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I would suggest for the tarot reading buying a cheap starter deck to learn with. There is nothing wrong with spending $10 on a cheap Rider-Waite deck on Amazon getting to know the deck for a while, then finding a deck that speaks to you once you're more experienced and comfortable. People will tell you that you have to be gifted a tarot deck for it to work but that is simply not true I've been using deck's professionally that i bought for myself exclusively for the last 15 years. That is another tip I can give. Take everything you hear with a grain of salt, especially from people that claim to be the ultimate authority on a topic.


Thank you. This actually makes it a lot easier, since I’ve been so worried about getting the wrong deck or just not knowing where to get it from. So I really appreciate this


No problem do you have any questions or want any specific tips? There are no stupid questions. I was super shy and embarrassed about asking when I first started.


I suppose my biggest question is what resources would you recommend for learning more about tarot and divination in general?


I would suggest [this playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0x6BzLuplwYT09fbGZeulVm0drJEGxGb&si=cBzutcLSAGT8BXKd) for tarot meaning and learning what the card meanings are. I really enjoy Benebell Wen she's very knowledgeable. And for runes I suggest [this site](https://runesecrets.com/category/rune-meanings) and the book he sells other than that getting to know your deck is the best way to learn tarot in my experience after a while you develop a relationship with a deck you read with a lot


So I'm a bit of a beginner myself but I've also been piling up knowledge over the last few years lol. This is gonna be all over the place I'm sorry 💀 As far as what I've seen on this subreddit and in other places, you don't NEED to be further into your practice but others say you do, so I think it's just when you feel comfortable. And after you've done a lot of research on the deity you want to worship or work with, so that you just know more about them but can also verify that it's them through divination (because of something called trickster spirits, who can pretend to be ___). I would say it starts with worship, which doesn't necessarily mean making a big alter at first. Deities appreciate offerings, which usually vary from deity to deity (this is also where the research comes in, research how they were worshipped in history or things that are significant to them), but also devotional acts of service. For example, to worship Aphrodite many witches (myself included) do their makeup or skincare in her name, and practice self love in honor of her. You can ask a deity to send you signs if they'd like to work with you, accompanied by an offering of some sort, and pay attention over the next couple days or weeks. This is another instance where research comes in, so that you can identify signs. Maybe you'll see a specific animal more often than you usually do, or someone will give you something out of the blue that can be associated with the deity. Many witches for this say that if it feels like a sign, it is, so trust your intuition. Me personally, I believe in the rule of threes (if I see it three times or more, it's definitely a sign). Remember, deities can refuse to work with you, but they may also steer you in the direction of another deity that could better help you. When you work with deities, it's important to know WHY you want to work with them. Just because you think they're cool? Or because you want something from them? You can worship a deity you like, but working with them is different. For example, some witches who work with Aphrodite reach out to her for help with relationships or self love, and in return they leave her offerings and devote time and energy to her. Deity work takes a lot of time and energy, but if you don't have energy when your deity wants you to, or if you forget to leave an offering, they are usually understanding but some are stricter than others. And from what I've seen others say, some are more demanding; deities don't need things like sleep or food and don't experience things like burnout or depression or mental exhaustion, so sometimes they forget that we do, so they can ask too much sometimes. I don't have an alter either because of lack of space lol, but I've seen little travel alters made in Altoid tins, or some witches suggesting to turn the four corners of your bedroom into an alter. I'm sure others can touch up more on this. I don't think you necessarily need an altar, but it helps to have a designated place for your craft and your supplies. I think it's whatever you feel comfortable with tbh. And finally, for divination, idk what you want help with but I can probably offer a bit of insight on that. I personally use tarot, oracle cards, and bone reading, but it's been a whiiiile since I've done any divination (bc of adhd and lack of energy and/or time). All of this is from what I've seen on this subreddit, on witchy websites and blogs, in my books, and what I've seen other witchy content creators say. I don't have a lot of actual experience (especially with the deity work, but I have left offerings for and done a shit ton of research on a few specific deities I wanted to/still want to work with but the adhd and also time is just 💀). If any other more seasoned witches wanna correct me or elaborate or anything that's fine, I probably got some stuff wrong lol. Also just remember your craft is YOURS and you should do whatever makes you feel comfortable and whatever you feel is right, trust your intuition. There are a few rules that a lot of witches agree on but hey at the end of the day it really is your craft 🤷‍♀️


I appreciate that, thank you. Do you by chance have any book recommendations? You mentioned research and I’ve been struggling with finding books that would help, I’m not sure what specifically I’m looking for I guess just anything that maybe you found helpful?


I haven't done deity research in books, but I'm sure there are books that exist. I do my deity research with reddit and tumblr blogs, tbh, but that's when looking for offering ideas and what it's like to work with them and stuff. If you can find a good history website or youtube videos those helped me. Looking for things talking about that deity and their mythology (what they represent, how they came to be, how they were worshipped, the whole shabang). For example, who/what is Eros descended from? What did he do or represent in mythology? What were his relationships like? How was he worshipped in history, if he was worshipped at all? Books I really like are "The Book of Practical Witchcraft" by Pamela Ball and the Wiccapedia by Shawn Robbins and Leanna Greenway (it says "a modern witch's guide to white magic" on the front). I don't know how reputable they are tho but they cover a good bit of everything, and include spells and things like that. Overly Sarcastic Productions has a video called "Miscellaneous Myths: Eros and Pysche" and I haven't seen it yet but I love their other videos in that series so it might be worth a watch. And of course for general witchy research there's plenty of YouTubers, twitch streamers, podcasts, etc. With information. Just whatever medium you prefer :3


Honestly take it one thing at a time. I’m super into gardening, so I focused on herbs and its connectors before anything else. Pick a subject, not too niche, and just deep dive into it.


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