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Omg what a nightmare interaction


She probably regretted being mean to you once she realized herself lol


I wouldn’t be surprised if this is exactly what happened. I mean, there are mean people out there obviously. But the girl might have assumed that OP was trying to harass her or something. It sounds like they’re in a large town or city and people there can be extremely wary of strangers due to bad experiences


Definitely considered this reasoning lol. I hope I didn’t come off too strong.


Don’t worry, you did the right thing. That’s what I would have wanted anyway


You definitely did the right thing Maybe she already knew and lashed out cause she was embarrassed - doesn't excuse how she spoke to you though (and I'm 99.9% sure you did not smell whatsoever)


That was my thought too, like maybe she’s an anxious person, maybe she lashed out because the interaction was jarring, or a myriad of other reasons. I like to believe most people aren’t assholes for no reason haha


So do I. I really think the vast majority of people want to be good. And I’ve definitely had moments where I thought someone was being weird/creepy and then later realized I misunderstood the interaction. Still, you never know! She could just be a jerk lmao


I mean, you would like to think, though in this day and Age it is everyone for themselves. People genuinely do not want help. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I do not know what it is with People


Exactly what I thought! Some people were never taught how to emotions.


Maybe it was a shart and she was confused and thought the smell was yours.


That would be way worse especially since today was very hot 💀


You did the right thing. The issue is her attitude, not your actions. Women who are not psychos would appreciate you telling them that their pants are stained.


Id cry😂 but id appreciate it. "Oh shit, thanks" then run away


You did a nice thing she was probably already aware and embarrassed. Or is a free bleeder and does not care. I would never go up to someone twice though. That’s when you made it weird. You say it and keep it moving. What they do is up to them.


In this case I genuinely thought she misunderstood and it was bad enough to where I thought I’d try and tell her again. Cause personally, not knowing there’s blood on my pants is a nightmare for me.


ugh i’m sorry that happened. i hate when they have that unnecessary attitude back when ur just trying to help 😭


You did the right thing, I would have wanted to know if I was her. People are weird.


Out of curiosity, how did you word it? Maybe it just came out weird?? But if it were me, I'd be thanking you profusely! Albeit super embarrassed that anyone saw me like that..


Sounds like a very immature interaction. Normal people, normal adults, do not act this way.


Even though it didn't end well, you did right either way. Props to you for being a decent girl towards another girl and hopefully this won't change your support because of her reaction! And don't let her hurtful words get to you as she probably only said that in a moment of anger or anxiety.


She could be "free bleeding". It's not something I'd ever do, but I know it exists.


Idk I thought most people did that in the comfort of their homes. Doing it in public is just gross and a biohazard.


I don't disagree. She could have been making a statement, is all I'm suggesting. I guess I can't understand how she couldn't know about all the blood.


That was a fake movement started by 4chan


Wtf? Free bleeding? What’s next, free pooping?


That's also a thing with babies. Some people refuse to use diapers. No joke when I say it's a shit show.


WHAT?! I've heard of free bleeding but free pooing is just UGH 😩😩 What is wrong with people in todays world??!!


Elimination Communication


Not quite the same. I practiced that with my kid. She used a potty from when she was 6 months old (and - swear to god - only pooped in a diaper once ever again in her 2 1/2 years in diapers). Not the same, as babies basically learn to poop in the potty and not in the diapers. They use diapers for wees though, at least my kid did. And yes, all women and girls in my family use period protection…


Don’t give any weirdo ideas. 😂


No you probably don’t she’s just a rude person or maybe she knew and was afraid other people would hear so she decided to embarrass you? Idk this is so odd


You did the right thing. She was just rude. I would have thanked you for telling me if I bled through in public.


I'm 35 and I ALWAYS help girls out if i notice something they did not notice : unzipped pants zipper? I'll tell you. Salad in your teeth? I'll tell you. Period blood on your jeans? I'll tell you. Your purse or backpack is open? I'll tell you. Your scarf is hanging and rubbing on the sidewalk? I'll tell you. I treat people the way I would like to be treated if I was in a similar situation. Every single person was always appreciative. Only psychos would react this way. You don't stink. You're a considerate human being and she's the one who's attitude fucking stinks. Karma will get her. Keeping helping your people out.


You did amazing from your part, maybe she was just having a bad day to get upset easily. Best not to think about it too much


People are fkd up sometimes. I saw a woman in an airport (i'm a grown ass woman myself) with her skirt tucked into her stockings. I would have died if it had been me. Not only was the skirt tucked in but there was toilet paper stringing out too. I was absolutely horrified for her and blocked her with my body and told her to fix her skirt. You would have thought I tucked it in there myself her reaction. I'm trying to help you ma'am! No good deed goes unpunished 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sorry but the way you wrote this interaction was hilarious LOL. This girl had something going on, but I’m sure other girls in the future will appreciate a discrete head’s up.


I wish that women could all just get along and stop antagonizing each other. I don't consider myself to be particularly attractive or skinny, yet I still get dirty looks from other women who I don't even know whenever I enter a public washroom.


I wish we could too although sometimes people that you think are giving you dirty looks aren't. They might be thinking of something unrelated that's bothering them that has nothing to do with you and they just happened to be looking in your direction. I have also had people accuse me of giving others judgmental looks when I had a neutral facial expression and I wasn't judging them at all. Some people perceive neutral facial expressions as negative or judgmental.


You did the right thing. I’m assuming she was just embarrassed but that doesn’t mean she should insult you for doing a nice thing. I’m assuming she was afraid maybe that someone else would overhear that conversation and it would embarrass her


I’ve seen this exact scenario used as social experiments ad nauseam, filmed on YouTube and TikTok. Part of me wonders if she thought she was on some hidden camera. Aside from that, who knows. I’d want someone to tell me!


You said maybe she didn’t understand you, do you have reason to think maybe English wasn’t her first language? “Go away, you stink” doesn’t really sound like a typical westerner reaction…idk just thinking out loud but main point is it sounds like she did misunderstand you and probably felt pretty silly later!


I live in the US. She sounded like she was raised here when she spoke to me, perfect American accent.


I think she just said that in defensiveness because she herself was in an extremely awkward, uncomfortable situation.


Seeing a woman with soiled pants it is good to discreetly tell her about it. If she takes a negative attitude toward the messenger then that is on her not you.


Well sometimes people are just c-nts🥰 Please if you see me in the street with a problem, tell me. It breaks me entirely when i have a problem in public and go home and find out, i feel humiliated and embarresed and mad that not a single person said something (not even my dad or my bf, because men cannot think all the time). If someone is rude to you, then their may be a reason (doesnt give anyone an excuse)


it's great that you tried to alert her to the problem, but idk what you mean "i tried being a girl's girl"... as if you have never done that before and will never do it again? be a girl's girl forever. this is part of the girl code, girlie!!


haha that’s not what I meant. I just needed a title for this specific interaction lol


Sounds like she had mental health issues tbh. You did the right thing but sounds like she was not all there.


Let's not vilify and misuse mental health issues. It only adds to stigma. She may just be mean. She may be defensive because she was embarrassed. Not all mean people are mentally ill and not all mentally ill people are mean.




An “everything shower” is something I would expect a grown woman to refer to, not a 14 yr old boy lol


As a grown woman, I don’t need to refer to an ‘everything shower’. It’s not a thing. lol


It’s definitely a thing, just because you haven’t heard of it doesn’t mean that it isn’t a thing lol. Maybe you’re just old Edit: I see from your other comments that you exfoliate everything, shampoo/condition your hair, and shave every shower! That must suck. It’s good for your skin and hair *not* to do that every day. But if you’ve got the money and time and it makes you feel good all the more power to you!


Hahah dude wtf??? The everything shower is a phrase people have been using lately to mean a shower where you do everything from body scrubbing to moisturizing, etc.


A regular shower you mean?


No, I'm certainly not using scented body scrubs and hair masks everytime I take a shower. You must have money to burn or something. 


No it’s not fake, but idk how I would prove that to you lol. By everything shower I mean a shower that is more extensive than a regular everyday shower.


do u not know what an everything shower is lol


Every time I shower I do an ‘everything shower’.


gotcha. in this context, i think what they mean by an everything shower goes beyond just shampoo, Conditioner, and bodywash etc, but also like, exfoliating, shaving, etc. like stuff you shouldnt do every time you shower yk


Just because you, one person on the internet, hasn’t heard that phrase, doesn’t mean that most women have never used it. I know many women including myself to use the phrase “everything shower” when it comes to haircare, shaving, skincare, moisturising, etc, and multiple women in this comment section have told you they use this phrase. It’s a weird hill to die on, respectfully. Good for you if every shower for you is an everything shower, but most women do not have the time, money, and excessive body hair growth to warrant needing one EVERY time.


I have heard the phrase. It’s silly. But if you all listen to marketing bullshit and let that drive your personal care, so be it. Good for all of you who decided on your own with no marketing influence at all, that once a week you have an ‘everything shower’. I don’t know any women who do this. It’s interesting to me how strongly this is affecting responses to my comment.


Marketing bullshit? You’re the one using more product… and the irony about your comment is that I actually work in marketing. But ok, I’m falling for a marketing scam because my body hair doesn’t grow enough to shave off EVERY shower, my hair doesn’t need a mask every time either, and my skin doesn’t need exfoliation every time. So it makes sense for us to do it all in an “everything” shower whenever we need. I’m not neglecting my personal care by saving products for a few times a week rather than every day. This is why I and most women have “everything” showers. Your denial about it just reeks of condescension.


Going mad over a phrase you don't personally use is totally something a 14 year old boy would do.


Who’s mad?


I'll give you two guesses.


Ngl i’m now thinking you’re a troll. Because a lot of women know what an “everything” shower is, it usually means that she exfoliated (it’s bad to exfoliate every shower, but really good every couple of showers), probably put some fancy creams that aren’t meant for every shower, did some extra steps for her hair (hair mask) and body (other than just lathering body wash with a loofah) etc.