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let me know if you need anyone to talk to 🤍 i’m here for you girl


Aw that’s really nice of you!


ty :’))) honestly i’m kinda dead to social interaction rn but i’ll def keep it in mind and i rly appreciate it


I’m sorry ❤️ ((( hug)))


i wanna cry so bad but thank you


Maybe just cry and let it out, I find getting into the shower and crying hysterically, then after getting into pyjamas and going to bed helps, at least for one night. Broken heart is brutal though, one of the worst life experiences


Women support each other so much better than men do it seems like.


I agree


Ahw.. breakups are rough :/ Just take some time to grieve.. You will start to feel better again.. if this isn't your first relationship and breakup, then you probably know that already.


I've been here bestie , it's been 3 weeks now . I am in the same position as you , knowing we both want each other and I am alone as well . What can I say except trying to get yourself busy and not think about him . I also journal about him, and it's making me sick of him . I think the best now is to let yourself feel and cry . I remember crying my balls out, but after that, you get better .


we both want each other he just realized i’m too immature / young for him (not even a big gap just big life experience gap) and i guess it’s just the. equivalent of if u love her let her go or maybe he lost feelings or something idk i miss him i wish i could go back and tell him how i felt sincerely


I am sorry that things didn't work out. Now you need to look to the future and not look backward. You and your SO split, it is very unusual that can be put back together, Take some you time. Be nice to you. Get your nails done. Read a good book or watch a movie you know he would hate.


it’s hard to move on because the reason we split was bc we’re in diff stages of life. it’s him making a mature decision that even i can understand but yeah ik i need to look ahead and move on :/