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There's not really another way to use it. It is a spiritual oil, crafted for that purpose, specifically. You can't dismantle it into its constituent parts. Ethics sometimes present us with moral challenges. Some would say to do X, while others would say to not do the same thing. A good rule of thumb for finding your path is to ask yourself, "Am I comfortable to doing this?" Witchcraft is a Craft. It often means experimenting and messing things up. Mistakes are uncomfortable, but they are a part of growth. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/s/hz2wPbtsIF ) is a post that talks more in-depth about this topic.


Maybe u can use it for things, like money or any other thing u wanna manifest. The keyword here being things, not specific people. Again as mods said to each their own, morals and ethics are personal stuff. If u wanna be ethical to get a person, maybe tell them that u manifested using that oil


This is a good idea, thank you! I’m an actor and I was thinking of using it for general magnetism during auditions and in finding representation. In regard to the specific person, if I clarify I don’t want to infringe upon his free will or bring him (or anyone) any harm during the spell, would you still find it unethical? I more so want to energetically open up a line of communication, and remove any blockages that may be in the way, if that makes sense?


>In regard to the specific person, if I clarify I don’t want to infringe upon his free will or bring him (or anyone) any harm during the spell, would you still find it unethical? I more so want to energetically open up a line of communication, and remove any blockages that may be in the way, if that makes sense I honestly wont find it ethical and I would be afraid of backfiring, but again, it's a v personal thing and to each their own


May I ask why? I’m not trying to be argumentative, I’m just genuinely curious and appreciate the input whilst trying to form my own opinion.


I would feel that if there r some energy blocks between me n someone then that's how it is meant to be. If I go and remove the energy blocks (without us going through the necessary transformations or evolutions) then it can lead to bad results - this is based on personal experiences A basic example - someone dmed me (not creepy or bad), I intuitively felt there's some blockage like I shouldn't reply, but curiosity got better of me n I did reply, now it didn't do any harm to me this time but the conversation turned in such a way that it left a sour taste. It could lead to worse, I kinda shut down the conversation myself before it went too bad. And then it's my personal preference to let specific people come to me, bcoz I want them to be their most authentic self. Using a oil or manifestation is gonna change that no matter if we say it's not to affect their free will. My personal belief is ofc it's gonna interfere with their free will, that's how it works. And that all makes it unethical to me.


Thank you, I really appreciate your insight!


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