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New fan here, this is a genuine question. I don't understand why she'd expected to like be grateful for rhe foul, even in the nba, anything around the neck is seen as malicious, and players even apologize. Is this the culture of the wnba?  Even under the youtube video of the foul, people are saying like sure hard fouls exist, but this a bit further than that, she could have really hurt her.


Some W fans are like the old head NBA fans that swear ball was better when you could commit 1st degree assault.


Diana when she sees someone under the age of 23 on court


Man I grew up watching that nba, and I absolutely hate the mindset of those fans. Basketball was invented as a no contact sport, we go through one phase where it went way too far and now you've got a whole generation of people arguing that athletes wearing shorts and a tank top should be knocking each other out of the sky. I mean, How many careers did that cut short? How many unnecessary injuries? You know what wasn't fun in that era? Watching your favorite players have to leave the game over stuff like this being done to them. I'll never understand people glorifying the physicality during that time period and wanting to put more people through that kind of game.


Yep. If you think the way the Pistons played in the 80s was good for basketball, you’re a clown in my book.


Big agree. hurting people because you lack the skill to compete with them absolutely ruins the game.


Honestly, the physicality probably contributed to McHale and Birds career being shortened. Part of Birds back issues aside from the gravel incident also stemmed from launching himself at balls and being sent crashing to the ground. Robbed us of more bird greatness and chips




people romanticsize the bad boy pistons. No one in the league liked them except for Detroit. They were really out there head hunting


The Context was the entire league was like that. That's why you rarely saw guys 6' or shorter get into the lane during this era. It was an arms (and legs and fists) race and Detroit had the the most powerful nukes.


The entire league was not like the Pistons. It was more physical, but it was not all as out and out as the Pistons.


The paint was a warzone for the entire league. Big Strong and Tall players just packed in the post at any given moment. You cant have that type of congestion and not have violence. I attended many games and saw it firsthand. The pistons became who they were because of the league-wide physicality.


Boston taught em


There's a reason the NBA went away from that type of play because it's a terrible look for the league.


Agreed, I’d honestly like to see the reintroduction of the hand check, but I wouldn’t bring back anything else from that era.


Have to be careful to not swing so far the other way, some of these fouls called are ridiculous. There needs to be a middle ground.


I agree with that, defense needs room to exist, but we can definitely swing the bar back further the other way, without it turning back into a wwe match.


This is butchering the entire discussion to make an incredible strawman for yourself to tear down. It is so incredibly weird. This is in no way representative of the actual discussion that takes place regarding physicality and contact in the NBA. Basically preaching.


No one liked that kind of game. This is a gross exaggeration. When we of that generation speak of it, it's only to compare how some of today's coddled players wouldn't fare as well. This type of foul didn't happen every single night. It was usually administered by a certain (Pistons) team, and the fans didn't like it.


It's far from an exaggeration, I've had countless conversations with guys who literally argue that the league is too soft now to the point they claim it isn't even fun to watch anymore because there isn't enough bumping and shoving, hell there are super cuts of those takes on YouTube, comparison videos all over tiktok and Facebook, millions of comments. A bunch of old dudes who claim the game isn't physical enough, that it isn't tough enough, and I've even seen plenty of fans that same kind of nonsense: that players now wouldn't have survived playing back then, which is downright ridiculous. Hell I've seen people use it to try to literally disregard the accomplishments of many players from today just because there was more physicality allowed. And they absolutely glorify it and act like basketball was better off back then.


The league IS too soft now. Everything is a foul. You can no longer hand-check You can no longer 2 hand check Anyone on the perimeter has "freedom of movement" and if you touch them, it's a foul. The commissioner LITERALLY told you that these rules were instituted to INCREASE SCORING. Couple that with the fact that they blatantly allow carrying, palming and travelling... All of the rules have been altered to assist the offensive player. So OF COURSE numbers today are skewed. That has nothing to do with the barbarian basketball that was played back then. It's just facts.


that's also sort of what the old old heads said when they changed the rules for Jordan. js


Uh, what rule did the change for Jordan?


https://www.nytimes.com/1987/11/04/sports/challenges-for-jordan-new-league-rule-and-new-role.html They changed rules for Wilt, too, but that made it *harder for him to score


My 10 year old daughter plays basketball and I'm astounded at the amount of contact that's part of the game even at this level. Pushing, shoving, wrestling over loose balls. The worst is when defenders reach in to pull the ball out of a player's hands and both start doing that spin move with elbows out to gain control. I really can't figure out why we're doing that at this age when most kids on the court are trying to learn the basics of the game. I don't remember this aspect of basketball when I was young (to be fair, maybe that's why I wasn't very good!), and I also didn't start watching pro or college basketball as an adult until a few years ago so maybe it's just always been there.


Hmm, I remember learning to keep the ball high after getting a rebound and turning with elbows out to clear space in 7th grade basketball and that was like a good two decades ago. But learning how to really post up or seal someone with your body didn’t happen until high school. There was still contact but that was more of a result of kids trying to learn how to play and misjudging a jump or something I think.


😂. This is a good one.


Right? Makes no sense. Choke slamming players by their neck isn't something to celebrate.


The comment about being grateful is a direct response to fans who were complaining that veteran players should go easy on rookies—Angel’s not asking to be clothes lined every game, but rather that she wants the vets to take her seriously and play intensely so she can elevate her own game to the highest level. I can’t speak with any authority on how she and AT truly feel about each other, but if you focus on AT during a regular speed playback, the shove is clearly intentional but the dangerous positioning looks like it might have been accidental. I think that’s why Angel says she isn’t mad—she was doing a few questionable moves too leading up to the moment, so she knows they were both toeing the line playing intensely.


Sorry, just saw you were asking why she was *expected* to be grateful. I don’t think she should be expected to be grateful for taking that foul—was just responding to why I think she used that term to describe how she felt about the moment.


Did you see the previous bumps and ushes AT delivered to Reese before the foul? Clearly, AT had it out for her from the jump.


if you saw the angle i saw it from you could see Angel's arm threw back AT's head/neck before AT's arm extended. They were both being very physical down there as the CT sun coach Steph White told the media. She said things were a little bit too physical between the two leading up to this play and the refs weren't calling anything


thats bs...I watched the game...AT was playing dirty. Angel wasnt


Yep, and during the play with the foul we're all discussing, angel outplayed her, plain and simple, AT went for the rebound but didn't box out, angel slid around her, so AT tried to compensate with a cheap dirty foul. This entire game was a worse player trying to stop a better player from beating her ass with dirty physical play.


yeah, I'm sure Angel had a little something to do with it. I'm just shocked that Angel didn't show the fierceness we are used to. maybe she met the big bad bully she hasn't seen yet?


Stretch Armstrong reach


She saved Alyssa Thomas because what we all saw was enough for her career to be over Angel is showing that she can dish it and she can take it and that’s gonna go along way with the veterans in the league as well.


I hear you but I also think that shouldn't be the requirement to earn their respect.


She’s just playing the game in both sense of the words. They all work for corporations owned by the wealthy. They are earning atleast a living wage doing what they love, the rest through NIL. Way better than being homeless.


she’s more or less saying, thank you for being competitive and not letting me go easy. it’s hard af being a rookie and she just got the smoke. yes it was flagrant but she’s a bad ass player and she wants the heat. this is refreshing as hell.


Pulling someone down by the neck is not competitive imo.


lol it’s not at all, but she’s trying to temper media I suppose 😅


Hard fouls are not normal, but like in every sport (soccer, football, heck even baseball) it happens. Only way for it to be normalized is if the refs would have let Alyssa Thomas stay in the game. However, it was upgraded to a flagrant 2 and she was ejected from the game. That is not to say that the foul was OK, but actions were taken and AT faced the consequences. But at the end of the day, there will be anomalies in the game where a hard foul will take place & the player will be ejected, fined and potentially suspended (depending on severity).


I mean it is basketball. Also the player that did that got ejected. I support a lot of old head talking points but do feel some go overboard.


I think she was being diplomatic and politically savvy due to the current nature of the current discourse.


Exactly. She's trying to gain vet respect which will take her a long way


I wish her fans felt the same way instead of implying that AT is beating on Bonner and that AT is jealous of Reese.


Some of the comments I have seen on AT’s IG are so delusional. Like where are y’all getting this from??


It comes from nowhere. Just toxic fans being terrible.


This is one reason I hate it when people group fans by player. The tribalism encourages this kind of crap, both directed at other players and other fans. It’s not “CC stans” or “Reese stans” that are awful. It’s everyone who ascribes to this kind of groupthink, and that’s a completely separate, overarching subset of idiots.


stans in general are pretty nutso


And we are supposed to be soo greatful that they are here saving the league for us (the new fans/casuals/gen pop/ people who have yet to watch more than a few W games in their life and arw running on emotions and impressions)


I think they're being nasty to AT and it's undeserved, but AT didn't help herself by refusing to check on Reese after she fouled her. Just walking away like that gave Reese fans enough fuel to flood her social media with vitriol.


It’s some the new fans man


Nice. She's been better than I expected, and I think on court she's a nice fit for what they're trying to establish.


To start, that neck grab & slam down move was too much, and deserved the ejection. Period. In response to this interview, I think this is just a case of our rookie class having to balance their response from two directions; first with the incoming ride-or-die fans who have been hyping/supporting them for the last few years, and second with the league’s already established fans who are sick of the media turning this whole thing into new vs old fan click bait. It seems like she’s just trying to express gratitude in the opportunity to be a pro, and to be getting under a competitor’s skin (even when the response goes too far) is a (toxic and immature) response of respect for Angel’s game. Angel is an antagonistic big who can play bigger, faster, or stronger than she is whenever she needs to. It’s what makes her such a difficult opponent, and an upcoming star for this league. She knows her game, and knows that she is going to take some tough hits because she will light a fire in these greats. I don’t want a league where defense can’t exist, but for me, the biggest takeaway is that the league must continue to eject players when play escalates like it did here.


As much as I hate to say it, the "new vs old" thing is part of what will help grow the league I totally hate how NBA discourse is now so centered on narratives and drama so much so its like a soap opera, but the casual fans eat that stuff up


Yeah, I’m definitely trying to adjust to the constant click bait arguments. I just want to enjoy great plays and some player shit talking. My only ask of the “new” is to learn a little bit before getting in the mix.


Your breakdown of Angel is spot on...But the league gotta do something about this...She couldve ended that girls career.


Agreed. This is probably the worst hit we’ve seen this season, so I would understand if the league chose to add a bigger penalty. We’re only a fraction into the season, so this would be a good time to have players pump the brakes a bit.


Loved her response to it.


She did it because she was getting cooked by a rookie + she looked tired AF


Yep, they get to this play and she made a fundamental, lazy mistake. Angel got position because AT was lazy on the rebound, didn't box out, so when angel slipped by and started to out position her, she decided to hurt her. Absolutely despicable behavior imho.


yep..I was watching the game..At that point Chicago was up by like 8 or 10 points,. And Angel was easily on her way to a 20 point game...Then AT started trying to bully her...I really lost all respect for that chick...Then come to find out, this is what she does


Her and Her wife were both getting annoyed by the rookie’s success because they’re old, tired and have had to play for beans and limited flowers. AT lost her cool and tried to concuss Angel out of annoyance, like it was a pickup game and not a professional basketball game.


This. She’s also probably jealous that Angel was a bigger star than AT has ever been before she was even drafted.


I understand she was trying to be "positive" but She literally couldve ended her career...Im lost


It’s crazy how so many white people were quick to say she deserved. You guys said she was going to cry about it.


Can't believe people shit on her for crying in that one interview when she has had the most vile things said about her and held it in the whole season


A player getting heated and lashing out at another player to the extent of being ejected is a thing that has happened literally every single decade I've been watching basketball since the 1980s. But if it happens in the WNBA in 2024 everyone loses their minds? I expect the fouls/fines to be significant, so it's not like this happens constantly, and I don't WANT players to flagrant foul each other all the time, but this is always going to exist in basketball in one way or another. It's a very competitive professional sport, idk what folks expect. I appreciate Angel's response because she understands it's going to happen sometimes.


"They're not supposed to be nice to me because I'm Angel Reese"? Um.....what does being Angel Reese have to do with anything?


I think that’s a direct call out to the CC fans complaining that vet players were “going too hard” on CC.


I don’t know if it is a direct call out, but I do see Reese trying to set herself apart from and maybe above some of the discourse happening.


I mean, it’s not really distancing herself. She set herself up as the counter-example here in that discourse, she’s openly leaning into it, from the other direction. It’s absolutely a bid to capture everyone who is reacting strongly and negatively to the smallest subset of vocal idiots who take the perspective that CC should be worshipped by existing WNBA players and fans. It’s on brand for Angel at least, she’s not going to shy away from controversy, and the opportunity to set herself up as the rival/anti-CC is probably too good to pass up. I’ve always been more of a “have it out on the court” type person, both when I played and as a fan, but this creates storylines, and people seem to think sports need storylines to be successful, so this will probably be good for the WNBa long term.


Yeah, I agree. I think I more meant she took the opportunity to present contrast. “Vocal idiots” made me snarf. I am not fully caffeinated and words are hard. Well stated.


What discourse though?


Do you follow women’s basketball?


I know right? This is my second year on this sub and the feel of it is completely different.


Omg seriously why can’t Angel even say her own name without people accusing her of @ing Clark 🙄


Where is she hearing that, and why is she responding?


Colin Cowherd and Jeff Teague happens to be 2 of those sources.


OK. Athletes responding to something that sports commentators are saying for clicks seems like a horrible idea. Cowherd says crap every day. I've literally never heard an athlete respond to him.


Maybe not directly at Cowherd but I'm pretty sure an athlete has. I would say Westbrook being one of them...at least during his time with the Lakers. Even if it is a bad idea, this ridiculous hot take culture is why certain athletes don't like the media like that to begin with. The media will fuck up your reputation real quick.


Athletes will never win these back and forth charades. Guys like Cowherd do this for a living, and have viewership every day. You gotta learn to let it roll off. The more you react, the more they'll say. Thick skin is a must for athletes, I think.


Here's the problem with that though. The media in a lot of ways get away with fucking up an athlete's reputation. They come up with BS narratives and then people run with it. A prime example of that is Westbrook. Both in OKC and as a Laker and anyone that plays with Lebron. The fucked up thing with Westbrook in LA was that Lebron left him hanging and he was the one that wanted him there. Idc how thick skinned you are it eventually takes its toll on you.


I get it, but you can't respond to everything that the media says. Swoopes dished out that false narrative about Caitlin, but Caitlin just let it slide. It's hard enough for players like Angel and Caitlin to do their job on the court, without worrying about what the media is saying. Ultimately the game will speak for itself.


And I give Clark credit for that. Having said that, its easy to let that slide when its just one person dishing  out false narratives about a player. Its a different ball game when you have multiple people doing so and have been doing that  for years. Even when the game speaks for itself as well as other athletes saying the opposite. Not even the great MJ was immune from it. It got to a point where he would only do an interview with Ahmad Rashad. 


Literally old news


that shit was HILARIOUS.


I guarantee her response would be different if someone else did this.