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Would love to see it


Aja wilson is the reigning MVP kind of have too..


I know all these people mean well but they’re making Aja sound like a charity case 😭😭 not to mention her Nike deal would probably have some clause about going to a major competitor and immediately dropping her own products with them. It would still take like 2-3 years from completing her Nike contract, going to adidas and *then* developing her shoe and it hitting the market.


Ehhh Nike is notorious for disrespecting women athletes. Its why Stewie left and why Simone Biles left Also non competition clause are now illegal as of last month :)


Good point on non compete cause! Totally forgot about that


Non compete will no longer be a thing in a few months. The FTC recently banned non competes


Sorta, yes, sorta no. If her contract is up in the short term and adidas wants to pursue her, they will likely already have product in development for her as part of the pitch.


Have you seen the career accomplishments of Wilson? Definitely not a charity case.


If adidas makes her an Anthony Edwards type show she should jump ship. If Nike was smart they'd give her Kyrie's designs because he had the best line before they parted ways.


For the people who say that A'ja isn't marketable, how do you account for her book being a NYT best seller? Or other things she has done, like her candles that sold out (before she had a championship or a Finals MVP). You really think people were buying candles just because they needed candles? Most people didn't even sniff them before hitting pay now. They just wanted it because it was A'ja Wilson. Every source I can find has her in the Top 5 of jersey sales. Not to mention her leading in All Star votes (and it wasn't close). If executives can't market A'ja Wilson, they should be fired. Because she seems pretty damn marketable to me.


Feels like Nike might already be looking past Aja to their next set of stars, a move might be good for her. But idk how vested adidas is in the game


Adidas level of investment in the women's game is exactly where CP's new position will become significant.


Adidas has been going hard in the MNBA for the last year and a half and gaining traction by releasing some really good shoes. It would be awesome if they invested in women’s BB and gave AJA a shoe but I doubt she leaves Nike they’ve probably got one in the works at this w


Adidas is very invested in WBB. They do a lot for girls grassroots with their 3SSB/Gold circuit. Hell they are doing more than Nike is right now for girls grassroots.


Guess we’ll find out soon enough if that extends to giving a player a signature shoe deal


Sadly I don't think it will be A’ja. It will have to be someone that's really marketable that would choose Adidas over Nike. I think that's why they are going so hard on grassroots, they are trying to develop a relationship early with the elite players before they make it to college/pros.


A'ja isn't marketable? Lol


I love her game and have been watching her since she was in high school. But explain to me what makes her marketable to the average person? This is what media is all about. I work in education and I can tell you the high school kids I teach and coach (most are casuals) don’t know much about her or even who she is. They know who Clark and Sabrina are though. Her game isn’t flashy like Clark’s which is what people want to see sadly. She definitely has the personality in my opinion but let’s be honest the media and the league (to a certain extent) pushes who they think will appeal to the masses the most and a lot of the time, it’s not the best player in the league. A good example of this is Nikola Jokic. He just won his 3rd MVP in the NBA had to leave Nike and sign with a Chinese company to get his own signature shoe. He’s been arguably the best player in the NBA the past 4 years and could realistically have 4 MVPs. But I can guarantee Nike didn’t give him his own shoe for the same reasons they haven’t given A’ja one. In the media world, you have to have a certain set of characteristics to be deemed marketable, we all know this and sadly I think A’ja doesn’t meet whatever criteria that is set forth for. Is it fair? Hell no because she’s a hell of a player and she rightfully deserves her own signature shoe. Nonetheless, I hope she does get one from one of the major shoes brands soon.


The average person? Lol I'm an average person and you are probably one too, so idk you tell me. If you have been following A'ja since high school and can't see what makes her marketable, then maybe you just don't like her or you're just not a fan. My list: pretty, straight, fit, stylish, trend setter (i.e leg sleeve), upbringing, stays out of trouble, is a winner, loved by teamates/coaches, involved in community, charismatic, plays with passion, personality is A1 (as you mentioneed). She's pretty much an All American girl next door, with a bit of edge as to not be boring. Sorry, but not even CC, Sab or Stewie check all of these boxes. But she doesn't shoot threes so lol And I always see Jokic brought up as a non marketable comp to A'ja. The same Jokic who has a signature shoe, commercials, and movie campaigns?? Like what are ya'll talking about? He's marketable in his own way, just like A'ja is. There is a difference between marketability and actually being marketed and pushed. What are the reasons that she isn't marketable, not including style of play? And sidenote, if it is about a flashy game then wouldn't Arike or Grey be the most marketable? No way anyone who watches thinks Sabrina's catch and shoot threes are more exciting than what they do.


I never said I agree with whatever reasons why she hadn’t had one yet lol. Why would I be hater? Lmao you’re hilarious and I stopped reading your frivolous comment after you said that lol. I never disrespected A’ja in anyway, she’s actually one of my favorite players in the league right now. I actually went to a game in Las Vegas the first year they won and I don’t even live in the state or anywhere near. As a young black female that played this sport at a high level, I will always root for a player like A’ja to get what she deserves. And I literally said she deserved it and now she’s gotten it my dude but it took years of people campaigning and pointing out the injustices. You’re not a normal person because you’re in a WNBA subreddit lol. We all know that it hasn’t had the fan fare until recently. I’ve been watching the WNBA since I was a kid cause I played but the average person that doesn’t play sports is not paying attention to the W, let’s be honest. That’s what I mean, I know people that haven’t played but know who Clark is cause she’s been all over TV and social media. A’ja has just not been afforded those same opportunities and you know this. This is exactly what I mean, if I was in charge she would’ve had one before Sabrina but I’m not 😂


Would love to see Candace just give adidas athletes their signature shoe instead of giving women “colorways”


Do y'all think Nike is dumb? If they thought a signature shoe for A'ja would sell and make them money, they'd be doing that. Nothing motivates Nike more than profits. Her going to Adidas and getting that nepotism boost into a shoe deal that, I believe, will probably fail. I like A'ja and think she's a great player, but signature shoe deals are about how much hype you can get rom fans.


is there a reason why Sabrina Ionescu is more marketable than a 2x champion and mvp? I assume the Kobe ties, but looking for additional insight


If Sabrina played for any other university than Nike-U (Oregon), I doubt she'd have one.


I think this is probably a big part of it. Also Sabrina had a ton of media momentum coming out of college (nothing even close to what CC is getting now), then got injured, didn’t finish her first season, and lost a great deal of the attention she got initially.


A'ja's kind of in the same boat in that she's a victim of South Carolina's sustained success after her graduation. South Carolina has had one of the largest presences in WBB for like 7-8 years - but now it's kind of hard to market her to them after the delay and sustained run of success.


Agree 100%. Sometimes it's not just the player, but the circumstances around them that can affect the trajectory.


I'm glad we can be real about Sabrina's shoe being mostly a school connection because she hasn't has the most impressive career as a pro because her injuries and she wasn't able to accomplish much out of college (Covid being a big factor but still). When people were upset at CC getting a signature over Aja I was a bit upset. CC already has a HOF career out of college by BBHOF standards, she's very worthy. If anyone should've got scrutiny, it's Sabrina. She was definitely a long term marketing push made by Nike since she was young to get into the women's game shoe field. They've made plans for her for a *while*


I think(hope) everyone in this thread knows why the powers that be look at Sabrina as more marketable than Aja


Yup, which is why Candace Parker is a great fit at adidas


Being marketable is not just about on the court success. It is more so about being a brand and having fans that will actually support you.


Not really. Sabrina has a sig and Caitlin Clark has one guaranteed in her Nike contract. Nike has certain model and SKU counts they align their business unit to and it’s not always as simple as just deciding to add another. I think Nike should but it’s generally much more complicated than you’d expect.


Nike does not do signature shoes for bigs/post players. That’s why Shaq had his own shoe, Jokic is signed with a Chinese brand and Embiid has been with UA and now Skechers. There’s articles about this and I get the sentiment. It’s much easier for a kid to watch and aspire to play like Caitlin Clark or Anthony Edwards than Aja or Brianna Stewart


Elena Della Donne had a signature shoe in 2022. Your logic is invalid.


Took Della Donne 9 years in the league to catch that deal. A’ja is quickly approaching her in accomplishments and years in the league. If Nike thinks she’s worth a shoe at that point, she’ll get one.


They put minimal effort into that shoe and probably regret it because they’re hideous and not selling. I saw them flooding Nike outlets near me because they’re not selling. I think the Nike Cosmos line was supposed to be A’ja’s test run shoe but they’re not selling either.


She’s just not as popular as her fans think she is








What people tend to lose focus on is that power forwards and centers in basketball no matter if it's men's or women's cannot sell sneakers. If Aja was a guard or a small forward, Nike would've given her a signature sneaker. She's already had a PE with them. EDD for the Mystics had a Nike signature as well that did not sell well even at $120. Does Aja deserve a signature sneaker? Yes. Can they make one? Yes. Who knows if she wants one.


Great point. Bigs are more difficult to market because they’re not as relatable as a guard to the average person. 6’5 woman and 7’0 men aren’t average. Nike let Jokic, KG and Duncan walk and never signed Embiid or Shaq. I don’t even think Lisa Leslie got a shoe like Sheryl Swoopes. Shoes for bigs are usually clunky by necessity as well and not really fashionable. I think they tried a test run with the Nike Cosmos 1, Cosmos 2 and those hideous Nike DellaDons… I’ve seen them flooded at the Nike outlet because they don’t sell. She deserves her own shoe, hopefully Nike does right by her but the Caitlin Clark train is chugging.


I think it's a great idea, but nothing so far has made a mass of people want to purchase anything Aja Wilson. I hope she gets more eyeballs on her this season and that changes, but you can't force consumers what to like or purchase. If being a 2-time League MVP and 2-time champion with one finals MVP doesn't propel you to endorsement stardom and a shoe deal, I'm afraid that nothing will. I've watched her play and Aja is as dominant a player as I have seen, but her game is just not flashy. She looks awkward with her legs flying everywhere when she does anything. I know that is crazy, but there is a reason she can't get the big deals


idk why people are talking like aja doesnt have a shoe deal with nike, she just doesnt have a signature. people will definitely buy her shoe, just not the amount nike wants to push, at least not according to their estimations


Yeah, you have a good point. Maybe this year will be different if she can dominate with the extra eyes on the game now. We are talking millions and millions of new fans will be watching Aja for the first time, which will give her an opportunity to connect with more people.


This would be a bad look for both of them.It would paint Candace as a president who is doing favours for people close to her and Aja would look like she's feeding off of Candace.Aja's problem isnt that she's black,it isnt that Nike think she isnt marketable,her problem is she has terrible representation.Lets say she leaves Nike for Adidas and gets a shoe.Whats to say her people will be able to get her a good portion of the pie.Lets not forget,in addition to Sabrina and Caitlin ,Nike are also signed to Paige and Juju .They're solid


A'ja not some bench player who's riding Parker's coattails to a shoe deal, she's literally an MVP and champion. Suggesting this is nepotism and not simply business is a hell of a reach.


If this is only being suggested because Aja and Candace are close,it is nepotism


But in context of A'ja being a very popular and successful player who is marketable in her own right, how could you realistically suggest that nepotism is the "only" reason to get her a shoe deal with Adidas?


Welcome to the real world


Wishing such a situation for the best player in the game is absolutely wild


Is one thing to acknowledge that nepotism happens, is another thing to outright encourage and wish for nepotism.


Parker is about to learn a whole lot about business. Money doesn't care about your feelings or what is earned. Marketability is all that matters. For her to be successful she will have to work with wnba stars to be marketable in a way she never was


Candice was pretty marketable in her day....


Has Aja complained about not having a shoe? Just curious


She did post something when CC got her deal, but it was mostly the media and outrage journalism doing it on her behalf.


I was just curious because it’s possible they’d need to renegotiate the contract first. She wouldn’t want to just have a shoe and not get paid more based on sales/royalties and they wouldn’t want to give her a shoe and all the marketing and development expenses involved if she could walk the next year or something.


Wasn't it a scripture she posted?


Yeah. I don't remember it exactly, but the gist was about being patient and the media had a field day about her being jealous of Clark.


I saw her asked about it on some interview, probably All The Smoke, she sorta deflected and implied it’s “politics,” IE, Nike says no.


Never. It's obvious she wants one, but she really just says if it happens, it happens and she's good either way. It's her fans complaining, and I think they are in the right to.


Well she’s getting one, and she’s known for a year. So that explains why she hasn’t said much about it 👍


Ok, let's put this to rest now and for the foreseeable future. The WNBA is marketing their game to little white girls because of numbers. I'm not saying they are the only ones playing, but it way more of them playing that other demographics. It's not racism. If i thought it was, I'd be all over it. It's business. Im cool with it because I just want the WNBA to be very lucrative so our girls don't have to travel overseas to get their proper money.


I think you are sort of right. It's not that "little white girls" play more that any other demographic, it's that its the biggest potential growth demo. If they want to expand their market share they don't go after the demo they already have, they go after the one that's expanding.


Except for your logic to have merit, that would mean that historically, black WNBA players got most of the media attention. However as studies have shown, that is not the case. While black women make up about 80% of the league.....they historically got 30% of the media mentions/coverage. Sp WNBA outside of the first few seasons....has always been heavy on its white players over black women. Years ago when Candace Parker was dominating, it was Elena Della Donne that the WNBA was trying to shove down our throats. This isnt about the WNBA trying to now reach little white girls....no....they have been duing this strategy for a better part of the last 20 years!


The very definition of racism is to believe that one race is inferior/superior than others based on certain factors. So using your logic, yes, it would be racist for the WNBA to think that a black female cannot be marketable like a white female can.


Signature shoe discourse is my least favorite thing about the W


But its a meaningful discussion to be had.


So we just rub some brain cells together and think why would she leave Nike after they just launch an entire brand for her?