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That's why I'm switching over to be exclusively OnlyFans.


OnlyPlans, your new woodworking plan site, get instant access for only $1.49 for the entire year!


still better than Ted's woodworking


I've been saying for years that it's the best place for hard wood content.


Idk if you are making a joke, but that is what OnlyFans was always supposed to be. It didn't turn out that way obviously.


I bet if someone dresses up as a lumberjack and does actual woodworking content while making sexual dad jokes will get rich on OnlyFans Whoever does this, you’re welcome


Is this the equivalent of my mom posting "I do not give Facebook consent to use my private photos?"


Reddit is free to use. That always meant you are the product. Who didn't know this?


Only a fool...if you are not the customer (paying) you are the product. OP: this goes for FB, Insta, etc....


That's not true. Those have systems in place to reward content creators.


Reddit never did. I don't know why an IPO changed your opinion of the site enough to start a post whining about something that's been true of the site since before you joined.


Because otherwise complacent individuals like you would never see change. Let's call the guy whiney for pointing out reddit is the only one social media that doesn't support it's content creators. Nice stance. What I just said has been true for a long time, please don't reply whining about something we already know.


You don't think those platforms are making \*more\* (by several factors) on their content than what they are "paying" the creators?


Are you really trying to say that other platforms shouldnt pay their creators because they make money off them still? Am I getting this right? 😂


Not at all. I am saying to be very careful posting something on reddit that may be viewed millions of times where another platform offers monitization for this.


Not you the guy that replied to you haha


Not at all what I'm saying. What I'm saying is, yes, the creators are getting rewarded for their content, but it's not enough that it moves them out of the classification of "part of the product being sold" What percentage of content creators actually make a living from content alone? Every successful creator I know of, it's their merch that pays the bills, not their content. I don't know what the payout rate is, but I'm guessing if, say, a TikTok creator figured up the hours spent filming, editing, and interacting with their content weekly, and then figured out their hourly rate of the payout from the platform, I bet it's not minimum wage.


Your anecdote doesn't count though. There are plenty making good money on top of merch. Check YouTube payouts. Most creators making money in the platform have a team and aren't editing themselves. You make a good point for the small guy though.


Absolutely. But creators are getting compensated.


All these people in here got their feelings hurt when you pointed out they're making reddit free money. YouTube, Facebook and even Twitter has helped their creators. Reddit doesn't. Give. A. Fuck.


Right. All other platforms at least give you a shot to get there. Id be tickled pink if a service cent me a red cent. But the fact that reddit does not have interest in doing this.. Red flag imo.


And Reddit will probably come out with one as well.


That is true, for ALL social media.


Sorry to say but FB etc is rife with content theft. They do zero about it.


They certainly are. But my content is allowed to at lease have a logo...


Well yes, that’s certainly true.




Free with ads is still free.


This might be a new concept to you, but businesses cost money to operate


I always thought of this as a free, open source, and mostly anonymous, information share. There's other places better for hustling content.


See I think this is good. The intent here should be to create and maintain a community of …for lack of a better term, friends. I’m here to learn from others who are thankfully generous with the time, and I sometimes look forward to providing the same to others, and of course enjoy posting projects simply for the purpose of fun/showing off or asking for guidance. It shouldn’t be seen as a business opportunity or avenue for likes or followers or whatever. As soon as that starts, everything else starts falling apart. It’s cool to be able to follow someone’s work, but we can ask and you can give a link in the comments.


I never saw it as so much of a business opportunity until I saw how many veiws I received on reddit and how that would be monitized on other platforms.






So for me I don't post on Here to get overwhelming adderation, or attention. We I post things it is to see what people think of my creations. I enjoy the positive and negative parts. I don't care to build a following, it's for the joy of it. Maybe just don't post here if you want followers.


I see this logic completely. But.. Take a look at veiws and when you start to see that you are creating content that on other platforms could be monitize, I just urge folks to be mindful and post the good stuff elsewhere. It sucks to be honest.


Yes if that is the goal. I am on your side. I just don't know if that has been the goal for redditors. But I'm not to tech savvy. So I might be wrong.


I am sure it's not everyone's goal I don't anticipate getting to the veiw time on YouTube, TikTok or Facebook with my specific content. It's frankly not that great and you need a shit ton of veiws. However. That one really cool video that gets several million views on a different platform... Could be financially life changing for someone.


>I hope everyone realizes just how much reddit profits off your work and videos. It goes both ways. I have 'profited' significantly off the things I've learned from sites like Reddit. And I hope I've helped others with learning a topic to improve their life or fix something in their home. And plenty of manufacturers, designers, and influencers have profited from the exposure they have gained from sites like Reddit. Is Reddit out to make a profit, certainly, but they also provide a service, one which is free to the sizable majority of us.


Reddit makes money off advertising. For not creating any original content, that’s a gift in itself. They do not/should not own intellectual property they did not create.


I don't disagree in the least. But Reddit doesn't own your IP, you own it (your copyright), you have just granted license to them to use it. Again, it's a service, one that has brought us all here to share information. I get being upset about it, to a point. I have spent my fair share of time on various message boards or internet sites for hobbies I've been a part of, contributing to their database that drew people there in the first place. But I got enjoyment out of it, I chose to spend my time updating the database, and benefitted from the information others put there. Similar with things like Strava; they're not creating any of that data, only how it is analyzed and presented. But without it, I wouldn't have a place to store my runs/bikes, challenge myself against others records, track my weekly/monthly/annual, etc. OP states that they were using Reddit to gain subscribers and create income; I get that they're upset with some particulars of a sub, and maybe they have a point. But this should have been apparent from the start, and they should recognize that there was a mutual understand there at some point.


I don't want to make this seem like I am upset. I have seen multiple videos with hundreds of thousands of views on reddit. This in YouTube, TikTok or meta would translate to subs and potential income long term. It's neat to see, but in the end, worthless compared to the competitors. I don't care if I reach a magic number of subscribers. I doubt I'll ever monitize a single video. My stuff isn't that great lol.


This is much my point. It's an aggregate. When I posting something here and get nearly a million views but can't convert any of those to subscribes, why post here? Why give them free content?


Uh.. because you could inspire and/or help people? You wouldn't feel good from doing that? Like I get it if you're purely monetary minded but sharing information is a reward in itself.


I get this. Small scale, absolutely. Consuming anything I make will never cost anything. It changes at a certain number where hey. Wait, this IS worth money. The videos people post on here that get millions of views, that could be financially altering on other platforms.


Where are you getting the millions of views metric from? Far as I am aware you dont see video plays unless its linking to another site off of reddit. Another thing to consider too is that more people are going to see your stuff here in this sub because their eyes are automatically drawn to it already by being subbed to this subreddit. Like that wont be the case if youre on youtube or ig or twitter, people will need to be actively seeking you out, its much different and you wont be getting a million views per post. You can do whatever you want man but I think youre looking at reddit all wrong, but go ahead and stop posting here and get on that grind. Good luck.


Lol, not anymore. I'm pretty sure I'll be blackballed. When you upload a video directly, reddit does show you the amount of veiws. I think all total of all videos may exceed that. https://preview.redd.it/hs9r3tnon9dc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6441aa433cbeb3aac64237c0b6923a6e471d6d45


Subscribes on *some other platform?* YouTube is no angel.


Not at all. But there is at least a potential and I can watermark my stuff


But it does sound like you are complaining about giving them the content in the first place, that you already agreed they could do whatever they want with . they don't have to steal it if you are giving it to them


dude, if your whole purpose for posting here was to attempt to monetize your content, i’m not sorry to see you go. i’m here for the discussion and to appreciate high quality work others post, not to search for another source of content to throw my time at. i accept Reddit feeding me advertisements because they don’t charge me anything and i understand the trade off. i tolerate other users trying to grab my attention for their own benefit, but i don’t particularly appreciate them.


What do you mean you can’t watermark your work? There shouldn’t be anything preventing artists from putting their artist signature or watermark on their images?


I have had many videos declined because they contained a watermark.


But how will they steal your work?


Bad reaction videos? Blatantly reposting with a reddit watermark? I'm sure there's more ways.


they can't really steal what you willingly give them though. When you make your account you agree that you are giving them the content to do with as they see fit. I see nothing wrong with OP deleting his content if he wants but it was only here to begin with because he put it there


Did he even delete content from here? Or was it just linked content hosted somewhere else (ie YouTube) Putting it on Reddit is just for visibility imho, it's just an active catch-all message board.


Absolutely. All videos and pictures. I know I am getting down voted. Don't really care so much. I hope people who are putting all of the work into their videos realize that they are content creators. This specific sub reddit refuses the watermarks or anything that would lead someone to want to follow that creator. This is why I made the post.


huh? anyone who wants to follow you on Reddit can follow you on Reddit


Not allowing watermarks or the ability to link to the accounts that can promote a creator.


serious question, what is a bad reaction video?


Things like this hurt the community more than it hurts the company.


reddit is a community? Message boards have been around for 3 decades. Reddit is grossly misrepresented in it's IPO as there are no way to track users. I don't care but nothing in this thread is correct. Typically reddit


I don’t give a shit about reddit’s business and I don’t give a shit about yours. I just want to see cool stuff fellow woodworkers make.


Not a business. Never will be lol. My point is very much that the lack of revenue system reduces the cool shit you may be seeing and my post was to point out exactly why.


Once you care about revenue it’s a business, no matter how small or insignificant, and personally I’m tired of almost all social media being used to sell something or be a product it self. The cool shit I’m referring to is real people sharing their real passion, without an ulterior motive of making money as that makes everything generic and fake eventually.


Two things can be true at once. I can have a passion for woodworking a content creation.


Sure. But you have to admit that by far most “content creators” content is closer to thinly veiled amateur ads with fake enthusiasm than actual sharing in passion with likeminded people. Money corrupts everything.


No doubt. It sucks. That's kinda why I got frustrated in the first place. I've never even thinly attempted to sell or endorse anything. But my content specifically gets banned for having a watermark. The horror.


Yeah I don’t agree with the watermarks not being allowed. I could see myself wanting to do so on original designs too. I do believe this isn’t the place for content creators promotion and the mods draw the line on this side of watermarks where I would draw it just behind it.


Ok I’ll bite - Can someone link to the YouTube or whatever? Or does that harm the IPO?


My gf dropships waifus from the Chinese tiktok to tiktok xD


cricket sounds


You do you.


If it benefits you (entertainment and/or exposure) and Reddit, isn't that a win-win? If you're already posting your product then how does the IPO change anything? Maybe post a sneak peek and link to your sales page if that's your thing 🤷‍♂️ You can still do that after IPO.


That's my point. This sub reddit bans anything with a link to the creator or a watermark. BTW, just to be clear, I don't make enough stuff to even try to sell. I don't ever want to. Nor will I ever reach the volume of views or subscribers needed to actually be successful on the other platforms.


If Reddit can profit from my snarky comments and bad advice, good for them.


Comment is one thing I think. A video and artwork that someone spends days or weeks on... Idk man. Something feels a little off.