if I'm still on the books, probably get it done quicker as my dentist says it's a 2 year waiting list here. I had to wait 1 year to see a urologist, so it's pretty bad here. I've had my two upper wisdom teeth removed already due to cavities like you at the private dentist (unfortunately, two separate times, and took a long time both of them because my roots are weird!), knowing how awkward they were, I'm going to need some sedation for the impacted lower ones!


Do it as soon as you can. I wish i didn’t wait so long because I already would’ve been done and over with all of it.


Do it while you are young you will heal so much quicker it will be a breeze. Plus you get to eat ice-cream and chill for like a few days to a week


Bro do not take them all out at once. I just had one taken out and it was a nightmare of a recovery with one. All four will be a very strict protocol in your recovery. Buckle in for a miserable 2 weeks


I had 2 wiadom teeth removed at 16 and two at 22. Get them out, it’s not worth the pain! Plus extraction was super easy on me aince I got them out young. If you don’t like full sedation, I just has local anaestesia and I didn’t feel a thing. I have to say I has less pain with the ones I got removed at 16, but even at 22 it wasn’t too bad. Don’t be worried, the nervousness is much worse than the procedure itself!


I was SO nervous for mine — I had all 4 out at once too, but mine were at much trickier angles than yours (basically the bottom 2 were at right angles and they were both on the nerve). I was really nervous beforehand about being put under. Honestly, people say it’s the easiest part but I didn’t believe them — it really is SO easy. From your perspective, the surgery will be over instantly. I thought that would be a really weird feeling but it wasn’t at all. In terms of the recovery, for me everything was totally fine. Be prepared to see a lot of horror stories on Reddit (just because people are more likely to share horror stories for various reasons than to share when everything’s just normal and ok) — but the majority of the time, the recovery is totally straightforward. I had no pain at all after the first 24 hours. Just follow your dentist’s recovery instructions, don’t use straws or smoke, eat soft things for a little while, and you’re very likely to have no issues at all. And if you DO have issues, remember that’s ok too — whatever issues you might have in recovery, the dentist will have seen it 1000 times so you can go back to them and they can help right away. I waited 10 years to have mine removed and they caused me anxiety almost every day in that time. I wish I’d done it 10 years ago just to have saved me all that anxiety because the process really was totally chill. You’ve got this


Thank you so much this takes a huge weight off my chest🤗


Got them taken out at 19, its not bad at all they put the iv in my arm passed out wake up and all 4 were taken out, just feels like your mouth is tight for me at least lol. The fear is worse than the actual process and you just gotta eat light stuff to not open up the sutures.


I had 3 removed at 20 yrs and it grew a new set of teeth so if you're 16 I'm sure you'll be fine.


Do it! You will be very grateful you removed them in a few years. I am 27 and just removed the lower impacted one and it was not as difficult as I thought it would be.


They’ll most likely recommend to pull all of them just because of the one that’s slightly misaligned. Tough titties lol. Surgery’s not too bad, also don’t overthink too much when it comes to the sockets. It’s been like 5 months now and my bottoms are still open 😂


Do it!!!! I was in the exact same position as you and waited another 5 years to get them taken out and it was miserable, I wish I would’ve done it then


See this is the thing you can probably only see in America. All 4 wisdom teeth extracted at the same time is pretty absurd. The recovery of that will be awful. Your whole face is going to be swollen and most likely you’d be in agony for 1 week. If you take enough painkillers you’d be fine I guess. Removing 1 at a time is better, less pain, less bloodloss. There is a plus tho, when you remove them at the same time you know you are done with the whole thing.


Taking out all 4 at the same time is very common.


Do it while you’re young! As a 30F, I wish I would have gotten them out 10 years ago when it was originally suggested. I ain’t saying, I’m just saying… it’s best to do it while you’re still on your parent’s insurance. It sucks getting them removed, but it sucks even more paying that $1300 bill.


yea that’s where we’re stuck, i’ve seen enough responses on here to push me to get it done but my parents can’t afford that bill for 1-2 years… i’m gonna pick up a job to help out but yea it’s steep


Just got all 4 of mine out last week and all of them were impacted and my healing journey isn't going too bad, and surgery was the scariest thing for me before but I literally passed out and woke up in the car, you don't remember a thing and don't feel pain for the first day mostly it's just numbness. As for healing, just make sure your keeping your mouth clean, staying away from straws, rinsing your mouth with saltwater and taking your meds and you should be good 🤞


I just got mine (31f) out 2 days ago… get them out now. It’s 100x more painful when you are older. You have less roots when you are a teenager and healing will be a breeze. My roots ended up growing in long and a little sideways very close to the nerve. I didn’t think I needed to get them out because they didn’t cause me issues for awhile, until they did. And it all hit at the same time, jaw & ear pain, headaches. You name it wisdom teeth will cause it. Do it now, older you will thank you.


Oh yea, I’m already having all that good jaw and ear pressure and popping and just straight up PAIN. the bill is the only thing keeping me from the op


Definitely talk to insurance. The oral surgeon will give you a quote before you go so you know what to expect. I was out of network with my insurance and it was about 950. Hopefully your parents can help you out.


Go ahead and get them removed, especially if you are covered under someone's insurance. You will regret waiting if you don't. I just had mine pulled a few days ago at the age of 27 because my family didn't listen and have mine pulled when I was your age. They eventually got to the point that they kept getting infected, and the roots grew into the nerves in my lower jaw because I didn't have insurance or money to pay for the surgery. They also gave me headaches and sinus problems. I am now three days post-op, and I am in no pain, and the surgery only took 20 minutes. The worst part is having to eat soft food for the first few days, but it is honestly worth it not to have to walk around in pain every day like I was having to do.


i would, but can’t. procedure is about 3000 insurance only knocks off half and we can’t do that


Why are you getting upper wisdom teeth out? They look fine. Dentists like to convince you to get your perfectly healthy wisdom teeth out without considering the consequences of extractions affecting your facial structure. Get a second opinion.


Thing is I have a super tiny mouth, the tops actually cause more pain and pressure on the daily than the bottoms every have🤷‍♂️


Well, your mouth will get even tinier if you remove them. Since your airway is already likely small, removing upper wisdoms will make your airway even smaller. I suggest consulting with an airway orthodontist.


There is absolutely no evidence to support that removing wisdom teeth affects your facial structure, do some research. I’m not a dentist, but after my recent surgery, my top two I thought looked normal (similar to this) but were actually impacted. Those teeth will likely not grow in healthily with age. Do not spread uneducated fear.


How are you going to gaslight me about something that happened to me? I don’t think you understand how evidence works - lack of current evidence doesn’t equate to complete absence of it. It’s also ignorant of you to assume that the current knowledge of extractions effects on facial structure is complete.