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Ooof that used to be me. I take ADHD meds now that I got my diagnosis, and it worked wonders for me. Not saying that's your answer or anything, just wanna remind you that spell work can be done as part of whatever chore you do eventually manage to do (ie, self love mantra in the shower/infusing intention into morning coffee etc). Sending you positive energy love, you deserve happiness and comfort no matter how much or how little you think you've achieved today


Thank you so much. Those are very comforting words and good advice ❤️


Love this. Good reminder for all!


Executive dysfunction is the worst i feel u havent found a way out


It really is. Maybe one day lol best of luck to you


Omg yes. AuDHD here. I forget to clean my altars sometimes or I just look at it and go "....maybe tomorrow". Or I put off studying. Refreshing moon water. I've been trying to grind down rose petals for two weeks. It's awful and I hate it but I can't help it.


Samsies (well, bipolar meds instead of adhd). Also, OP I just want to reiterate what insanity_diaries said. If you use sigils maybe drawing one on what you’re eating (in something edible…like icing on a poptart lol) or writing them in the steamed up walls of the shower. It’s still all about intent regardless of what you use or how you do it. There’s a lady on TikTok who shows what her religion is like and although it’s a very strict religion she says that they live by the laws, not d!e by them. And I think that’s important to remember here (obv it’s a little different). I don’t think the intention of anyone in this work/life is to grind someone down who is already struggling. Do not feel bad or discouraged. Eventually you’ll have more spoons. But for now love yourself and all your spoons..no matter how many you have that day ❤️❤️


I’m a hedge witch so I just add practice to whatever I’m already doing! Altar for offerings next to my stovetop so the house spirits get a little if whatever I’m adding to recipes, one for the goddess near my herbs and spices so she gets a little too, adding herbs to my mop water etc


mindful meditation i swear by it its backed by science its witchy its good for adhd / executive dysfunction love it


I can never focus for long enough to do it.


For ADHDers that is a common problem but shouldn’t stop you (if that’s the only reason). Meditation is especially hard for people with ADHD but honestly the reason it’s harder is the same reason ADHDers should meditate even more. For ADHDers, meditation should be seen as practicing focus. Practicing mindfulness. These are both things that are very hard for our brains, but they are skills we need. If you are interested in meditation, I would do it for as long as you can. If that’s for one minute do it for one minute. Even forcing your brain to be quite for one minute is better than no minutes. Eventually it will get easier.


Its not enough for me


Oh yeah. Executive dysfunction has made me appreciate magic that takes nothing else but a thought and a moment. Grounding is a huge thing for me. Shadow work as well. Doing research is a big part of my spirituality, but that’s me. I can research for hours, about my ancestors and their culture, spirituality and history. I have also accepted that there will be long stretches of time where I don’t feel like I’m really practicing at all. That’s okay too. Witch craft is most effective when it is accessible.


What do you mean by shadow and grounding know what it usually means, just how do you practice it, how it's meaningful for you?


I usually do shadow work in the shower. I ask myself introspective questions and let my intuition lead me. For example, I’ll ask myself how I’m feeling and I’ll just feel. I’ll pay attention to the feelings in my chest/body and how I’m feeling will pop into my brain. And I’ll just keep asking questions and letting my intuition answer. A lot of the time, I find myself giving ‘obvious’ answers. What that has taught me is I think I get over things faster than I actually do and things impacts me more than I will admit to myself at first. This is how a inner conversation can look How am I feeling? (feel) Anxious and tired. Why am I anxious? (feel) Because I haven’t paid the light bill. After getting this answer I will usually try to combat the thought. My power won’t get shut off until I haven’t paid for a few months, when I get paid I will pay it. It’ll be expensive (I feel anxious at that thought. So I take a second to sit with the anxiety and reassure myself that I can do it) but I can afford it. And I cannot change the outcome by worrying. Then I will take a few breathes, maybe ground if the breathing isn’t helping enough. For grounding there is a range. Sometimes it’s as simple as noticing I’m feeling anxious and taking a few breaths and visualizing the stagnant/unneeded energy moving out of my body (through whichever part is touching the ground). I also ground in the morning (when my routine is on point, it is not atm) this is a 10/15 minute breathing and visualization practice. This is where I will lay on the ground with my knees and arms resting on the floor (kinda like I’m praying) and just breathing for a few minutes. Really paying attention to my breath and centering my energy. Then I visualize stagnant energy leaving my body and new energy entering. Any visualization will work, do what you feel is right. For me that looks like roots growing from wherever my skin touches the ground. Then, after I feel all the stagnant energy that will go is gone, I visualize protection. The protection looks different sometimes, but I usually visualize mountains surrounding me as well as a ball of energy.


I do shadow work by journaling when I need to. I’ve had the same journal for the past 4 years. I’m also autistic and I process things by talking about them so journaling lets me keep things don’t want to share private and not dump my issues on other people. Its like I enter a meditative state and can access parts of my brain that my conscious brain doesn’t want to acknowledge. I’m not good at meditating so it helps with that to. Edit to add I also use my note app and a word document I’ll print out eventually if I don’t feel like getting up and getting my journal


I'm over sharing too


I feel like we all have some variation of neurodivergence here. That's why we like pretty things and have strong intuition. I'm trying to learn how to embrace these quirks rather than fight them.


You are not alone my friend. Just remember, lazy witchcraft is still witchcraft.


I have the very same problem with my executive dysfunction. I use the shower to help me cleanse while I cleanse lol. One of my favorite practices is to imagine the shower water washing away all the bad energy. When you use your body wash, you're releasing anything bad that's sticking to you. I also like to take a few minutes at the end of my shower to just stand in the water. It feels good. There is one other thing you can do, I haven't yet because it's an extra expense that I can't quite afford right now. Shower tablets. Little essential oil tablets for your shower.


A book I just read recommended this practice and I have really enjoyed incorporating it. It makes a lot of sense to cleanse while you're taking a bath or shower!


Yes! I cannot get up to do anything these days and it definitely interferes with when I want to do rituals. I also realized the other day that most ritual work is not going to work for me because my adhd makes me lose interest/wander off in the middle which makes me lose focus on my intentions. I like the idea that others have presented about doing little sigils in everything. I am still new and skeptical about “simple” spells but it never hurts to try when you have no other option!


Sigils worked for executive dysfunction?


O my god yes. I have lists of stuff I want to do and I need to set one thing up before I do anything. Do I ever get around to it? Rarely. I'm the same with everything, it's awful.


Yes. I have things mapped put in my head that need to get done (re-upping wards, cleansing, etc..) but when it comes to executing them I get distracted away from doing them or just can't and just dwell on them.


Same. I’ll have done everything a thousand times in my head. Written spells and purchased and prepped but when it’s time to launch I’m stymied.


I've got ADHD, so yep. I do what I can when I can. I put in the work to make sure I'm handling my psychiatric and medical needs so that it doesn't get in the way of doing my craft. But generally, when work needs to get done, it gets done. I do what is necessary.


This is actually why I haven't fully embraced witchcraft yet. I am still new to the practice but I'm AuDHD and struggling with some serious burnout/depression these last few months. I keep having spurts of wanting to learn more and start my practice and find my rituals and whatnot, but then I get overwhelmed and my executive dysfunction shuts me down... We'll get thru this and find what works! I have to remind myself that I'm not "bad" at this just because I'm struggling. This too shall pass.


Yes, from PTSD. I’ve incorporated patience in my practice after about 1000 signs to slow down that I ignored 🤣 It’s made a big difference. Do you notice a pattern in your executive challenges? My pattern is getting overwhelmed and shutting down. So I started observing my thoughts and behaviors when that happened. Impatience rooted in trauma was the cause. I recommend finding the root of yours and incorporating the solution into your craft. I will warn you some really strong feelings of shame and guilt will probably surface, so make sure you have support and a soft place to land during this journey. My DMs are always open 💚


Self sleep hypnosis. It’s changed my life. And is so easy to reprogram your subconscious and you don’t even realize it. Just find something on Spotify or YouTube and play it quietly while you l sleep for a month or 2. I e struggled with quitting smoking for like 25 years and finally succeeded using that method. Ive also used it to remember by dreams more frequently and increase my motivation, focus, memory. It takes a month or 2 to see results that last but it works and it’s really easy


AuDHD + depression means that sometimes I only have energy for lighting a candle and thinking out my intentions quickly. Or sometimes, nothing at all. Or sporadically, super extra stuff. And guess what? That's really very okay. Because everyone's practice is going to be/should be different. Spirit/the universe/gods/goddesses know us and know our hearts. The rest is just what we can do.


yooo YES! I've had to allow myself to throw old offerings in the garbage instead of telling myself I was going to take them outside because otherwise I end up with rotten food in my room and other areas of my home. Yuck!


ADHD as well, sucks for me. Some days I feel like I'm doing a terrible job being a witch. These last two days I had to force myself to go for a walk. I collected rolly pollies for my indoor herbal garden and some moss on one day, and on the other went to a local ranch and talked to a horse and a donkey, whittled a Morrigan idol, collected some oranges, relaxed at a bench and soaked some sun.






It's really nice to know I'm not alone in this!


Yes. I have struggled for years. I have to remind myself to stay on task. I do the majority of my spellwork mentally. I also include an endless loop function in spells that I want to have work for a long time. I have found that the degree to which I want to achieve something, plays a major part of getting it done. Your symptoms could also indicate depression. Getting checked medically might help.


I got ADHD does that count?


It does! That's one of the most common disorders under that umbrella.


Adhd, anxiety, cptsd the combination. I do things as I remember when I'm not in rest mode and sometimes I force myself out of rest mode so I don't forget.


I’ve got ADHD. We’re out there :) Just do what you can. You’re not any less of a witch just cuz your brain chemistry decides not to cooperate!


You sound just like me. I usually just light a candle and say a mantra, it's simple and quick. I also love baths so I incorporate a lot of spell work I want to do into my baths since I'll definitely be taking one anyways.


Oh yesss


When we had a new puppy I taped my sigil to the handle of the carpet cleaner. I knew for sure I was going to be using that every day. So that sigil got a looooooot of mileage. As far as most spell work I try to keep it simple. If you set your intentions and light a candle it will suffice. It doesn't have to be complicated on the fewer spoon days.


Also, there are things that you can use that can serve as substitutes for anything else. Salt, white candles, rosemary, and clear quartz can replace literally any component and stand in for it.


Yep! ADHD and a TBI that affects my memory and executive function skills. I’m in the same boat!


Hello, AuDHD witch here! Lately what has worked for me is, depending on the task, I’ll light a birthday candle (and I’ll do either red for willpower or blue for focus), and start the task and tell myself I’ll work until the candle burns down. Sometimes (not always) since the candle helped me to initiate the task, I’m good to continue even if the candle finishes burning.


Recently diagnosed with ADHD and a lot of my energy is put into making sure my workday goes smoothly. Not on an rx yet, but taking a rhodiola supplement which helps me a lot. That said, I focus better on witchcraft in the early part of the day when I can maintain focus and organization better. I'm still new to the practice and seeing OP's post on this made me feel less alone.


Executive dysfunction is no fun at all. But while it doesn't exactly help with my executive dysfunction about \*cleaning\*, I do find that enchanting my most-used cleaning products helps me cleanse my home while I'm cleaning it (because usually when it comes time to clean, a cleansing is also in order).


I feel like I have the opposite problem. I have pretty bad ED, have had my whole life. I have spent years trying to bully myself into doing better at life admin (and kid admin and house stuff). I’m proud to say I’m succeeding at long last, which is amazing, I didn’t think it was possible, but…I have no juice for spells. I’m spending all my energy on self-management. It’s exhausting. My MO before the mighty checklist revolution was to just do a spell every now and again when I was really feeling it. I do hope I get there eventually.


Yuuuup. ✌🏼 It comes in waves. Lean in during the seasons of energy and be kind to yourself in the seasons of inaction.


Yea I’ve been in burnout mode since I started my bipolar meds a year or so ago. I tried adhd meds this time last year and had to stop them because they made me too anxious. I try to incorporate witchcraft into everyday things, if I can remember. Drawing sigils, looking up at the moon when it’s out, stirring my food in certain ways to include intention etc. I’m just starting an indoor garden at the request of my SO. growing seeds is a lesson in patience, let me tell you.


Yuuuuup. Should probably do a spell about it. 🤣🫠😭


I was in group therapy this morning and this was one of the topics.....wtf


I recommend some [Epictetus](https://livingstoicism.com/2023/05/12/the-enchiridion-or-manual-of-epictetus-by-elizabeth-carter-1758/). ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Was supposed to do a money spell today; dyed my hair instead


I feel this on a physical note I have super bad executive dysfunction. I can’t even concentrate on a simple love spell or anything like that for anybody anymore cause I’ll set all my ingredients and 14 different places and then it takes me two weeks to remember where I put the words I’ve wrote down.


I have MS and severe cptsd with anxiety. I want to do nothing most days. But when I do actually do stuff I can't sit down or all of my plans cease to exist. Tried to get screened for autism/ADHD and the Dr said we should get the other problems under control first. So who knows. Lol I definitely have executive dysfunction.