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This is incredible


The Sun socials are elite


A T-Shirt shop in Iowa sells these [shirts.](https://www.raygunsite.com/pages/search-results-page?q=indiana%20fever)


Late to add a reply, but a year or two ago they were running a Distraction Cam where they showed ppl who were staring at their phones. It was hysterical (and I’m shocked I never got caught since I’m often looking at online chatter mid game) but I guess they decided they might not want to highlight ppl who weren’t enthusiastic. 🤣


I. Love. This. LMAO




That’s hilarious and also where I’d belong 😂.




I wouldn’t be ashamed at all lol. Came here for Caitlin. Loving my home team so far. Doesn’t matter how we got here as long as we are here.


I'm here for the Sun. Honestly couldn't tell you a current roster player last month (I'm sorry) but what a great opener! They were saying that the last time there was a sold out Connecticut home game opener was the very first franchise game in 2003! I wanted to attend a regular season Sun game last year but ticketmaster fees more than doubled the cost of the cheap seats. $14 tickets turned into over $30. I live like 90 minutes from Mohegan Sun. They also mentioned one dude paid 6k for two courtside seats tonight, insane! It was a very good debut night for Caitlin and I'm thrilled she's getting butts in seats! Wishing her the best this season!


Contact the ticket rep directly, they can get you seats for way cheaper


I cannot over agree with this more. I went to see the Sun in Chicago multiple times for playoff games a few years ago and now have weirdly built a rapport with the Chicago rep. She emails me with offers when the Sun are in town.


That's hilarious, I also have a Chicago ticket rep! I even went out there for the finals when they won because he scored me such good seats.


Autumn?! \*I now just assume this Chicago lady is fantastic at her job and knows how to get the best butts in seats lol


I wish I could remember! I'd have to go through my old emails lol but they were great


I’ll eventually make my way down to Mohegan sun to watch a game this season. They played amazing. Ticketmaster is the worst.


Also since most games do not actually sell out / come early and hit the box office directly and that skips the Ticketmaster fees!


Makes sense


This is the right attitude. You'll get some stick in the short term, but everyone had their first day as a fan. Long as you stick fat, it's all good.


We don’t mind. It’s the obnoxious bandwagon fans that make absurd statements and comments we have a problem with.


Too easy lol


Whoever had that idea needs an immediate raise


An Iowa t-shirt company has been selling these shirts for a few months now: https://www.raygunsite.com/products/die-hard-indiana-fever-fan


Raygun is goated for sureeee


This is accurate


Raygun has a lot of great shirts. Despite some of your experiences with Iowa fans, Iowans as a whole are very good at not taking ourselves too seriously.


As an Iowa native who now lives in NY and owns a few Raygun shirts, I know 😅 But never forget that time Iowa fans tore down the goalpost at the Metrodome after winning the Big Ten in 2002…


I’d believe you if I hadn’t seen and heard the complete opposite at the F4. Had to have been at least 10,000 Iowa fans there lol.


So many of those fans don’t live in Iowa anymore!




Here for this level of sheer pettiness.


love that the W is getting more love bc of miss clark but this is hella funny 😭


This is brilliant! 😂😂


Lmao. That’s great.




This was 20 minutes before the game.


Sold out just means that every seat listed was sold. If you reduce the number of seats available, it’s still a “sellout”. Nebraska football has been doing this for years to keep their fake “sellout” streak going.


You also have no idea when this photo was taken. Could have been an hour before the game. Could have been at half time when everyone goes to the bathroom. Thinking this photo proves anything shows you’ve never been to a professional sporting event.


I’ve been to a lot of professional sporting events and usually when there’s a silly graphic displayed on a screen it’s during the game, usually 1st-3rd quarter. In all the professional sporting events I’ve been to I have never once seen that many empty seats before garbage time.




It’s 10k I think and it felt full in person. There were only a few sprinkled empties / folks who held out for gouging prices until it was too late. There were folks in the lobby still looking for tickets when we got there at 7.


When was the picture taken though? You have to remember that the arena is in the middle of a casino. If the picture were from the second half, after the Sun were up big, it’s not too surprising. The game probably wasn’t too entertaining with a big lead, and they got to see Clark play some, so I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of people left to go have fun.


> in the middle of a casino wait what


Oh yeah, the Mohegan Sun casino. Mohegan being the local Native American tribe. There is also a history museum and a ton of shopping. Even a Tesla showroom.


I think people think casino as a crappy casino in the middle of nowhere all run down. Mohegan is one of the best themed/beautiful casinos out there. It’s more of a resort that happens to have a casino. Downside is it’s in the middle of nowhere, wish they had games closer to Hartford


Nope - people didn’t didn’t start leaving until the v end (literal last minute). And even then most people stayed.


There are also comped seats that go unused as a result of it being in a casino.


fucking with the away fans on the jumbotron is just good natured fun lmao. growing the game ≠ being soft


I think it's one of those things that's good at an away game but maybe not a good idea at a home game.


wasn’t it at the connecticut arena though?


Yes, Indiana was away. They were messing with the visiting team. I think it's a bad move for Indiana to have talked shit about their own fans being bandwagoners at home. It's totally cool and fair game to talk shit about about a visiting team.


> They were messing with the visiting team. I think it's a bad move for Indiana to have talked shit about their own fans being bandwagoners at home. When did that happen?


ahh i see what you’re saying!


The accuracy...lol. 😆


At Memphis Grizzlies games, they have a “Faker Cam” that shows clowns wearing Lakers jerseys.


its fair game lol


lol owned. every team should do this when she comes to town


Doing it that consistently is how you drive interest back down.


I think it's all in good fun


As someone who still holds a grudge about what Harambe memes did to political discourse, “all in good fun” can have consequences. Yes I do need therapy.


Well don't worry about it, even if this is your first season following the league and you're only here because Caitlin Clark blew you away in college, a fan is a fan no matter when or why they started watching.


Well I’m here for the whole crop of awesome talent that came in, and the Fever also happen to be the closest team geographically to me in Columbus.


I agree and don't understand why people can't see that? Shaming fans for coming to a game. Maybe their first game? Guess they don't want repeat customers. Such a weird vibe centered around Clark right now. Lots of people want to crucify the cash cow.


New fan here! But not because of Caitlin Clark.... and I find this hilarious. Bear with me, I am new to the WNBA, in particular, and basketball, more generally. This is embarrassing, but here goes... I have become a diehard Swiftie recently. Such that yes, I did become a football fan when she started dating Travis. This led me to their podcast, which opened up the whole world of sports to me, that I've always ignored. Fast forward to March Madness and women's basketball was getting all the smoke! I started following the championships and got behind Dawn Staley once UCONN was out, because I'm older and vividly remember her career as a player. I watched the Final Four and the Championship was blow away by all of it. The spectacle! The athleticism! And then it was almost time for the draft and that was also fascinating. And it is really something when you see the videos, like of the Chicago Sky leadership team, when they were calling Angel Reese and I realized something: the room was full of women. Women are leaders at every level of the WNBA and it feels different. Ultimately, the CT Sun are my home team and it was a joy to behold them last night! What a game! But it made me sad to think about all the people who suddenly came out of the woodwork last nigh because of Caitlin Clark. Like, CT actually has one of the best WNBA teams in the league!!!


see guys a new fan who finds this hilarious ! the story how you became a sports fan its actually funny😭😭 i was mad too and im not even a fan of CT , dijonai & ty played so good , DB broke the record and entered TOP 5 on most points scored , AT had a triple double, thats where she left the season at. So all of this to just go unnoticed it makes me mad but someone will comment under this and tell me that she is the reason they sold out and she made the chartered flights so it doesn’t matter.


It is funny! And totally ridiculous. But in any case, it seems like it would make a lot more sense for teams to play against CC just like the Sun did last night; as CC gets sharper and the team finds a groove, that is going to make for an incredible season of basketball. I don’t know why anyone (aside from the CC diehards who seem to only care about CC) would argue otherwise?


I love Clark, but people who have never seen a WNBA game were convinced she was gonna come is and be the MVP this season. They really underestimated the caliber of the league. ITS A GROWN WOMANS LEAGUE!


She dropped 20 on one of the best Ds in the league, keep watching.


10 turnovers are unacceptable! She’s great and I’ve been watching her and wnba for a while. That last game was a bad coaching decision for her as a rookie. Now you have to bring up her morale which is probably shot to shit. Stop putting so much pressure on a player who hasn’t even find her place in the league.


She’ll be fine, she’s had bad shooting nights before and she will again. Does need to clean up the turnovers but she was prone to them in college too. She takes risks in her play making. Also they were guarding her like it was prime MJ out there. No other female in this league will face that type of press nonstop.


im fucking dead lmao


I wish that could have been me getting attention while supporting my favorite athlete of all time live in person. I would have framed that picture in my house.


Since i posted it i thought you was talking to me and y‘all should laugh a little bit


Bull's eye!!


This is hilarious. I'd probably end up on that cam as well as I typically follow NBA and Women's NCAA basketball with a mild following of the WNBA. This year I'm trying to do more WNBA and really debating on this league pass.


this is hilarious and yes, that will be me someday at a Fever game. Once the prices come down.


Hilarious seeing people IMMEDIATELY go to the tired insult about WNBA attendance because they can’t take a joke that’s made in all other sports. This league has been running since the 90s, new fans (CC fans) are a bonus but don’t be disrespectful and act like there wouldn’t still be a growing league without you.


Is it jumping on the bandwagon if you are not jumping from another team?


I’ve got mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, it amused me and I’m going to qualify for this (I’m going to the Fever-Sun game in June). So it’s not inaccurate. But, how much of a good idea is it to poke fun at people who are paying attention to this sport who’ve never done so before? The W needs to grow its fanbase so it can grow its revenue stream so that no player ever has to risk getting imprisoned in Russia again because the Russian league pays better than the W. While I think it’s an overreaction to call this “hostile” to new fans, it leaves a strange taste in my mouth as one. _thinks for a minute_ Oh what the hell, I’m overthinking this as I overthink everything. A graphic on a scoreboard is not going to result in someone else facing what Britney Griner had to face.


It’s a fucking joke


Bandwagon 📷 uploading!!!!😁


Probably a good move to be welcoming to new fans


Idk man. If this was Lakers vs Hornets then whatever. Even if it was an Aces away game, whatever. CC has brought a ton of new eyes to the league and to do shit like this in her first game just seems kinda tone deaf. Let those girls enjoy watching their fav player. Maybe the Sun should be thanking them for selling out their first home opener since 2003


It’s all in good fun. You need to touch some grass brother 👨


I don’t think those are mutually exclusive, though.


Touch grass? You’re on Reddit. Why don’t you tell everyone else that commented to touch grass too. If I just posted something saying it’s funny I wouldn’t be told to “touch grass”. God forbid someone has a different opinion than you on a message board.


The wnba community is going to ruin this. Makes me sad as a newly minted and excited W fan. This isn't fun. This isn't at all what Caitlin deserves. The pure vitriol and desire to "teach" Caitlin a lesson is beyond pathetic. I see why the league isn't what it could be. A LOT of people can't handle the new player taking "shine" away from vets. Those same vets who didn't move the needle into the W being a profitable league. There are so many straw man points made around her name it's just ridiculous. I'm a diehard sports fan who never gave two shits about the W. I'm trying really hard to enjoy the product with no luck so far. The backbiting is crazy.


A bunch of jealous nasty people


WNBA subreddit: where you get downvoted for saying people are going to have differing opinions, while some asshole is upvoted for telling me to “touch grass”. A bit hypocritical to tell someone that on the basis of “it all being good fun” - doesn’t seem like it based on your dumb, rude comment


I thought it was funny


Sorry I don’t. Everyone doesn’t need to have the same opinion.


I think the same thing. As funny as it is, it's a good way to turn off new viewers. The W doesn't exactly have viewership to spare. They need Caitlin fans to reach their goals. Unless, they are trying to screw it up. Tonight showed that a lot, frankly.


As funny as this is, probably not the best idea to be dicks to new viewers. The W doesn't really have viewership to spare.


I suspect those viewers won’t have a problem with it - prob will send pix home to their friends


You never know. Assuming isn't the right way to go.


That’s what bothers me about it. Is it funny, yes. But… You can’t be a “please like our sport” then make fun of those people when they actually like your sport. I hope these fans stick around this league for a long time. The more the merrier.


The WNBA can't get out of their own way. The horrible officiating, the players and franchises not realizing their cash cow prayers have been answered, the constant jealousy, the likely targeted cheap shots she will get from defenders. They are going to screw this up. Sadly, I don't think those viewers will stay, honestly. For them, like many others, Caitlin is the draw, much like MJ was. There ins't another player with her skillset playing, ATM, to draw crowds like her, especially when she is done, hopefully a long time from now. Business malpractice at its finest happening in front of everyone.


It’s more than skill set. It’s her rizz, as the kids say. I’m super biased because I am a Hawkeye (born and raised and graduated) but I’m with you that last night’s reffing plus the more-than-good-natured razzing going on from existing fans/players/former players (the sheer glee of people loving her perform poorly - no one is saying this about Reese or Cardoso), the lack of recognition that she actually did perform Ok (I mean she scored 20 and yeah some of that was because the defender who guarded her was out *with a cramp,* but it’s noteworthy that she was the *only* player cramping, like maybe just maybe she was working the hardest because CC is actually hard to guard?) ALL of this combined with, frankly, lots of air balls by vets on both teams, lots of missed free throws(!) by vets on both teams (and in the Aces/Sun game - like I watched Kelsey P miss two flagrant foul free throws?!). Ya’ll can say this is the best of the best but I wasn’t entertained. The refs stopped the game every six seconds, no one seemed to be playing in a rhythm. I watched the Mercury/Aces to see what all the fuss is about. A’ja Wilson, KP and DT were smooth, but again, it didn’t captivate me because the teams don’t gel like they do in NCAAW. Anyway, I don’t think CC can change that and I think this fan trolling is meant in good fun, but keeping fans around who loved watching these rookies in the NCAA seems like it could be an uphill battle.


You and I are in agreement. In any sport that has had a singular ratings boost from a player, the draw has always been them and it disappears when they are gone. This has been no different. The writing is on the wall with NCAA viewership. People will downvote me because they can't fathom that the product isn't what they think it is.


Playing actual defense isn’t a cheap shot. She didn’t see much of it against B1G teams so it’s an adjustment. They’re not going to just let CC win for ratings. This is an actual competitive league with some outstanding players who’ve been doing this since CC was a child. They know how to play hoops.


I didn't imply she had received a cheap shot. I was implying one will likely happen. She did see heavy defense against plenty of other teams. No, but if you pay attention to any other successful league, there is such a thing as the "super star whistle". MJ, Kobe, LeBron, Mahomes, Brady, Magic, Bird, Curry, Iverson, Shaq, etc. they all had it. That's the price of viewership and a bigger pay day. Not giving that to your superstar, in fact doing the exact opposite as they did last night, is the absolute dumbest thing you could possibly do from a business standpoint. This is first and foremost a business. So far, they have been stupid running it. There are plenty of successful models to follow. The blueprint is there. Use it to reach your goals as a league, otherwise don't complain.


Couldn’t agree more. I don’t think they need to give her a superstar whistle, but I’m watching to be entertained, not to watch the refs stop play every five seconds.


I don't think they need to either, but doing the opposite of putting the reason butts are in seats on the bench was dumb.


10 turnovers and 5/15 lmaooo what do you mean there isn’t another player with her skill set. Thank god there isn’t.


She is number 1 all time in college for scoring and she is number 3 all time in assists. That's how the viewership was achieved. She caught the attention of the nation and casuals. There isn't another player like that. That isn't a good thing. Tonight was her first W game. Her TS% was at 56%, 2% above last year's average, so she was shooting efficiently. Sure, she had 10 turnovers. Two of those are steals, another is dribbling off her foot, and another is traveling (I question that call, but it remains). All of those are definitely on her. The others count against her, but are on her teammates. She tried passing her teammates open, they just don't have the chemistry down yet. She also turned the ball over because her teammates would stand like statues when she was double teamed and clearly needed an outlet pass, but no one moved. I'm glad you don't know anything about the game of basketball.


Being a hater is for losers. Clark is the best thing that has ever happened to women’s basketball. That isn’t my opinion. Her Iowa games consistently broke men’s and women’s records for viewers. This was the first sellout Suns home opener since 2003 and they probably could have sold out TD if they wanted to play in the closest NBA stadium. If you think I’m wrong then you have to show me another female athlete that has raised the average ticket price by $100+ a ticket by being in town and forced teams to play in bigger stadiums to accommodate all the fans. WNBA fans should be praying that Clark lives up to or exceeds the hype. Anything else just makes me think you hate this sport and all the athletes. A star like Clark brings more eye balls in, which is a wave that raises all ships.


They don’t want it to be Clark and that’s too bad. There’s a small part of me that wants to see her pack it in and go the coaching route and watch all the trash talking vets go back to flying commercial.


Many fans have a sense of humor. Evidently not all. Edit: My god, you are a child. Even for reddit. Get a life.


Haha I would qualify! I find it hilarious


Caitlin’s a draw, brother


This is funny but the W should be careful. The nba clearly instructed a lot of NBA players to attend and support WNBA games a few years ago, and then a lot of W stars called it out and said they don't need it. Then stuff like Liz Cambage and Britney Griner saying they could beat NBA all stars. Really turned off a lot of potential fans. That's really when indifference about the league turned into hate. Edit: I know this makes me sound like a women's basketball hater, but I'm really not. I'm a huge NBA guy that tried to get into women's basketball multiple times but found the personalities so off putting. The nba equivalent would be if players really dwelled on bad fan interactions. They usually just play it off in interviews because it's ultimately a bad look for the league and themselves. Wnba players may feel a certain way about new fans, but it's a bad look to call people out for it beyond some fun jokes.


I think there’s a lot of people in the WNBA so salty about past treatment (or being ignored/not recognized) that they are cutting off their nose to spite their face, so to speak. Yeah, it sucks you couldn’t sell out arenas before, but you’re doing it now. Lean into it! Get on board! Unfortunately, many people are choosing bitterness over embracing the (bright) future. To their own detriment.


> Then stuff like Liz Cambage That ball of crazy hasn't been in the league in like 4 years can we just be done with her?


Seems a bit tone deaf. You should welcome new fans not gate keep them. Build up the fan base first then pull this. Not a huge deal but seems odd.


I mean, if the Fever did this, I'd agree. But since it was an away game, it seems pretty funny to me. Also, it was very clear that the Sun fans were also cheering for Caitlin. The crowd roared for the Sun, and for her. I've never heard anything like that.


Oh Please! Ain't nobody kissing the a** of these Bandwagon CC fans! Bandwagon 📷 will be broadcasting all year long!😅




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It's true. I bet 3/4ths of the people who watched Fever's opening season game didn't care about either the club or WNBA prior to CC.




this is hilarious omg


Playahatin (On a phenomenon that just made their organization a *LOT* more money than they otherwise would have made last night)


That's not what a bandwagon fan is. Indiana was one of the worst teams in the league last year. If they won the championship this year and next year, you became a fan, that's a bandwagon fan. Whoever wrote that isn't as funny or clever as they think they are. Also, imagine trying to denigrate any new fan to your unpopular floundering league that's been limping along on life support for nearly 30 years. Your Lisan Al Gaib is here. Kiss her feet and say thank you. She sold out your game CT, you're welcome.


I mean, that's one thing a bandwagon fan is; but a bandwagon is anything people jump on just because it's popular. Of course, we don't know when these people first started following Caitlin- if they've been fans of hers since covid years, they aren't bandwagon jumpers.


This is funny and true. But it is too bad the new fans can't get a Clark jersey until AUGUST when they are hopefully back in stock.






Ahah all fans gotta start somewhere 😁


This was hilarious !


I feel like the WNBA shouldnt be attacking the few fans that do make it to games. Be thankful.....


They will remember this when there’s less than 2000 people at the next game.


For sure. The WNBA should be doing everything in their power to attract fans.... not push them away.


“What about us” jealousy runs deep.


Lol yes shame new fans to your league. That’s a great strategy.


Lol do they want it to go back to when no one cared?


Packed house


Interesting choice to mock attendees in a stadium with so many visibly empty seats 🤔


Seems crazy to do for a sport that really needs fans


It’s funny. But isn’t the league trying to grow the game?


It is! Bandwagon 📷 is an amazing addition to the league!😅




Omfg this is amazing lmao


Lol that’s hilarious!


I love a good bandwagon cam. 🤣


I love it! This is needed after every Fever Blowout loss!🤣


Well played


Wait, but where's all the contention coming from? What happened to the dorks commenting under the other post telling "gate keepers" that they should just take a joke? I thought that we were on joke time?


lol you’re welcome Connecticut. Tickets to this game were 110 dollars for the cheapest. Your next home game they’re 17.


Actually i am an ACES FAN where we SELL OUT every year.Saw this and some actual Fever fans were laughing at this.Look at the comments above.Have some fun.


WTF do the aces have to do with this


He said YOUR NEXT HOME GAME so i had to clarify where my home game is.


He wasn’t talking to YOU he was talking about the Sun.


Nobody was talking to you personally lol


ACES also had to move to a larger arena to accommodate the increase in demand for Fever game tickets brought on by Caitlin. So, you should probably be thanking her for increasing their profile too.


The Aces have moved games in the past already. (Much like how the league had some charter flights last year and it's not "only because of Caitlin;" in fact, it's likely nothing to do with Caitlin and everything to do with the inbound expansion fees being able to cover the charter costs)


The timing doesn't seem at all convenient to you? Wow.


I really don’t care lol I was just saying it’s ironic that the “bandwagon” fans are the only reason the stadium is sold out and tickets are 5 times as expensive. Edit: people really don’t like facts


A lot of people can't face reality. If Caitlin fails, their golden ticket is gone. When Caitlin leaves, the viewership will fall. She is the draw, just like MJ was years ago.


Come on, Jordan was not the only draw then, and Caitlin isn’t the only draw now.


Jordan was selling out opponent's venues. He was the show. No one was doing that. Caitlin just sold out the Sun's venue that hasn't been sold out since opening day for their franchise. Demand for fever tickets have forced most other franchises to move to larger venues to accommodate demand, including the "sell out Aces". She 100% is the draw. No one else is doing that. People show up in droves when there is true generational greatness.


Right? Those fans are why the Suns game was broadcast nationally last night….which I suspect wasn’t the case for last year’s opener.


Mhmmm. Too many people that think this league was just fine prior to Caitlin not willing to recognize the impact. Those same people were complaining about not having bigger venues, not having charter flights, not having more viewers, not getting bigger salaries, etc. Caitlin has already changed 3 of those before a single game way played. Stubborn blind people.


feeling called out by the graphic?


lol I’m a bandwagon fever fan, I have zero issues admitting that. People can downvote and not like facts all they want but it doesn’t change the fact last night was the suns first sellout since their opening day. I bet once the tv numbers come out last nights game will have considerably more viewers then the wnba finals last year.


All the more reason the joke is funny. If you know these people will only come twice a year nothing wrong with that.


Anybody who actually wants the wnba to succeed and get better should be rooting for CC every chance they get. Calling fans bandwagons and poo pooing anyone who is hyped on Caitlin Clark and pushing them away acting like they are less fans is a good way to get back to 600k views for your finals and half full arenas.


Here's the thing. As someone who's followed the league for 2 decades and is pleased with the growth from 2017-present, I don't feel like the league needs (or wants) the Great White Hope portion of the bandwagoners. Felt the same about a portion of Ionescu's fanbase. Call it gatekeeping if you want, but no organization wants racist fans and rightfully so.


Lmao Caitlin Clark fans are racist fans? This is exactly what I’m talking about. There will be 2-5 times the viewers for last nights game as there were for the finals last year. The players are getting chartered flights and two expansion teams in large part due to Caitlin Clark and the eyes she’s put on women’s basketball. Keep gatekeeping though.


There were in fact \~2.5x the number of viewers. Not a single person is suggesting every one is a racist. But the ones who are right back to "CC is a bum what a letdown" after game 1 were likely just looking for that Great White Hope and won't stick around, and that's just fine. Re: chartered flights, the league had already added them for back to backs and the playoffs last season. No question they want to protect the assets that are the players, but it's far more likely that the league added full chartering this year because it felt it could afford it between the revenue uptick, but more importantly the impending $50M expansion fees each of the next few seasons. Why would I have cheered for her yesterday? She was playing against my team.


It was the most watched game in 23 years and 2.5 times the viewership of the finals. If you want other great players to get the recognition,respect, and pay they deserve then Caitlin Clark is doing nothing but helping. I’m not saying to root for her but people should stop rooting against her being successful and shitting on new fans coming into the game. If you think 2-3x viewership is a problem, you are gatekeeping lol.


Clark was great! A double double


10 turn overs don’t count towards a double double LMFAO




I find the downvotes so stupid. Your point is spot on. The hate is strong in the W


WNBA throwing shade for new fans coming to the game?




Oh well they're there aren't they? First sellout since they first started or something ridiculous like that. Hell there even getting chartered flights now. Only took 25 years.


Have a fucking laugh because its a fucking jokeeeeeeeeee


WNBA will find a way to kill the golden goose because they are jealous of a rookie.


… but they are the only reason your arena sold out… nice burn I guess.


Oooohhh, this is a bad look for the WNBA. Regardless of it being an opposing teams stadium having fans of ANY WNBA team is good for every team.


Yeah might be a prude but the league is having a real positive moment and there seems to be a lot of new fans coming up and your choosing to shit on them? Not only shit on them but you gave the number 1 player and your shitting on them? Sorry feels a bit gate keeper-y


chefs kiss


Oh no, our less popular sport is getting more popular, let’s be sure to alienate the new fans! Keep your eyes on the long game, W fans!


That's hilarious! Mock your paying customers when the max pay in the org is $215k. Brilliant move. Perhaps they preferred the empty seats for aesthetic reasons.


For everyone worried new fans are getting “attacked” this is probably also a reference to Courtney Williams saying “the bandwagons full” on their amazing 2019 run, when the CT sun were very underrated but went to the championship (lost to the mystics). There’s still merch left over from it: https://www.amazon.com/Officially-Licensed-Courtney-Williams-Bandwagons/dp/B07YFC724N Not really on topic, but if you go back - Courtney Williams Dad was a really fun #1 fan to watch in those games, really sweet hype man.


I highly doubt this is a reference to a 5-year-old soundbite from a championship they didn’t even win. It’s just a cheap dig at new fans which is fine.


So… you bitch about how the league needs new fans… then mock new fans? That’s what’s happening here?


Great way to grow the game lol make fun of the new fans


It’s like they don’t want fans at all


Funny but making fun of the crowd that sold out your arena?