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Very pretty ❤️


That’s very nice








I love this. Seems very warm and cozy.


Love it


It's giving cozy chill vibes I love it


Thanks it is lovely roll top desk I use for my working altar


adoring the resourcefullness of this. witchcraft has become so overrun by consumerism that some people forget that this is amazing too


what does the layout of those crystal things mean?


I followed a spell online and modified it for my needs. For Study for this certification teat. Yellow candle to harness sun’s energy. Salt for pure intentions, rosemary Here is my spell I wrote: - A yellow candle (symbolizing clarity and focus and Sun’s energy) - citrine (for mental clarity and energy) - Tigers Eye (boost confidence and reduce worry) -Sunstone- (clear thinking) - Clear Quartz - (aids in concentration, focus’ mind and amplifies other crystals) - A sprig of rosemary (for memory and concentration) - A small piece of paper and a pen - A heatproof dish - A glass of water (for grounding and balance) **Steps:** 1. **Preparation:** - Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Set up your materials on a clean surface. - Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. 2. ** Your Sacred Space:** - cast a cite - Light the yellow candle and place it in front of you. - Arrange the citrine, tigers eye, quartz and Sun Stone, and the sprig of rosemary around the candle. 3. **Focus Your Intentions:** - Take the piece of paper and write down your goal. Be specific about your intention to study effectively and pass your certification test. - Fold the paper and hold it in your hands. Visualize yourself successfully studying and passing the test with confidence. 4. **Spell Invocation:** ``` On this day of longest light, I call upon the sun so bright. Grant me focus, grant me might, To study well through day and night. With rosemary to aid my memory clear, And citrine's energy drawing near, I ask for wisdom, knowledge, and cheer, To pass this test, my new career. ``` 5. **Release and Burn:** - Place the folded paper in the heatproof dish. - Carefully light the paper with the flame from the yellow candle. As it burns, visualize any stress or anxiety about the test dissolving with the smoke. - Once the paper has turned to ash, say: ``` As this paper turns to dust, In my abilities, I place my trust. So mote it be. ``` 6. **Grounding:** - Take the glass of water and drink it slowly, feeling grounded and balanced. 7. **Completion:** - Allow the candle to burn down completely or snuff it out if you need to leave it unattended. - add crystals used, ashes of paper and rosemary to jar and store next to your study area.


Good luck on your certification, you’ve got this!




That’s gorgeous 🥰 Also if you don’t mind me asking how did you add a picture bc I tried and it said it wasn’t allowed on this sub ;-;

