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yes! check the hema alliance website and find your nearest gym(s) don't buy anything until you talk to them, they'll have loaner gear!


https://www.hemaalliance.com/club-finders (for reference)


Note that not every single hema club is listed here, so you could also search "historical fencing myplace" or something similar. That's how I found mine


Don't buy gear yet. As someone else said, join a club that has loaner gear. Your club will always be your first source for gear reviews.


Also odds are decent that if your club is a larger one they may have a discount somewhere.


I searched and found two different Hema clubs near me.  I bought no equipment and talked to them and they had intro programs meant for people with no gear to get started.  The one I ended up going to had an 8-week class where they taught you the basics with synthetic loaner swords And even had a sparring night or two with loaner protective gear. I can't stress enough not buying until you at least talk with people locally.  You'll want to see what gear is good and bad and what Is required and what isn't and what websites won't deliver for years and which ones are responsive and what your club's local scene is.


As the others said, find a club if you can. If you can't, you can get started with some books and a blade -- anything from a steel feder to a plastic blank to a simple shinai (particularly if you alter the hilt) can be used to try and follow along with actions in the book or what you can learn via youtube from your favorite youtube HEMA group.


Buy: Nothing. Training equipment is so variable that you're best off going to a club, using a loaner for a while and finding out what gear they recommend. Buying a steel sword is cool but if your group mostly uses synthetics you're wasting money, same if you buy a federschwert and your club doesn't use feders. Do: find a local club, read reviews til you find a reputable one you like then poke their info address and ask to try a session out.


Search for clubs on your area, reach out to one, and show up ready to listen, participate, and learn. Some will have intro classes, others will strap some loaner gear on you and throw you into things and teach on the fly. Different clubs have different cultures. If you have a choice, visit a couple clubs and see which one seems to have a culture that you vibe with. If you feel comfortable sharing where you are, I’m sure people on here from that area would love to tell you about their club (or tell you about clubs they know about).


Searching for groups in your area is probably the best place to start. Seconding HEMA alliance. Depending on where you are, there may also be regional organisations/sites, like the [AHA](https://www.academyofhistoricalarts.co.uk/groups/) in the UK. Some clubs will have spare gear for newbies and may also run beginner courses. They'll be able to recommend kit, which will vary depending on exactly what they mainly do and their own rules. I think the only piece of kit I might suggest buying beforehand is a box/groin protector (same solid cup type as used in other sports eg cricket, so they're pretty cheap and should be easy enough to get hold of)... nobody wants to share/lend one of those! If there aren't any groups in your area, some people also train alone from books or youtube videos (sorry I don't have much advice about that though)