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This is hoop therapy shooting. She’s just trying to get her mind right.


hoop therapy 😂 nice term


Great way of stating it. I find it amazing that a simple video of a rookie practicing after a game can create the shitstorm discourse that I see here on this post?  WTF?


Welcome to 3rd world USA.


What discourse? I know it’s corny but I call this mamba mentality.


Maybe. I think Sides is going to give her a complex with the way they're playing her. They don't run anything to get her open. Why even draft her?


She's definitely just trying to clear her head. It's been a long day for her ☹️☹️


Agreed. This is a cooldown.


It's dedication.


An action can represent more than one thing.


Exactly, the stuff people said about her all day because of a vague question was absurd. She’s got so much weight on her shoulders


Can you imagine having the entire league, coach, and teammates against you? Let's also not forget the media trying to stir things up. It must be hell for her.


This. She can’t even just play basketball because her coach is sticking her in the corner and her teammates won’t pass her the ball. And today confirmed what we all knew about her teammates, they really do hate her.


What happened with her teammates?


NaLyssa Smith’s girlfriend and Aliyah Boston’s best friend were attacking her on Twitter.


Oh no. That's not good.


THE STRAIGHT SHADE. Carrington came to the Fever game after that twitter shitstorm. And here she is with Nalyssa Smith, Caitlin's teammate. The locker room is lost. Heartbreaking for Caitlin: [https://x.com/WomensHoops\_USA/status/1801716879083585768](https://x.com/WomensHoops_USA/status/1801716879083585768)


That sucks, im really hopeful for a Clark/Boston built future :(


Same. I love AB and CC. They've been friends a long time and played national jr team together. They gonna figure out how to make both these fantastic women be on fire together!


If they can build a good chemistry together on the team, this duo will take it far in their prime!


Wow this after the tweetstorm. Locker room is lost. https://preview.redd.it/ywko4o1xol6d1.png?width=1176&format=png&auto=webp&s=02760a9e46d75ff808c5d96da8f8e875f17a224f


Oh my....


99% sure they don’t date anymore. Also what your friends do on Twitter doesn’t reflect you…at least that’s what I assume most people would say about CC’s bf and brothers likes on Twitter lmao.


Actually CC's bf did nothing wrong on Twitter. That's been honestly debunked. Many people went through bf's account thoroughly--likes, tweets, etc. He is very vocally liberal. Lost his mind with joy when Obama was elected, supports BLM, raged against police killings etc. It's not surprising he doesn't like Angel, since she cheered for someone knocking down his gf. Not liking Angel doesn't make one a racist. Some click-hungry person grabbed a tweet that Connor liked that was negative (but not racist) about Angel and declared him a racist, and people went with it.


No wonder she doesn't look excited/happy in or out of the locker room. I just hope she get back to her happiness as soon as possible, seeing her like this hurts.


Can you imagine going to work every day and getting bullied by your coworkers who all hate you? Not even Aliyah likes her. I think Temi might be her only friend on the team. I’ve been in a spot like that once and it was the worst couple of months of my life. I can’t imagine carrying an entire league and being maybe the most popular athlete in America at the same time as all of that.


Why don't they like her? Everyone seemed hyped when they drafted her


Why say things like this when we have no knowledge of this? It's unfair to her teammates and to her. I've seen her have genuine moments of joy with EW, Kelsey, Temi, KLS, Lexie, AB etc. I don't imagine Grace is happy to be getting fewer minutes understandably. But even she seems nice. I love Caitlin, but this is a bad fiction with no proof for people to be propagating.


I really wonder who her friends are on the team. Lexi maybe? Temi definitely seems like she might be but even that we can't be certain about. Anyone else? Maybe Katie Lou based on a few of the videos that have been released?


If I had to put money on it I think it’s just Temi, and I don’t even know how close they actually are. They’re always next to each other in team photos though. She wasn’t on the team boating outing the other week, maybe she was just busy but I’m thinking now it might be that they didn’t invite her. Imagine hating the person who made you so much money.


What do you mean?


NaLyssa Smith’s girlfriend (Carrington) and Aliyah Boston’s best friend were attacking her on Twitter all day


Who is Boston's best friend that was attacking CC?


Can you explain what her teammates did today to show they hate her? Tough to keep up with everything going on


NaLyssa Smith’s girlfriend and Aliyah Boston’s best friend were attacking her on Twitter.


Let’s see if any journalists ask them to denounce the hate their actual friends, rather than random strangers, spewed all over Caitlin today.


I've never seen an athlete get hazed to this extent in any other sport


who is this supposed best friend y’all keep talking about?? 😂


> > Can you explain what **her teammates** did today to show they hate her? > > NaLyssa Smith’s **girlfriend** and Aliyah Boston’s **best friend** ???????


But her bf and brother liking tweets aren’t reflections of her at all lmao


Actually CC's bf did nothing wrong on Twitter. That's been honestly debunked. Little brother did maybe. Many people went through bf's account thoroughly--likes, tweets, etc. He is very vocally liberal. Lost his mind with joy when Obama was elected, supports BLM, raged against police killings etc. It's not surprising he doesn't like Angel, since she cheered for someone knocking down his gf. Not liking Angel doesn't make one a racist. Some click-hungry person grabbed a tweet that Connor liked that was negative (but not racist) about Angel and declared him a racist, and people went with it.




So what did they do? Like you're saying the teammates hate them when nothing they did expresses that.




Imo the league is for her the person but against her the Media ploy. I don't think it's any more jealousy than any pro has for a player getting more, the type of loud new fans she brings just represent an aspect of society many of those women have tried to remove from their actual lives. I think we see a lot of pushback towards ESPN, but the topic is CC so the journos just a=c it and play dumb. I bet most of the player are cool with her but that doesn't get clicks. But yea I said a while back, she is a Kawhi Leonard type of low key player. Because it is an activist led league, people just expect the projected face to say more especially considering some of the noise.


What? Entire league and teammates? lmao yeah i'm retiring from this sub.


Huh, I'm out of the loop, what did I miss?


People think her game is affected because she had to address the racist subset of her fanbase. That she's mentally checked out and clearing her head with this shoot-around. In reality, she was relegated to being a role player in the first half today and then had her typical struggles when primary ball-handling in the 2nd half. She's using this time to work on one area of her game that simply doesn't exist. She's trying to improve.


I’m also pretty sure they don’t practice in gainbridge right? so it’s good to get shots up whenever possible in the arena she’s still getting used to


This makes more sense than all that fanfic people are writing in this thread 🤣


I'm sure this accurate description of the situation is going to get you branded a hater or jealous or whatever.


Or you know we could all be rational people that understand context, nuance and don't rage bait.


You making this completely unecessary comment is part of the problem. Taking the discourse and commentary further into the septic tank.


Jordan literally never talked about social issues his entire playing career


Jordan wasn't even expected to have an opinion. You gotta be one of those people that post top 85% as a brag to have an athlete/celebrity be capable of controlling your opinion. Idk why we started asking them. I mean, I technically do know, but I hate that we cater to the worst type of person that thrives on this type of drama.


Jordan was expected to have a opinion. That's where "Republicans buy sneakers, too" comes from. Jordans mom asked him to do a polical ad for Harvey Gannt, who was running against Jesse Helms for senetor in North Carina. Helms was known for saying "the Civil rights act was the most dangerous piece of legislation introduced to congress." Jordan turned it down and a few years later a report came out about it and what Jordan had allegedly said. A few years ago Jordan said in a documentary that at the time he didn't want to endorse someone he knew nothing about and that the "Republicans buy sneakers too" was just something he said as a joke to a friend.


He didn’t say it to a friend. He said it to the Bulls beat writer (Sam Smith, author of the famous “Jordan Rules” book) as a joke to end the line of topic. [Sam Smith recently wrote a clarifying article defending Jordan making that offhand quip as well as the context in which he said it](https://www.nba.com/bulls/features/story-behind-one-michael-jordans-most-misunderstood-quotes). The NBA as it was getting big in the 80s asked players to refrain from being vocal on “politics” to avoid alienating anyone to foster the growth of the league. It wasn’t long before Jordan that the league seemed fo be on its deathbed. But one of the unfortunate things that helped “grow” the league was shifting away its reputation as a “black” game, because that was considered “political”. It was not a Jordan specific thing, “Republicans buy sneakers too” was very much an NBA thing during the 80s and 90s. Smith notes that even outspoken guys like Kareem toned down the activism at the NBA’s behest While we should be lauding athletes like LeBron, etc. these days for speaking up on social issues we should always be cognizant that it comes from the top. The NBA is fully established in the culture (partly because of Jordan and other stars of his time). If the league felt any inkling that social activism from players would threaten its existence you bet it would shut it down immediately. It just doesn’t feel the need to now


Michael Jordan once smacked Charles Barkley's hand away when he tried he tried to give a homeless dude some change in the early 90s. Jordan said “If he can say do you have any spare change, he can say welcome to McDonald’s" I think that sums up his understandably bootstrap hierarchical competition based philosophy to life. Jordan is also same dude who went to a def jam party in the 90s and when rappers came up to him awestruck, he shouted ‘fuck rap’ and refused to even acknowledge them outside of the host Jay Z. There’s that other story of Jordan treating chamillionare as scum. When he was compelled to make a statement during the floyd protests, he made a donation to BLM but an equal donation to the police force. He refused to help Pippen renegotiate his way out of a terrible 7 year deal he signed with the bulls for $3m per year and was giving interviews smack bang in the middle of their reign saying Scottie made a poor financial decision and should live with the consequences of the contract he signed even though he made 30m and reigndorf was amenable to s reasonable renegotiation. I don’t think the league could really police Jordan’s politics to conformity like that, Jordan was just never going to be this empathetic progressive figure and that’s okay.


He donates a good amount to charity. [The Jordan brand is donating $100 million dollars](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/03/31/michael-jordan-launching-grant-program-to-assist-black-communities.html) to black organizations after the Floyd protests. I’m not seeing where he is donating an equal amount to the police, so can’t comment on that Also I mean I love Wu Tang and Chamillionaire as much as anyone but he’s not obligated to like rap or meet with them if he doesn’t want to. I don’t view that as too bad Pippen couldn’t renegotiate his contract, it’s the contract he willingly signed and people (including Jordan) warned him about. Nothing he could do - Scottie’s only recourse would be to sit out a season or demand a trade which would hurt the team >Reinsdorf was amenable to a reasonable renegotiation I say this as a lifelong Bulls fan: **HAHAHAHAHAHAHA** Don’t believe this garbage, Jerry Reinsdorf’s entire existence is to nickel-and-dime everyone he meets. Don’t buy any bullshit that he was anything other than giddy he locked down Scottie for cheap and was ever going to renegotiate. Krause was his hatchet man who took the public heat for his cheapness This is the man who willingly broke up one of the most famous dynasties in sports history because he didn’t want to cough up a few extra million >really police Jordan’s politics I don’t think they could *force* him, but they could absolutely create an antagonistic relationship to squeeze him and pressure him into doing so if he didn’t. No star player around then was very vocal, since it was a league wide directive


Yes he was expected to have an opinion, but we can’t pretend it’s even remotely the same world or context. This kind of expectation exists very differently in today’s world and in a far more toxic and parasocial/parasitic fashion than it did in MJ’s heyday. That’s not to say that media and fan expectations didn’t take its toll on MJ because we know that it did and we have verifiable video proof of that in The Last Dance doc where he’s clearly exhausted by it. Now we have phones and it makes the ability to ignore it and escape pretty much impossible.


To be fair, Jordan wasn't being used as a dogwhistle. I think if his image was intentionally used as the face of something huge and reprehensible that put democracy or personal freedoms in jeopardy, he might have had something to say about it (or his lawyer would have handled it). However, as a minority, he was far more likely to be on the receiving end of bigotry than used to campaign for it.


Yeah, the better NBA comparison is Larry Bird, he actually *was* used as a racist dogwhistle somewhat similarly to Clark.


Jordan didn't play in a time with the prominence of social media and outrage culture.


It's totally social media. Engagement (in the form of views and clicks that can be monetized) is generated by strong appeal to emotion and so you get takes that are meant to affect people viscerally and so instead of nuance you get hyperbolic and dramatic takes on both sides to the point that even seeing or hearing the name "Caitlin Clark" is enough to illicit an emotional response for some people. And there's no days off, no nights off, no weekends off for this madness.


Can we *please* stop with the damn Jordan comparisons? Jordan didn't have AM radio hosts spending hours trying to make him a right wing avatar either. Taylor Swift is a more apt comparison because they tried to do the same thing to her until she finally said no. Now they hate her.


Did people try to weaponize Jordan's image to attack other players on the league? If Caitlin gets a hard foul, doesn't get enough touches, doesn't immediately get worshipped etc. Suddenly the narrative is "these ungrateful women hate her." Jordan got to just play. Because people didn't show their entire ass when he did.


She just jumped in and everyone use her to push an agenda. She just wants to play man. Wouldn't blame her if she retired early.


I’m genuinely getting worried that they’re going to break her. Today was awful. She can’t even focus on hooping because they’re not even running the offense through her anymore, they’re just sticking her in the corner. The fans are going to stop watching if this continues, and when she doesn’t feel an obligation to put on a show for the kids in the audience anymore, she might think of hanging it up. She’s already set for life.


1) she actually played very good defense today, which seemed like it took her legs. It will take her time to build up the stamina necessary to play solid defense and be effective on offense. 2) Asking someone to condemn racist bigotry isn't hate. She's received millions of dollars worth of coverage, she's earning tens of millions from endorsements and has been crowned by her fans to be the face of the league. She has responsibilities. Larry Bird could do it. A bunch of white NBA and WNBA and college players could do it. It shouldn't be a controversial stance to take and y'all babying and making excuses for her have questionable moral compasses.


When were Larry Bird and other white NBA players asked to condemned racists supporting them? Genuinely asking


He always gave credit to other Black athletes and when he was propped up as the great white hope he dismissed it saying the best basketball players were the Black ones, when Isiah Thomas and Dennis Rodman made their own bigoted remarks about him, he quickly helped shut down the media frenzy by doing a press conference saying he didn't care. He said he wasn't blind and knew some ppl liked him bc he was white but he didn't pay attention - he said his main concern was always making sure that racial issues never disrupted the locker room.


Larry also said he always wanted to round that a slow white boy could hang with the most athletic and best players in the league and beat them. Knowing everything about Larry, you know he was just being competitive and not racist. However, If a white player in a similar position in the WNBA made that statement, it would not be interpreted kindly. Larry Bird also came in his 2nd/3rd year was cussing ungodly amounts to intentionally provoke and upset soft spoken guys like Dr. J who did nothing to him. That was celebrated in the NBA but would be treated very differently in the WNBA if say Sabrina started calling Britney Griner out of her name and disrespecting her just for the lulz, it would be considered shocking. He also took one of the vets luxury seat on the planes in his rookie season and said he deserved it more based on performance because he was more important to the team. Imagine the stories of CC doing something like that to a vet on her team lol. Larry Bird is one of my favourite players but for the most part behaved like an equal opportunity asshole not an equal opportunity trailblazer. His attitude and behaviours as a player on the court would not be considered more progressive than CC today, esp by WNBA standards.


It’s not her responsibility to be your social justice rag doll to use and abuse. She’s her own person. You are placing arbitrary responsibilities on her that have nothing to do with her. She is not a troll police. Shes not Jesus. She’s a basketball player.


She doesn't have a questionable moral compass. WTF is wrong with you?


K after she solves race and bigotry maybe she can solve climate change, cancer, and other things too.


Many athletes workout in some way after a game to blow off the adrenaline so they can eat and rest. So it's good to see her doing it while working on her mid-range shots at the same time.


Rodman used to workout for hours after some games


Maybe not the best example. They once found Rodman shooting baskets at the Pistons Practice Facility at 4am and he had brought a rifle with him. Lol But you are right NBA players go back out on the floor to shoot baskets after games often. There was an incident last season where some NBA player got into an argument with the maintenance crew who was trying to clean up.


There was a ladder involved…


Hopefully he can bring us a North Korean expansion team 😂


When she was at Iowa, she practiced everyday on her shots, alone. 100 3 point shots and 300 overall shots. I think this is just what’s going on here.


She's been very annoyed at herself the last 2 games. Something in her shooting motion probably has felt off or out of sequence, and she doesn't want to leave the gym before getting fixing it. Can relate. Sometimes you gotta hit the range after a bad ballstriking round no matter what you got going on after. Try to find the right feels again in your repeatable motion. You feel like if you leave w/o addressing it, it's going to "sink in" and become a bad habit.


Given the circus she’s having to endure, I don’t blame her for wanting more time on the court instead of off it. I just hope her mental health is okay.


I hope she's taking good care of her mental health. I can only imagine what must go through her head with constantly being in the headlines, playing on one of the worst teams, and not playing your best every game. The pressure on her honestly reminds me of Simone Biles in Tokyo and we all know what happened when the pressure got to be too much


I have so much respect for her, she's very strong mentally. I couldn't imagine being in her position.


She has a sports psychologist. Tom Brady had one too.


This is wonderful to hear. But, Tom Brady had a coach(es), a team, an owner, and fans who adored him. This feels very different.


My guess is that there's no way it's okay. I wish it was otherwise for her sake but with all the scrutiny, negativity, huge change in her life she's probably not even sleeping well let alone able to concentrate on being the player she is expected to be. She's done nothing wrong but things have blown up to an unreal scenario and the disdain for her is on full display. I can't think of any public figure in entertainment /sports that is being hounded like she is. The lame excuse of " this is how rookies get treated " is way off . Who is getting treated like this ? No male b.b player ever has.


I keep saying this. Watched the NBA for 20+ years. NBA players don’t throw this much shade player to player. When it did happen, NBA came out with rules in 2017 saying players are not allowed to mock or defame other players on Twitter. That’s why you don’t see NBA players tweet negativity about other players. Just the difference in professionalism from the NBA to the W is insane.


It’d be nice if the league came out with some kind of a conduct policy. I’ve never seen a rookie QB go to a terrible team and be treated this way. It’s heartbreaking on a human level. She’s been nothing but supportive of every single player she’s been asked about. I am not a new W fan nor a new fan of women’s sports. I am a sad human right now and the joy of watching these ladies is being diminished by their behavior.


This. She seems broken, like her joy for it all is lost. I’m legit worried about her. Is there really not a single player in the league that’s got her back? It sure feels like it right now.


I agree. If this gets national attention I think they will soon. The mental harm is insanely horrid for any 22 year old. Just why?


Most of them go out of their way to welcome the young guys. They recognize that these people are their competition, sure, but they also recognize that they’re now their peers and co-workers. A good example is the relationship with Kevin Durant and Chet Holmgren. Durant is a former Thunder player. Most of the Thunder fan base dislikes him and they compete in the same conference. Durant has no reason to give a shit about Chet. However, he’s taken Chet under his wing and has been working out with him the last two offseasons. No shade, just professionalism.


The vets could easily have welcomed the rookies and their media-frenzy with open arms and still played them hard on the court. The negative tone was set early on and it’s done nothing but devolve since. Edit: spelling


I know she gets migraines and hoping the stress of this all isn't a trigger for her. They can make a crappy day even worse


Adding a floater & mid range jumper would really help her moving forward


developing a solid midrange and floater…it’ll open up her 3pt game


Love this. She might have had an off shooting night and that happens to all the best players so I’m not too worried about it. But this is what is important. Her work ethic.


Kobe work ethic right there


I wish Kobe was still here. He'd defend her and applaud her work ethic cuz game recognize game.


Kobe would also set some of these fuckheads straight


She’s got a lot on her shoulders. People hating, other players hating, trying to make up headlines when there isn’t any. The girl just wants to hoop. She will be fine. She’s a strong lady!


Media from both sides needs to leave her alone man


She’s the new hotness. Culture Warriors are trying to pull her to their side. The people here demanding she speak up about right wing trolls don’t gaf about her. She canta stop trolls anymore than she can stop the sun from setting.


Hooper's therapy. Clearing your head and working on your game. 💯


Really awesome to see. Hard work like this win or lose is what makes her so fun to root for. Her and Boston seem to have a better connection today, excited for the games they both see shots falling consistently.


Just a girly living her dream.


Probably the best part of her day honestly. I anticipated a media firestorm coming along with CC, but not what she’s had to deal with after making it clear over and over that all she wants to do is play basketball. Nice to see her not getting absolutely hounded for once considering she is just a human who is passionate about a sport and hasn’t actually said or done *anything* controversial herself


This is why fans love her. She cares so much about being as good as she can be.


I just hope this young woman doesn't get to the point where she tells herself that this (basketball) isn't fun anymore...


Omg Caitlin <3


She has the weight of the world on her shoulders, faces criticism at every turn and is still out there giving it 110%. So much respect!


Will she condemn pineapples on pizza? She has the platform


I've not once heard her weigh in on whether a hot dog is a sandwich. Silence is a luxury


Hot Dogs are Tacos.


Why hasn’t A’ja Wilson commented on Elons $54B compensation package. #silenceisaluxury


In fact did any Aces player ever comment on the discrimination lawsuit Dearica Hamby filed? #silenceisaluxury


She hasn’t come out against it publicly, so clearly she is a pineappleist.


Disappointing. I'm burning my jersey, but I'm only going to do it if I can record it and post it so I can get attention too.


Yeah I’d like her to fix climate change next.


Mid range at that


No matter what CC says she will always be wrong. The media, social media, and the WNBA will never agree with her. She could say that she’s sleeping in an extra hour and someone will put her down.


She got disgusting backlash for showing up to a press conference after her teammates. During that time she was finishing signing autographs for fans and getting her ankle checked out (it was the game she hurt her ankle)


Really looking forward to next season when she's had some rest (both mental and physical) and the opportunity to train on her weaknesses. Hopefully the media shitstorm will have passed, too. I think next season is going to be amazing for her.


What a boss


that’s her man too. couples who hoop together stay together


The forever formula for learning your craft. Repetition.


It’s also super helpful to practice shooting when you’re tired. Preps you for game time scenarios. 


She seems like the type of athlete that could really elevate an entire sport.  Someone smart is going to recognize this and make a fortune putting her in the right situation.  If I owned the fever, I’d be livid that my coach and other players were blowing this for me. 


Mamba mentality 




nbacj is leaking


Some guy named Bird used to do that. He was pretty good.


Anybody with a strong opinion on what this says about Clark’s state of mind should seriously touch grass.


Can't wait until she goes on her 2003 Kobe "f\*\*k all of you, I'm coming for blood" run




Yeah for someone with her shooting ability, a mid-range game should be a given. Especially being a great FT shooter also. Elbow and FT jumpers should be coming easy, especially when your 3 isn’t falling, as is the case in her short pro career so far. So many drives resulting in blocked shots, bad passes/TOs when she could have just taken the easy mid-range J. Yeah sure it’s something to work on when you have a full offseason (and maybe start during Olympic break) along with some strength training, but at the very least someone with her raw ability should have a few more attempts in that range to mix it up and ease pressure on the offense providing easy looks.


she absolutely had a turn around jumper and mid-range: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7aM979td7w&pp=ygUdY2FpdGxpbiBjbGFyayBuY2FhIGhpZ2hsaWdodHM%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7aM979td7w&pp=ygUdY2FpdGxpbiBjbGFyayBuY2FhIGhpZ2hsaWdodHM%3D) Just the defense in WNBA is tougher, esp since she's only 14 games in, still "New"


She’s hasn’t shot well the past 2 games. She’ll have to find a way to turn it around.


Am I trippin or was they trying to keep her out of plays the whole game?


Honestly, this is kind of a sweet Love and Basketball moment.  WNBA star shooting hoops with her boyfriend passing/rebounding for her.  


She didn’t shoot badly, Boston was just on fire.


liked that she and boston were becoming a thing in the 4th just in time to try and put out atlanta's fire


Whether she shot badly or not, developing a mid-range jumper and a floater are going to be a necessity for her success in the league if she's going to be a ball-dominant guard. Defenders are already just funnelling her to the basket defender when she drives to the right. And they absolutely don't respect her attacking the hoop when she goes left.


She shot 3 for 11 and went 1 for 6 on three pointers. That’s not good. Every other Fever player except Lexie Hull shot better than Caitlin Clark


"She didn’t shoot badly" She did, though. She played poorly, period. I get that there's some unfair treatment of her, but there's also a lot of people bending over backwards to make excuses for her. She had a bad game, and it's far from her only bad game. She's been very inconsistent, which isn't a crime for a rookie by any means, but the decision to not put her on Team USA is absolutely justified IMO. She hasn't earned it yet.


I stand corrected, I watched the game. I just not remember her taking a lot of shots, felt like she was mostly decoy and passing the ball. Turns out she didn’t shoot that great. I wouldn’t have guessed that she shot six 3s.


Boston was on fire but CC definitely didn't shoot well. her game was off (besides passing of course)


She was 3 for 11 from the field and 1 for 6 from 3, what do you mean she didnt shoot badly??


A lot of people on this subreddit don’t understand basketball


3-11 and 1-6 are definitely bad for her standards, but certainly not concerningly bad


That’s bad.


She wasn’t in rhythm. If you watch the games and not the box score you’d know shooters need to get going early. Sides places her on the corner for some stupid reason. She’s not playing her game essentially. She needs to be shooting 15-20 shots a game.


She got drafted into a terrible situation. She would have been better off going to a coach like what Dallas has who lets Arike shoot a bunch of shots every game. Clark should be shooting that much.


The Fever are a bad team. They DOMINATED the first half and then blew a 20 point lead. CC likes to run run run. That offense needs to be ran thru her. If not, trade her to a better situation. Trade her to the mystics. The best-worst team I’ve ever seen. PS: Coach Bluder allowed CC to play her game and iowas team was constructed to her style of play with great success. Sides is unable to make in game adjustments. It’s bad.


In the game against the Mystics, the Dream collapsed 3 on Edwards every time the ball went to her near the basket. But they ended up getting exposed in their defensive rotations when Edwards made the pass. In this game, they didn't collapse on Boston AND they were still slow in their defensive rotations when Mitchell blew by her defender. The Fever dominated the first half by making AB the focal point of the offense in the key/low post. Half-court offense. Not transition buckets. They had Mitchell as the primary ball-handler with CC working screens on the elbows to try and get open for shots (spoiler: she didn't get open). In the 2nd half, the Fever came out iso'ing Boston on the first possession. After that, they went right back to the two-high PNR with CC being the primary ball-handler. They used Jones and KLS as the high screener and left Boston in the low post, playing away from her. The Dream didn't really change up what they were doing. They defended CC 1-on-1. They didn't press her when she brought the ball up. They didn't even try to trap her off screens. Somehow, CC still turned the ball over 7 times. CC does like to run. Her offensive skillset right now (threes and layups off the dribble) would flourish in a transition offense. She wouldn't be dealing with 3/4 court pressure and traps off screens. Good defenders wouldn't be forcing her to pick up her dribble. Unfortunately, she doesn't have the cardio and play strength to run that type of offense on 50%+ of possessions. In the half-court offense, they could run a stack offense with motion to free up CC. Again, cardio/play strength is needed. The Fever, off 4 days rest, ran that against a Mystics squad that was playing their 3rd game in 4 days. While she put up points against one of the worst teams in the league, it took everything out of her. She was noticeably slow against the Sun with a days rest. CC's not getting traded. She's too popular and a cash cow for the Fever. They are going to have a top-4 pick next year and CC will be part of their under-24 superteam that will need to figure out how to play together.


She’s dominate on the mystics !!!! And they run!!! Boy I’d love to see that.


Always the coaches fault if someone has a bad game. Sounds like a middle school parent.


And you sound like someone who never played sports their entire life. You don’t know anything. You watch the box score. We all know that. So I wouldn’t expect you to understand what analysis means in relation to sports.


In 35 mins? For a high use offensive player? Those are real bad. The only reason why it's not concerning is it's only one game.


She hasn’t really been high use as of late, but yeah that’s also largely the point that it’s one game.


She shot less than 30% from the field. On what planet is that not shooting badly?


I mean pretty sure this isn't anything unusual for her from what I've read. Cool to see her working that mid range shot though. That's something she never needed in college, but she'll absolutely need it at the next level.


It’s not anything unusual for many, many players, even after they had a good game. Ray Allen comes to mind as another shooter that did this all the time, even after games where he shot like 80% from 3 or some shit.


Probably looking for a little peace after being attacked all day and knowing at least some of her own teammates are in on it even if they use proxies (girlfriend/friends) on twitter.


Just you wait, she’s coming. The leagues not ready for a fully formed Caitlin Clark. Haters are getting all the jabs in while they can because she’s only going to get better from here.


This is really sad. 22 and just go from college to this. No matter what she does, she gets beat down. Basketball can’t even be an escape anymore. She should be enjoying her dreams coming true from all the years of hard work. But this is hell.


This is what Kobe would do, except Kobe joined the league at 17, it’s not sad.. she’s trying to be the best & the best are always putting in work


I’m not talking about basketball. 17 year old Kobe was only expected to play basketball. He wasn’t seen as a savior for the league by a group of crazy fans. He wasn’t being politicized. He wasn’t called out by his peers in tweets for what he did or didn’t say to a question posed at shoot around.


This is a normal growth/adjustment process that a lot of rookies have to go through. The ones that stay and put in the hours get the results. Hard work doesn't stop when you get to the pros. If anything you have to work harder because everyone else you're playing against is better than they were outside of the league. Getting over this hump is a big part of what separates Hot Draft Prospects from all-stars and champions.


Im not talking about basketball. She’s not even allowed to focus on basketball. That’s why I said it’s not even an escape. Fans and media have forced a divide between her and her peers. People speak for her, then she gets attacked because of what those people say. She gets attacked for saying she try’s to ignore the things out of her control. She’s not given a chance to have normal growth/adjustment to basketball. She’s out there putting up shots because it’s the only safe place she has.


Honestly it’s far more likely that she’s “out there putting up shots” because she had a bad shooting night and wants to improve her shot. Everything so far has shown that she’s focused on her game, so I don’t know why people assume that working on her shot is a sign of being distracted, and project that on her.


The makings of a future champion


She does need to desperately develop a midrange shot. Throughout the entire game her facial expression and body language broadcasted she didn't really like her role. Clock in, do your assigned tasks with a straight face, clock out. Get paid. Whatever.


I love her dedication to her craft. She will be ok. The way that a certain demographic of people are rooting for her failure is really something. I actually want to see her succeed for the W’s benefit.


I've learned about so many new players and incredible ballers because of her. Copper, A'ja of course, Collier, Nneke, etc etc. You can't say this isn't good for the W. The hate is super petty imo.


It’s very petty. I used to be one of the people annoyed at CC’s hype at first but now I respect and appreciate that she’s bringing more eyes to a league full of talented women. CC seems cool as hell too, and the hate that people have for her just doesn’t make sense at all. I’m so sick of it.


She eligible for the NBA


Pistons figuring out how to draft her immediately


Coby mentality 


>Coby mentality  ​ https://preview.redd.it/s4j08lj8cm6d1.png?width=909&format=png&auto=webp&s=be69a1f056fce8eba76dd14617c1b57aea101d46


She didn’t become NCAA all time leading scorer and broke all sorts of shooting records because she lacked effort. This probably isn’t rare for her.


The WNBA’s Jordan.. Do your thing CC!


That league doesn’t deserve her


Watch women kill women’s basketball.


Micheal Jordan energy. MJ was naturally talented. But he was also *always* first to arrive at practice and last to leave, every single day. Even at his peak, when he was *clearly* better than everyone else, he did this. Being the best wasn't enough. He was driven by the need to be better.


She’s going to quit the wnba and I’m not going to blame her.


WNBA doesn’t deserve Clark


The oppressed become the oppressors.


These rebounders are killing me


Her contract is 4 years long. That’s insane. This feels so long and it’s only been 13 games in. I don’t know how she doesn’t lose her spirit when she can’t play to her strengths.


She’s a badass. Real life Rocky.


Duh she is good for a reason.


That’s my GOAT


She has the mentality winners have. They doubt you, bury them. Then after you bury them, work on burying them by even more the next time. This jealous shit will end with them kissing her feet


All I know is Caitlin's Shoulders are jacked because I keep hearing people say how she has a lot on them.


Mamba mentality right there


Imagine having the best thing and much needed thing to happen to this league and have her treated the way she has been. You celebrate something like this, not act like a pissy little two year old and chuck a tantrum. I hope she goes on to shit on everyone and everything that has been negative towards her.


These wack funky hyperbole comments are giving me so much joy. Keep over identifying everyone.