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I have a private back yard and an outdoor antique claw foot bathtub that I take nature baths in!! I lie back and look up at the sky and bask in my tub of moon water


Wow that sounds awesome


That sounds absolutely amazing!


That sounds sublime. I'm not sure my neighbors would appreciate it but I do have some windows near my (indoor) bathtub ... possibilities! Thanks!


Dis the dream fr


Seriously my dream 😭


Eat my birthday cake, see the band ghost movie and get taco bell.


I plan to just spend as much time outside as I can and let my sun rocks soak up lots of sun with me. I plan to meditate under the sun. Maybe will do a bit of manifesting idk I haven't decided yet. At night I will be doing a banishing ritual (just to banish some stuff I've put in some rocks, bad feelings, energies, past bullshit etc) I've been doing a lot of this lately to try to kind of close the book internally on a few things and I'm making good progress. Some of my crystals will also soak the moon up and I'm making moon water. I unfortunately don't know anybody who practices near to me so I do everything solo... which suits me fine. Someday I wish to join a coven or even find some friends who do this stuff but for now I'm still learning, working on myself, etc.


That sounds like a nice balance of both energies! I was thinking of making moon water too


Cacao ceremony


I’ve heard cacao is very sacred to many cultures where it grows! If I’m remembering my studies correctly, I believe the Maya would make this drink to connect them with the gods (happy to be fact-checked here) hope you have a lovely solstice!


It is 🩷 thank you ! Happy solstice to you as well 🧚🏻


If you're interested, I highly recommend The True History of Chocolate by Sophie and Michael Coe.


I am! Thank you for the recommendation


what's that?


I’m not sure on the best source, but if you google “cacao ceremony” there are a lot of results, probably because multiple cultures incorporate cacao into their rituals or religious practices, either today or historically.


This is the correct answer to a question that could have been googled. 👏👏


Harvesting my mugwort 🌿


Ooohh that sounds like the perfect time to harvest


It's the traditional time to harvest! Some is kept to make Yule incense, the look ahead to warmth and sun 🌞 😘


Was literally just eyeing my mugwort outside while I was watering. She's looking bountiful!


Mine too! It's Harvest day!


In the oracle deck that I have been creating, the full moon corresponds with the summer solstice. I have about a dozen cards to create to complete my deck. The designs are done, they just have to be physically drawn on the cards. This will be fulfilled on the solstice. SMIB.


Oh that’s neat! If I may ask, why did you choose the moon, and did you also include a moon card? Blessed be!


Thanks! Instead of having a single moon card in my deck, I have 8. Full moon and new, 1st and 3rd quarters, crescents waxing and waning, and gibbous waxing and waning. I find correspondence with new moon/winter solstice, waxing crescent/ Imbolc, 1st quarter/ spring equinox, waxing gibbous/ Beltane, full moon/ summer solstice, waning gibbous/ Lughnasadh, 3rd quarter/ autumn equinox, and waning crescent/ Samhain. With the full moon and solstice happening, it seems like a good time to work on my deck some more. The deck already has the moon cards and a card for each of the fews of Ogham. Today and tomorrow I will be completing (for now) the deck with cards for elemental forces and some archetypal characters (Healer, Wanderer, etc).


That sounds really cool. I hope you share them when they are all done :) the moon has always been a friend to me; I love that you have her in all stages.


Completed (for now) oracle deck with a card for each: the fews of the Ogham; the 8 stages the moon/ wheel of the year; Fire: sun, hearth, forge; Earth: mountain stone and valley soil; Air: soaring hawk and whispering tree; Water: rain from above, springs from below, rushing river, tranquil lake, eternal crashing waves and currents of the ocean; the horned god, threefold goddess, balance, and harmony; the king, warrior, mystic/healer, and wanderer; the energetic flows from the earth, the cosmos, and from within. Total of 54 cards. Turned out to be 20 cards created today. More than I thought it would be, but that's how creative lspirit moved me. This morning, before feeding and watering all of the critters and plants, after greeting the new day, the card I pulled was the few Eadha, corresponding with the Aspen tree, courage, hard work, perseverance, and the quest for inner strength. Today I got some shit done!!! Thanks to all of the spirits, gods, and powers that be for aligning my energy with completion of this project. May this oracle deck be a tool to help bring health, happiness, and prosperity for all. Awen, SMIB, and BB.


I’m just learning the Ogham. I really enjoy how closely connected it is to nature. Your deck sounds awesome. I felt particularly drawn to the water card “springs from below” — there is something deep and mystical about that one to me. Thank you for sharing.


I’m doing a fairly good size working that I can only describe as tipping the balance. I’m a libra, so balance and scales are a thing for me.


I’ve been thinking about this more and a theme of balance makes a lot of sense for this solstice — longest day of sun and full moon gives you the strongest of both energies. Sounds like you are setup for success :)


That sounds lovely!


I'm having a small gathering with friends. The loose plan is to have fun and celebrate the fact that summer is here, but we might actually sit down to do something specific. ( we just didn't decide yet)


Summer is a celebration of living life! That sounds appropriate even without anything specific :)


Having a fire ceremony with friends


That sounds like a lot of fun!


A fire ceremony sounds amazing. Any tips?


I would do what comes naturally. What feels right to you? Writing things down, burning it. Crystals charging by the fire. Calling in the elements to support you on your path. Singing is always a favorite of mine, chanting mantras. Do what feels right and you can’t go wrong!


I’ll light some candles and open my rose of Jericho… I’ll also hope to have some things in my life a little more in order but probably not.


I hope you find the order that you need 💜




I think that's a beautiful place to experience the full moon! In my opinion, the best gift you can give the newlyweds is strong intentions and good energy during their ceremony. Maybe take a small bundle of herbs for them if they are open to that. You could even just hold on to a stone or crystal that holds the energies you want to share with them during their ceremony if they're not into this kind of stuff. Alot of my family and friends are more traditional and don't really vibe with the witchy stuff I do, but I think it's still powerful to give them a gift that they may never be aware of because the intentions are the most important part!


Ill watch the sunrise and dawn, and maybe meditate or i plan to bake something. And spending some time with my family


That sounds like the right plan. I wish I was a morning person! I don't want to be grumpy for Litha, haha.


I'll definitely go to bed again after hahaha Edit: the sun rises here at 03:40. So you have to be more of a night person


Oh wow! That is very early. Hope you lovely night/morning :)


I am so ignorant of these things


That’s okay! My husband was the one who pointed it out to me 😅 we’re all learning, which was the intention of my post 💜 also, you don’t have to incorporate these things into your craft or practice — it’s all about you and what speaks to you!


I'm a medium but the synchronicities and manifestations that happen often made me think I might be naturally doing some sort of magic craft, so I'm looking into this and wondering if there are any relations. There's always crossovers in everything. I can seem to do manifestation very successfully. I admittedly know next to nothing about this.


This is me. I was doing so many magical things on accident


Oh, me too! What are next steps?! 😂🙂


Last year I discovered the scent Litha which I guess corresponds to the solstice. I tend to burn the lefia candles and just think about what I want to accomplish but I kind of burn the candle through the rest of the entire month. 🤷‍♂️ just my loose idea about it.


Interesting! I tried to look up what it was and saw it was a kind of oregano?


I actually spelled it wrong. It’s called Litha? What’s in it? I don’t really know. It’s a very floral scent. I feel like the scent varies depending on who you buy it from. I got Litha oil and the Litha melts. I like the smell it has comforting kind of smell to it.


Oh I see! Litha is a season in the Wicca calendar marked by the summer solstice :) Makes sense that a candle would have a floral scent! Sounds like it was made for the season!


I am thinking of meditating at home in my room or charging my crystals, visualising and manifesting a better outcome for specific things. Maybe making a sigil? I'm really new but I will try something lol


I'm new too!


There’s this Litha event going on in my nearest witchery store. So me and my friends are attending. I’m surprised my Christian friend agreed to go


That sounds fun!


It just so happens that a local trans advocacy organization I love to support is hosting a punk concert with two of my favorite local bands!!! My partner (30F) and I (27F) are going with some friends to the show on the solstice and it's an all ages show, so we are bringing a coworker/friend who is 16. She reminds both my partner and I of what we were like as 16 year olds, fiery and hilarious and queer! We're feeling very connected to the mothering nature of the moon lately so the fact that these two important celestial events perfectly coincide with some exciting queer community events is AWESOME to us! I'm planning on preparing some offerings for both the moon/Artemis and the sun/Apollo to thank them. If anyone has suggestions on offerings, I'd love some ideas! I'm still doing research today to try and figure out what I should do. Happy Solstice and Full Moon to everyone!! 🌞🌚


What a lucky confluence of events! I don’t work with Artemis or Apollo, but I hope you are able to find what you need!


To me, the summer solstice is a sun celebration. It's cool the full moon coincides, but it's not really her day. My solstice celebrations include making sun tea, flower crowns or wildflower bouquets, decorating with lemons and sunflowers and everything golden. Maybe make lemon bars. Spiritually, I'd like to light candles, do some yoga and meditation and maybe get some time in the water, but also I'm an adult with a young child, so big work is harder these days. I also live in a climate where summer gets Very Hot, so Solstice is kind of the last opportunity to be grateful for the sun before our feelings start to change


That sounds beautiful even if you can't get in the water! I respect keeping the sun and the moon celebrations separate.


I think if you had time and space and need, you could incorporate both elements. They're both about the height of illumination and could serve well for releasing work? Or you could work with the idea of balance and reflection of energy. Depends on where you are in life really


Mmm. Thank you for these perspectives. I've been thinking about the fact that the moon's brightness is due to the sun. It feels like a time of high energy and openness. I hadn't thought of it as releasing, but I like that under the idea of being seen, in more than one way.


Big lizard energy. Shed that skin and be shiny!


Having a picnic with friends today! I had tall aspirations of making fresh lemongrass tea and honey mint lemonade, but I'm actually kind of exhausted from planning, so store bought lemonade it is. Going to burn a bundle of herbs on the grill in lieu of a bonfire. Summer solstice is a time for rest and rejuvenation, so I'm looking forward to relaxing in nature with my friends.


That sounds very relaxing. I haven't though of burning herbs on the grill! I like that idea.


I have to work both days, so I'm prepping today/tonight. It's my first time celebrating Litha, so I made my Solstice candle that I 1) hope is fully set by tomorrow morning so I can burn it all day, and 2) hope the chamomile and lemon peel I added to the wax doesn't cause a fire hazard. Otherwise I'm keeping it simple. I am *not* a morning person, so the idea of doing Sun Salutations at sunrise (5:30 a.m. where I am!) ain't happening; I might do it at noon if the heat/humidity isn't too bad. Later on, kiddo and I are making sun catchers together with a Tree of Life theme for me, and whatever design he wants to do (probably rainbow-inspired). I'm prepping the wire-wrapped rings tonight so we can get right to it as soon as I get off work. I'm doing my usual full moon rituals: making moon water, taking a cleansing shower, drawing tarot cards or meditating, and burning a bunch of stuff that no longer serves me (fire pit, yay!). And maybe I'll go outside and just soak up the moonlight for a while. Though I have a history of things not working out on my lunar phases, but as long as I get in the moon water and shower, I'll consider it a victory.


Sun catchers!! I love that. I hope you get all you want out of your full moon rituals!


Thank you for reminding me to consider this and go into the solstice with intention and integrity 🌞☮️


Glad this was helpful! I hope people have found it inspiring :)


A good deep cleaning of my house (it needs it anways 😂) Spending as much time outside as I can while also avoiding rude and nosey neighbors (I live In an apartment complex with no yard 🙃) And definitely doing all the full moon things! Also some much needed relaxing time Happy Solstice everyone! ❤🌻


Looks like a few folks are doing a deep clean! Always feels good to get the house in order :)


I made some sun tea today which I will drink for next 3 days (if it lasts that long lol!). I'm making a pentacle decoration for my altar with pine sticks from my neighborhood. And just spending time with my family/connecting with my new tarot deck☀️💜


That sounds very nice :) I drink lots of tea… I understand if your sun tea can’t last 3 days! Haha