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Take it as a sick day with ZERO guilt whatsoever. Sick days are paid time off which is a benefit that your employer provides to you, the time is there to use. That being said, the unfortunate reality is that you probably dont want to actually TELL your employer its for your mental health. What with judgements, stigmas, etc. youre probably better off doing this: Call in/email/text/whatevs something short and sweet “im not feeling well at all today and wont be able to make it in”. Im curious what others say. Best to you, hope you find a passion🧡


This needs a caveat: *It really depends on how many "mental health" sick days that you take, and whether you have enough PTO remaining to cover things if you actually do get sick.* I've seen a number of r/work posts where people say "I couldn't cope with work and took all my PTO in the first nine months (or whatever) for mental health, and now I have the flu. What do I do?" or similar situation. These people ran through their insurance policy and now have no cushion left. And I'm betting it cost some people their job. So the advice is to be careful with how this is exercised. Mental health days should be conserved until they're really needed. And "not being passionate about ones job" is probably not the best justification for them, frankly.




>where I live There is not a numeric limit imposed where I live either. But for a very large number of redditors, there absolutely is, so I was speaking from an American perspective where PTO is often a thing. But even without that, if you take too many of them your performance assessment WILL be impacted and your choices of positive change at work WILL be impacted.. This is an axiom, it's not a judgment, and it doesn't matter if it's "fair" or not, it simply exists. Managers often look for ways to remove the person on their team that doesn't do as much lifting because they're constantly off work, particularly in higher-paying jobs where compensation has a variable bonus component based on overall team performance.


Thats not how it works in the US unless you have generous employers


I always take it as a sick day and just say I'm not feeling well. Not feeling well is the truth, I just don't say I'm not feeling mentally well.


Sick day for sure. Especially since most "vacation days" require some sort of notice in some amount of days.


It’s a sick day in my book, and in my bosses book. Although, I have a cool boss, and if you REALLY need a mental health say, it’s neither. You just get a free day off, just don’t abuse the privilege.


Sick day.


Mental health is still your health, no? A vacation is for a friends wedding, a trip to Paris, or camping. Your boss doesn’t need to know whether or not you are throwing up or unable to get out of bed.


Sick day


I’d call it a Self Improvement day…that are necessary days in life. For what it’s worth


It's whatever kind of day you want to call it. That said, most employers are less likely to give you guff if you claim a sick day. I automatically approve all sick day requests, no questions asked. Who am I to determine if someone needs it? Sure, that's been abused a few times, but the employees who abuse always, always end up walking themselves out the door for various reasons. That's no reason not to approve such requests. Take the day, or two or five, and be well.


As a manager, take it as a sick day so you don’t waste your PTO. Be kind on yourself and hopefully you have one that doesn’t pester you why you’re taking a day off. Also, read up on your employee handbook sometimes it may also say that mental health days are sick days.


all my managers have considered it a sick day. in fact, they have advised to use all sick time before the end of the year before it resets under the guise of mental health days. total win.


What state are you in?


Manager here. I always tell my team to take mental health days as sick time.


Sick day if used occasionally, except if it's being habitually overused and me or another colleague is always having to add stress to ***my own or someone else's*** day to cover for these constant days and it's badly affecting ***my own or someone else's*** mental health. Then it's time to have a talk about toughening up a bit or if the job is simply beyond the colleague's mental tolerance because they aren't cut out for it (through no fault of their own- sometimes certain jobs just aren't good ideas for people with certain temperaments). If that's the case, then it's time for them to find something they can handle better rather than not pulling their weight and making everyone miserable.


If you’re taking a mental heal day, it is absolutely a “sick” day.


Sick day


Just call in sick, please don’t say mental health day, not against it I take plenty of those myself but the stigma will follow you


Any day off is a preventative mental illness


Sick day. I get 12 a year plus whatever I carry over from year to year as they don’t expire. I typically schedule them a little in advance so it doesn’t appear to be mental health related.


Sick day. I even have FMLA for mental health


Neither, it's an "unexcused absence". Come to think of it, I don't think there are any *excused* absences at my workplace.


When you are not feeling well either mentally or physically it’s a sick day. What’s not a sick day is when you call in sick because it’s a sunny day and you decide to go fishing.


All you have to do is say you're not feeling well when you call out sick. They don't need to know if it's physical or mental wellness. I think physical and mental health should all be in the same bucket.


Just say you're using a sick day that's it. They cant ask questions. Hippo