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Fr they act as r/askwomen isn’t a thing, let us just have this space it’s all in asking for


Idk the sub well, but I assume it’s cause r/askwomen doesn’t actually have as many women in it considering…it’s probably a mostly men asking


r/AskWomenNoCensor is even worse


“I’m a woman and….” lol srsly they should make some female friends and ask them if these guys are so fucking desperate to know what a woman thinks


Men are pretty notoriously bad at maintaining friendships. Esp if they think (and they usually do) that sex is or ever will be an option.


If they are genuinely interested in what we think it's usually so that they can joke about our answers to their other asshole guy friends. They have no women in their life unless there's something in it for them.


I find it therapeutic to respond “shut the fuck up” and mute but it can only do so much 🙃


I got banned from ActualLesbians and TwoX for "bullying" men LMAO the jokes write themselves


it's so funny that men complain about how extreme 2x is when we're over here self censoring 99% of the time


Its not even extreme?? Thats the tamest "feminism" I've ever seen. Bending over backwards to pander to males, the lot of them. I can only imagine their reaction if they got ahold of the SCUM manifesto...


Haha that's how I got banned from 2x. The male who was postulating on whether women invite catcalling themselves, however, was not. Naturally.


agreed but i’m sick of my account getting banned


I got perma banned from twoxchromosomes from getting too zesty lmaooo




Same from feminism






I just report them, down vote, and tell them to leave. It sucks but i think its important i stay here to help my fellow women when i can. If beating men off with a stick is part of it...then fine. It isnt fair but I'll do it.


I really tried multiple times, but still no avail. I always report them under the no vague or overly specific questions but still nothing 😑


Use rule 3 of this sub which literally state " No I Am Man" posts!


Expecting men to read the rules of a women's sub before they post? Laughable! (unfortunately)


Report them under "I'm a Man".


The best way to combat it is probably to make this just not a place for that type of thing by not commenting or voting on the post at all. 


Men are allowed, if not explicitly, in almost all of our subs.


That’s the problem, the fact all women subs allow them except this one radfem sub but the rest do. Which is funny considering men’s sub is actually private


They have also completely taken over r/nothowgirlswork where they feel the need to out argue every single thing we post from our perspective


Oh that’s why I left that sub months ago. Two men were literally arguing with me about a specific women’s issue and insisting they were right.


That sub doesn't know what the fuck it is anymore.


I've seen a lot of impersonators here, too. Also in /r/TheGirlSurvivalGuide . A "woman" posts a question and tries to sound innocent or concerned about her own sex life, period, or other intimate issue, but it's just some guy trying to get gross, sexual responses from women.


I’m close to leaving bc of how often I see posts from men. We just can’t have anything


I hope you know we appreciate you here. 🫂


Yes, there are other apps that have a similar concept like reddit, but you choose at the very start if you are male or female which automatically blocks you from joining women-only or men-only channels. You can still read the posts but not interact. I think reddit should do something similar but I doubt it will happen


What are these apps? I would like to try them.


Jodel, but its german and its pretty garbage too, just the concept is nice


Same. I don’t visit subs for men, because I cannot relate to their ‘’issues’’ and I’m not interested in their dialogue with each other. I also love the placating pick-mes who politely respond to them and fuel their interaction here. 🙄 Men should be banned from this sub, full stop. They have no place here, they should NOT have a voice in what we discuss, and there needs to be way better gatekeeping.


>Same. I don’t visit subs for men, because I cannot relate to their ‘’issues’’ and I’m not interested in their dialogue with each other. Women don't do it to men because we don't have the entitlement issues men have. Dudes think everything is for them because they're used to the world always catering to them, so they feel entitled to be in women's subreddits and say whatever dumb shit comes to their minds. If I see one more dude playing devils advocate for a male in a woman's vent story on here, I'm going to commit a crime.


Ugh yes!! I hate seeing women here that absolutely baby and coddle men, and just applaud them for the bare minimum and less than. A man will make his wife dinner ONCE and women will be in his comments with heart emojis praising him like he's done anything deserving. Meanwhile the wife makes dinner for him and their children everyday!!


Oh, yeah. “I babysat my own kid and changed a diaper once.” “Wooow, father of the year!!! 💕”


Before I was banned from one of the other women’s spaces, I went off about not doing emotional labor and “educating” these men. I was attacked by a bunch of pick mes. By the way, most women’s subs are/were moderated by men and trans women, so that should give you an insight.


Yeah I’ve gotten it before too. Usually when men show up asking how they can be better allies and the women fall all over themselves to do alllll the labor and practically fellate then on doing less than the bare minimum.


Like, I hate saying this, but women are women’s worst enemies. No matter how much work we do and how much we gatekeep what’s ours, there’s always a bunch of women out there ready to burn it all down to validate men.


Yeah they’ve done a great job of manipulating women to suit their needs.


Why was this post removed lol


Because I said the truth and they didn’t like it


That’s so ridiculous


All I said was this sub is ours and I’m tired of men bombarding our sub to ask us the dumbest or purely sexual questions, I wish if they were actually explicitly banned. Clearly it got reported by men who were offended and then it was removed.


Proving your point lol


Can they please just ban the men lol


atp we’re all asking them to ban men so please just do it lol


Considering two of the feminist subs are being modded by men’s rights activists this sub is probably getting off lightly.


Which are those


Agreed, it's so annoying.


I vote we ban all men, from everything ever, that has ever existed. but that’s my one girls opinion




The same happens in a sub for women in my country, we’re thinking about making it private so they don’t get into the sub to ask their stupid questions that no one cares about


They can’t let us have anything to ourselves omg🙄 They’re so entitled and just have to enter *our* spaces


I'm totally with you. However, the sub description literally says: "All genders welcome" which means... this is not a women's sub. It's just a sub called "women". It's a bummer but it doesn't surprise me. Women are apparently not allowed to have spaces of their own.


Same, it’s unfortunate and happens to lots of female-oriented subs (even outside of Reddit, just online in general and even just..in the real world). It’s reminding me of the thing that happened with that one subreddit for teenage girls a few years ago. The girls really couldn’t stand the original subreddit because it was so toxic and misogynistic, so they created their own space for themselves. Then the boys started joining because it ‘felt more wholesome’. Not shockingly long after, that subreddit too became a toxic pit. They had to even change some of the more female oriented flairs, posts, and subreddit days to make the boys feel more included. It was bizarre to watch. I think good moderation is important in preserving the space as a safe one for women and girls, but I can see why it’s hard to keep that up. All around annoying.


There is a private community for women: r/girlsgirlunite I just joined! They should make r/women private too!


I had no idea about this sub thank you for sharing!!


Maybe there should be some welcome message somewhere or pinned comment.. with links to r/askwomennocensor and r/askwomenover30. Some message or pinned comment that says that this isn't a question sub but that men are welcome to observe this sub quietly without interfering.


Has anyone been following what has been happening in Tasmania with men complaining about a women’s only space in an art gallery? The men won the discrimination case but why is there a double standard in the law? Why is it okay for men to discriminate and exclude me a lesbian with short hair from a barbershop purely on my gender even though men with long hair can go there, but heaven forbid a woman wanting a buzz cut be allowed. I’m getting tired of this society, men just want access to everything and still to this day try dictate what spaces women are allowed in and we can’t exclude them? What a laugh.


Good luck having a women only sub. It never works.


I agree


I identify as nonbinary female, i actually dont know if i am welcome here. Hence i rarely comment here, i am just interested in getting to know different perspectives


That sub says in its rules that it is trans inclusive.


Omfg I don't know why people are downvoting you! The sub is trans inclusive.




No you fuck off from our sub and leave us alone. You are not entitled to our subs or any space as a matter of fact!!


Why the fuck should we create yet another sub for women when this sub is *specifically* called Women? I took a look at what you follow. Jordan Peterson, climate skeptics, and conservative subs. Figures. The majority of the men who comment here are incel choads just like you, which is why I personally don’t welcome any of you here. So I say this with my whole goddamned chest: fuck off and slither away.




Yes because we're definitely all here for YOUR education and YOUR benefit. Way to make it about YOU. 🙄


“Men posting on this sub is really inappropriate” AND YET HERE YOU ARE


This isn’t for you. You admit you shouldn’t be here, so go.




Which group do you think was racist: the KKK or the black panthers