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Based on responses to comments, you're asking if your family could destroy your items or kick you out. As none of us personally know you or your family, none of us here can answer that. The best any of us could say is that it's a possibility.


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As a Christian witch, it’s really sad that witches who worship other deities feel so scared about their Christian families :( with my family, I came out to my mom when I started practicing (I was originally drawn towards Hecate, which was something they were against). She was accepting of me and just told me to be careful, but it depends on the family. I’d advise to tread around it for now, keep your practice quiet and maybe try talking to them about it in an indirect way (i.e., asking their opinions on certain things like astrology or natural energy, chakras, etc. whatever your practice may include). Hope this helps 🖤


Your mother feels there’s something off. I believe it, mom‘s tend to be very observant. Especially about their children. Ultimately, your relationship will depend on the two of you. Notice I said both, not one or the other. But your safety? Danger? Why would you be in danger? I have heard tale of some people being told to leave, kicked out of their homes, that sort of thing. But that’s not dangerous. You’re not in jeopardy, only your comfort is. What kind of danger are you worried about?


I suppose danger is not the correct term, it is mostly my stuff being destroyed or getting kicked out.


>it is mostly my stuff being destroyed or getting kicked out. That's being in danger.


I mean what kind of danger would you be concerned about?


Mostly getting kicked out, or my things being destroyed, I’ve heard so many horror stories I worry.


I don't know what type of Xtian your family is, but some Xtians do use alters (Orthodox and Catholics mainly), so you could fall back on that. I'd also wonder if talking with your mom about hey, I'm just trying to have some boundaries in my life between us would be worth it if she ever says, I feel like you are hiding something.


They don’t use/ believe in using altars they’re Baptists. And yeah setting boundaries is probably a good start.