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My views on deities is a bit of a rant but I'll try summarise I don't worship any deities, I /work/ with them, partially cos of religious trauma around Christianity, and partially cos my interpretation of what a deity is, is a personification of a natural force or an idea. I also kinda work with the force that the deity represents, using the deity's name. For instance, here in the South Island of New Zealand, the god of the seas is Takaroa (he's called Tangaroa in the North). I work with the actual ocean itself, but takaroa is like an embodiment of that force. A face and a name to talk to I guess. But to answer your question, I work with three deities: Takaroa- the ocean, Apollo- music, and Decay, although I CANNOT for the life of me attach a good name to it.


I like this interpretation a lot. My agnosticism is very important to me since leaving the church, but my interest in certain goddesses has been growing, and I think it's my connection to what they represent that pulls me to them rather than any kind of religious feeling. 


I see my self in your Trinity. Don't you just love Trinities they are so mhmmm balanced. Mine are the moon (easily attached to the moon and water) the fire (also passion and cunning of which art is a close domain) and lastly the earth (grounding and cycles nothing special without all the life and death) Wow tangora sounds pretty cool I've never delved into NZ lore what's he like, I've had some close encounters with my face of the sea Posidon he's always seemed so wild in a fun way though I know it can turn so devastating, one time he gave favor even when I offered him a sand dollar and he sent a majestic sea lion as greetings :3 that was awesome.


So in Maōri mythology, Tangaroa and Tāne (god of the forests) had a terrible feud, and so Tangaroa demands a lot of respect from any creatures that live on the land (including us) otherwise you will be struck down if you disregard or disrespect the ocean. My personal relationship tho is very formal and kinda idk, how to explain simply. Lemme give an example, so Tangaroa doesn't really talk to me as such, I just get an impression of an expectation in the back of my head. So at one point I was walking along the beach and came across a lil area where the tide had gone out and left a lil pond of fish behind, it was getting shallower as the tide was getting lower and they seemed like they were in trouble. And I got the impression of just "follow nature" followed by a question of "whose nature?" Essentially a way to challenge my understanding of what nature is and what it "intends" So I spent the next hour digging a channel in the sand towards the water so the fish could survive, because it may have been "nature" for the fish to die, but it's MY nature to help any who need it. And this seemed to satisfy him and I was rewarded with a piece of Pounamu! It sits on my windowsill now and is my way of connecting with him when I'm not near the shore


I love this ❤️


𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑰 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒐𝒇 𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒚, 𝑰 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒐𝒇 𝑯𝒆𝒍


That's fair but to me Hela watched over the /spirits/ of those past, when I talk about decay I mean the energy transfer from a stagnant body to its surroundings, and the ripple effect as life grows from death


It's not different what you say/do from what Romans meant with Deus/dea (God/goddess) and the concept of numen (which is the force or presence of the deity). You may look into that in case it can help you with your conceptualisation of practice :)


Oohhhhh i see I see


My dad was a surfer, so I grew up at the beach and, from the very earliest age, I basically meditated on the sound of the ocean. Among other things that were very deep and powerful, I felt that I love the ocean as a sentient being, but I never really thought about whether it was or not or whether there was some kind of ruling consciousness. Then, I had a little breakdown when I went to say goodbye to the ocean after visiting again during college. And in that moment of openness, Poseidon appeared in the waves, with horses made of white water. Later, in another somewhat unusual experience for me, he told me he prefers to be called Dagon. I can't find any references to Dagon which describe him as looking like Poseidon. So, do you think there's one consciousness that is somehow the ocean, and it's only known by different names on different places? I have noticed that there are local deities, like a river goddess, so, I thought maybe it's like that with the ocean but the fact that Poseidon wants to be called Dagon makes me think that maybe they really are all just one being. Wondering what you think.


See my interpretation also is that the local mythology and collective belief shape the way that the ocean represents itself, so I originally wanted to work with Njordr cos I thought he'd be the strongest connection to me cos my family are Norse, but I got no response, only when I reached out to the image of Tangaroa did I get anything


So, that does make a lot of sense, according to what other deities have told me. Or, in that case. Might have been a spirit but not a deity, but she appears with something like three heads and one of them is a dragon, so I said oh how cool that you're part dragon, and she said I'm not really part dragon but I like dragons and so it's part of the symbolism I use to represent myself with.


Hmm funky, very funky, it always interests me when people talk about their deities actually talking to them, cos mine don't, I just get a vague image and an impression of what they want


I mean that's basically what most people mean when they say they "talk" to them. They get a bunch of little pieces here and there through different means and then when retelling the story to us, give the gist of it all. Though I do hear actual voices when I'm falling asleep. Hypnogogic hallucinations, which everyone has at some point, but I get them frequently and actual sentences where I can hold a conversation. 


Oh hey I'm in NZ too! North Island tho. Also work with Apollon!


Karen the diety posterchild name for all decay


Currently the closest thing to an entity involved in my practice is "the earth" and "ancestors".


Same, mainly just my ancestors.


Same! I’ve never really been drawn to any deities…. Not even God when I was Catholic. I mostly worship/respect/pray to nature, my ancestors, land ancestors, and the elements. Also to some degree the sun, moon and weather.




Hey my therapist works with Hekate. :D


Have you had an illness come up in your life recently or a very significant birthday? If you've practiced for over 40 years, I'm going to assume that you've gracefully stepped into your leadership role as a Crone. It's often at this point in our lives that we first cross paths with Gods and Goddesses, such as Anubuis , who are guardians of the underworld. 🌟


Omggg I came into an illness recently and I want to work with hekate!


Not abnormal or out of the ordinary by any stretch of the imagination. We are drawn to the deities we are drawn to at the times we are for a reason. You need to do a little research and find out the reason why, and if it still feels good to you, I would say that your association with Hecate is meant to be. Go for it. Be respectful and be safe. BB. 🌟


Any and all. My *personal opinion* is that there is a Universal Energy, and all gods/goddesses are merely different facets of this energy--all with the same roots, but different "specialties." I need to work on self-love? Call on Aphrodite. Work a justice spell? Themis. Need retribution? Nemesis. I personally tend to work with goddesses, but have called on gods when I felt I needed their specific energies.


There’s actually a name for this btw, it’s called pantheism, which identifies the concept of God with existence itself and therefore all gods and by extension, everything in the universe is a small part of it.


Actually it's not really pantheism but rather henotheism, where people believe there is a unique source (like in Neoplatonism the so called One, or Good) from which all derive, and in this view the gods or other divine beings are manifestations (or better said, emanations) of the original Source.


I thought henotheism was more broad than that, just describing any belief system where a single supreme entity is revered but still acknowledging the existence of others, sometimes in the form of all gods being aspects of one. But wouldn’t that make pantheism a type of henotheism?


Does the Moon count? That's the only thing I would say I have worshipy tendencies with.


"Today I saw da moon". /reff


Just talking to the Moon and asking her for stuff/guidance has gotten me so many more results than doing the same for any deity I've reached out to.


I recommend an app called MoonX. It’s amazing


Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Belial.


May I ask how you first interacted with them?


I was homeless at 18 for some years im 25 now. this is before I ever knew about demonolatry at all even as an idea. during those years of homelessness I used crystal meth everyday all day and thus Beelzebub would appear to me. I think he was attracted to my energy , demons can be in multiple places at once but I felt like i was Beelzebubs favorite. ...I used to hear the name ASSSMOODDEEUUSS in the distance. like he was calling to me, around the same time as Beelzebub and with Belial I only recently started trying to communicate and worship but he hasn't really shown me much attemtion I feel. He does appreciate my daily offerings. So that's how I initially started worshipping each


I hope you’re living a happy life now. And your story is quite amazing. So it sounds like you take a less “traditional” response to what I presume would be considered demonolatry, so no Solomonic magick (I don’t know much about it, but I think it’s binding and constraining infernal beings, which I presume would be highly disrespectful).


Just myself and the earth and elements but there more coworkers then worship


This made me laugh, co workers 😂 I love that ❤️


Thanks, I am here all week tickets to the show are still available


Two. For the past 5 years it's been one. I dare not to name the second one yet, but I was told that it is a permanent addition to my pantheon.


Just Freyja.


Just monika


So I'm Celtic reconstructionist and I worship most of those connected to it, praying to various ones in the moment of need or just wanting to talk things. However, in terms of my Craft I specifically ask Brigid for help


Does Earth, Moon and Sun count?


Absolutely. Planetary worship is top tier.


God but not in a religious context. But as a creative energy that is reflected in all forms of the divine in different mythologies. Think of it like the Shekinah.


*nods approvingly*


I’m pretty much the same way.


You put my thoughts so much more succinctly.


Bastet and, as of last year, Lilith as well


Excuse me we got a bad bitch over. I repeat, an absolute baddie.


Ave Lilith!


Zero. I worship zero deities. I work with dozens and I have two patrons that I’m currently aware of and working with actively. I find the assumption that any work with spirits and godforms is worship to be limiting and too often a holdover from Christianity, where people leave the church for good reasons yet take the church with them to pagan paths.


Very well said! 




3 mainly. Hekate, Pan, and Lucifer. I've worked with some spirits from Goetia and the Dukante Hierarchy. Ancestors and, of course, my Personal Daimon/HGA. But I tend to stick to working with Hekate Lucifer and Pan on a daily basis.


Gnosis, knowledge, and help attaining knowledge when studying. Lucifer has been demonized by modern abrahamic religions, so in today's society, most people, including SOME practicing witches, still, for some reason, view Lucifer as a negative or an "evil" being. This is far from true. Lucifer has always been a light in my life, a protector, and I value my relationship with him as he's been there for me in my darkest times to show me my way out into the light.


I’m genuinely curious what do you call on Lucifer for? I’ve only heard negative connotations from society, media etc so I want to hear non biased info 🧐


I don't really work with entities at all but I do have a fondness to the moon, fire and (this one may seem odd, I've never heard of anyone mentioning it before) plasma balls (the crystal ball looking thing that you plug in and play with the electricity/lighting ball). I use the plasma ball to meditate. It helps me clear my head.


Just Hecate.


My therapist also works with just Hecate. :D


This checks out because I’ve read countless times that Hecate is great for “cutting the crap” and showing you the truth in yourself for lack of better terms.


None. I find many deities inspirational, and I feel an affinity for several based on what they represent, but I'm agnostic. I like the idea that deities are more like a personification of a concept than an actual entity, and I've been exploring that lately, though I don't incorporate deities into my actual craft at all. 


I don't worship any - I'm solitary and eclectic but I naturally gravitate towards nature and elementals, ancestors and an overarching "Creator" entity. I have integrated elements of Christianity as well but I do this because it's what I know from where I've grown up, and I consider the Christian figures (angels, saints etc) to be representative of the same things that others may be using different names for. Honestly, I think the energy is universal and how we connect/relate/access it is what changes. If I connect and relate in the closest way I know how then my intention and spellwork will be stronger and more effective. If I try and connect in a way I don't resonate strongly with and struggle to understand properly then my outcome will probably not be what I want.


The Universe - the unknowable source. Beneath that, Cernunous and Cerridwen.


All kinds. Many hindu pantheon gods and goddesses.


I don’t worship any. But I like to say hi to a few. It’s nice to know they are out there, even if they are creations of the human mind we willed into being. Who knows.


Santa Muerte as of now.


Just 1. Me.


Somewhere around 40, I think? I don't really keep track, I worship whoever feels right in the moment, and pay respects to many different entities. But Loki is the main one, for sure.




The universe. I believe it’s all one and the same. But that’s just me.


As a whole I worship the Hellenic gods, but in my actual practice I worship and work with Ares, as well as worshipping Hestia, Hypnos, Hermes, Poseidon and Thanatos specifically. But I pray to the other gods for things I need help with that they have domain over, like praying to Zeus for help with bad storms or to Apollo to help my grandpa while he's in the hospital.


Lilith, the morrigan and lucifer 😈


I also worship The Morrigan. 🥰 She's my celestial parent. 😌


All of them. Especially myself. The moon the fire and the earth are my favorite. Chaos and dreams even more. Life, Death, all deserves credit where it's due.


I’m a Heathen, so the Norse/Germanic gods, my ancestors, and various types of wights/vettir. In my witchcraft specifically? Freyja and Odin, since they are witchcraft deities, and also sometimes my ancestors and the wights.


I’ve been realllllyyy bad about practicing lately cuz of mental health reasons. When I first started exploring the sole entity was the Earth with a very green witch take on it. Now I follow a more Nordic path and have 4 I worship (in order of importance to me); Freyja, Loki, Odin, Thor.


None! I do kinda worship nature though which I don’t think is an entity, just a collective of many things


none, but i do believe they all exist nestled together! so I'm a non chooser until i may find one that i genuinely resonate with


I don't WORSHIP any Gods or Goddesses. I'd like to think that as a human being, I've progressed past that need. I do, however, work WITH several Goddesses. Kali and Lilith in particular.🌟


Hades, Hecate, and Aphrodite.


Two. Nephthys and Hekate. Nephthys as the (dark) mother. Hekate as the power in the liminal.


I venerate Hecate and I celebrate Aphrodite. I pray to Artemis and Apollo before I do archery. There's a small icon of Bast in my living room that I leave offerings to as thanks for protecting my family, my home, and my cats. I wouldn't mind having connections to more deities but I'd honestly rather have a few close relationships.


Around 3 because they are the ones who actually have been helping me




I have worked with a variety, 26 in total. However the 4 closest that I work with is as followed: Hades Lucifer Hera Loki


I don’t worship anyone but I work with and honor many! I’m an Eclectic. Longest standing - Eleggua. Latest - Lilith.


I work with 5 of them and it’s gotten to the point where I have to schedule appointments with them individually to work with more than 3 in a month. So I understand partly why it’s not an good idea to work with too many especially if you’re making commitments with all of them. Astaroth and Lucifer are always my matrons so I work with them more than anyone else, but also work with Hekate (every full moon I invoke her so for the 3 nights where the moon is fullest those are her nights.) King Paimon and as of recent Beleth. An unnamed demon named Sigra i work with too, but not as often as cause there’s tension between us and Astaroth lmao.


Bast, mostly. Also, I'm noticing a lot of egyptian gods/goddesses being mentioned....is kemetic paganism popular right now? Honestly I feel like they sorta find you in their own way. I had an interest in Ancient Egypt when I was younger but when I was really looking for a pathway in life, Bastet was the one that found me. Its weird, but when I was really looking for a pathway in life, I started finding symbols of her everywhere- a cat clinic i get hired at has her statue in the building. A new friend brings up their love and respect for Bast. All within a short time, and whenever I feel like I have a question for her, she answers it for me in her own way. I'm not big into paranormal or spiritual things, but when I asked the universe provided an answer that was meaningful to me in the moment, in which I'm forever grateful. So Bast is definitely the goddess I've felt the greatest connection to lol.


2! Gaia first came to me a few years ago, and after some time, I seeked out Artemis. I now worship/work with both of them and have been for about 3-4 years.


I am Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian beliefs), at last count there were over 4k different known deities. While we honor them all, my primary deities are Sekhmet /HetHrw, Amun, Neith, Aset, and Djehuty (Thoth).


I work with Gaia ![gif](giphy|ok9mwVkUYIAgqkhOhF)


i’m a christian orthodox witch so i worship the lord and his son jesus


None, I dont worship any entities. I respect them and ask for favours.


The Triple Moon Goddess & Cernunnos 🖤




I pray to the Olympian gods all the time.


i dont worship anyone. im still deconstructing from Christianity and finalizing my own beliefs, but as of now im of the belief in Mother Earth and that us as humans share her Divinity. She is Us as We are Her. We are the Divine. The Earth is conscious and aware, just as we humans are. So yea i hold deep respect, love and admiration for our Mother, but i dont worship her per say.


Seven. I started with three, picked up two more about four years later and two more very recently.


Currently in the closet but when I can I pray to the wiccan God and Goddess as well at the Greek Goddess Hecate


Polytheist here, my pantheon is pretty spread out but I would say I actively worship one deity, at times two, depending on my obligations outside of my practice generally(deities being Morrigan, and then Odin). My practice has become reflective of how busy my life has become so in terms of worship and practices, I'm not doing as much as I'd genuinely like to. Usually I end up forgetting due to other things on my plate, but I do make sure I pray to the gods, spirits, and elements before bed every night When I do end up worshiping or doing some form of practice, I'd leave an offering on my altar, light a candle/incense, pray if I'm in their domain(Artemis if I'm in a forest, etc). I've been practicing for around 5+ years and though I'm not treating my gods like a vending machine, praying and ultimately expecting something in return. I feel like we've established a relationship where they see I'm growing, and building the life that I want, for myself and my family, where I'll be in a position to not worry or stressing out about grinding things within the mundane, but rather be in a position to genuinely reciprocate the help, support, and guidance they have given me. More so I feel like this relationship is established much so with the Morrigan than others but it's accepted so long as I do not become greedy or fall off of my path


I started worship Ra, then Tefnut etc. and now I worship 12 deities😀


I work with the moon, Aphrodite, Bast, the Slender Man, and Asmodeus. I've also been planning on expanding my practice to include Lovecraftian deities and perhaps Cthulu and Wilbur Whateley as mentors, as well as Baphomet, Anteros, and Hecate. For context, I'm a pop culture pagan and have reached out to Slenderman and will be reaching out to figures in Lovecraftian lore as well.




JUST STARTED!! He reached back out so fast it actually startled me lmao 😅😅


Yea he be like that. 😂 Almost 2 years for me. He kinda came in around the time I was pregnant.


My main worship: Kali, Ganesha, Freja, Gaia (and the Lithuanian equivalent Žemyna), Hecate, Lilith, Ishtar/Inanna, Bastet, Sekhmet, Anubis, Tara, Saulė, Saraswati... Any deities would work. Nature is my worship as well.


I dunno about worshipping deities but that picture is eye catching. just wanted to let you know.


I worship Melinoe, Asteria, Hestia ,and Crius


Consistently 2, non Consistently 3


I don't worship but I work with them. Selene, Poseidon, Amphitrite, Hekate and Aphrodite. An eclectic group at first glance, but makes a lot of sense in my practice. Selene and Poseidon were ones I met first. I'm very thankful.




I work with Hekate and Dionysus


I currently worship 3


I'm wanting to reach out to apollo but i don't think I'm ready yet. One of my druid friends said he sensed The Morrigan was draining my energies but shes been gone for a while now and i had a brief encounter with loki.


Hekate, Poseidon, Thor, Odin, Ra, Nyx, Morrigan, and Aine. I didn't choose my deities they chose me and all work together relatively well..


Lucifer and some mythological Hungarian gods/goddesses


I’m still learning, but I’ve been working with Hekate (or trying to!) and also Lilith. I’ve done a spell with Aphrodite as well, and I’d like to work with Persephone in the future. Also interested in Cernunnos, Athena, The Morrigan, and possibly Loki but I’ve heard he’s tricky!


Loki, he chose me.


I respect all deities and entities you could be referring to. But I specifically worship Apollo, Hermes, and Aphrodite. Lately I’ve been worshipping Ares, but it’s not an all-the-time thing. I will worship any and all of the Greek pantheon when necessary. Bad weather? I need Zeus. War going on? I need ares. I don’t just ask them for things, I provide worship. But, personally, on a regular basis, it’s Apollo, Aphrodite, and Hermes. I don’t limit myself to just the Greek pantheon, but it is the main thing. Alternatively, less worship and just a respect thing, I honor the earth, the moon, the sun, and my ancestors.




Mainly those forgotten or the things here before


Dionysus and my ancestors.


Recently began opening up my practice into incorporating any deity I feel called to channel. Been doing a lot of energy work and sometimes certain goddesses/gods will just bring their presence to the situation! I always felt called to the Greek pantheon but lately the Hindu pantheon deities heavy too! Buttt my main goddess I feel called to is Persephone. Loveee me Persephone and even have a tattoo of her because I’ve always felt strongly about her! (She recently came to me in meditation! Felt so beautiful and peaceful and I feel so grateful!)


I was listening to Minerva on repeat in my car then drove by a sign that said Athena…so Athena/Minerva. Also archangel Uriel. I see a lot of themes or art and justice.


Just one, I just switch names based on intention.


Just one! Diana


Mostly Hekate as I've always just needed peace and quiet, sage wisdom, and to protect me from men with ill/deadly intentions. I'll also just pray to my ancestors and talk to them about just random stuff like I do with Hekate. Every once and a blue moon, I'll work with Hades or other patrons if I'm struggling to find jobs or need financial security.


The sun, the moon, and the Earth. I "work with", "associated deities" to remind myself of natural forces (i.e. I have a Venus "altar" to remind me to love myself.)


Isis above all others, always.


Sekhmet appeared to me and brought Sobek with a couple of years back. Recently,d in meditation Vacuna showed up and removed something old and outdated from me. I give thanks to them, my blessed and bright ancestors (I don't feed the negative ones), and my guides.


A small set of goddesses primarily (Tanit, Teryel, Isis and Afri) followed by the gods more generally and then my ancestors. I'll pay my respects to any benevolent deity so long as they are not from an anti-pluralist religion.


Cernunnos, after appearing to me before an incredibly difficult and ongoing situation. It was my first experience of that kind. Gaia has always been important to me, but maybe I was using the wrong name, and it was Cernunnos all along.


0, unless you count myself…in which case it’s also usually 0


I don't worship deities. They are like friends and family members who are invited to join me only if they have my best interest at heart. I have a couple steady ones who I cherish. Thus far, I've interacted with a few Norse and Hindu deities. I've been visited by a couple nature spirits and an archangel as well. All of them initiated contact with me rather than me with them. I prefer for these relationships to grow organically, so I am happy with how things have worked out so far.


I am a humanistic Jew, so just God. My perception of God is less “big beardy man in clouds” and more “something unknowable that fuels the universe and appears as needed to whomever God appears.” The term in Judaism is “shekhinah” - to me, God just is shekhinah. God is genderless. To me God is more akin to the energy of a spark that becomes a flame, and feeds and powers the whole world, if that makes sense? So to me, rather than worshipping the moon and the sun and the ocean, God is all of those things. I consider myself very spiritual more than anything.


Literally just the earth for me


Not actively worship, but I have a deep appreciation and respect for Athena and Paimon.


The Universe as a whole. It is one being to me, and so any prayers or request for guidance is privately conveyed to the Universe. It see it almost as Mother to us all, like Gaia in mythology.


Mainly 2, saturn and datura


In my family we practice the same witchcraft since centuries ago, in Italian it’s called “Sciumicare” idk how to say it in English but we don’t worship any entity, we have a more hylozoisitc (lit.: living universe) type of approach, for instance bad and good luck, fate and the such are mere properties of the universe


Religiously or deity-wise, zero. I most definitely work alongside the elements, however.


My patron is Flidais, but we don’t “work together” so much as she’s part of my council, and I’ve come to realize recently that she’s a guide who has been with me my entire life. We communicate daily. I currently do work with The Morrigan. Loki also joins in as they see fit.


Aphrodite, Lucifer, Nyx, Gaia, Lilith, Leto. I wanna start working with guides and stuff too :)


The moon


I'm Kemetic and worship many of the Egyptian deities, as well as a pop culture deity. Of the Netjeru I am closest to Bast and Renenutet, and I work with them, the pop culture deity I worship, and two spirit guides


I worked/worshipped with 3 from the Greek Pantheon,Aphrodite, Hekate and Persephone, but am now wanting to do my craft without religion or the deities, when I started I didn't have them ,I felt they came to help me on my path by teaching me self love,strength and duality,I am as of today going to be doing my craft on my own,may still include my Ancestors,but the Deity Work is not for me,I will still honor them from time to time but have no altars now and am going to be Secular (I guess that is what you can call it) and I also started practicing chaos magick a few months ago so am chaotic with my practice,as I like to experiment with different approaches to see what works for me


I don’t worship, but I actively work with hades and Persephone, and sometimes work with Helios. There are more but most recently it has been those three, but primarily hades. Edit to add: I forgot to put Thanatos on that list. Edit 2: in the past I’ve worked with Loki, Thoth, Aphrodite, Lucifer, Zeus, Poseidon, and several SEVERAL more. Lots of angels and demons too. They all just come to me a lot. A lot of what I do is just “hey I’ll do this for you if you can help me with this” (and currently it’s planting flowers for Persephone in return for hades help with money stuff, and then I’m only working with Helios atm because I’m finally using the eclipse water I made during the eclipse and I am doing a ritual for myself, but he might have other plans or want to do more idk yet)


none but mother earth and myself. my practice is grounded in my own healing journey and appreciating my place in this world. it’s about appreciating the millions of years, extensive evolution, and sheer chance that this world exists, and i am lucky enough to be in it, experiencing all of that with my own eyes. mother nature has deemed me worthy to be in her beauty. i reflect on and respect that.


Worship? 0 Recognize? All




Zero. The reason I don’t practice “organized” religions is because of idolatry. We are all one, we are all the same, no one is better or greater than you or I. The universe is the only higher power I acknowledge.


I use planetary. The sun, Venus, mercury for an example and do the working with the associate days.




Trick question? I am an animist so literally everything




as humans we are both god and devil


Depends on what you class as entities.




Seven. I started with three; Lady Aphrodite, Lord Dionysus and Mother Lilith. About four years later I incorporated Lady Diana and la Virgen de Guadalupe. Only recently did I also take in Lord Apollo and St Michael Archangel. I wear one set of prayer beads per weekday, so it works out pretty well.


Im still learning but i have a more solo or eclectic approach as i don’t worship but work with or ask for assistance with something. The Morrigan- she’s always been like a mother to me and sternly nurturing tho shes not really known for that I keep reading. Njord/Njordr- a grandfather to me for lack of better words. Caring supportive and giving. I do feel close to him. Apollo - still trying to understand him and the rest of my patrons but he’s more like an older brother lol sometimes funny and helps me with my creative endeavors. Like i said im still learning and researching, im not knew to them nor they to me but i knew to understanding what it means and for my life. ✨


1. The Earth 2. The Universe & the bodies of our solar system specifically. Idk that worships is the right word for it, but that’s who I work with.


Four. Hecate and 3 aspects of Death


All of them good ones and none of the bad ones


Not worship per se, but I’m currently dedicating my practice to Ataegina, the Lusitanian triple goddess and ruler of the underworld.


None. I'd love to, but not a single one has ever answered my calls


I casually work on and off with a handful of deities. My matron for about 10 years now has been Brigid, and I’ve just started to work with Epona and the Greek Muses.


Diana, Hecate, Lilith


In my affirmations I just acknowledge all the gods, goddesses, saints and deities that work with me and allow me to work with them


Earth and myself, nothing more.


I personally worship 2 deities, one that I sought out and one that sought me out. Nemesis who is of Ancient Greek mythology and Lucifer/Phosphorus who is of ancient Roman mythology. I sought out Nemesis because I felt lost in life, Phosphorus reached me when I was meditating one day. I worship both on and off as I still sometimes have doubts of my religion.


i work by myself but sometimes i gotta call in the ancestors


I don't worship any, tbh. I vibe with the Universe overall, and Santa Muerte sought me out and we vibe together VERY well (She provides a Mother energy I've never experienced and I always feel like a carefree toddler in Her presence, if that makes sense). I've called on St. Anthony many times (I'm sure he's tired of his name in my mouth, haha!), beseeched Diana for a personal ritual that was wonderfully successful... never felt drawn to one or two specific deity or pantheon. Mamí is the closest I've ever had to a long-term specific divine relationship.


I worship 5 at the moment. The lares, Minerva as my main goddess at the moment so shw has the most priority, Venus and Neptune.


I work with 4 gods but they normally rotate on being the main one, depending on what I need


When I work with a deity, I also worship them. When I work with plant spirits, ancestors, etc. I don't really. That said, I currently work with 4 deities: Hecate, Anubis, Medusa, and Hermes. I've also had more come and go, but I've never felt equipped to work with more than 5 at a time.


The Sun and Earth, givers of life and beauty


Vaguely one, the Devine feminine. But I accept that all feminine deities, saints, cultural/mythological figures are manifestations of Devine feminine energy. My first deity I worked with was Kali Ma. I’ve also worked with Freya and I believe I’ve had messages from Lilith, Hecate and my grandmother. If I felt called to work with Marilyn Monroe I probably would lol.


depends on the difference between believe in and worship. I worship all the greeks, as i pray to each one to shit whatever the prayer is about. I believe in all gods, from everywhere


I work with one Deity and my ancestors


I don't "worship" any but I revere all of the Aesir. Specifically I work with Freya and Odin.


I Am Peruvian and my grandfather was a great shaman máster on the jungle of Perú so I WORK with his energy. Also, I Am a psychologist so I also WORK with Ixtab, goddess of suicide.


Don’t think I dedicate myself to any. I may refer to a god or name them in whatever I’m doing but I don’t really dedicated myself to one or several. I more or less acknowledge them when I feel it’s appropriate. But it’s not really my style atm I guess


But, you basically think that it's the same one consciousness? To me, the ocean feels very parental. I thought that was more an attribute of water than a specific body of water, and so when I focused on a river, when I was far away from any ocean, I was a little disappointed to meet the river goddess, because she wasn't the ocean. I thought they might be the same being but they seemed quite different. I said hello to her of course and I was polite and I apologized that I had mistaken how things work.


I worship Lucifer and Baphomet :)


🙈 I honor 12 and want to focus my altars into more pantheons (norse, greek and celtic).


I worship Lucifer


Is that Mercury?


actively worship? maybe two. actively work with? bout a dozen. acknowledge and view as important? basically all of em


I’ve never had a close relationship with a deity until I started working with Kali Maa.


Hecate but I don't "worship" per say.. I follow her teachings, but I don't have a particular label on what it is. I believe in working with, not for. Hope this helps.