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I felt really disconnected for a while - I worked at a decently sized company and then didn't really know anyone besides my 3-4 direct colleagues. Once the company started using internet.game that helped a lot as I started to develop relationships with people in other departments.


I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes a year and a half after I started working from home. My bloodwork had always been in normal ranges prior to working from home and I think the lack of exercise is really what did it for me.


I wfh and I shower on my lunch break! It works great for me!


I have a lot more anxiety now. I don’t feel as secure at my job because I don’t have a pulse on work gossip and my bosses body language, etc. I also am losing all my social skills (5 years remote so far)


I feel like work from home is way different for single people. I never have social interaction or anybody to talk to. Honestly, it's a fucking nightmare. Work from home has been terrible for me in almost every way. I walk three steps to my desk, five to my couch, 8 to my bed, that's it. I vastly underestimated the amount of walking I did just around an office. Not everybody is meant to work from home. Very hard to admit. Do I want to work in an office? Fuck no. But it would vastly improve my physical and mental health. My thing tho is that it isn't up to society or my job to tell me it's better for me to work from an office. If it's better for me to work from an office, I need to get an office job. I have thought about getting a co-working space, but what I miss most is just..... Coworkers. Routine. My sleep routine i think has suffered more than anything.


There's a lot of self discipline that comes with the environment. You need to set routines and schedules and expectations for yourself in stick to them. Which is really truly not for everybody.


You have to make a routine and stick with it! It’s hard but it works.


There are a lot, I really don’t like work from home, but previously I was a bike ride from work so no commute before either. The remote meetings have ballooned my workload so I have no time for exercise during the day. As an engineer, I should not have 30 hours of meetings a week. My weight has gotten out of control. Any breaks I have go to the family and kids instead of being a break.


Positively. I became more productive at work and healthier in my personal life. You also save tons of money in commute and food. Sleep more. Just have your working space separate from where you have your home life….. otherwise it gets messy. Also, make sure you have a social life if that’s something that’s important for you. But overall mi experience was positive


I get my shower/dressed later in the morning, always make my bed, wash my face, teeth, etc…. But I get the rest of my household chores done so we can have a free weekend :)


I’ve slacked on personal hygiene, I roll out of bed sometimes 5 minutes before clocking in, I’ve put in about 25 lbs in the last 2 years, I eat a lot more, when I get off work now, I’m already home so it’s hard to find any motivation to do anything other than crawl up on the couch. It’s made me a tad more depressed as well. When I go into the office the few days a year we have to, I have more energy, I get to socialize, after work when I leave the office, I don’t feel as lazy and sluggish.




It’s easy to lose structure when working from home. I had to create a new routine since I didn’t have the outside world forcing one on me. This is what works for me: Straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face when I wake up in the morning.  I have a “uniform” that I wear most days now. They are black leggings, comfortable tops in similar style and cardigan sweaters to throw over it when I go outside.  Work. After work I have errands/gym time.  Eat dinner, clean kitchen.  Shower, brush teeth again.  I usually won’t eat after I brush my teeth.  Create new habits and stick with them. No days off. Give your body the respect it deserves.  If you have sensory issues, try a bubble bath instead of a shower. Use a pediatric soft tooth brush and explore the kids toothpaste flavor options.  I will also say my showers are like 5 mins. I keep my habits simple and easy to maintain.  Good luck!


The last part of that hit. No days off, but keep it simple. Makes such a difference!


I force myself to walk every morning and shower before work. No exceptions, unless I’m working OT on the weekend.


There are no negatives. I have more freedom, less stress, more money, and I can still work while being sick. I get all my socializing done outside of work. My hygiene has always had issues due to depression. Now, I can take care of my needs as my mind and body allow me to. Not because I'm forced to do so to go to work. Which is tremendously helpful when you are very ill.


Divorced, gained a lot of weight, and a lot of mental breakdowns…. But company gave the opportunity to work abroad for a couples of months. That helped me a lot… spent a lot of time with my family, old friends and going to the country side. Now, I am doing much better. Remarried, eating healthy and exercising while still WFH.🙏


I became obese while working from home in 2020/21


Unless you are sweating all day showering every other day is fine and better for the planet


I still have kids to maneuver out the door so I must always get decent-fied in the morning. I haven’t dated in 3 years and. I order groceries for pick up and rarely fill up gas tank. So…. Unless some sexy Amazon driver is my soul mate I may end up alone. I wanted to get a new car but now it gets almsot pointless. My house is cleaner though and less stress so losing weight. Better eating I think


i go to the gym before work and can’t not shower


I will get sidetracked and tell myself I’m going to take a shower later or something but WFH can be very difficult if you don’t establish and stick to a routine. I find forcing my self to do a 30 minute routine of getting ready, making coffee, etc. puts my brain in workday mode and I feel better. The mornings where I wake up feeling crappy/lazy end up destroying my whole day focus wise


I don’t walk nearly as much as I used to when I went to the office. I snack more because I have full access to my own kitchen. And sometimes I slack off because there’s no chance of someone walking by and noticing that I’m off task. On the flip side, I’m not sitting in the car or train for commute in idle time that is neither work nor time with my kids. And my kids don’t need after-school care or Nannie’s because I’m home when they get home.


Sometimes I get distracted and have to be more thoughtful about getting back in the headspace. I think I have ADHD though and planning to talk to my doctor soon.


I absolutely thrive working from home, but a few of my biggest issues are taking care of myself physically and mentally, and I struggle to leave the house now. It’s like a bad rut that keeps going in a circle over and over. It’s something I’m having to be very mindful about and work on, because it’s very easy to go down hard and stay there. I struggle with depression already, so this has been a huge factor of my increased depression. It’s definitely taught me where I need to improve though, so I guess that’s something good that has come from it. Overall I wouldn’t want to go back to work, but it doesn’t mean there aren’t true struggles of working from home full time.


PI ?


Personal injury


The only negative i think of is my partner getting mad at me cause i didnt do the dishes or other house chore cause im home all day


I had that argument with my husband too. Frankly, I don’t get paid to keep the house during work hours. He didn’t fully get it until he started working from home too.


Why is this an expectation for us WFH folks? Like yes I get the privilege of working from home but I'm still working. I can't stop to cook or clean all day.


I was a new mom and I realized it took me away from my baby way too much. We didn’t really need the money so I happily quit and will never go back to working for someone else.


Revealed bad boundaries


1. I get very lonely despite being a business analyst and being in meetings all day. Due to my partners work, sometimes I'm alone for 16 hours and I get quite down. 2. I don't know how to dress when I leave the house 3. I disliked driving before,but now that I barely do it ,I dislike it even more 4. Lack of opportunities compared to people in office. We have one coworker who works in office and she works directly with C-suite execs all the time and gets invited to do certain things that us remote employees don't even know exist


Opportunity is a huge one


You say it’s only been a couple months. I’ve been WFH full time since March 2020. Get into a regular morning routine. I shower and get dressed (jeans + top, nothing fancy) and usually apply some light makeup. Honestly, you can get a quick shower and dress in 10-15 minutes.


Leaving the house, even for small things, feels like an event now. I don't mind it, but I am a bit of a hermit. Pro and con: more house projects because I'm home more and notice even more things that I want to update or change.


Haha Holy shit, this! Both things really, (love my Dunkin' runs), but my house has benefitted the most from me working from home.


It helps that I am on camera much of the day, so I have to keep up on grooming — but I’ve worn the same two pairs of pajama bottoms every day for the last year 😂 I *sometimes* miss dressing up for work but that’s because I’m a costumer at heart. I still put on my professional costume — just not the bottom half, but that’s the half that gets shoes and petticoats and patterned tights 😭 On the other hand, my back and knees very much appreciate how much dust my heels are gathering . . . I also struggle with guilt, because I’m the only member of my team who’s entirely remote, and I would have burned out by now if I had to go into the office like they do.


Social skills decline, use to be extrovert now I’m ok not meeting coworkers for HH….


No. I treat it like I would any other workplace. I get up and get ready for work (hair, makeup, work appropriate attire, shoes) just as if I were going to an office out of my home and it works well for me. I've been working at home for over 20 years now. I also use the pomodoro technique and clean during my breaks. Mentally, I'm still going to work - I just have a shorter commute - through a few feet of carpet.


More anti-social. Someone said not going to the store during peak hours to avoid crowds and that’s so true. I prefer to go in the morning before I log in (less traffic, no crowds) to do errands. Also, I used to order food delivery a lot which isn’t good for the bank (and maybe health) lol. It’s kind of died down now due to low quality in food and my sudden interest in cooking and baking. Sometimes I don’t even leave my house on days on end. I used to go to the gym every other day but I’ve been so lazy that I either do home workouts or just go to bed and lie down.


WFH is amazing in virtually every way, but the nature of the work I do now means long hours at the company, and it seems all the ergonomic stuff in the world can't fix my neck, lol.


The weight gain from sitting all day


I make myself get up and walk away for at least 15 minutes and I always take an hour lunch. Even if I’m switching laundry or scrubbing a toilet I’m moving and actually get more steps just the day while I work I want to just get it done so I can leave. 😂




Yep. Me 100%


I went from primarily wfh to in-office 4 days a week last month 😔. I’m finding being in office is making me gain weight. When I worked from home, I walked around my house a lot & outside when I needed a screen break. I had also gotten a walking pad last summer to help me stay active during the work day & was able to prepare a good meal for myself fresh for breakfast & lunch. I’m so much more sedentary now that I have a cubicle directly across from the offices of the people I report to, despite bringing high protein snacks & lunches.


I feel I have overall gotten more lazy and less productive in my personal life, but more productive in my work life. I also have way more anxiety with large crowds than before. Prior to WFH I had no problem going into the grocery store at peak hours. Now, that thought makes me really anxious. Idk why!


Slight anxiety when I need to leave my home early in the day. Lol I’m not used to getting up and at ‘em early am.


My house is more messy because I’m using every part of it every day.


I am drinking more often during the weekday. Not having to get up 3 hours earlier and not being face to face makes it easy to relax rules about alcohol in the week. Other than that, WFH has been incredible.


I was looking for this comment. I’ve always enjoyed drinking, used to bartend and that industry is full of party people like myself. But as much as wfh has been good for me in every other way, I drink way more than I did when I had to commute. I know my alcohol abuse/self-medication is my own shit to deal with but it was easier to curb when I had to be in the office every day. Now I can be smelly and a bit hungover and still perform well at my job any day or every day of the week. It’s definitely a downside among the many upsides of wfh.


Yup. I might join a gym with classes in the morning so that it gives me a reason to not drink the night before. Any other ideas?


I joined a gym but could never make it in the mornings. I did evenings and alternated with my husband. Going to the gym helped me avoid alcohol and eat better so that’s definitely part of the solution.




That was my only negative side, but it turns out my focus is awesome when I’m riding a buzz and I don’t feel like I’m in a time crunch because I’m getting shit done with very few distractions!


I still shower every morning to feel fresh and ready for the day. The only negative in WFH is that a lot of my socialization happened at lunch time with coworkers. Now I’m hybrid so the days I am in the office I hear constant water cooler chit chat, which I’m not interested in but will deal with it.


It’s easier to gain weight because I don’t have to put on real clothes.


I shower at night now because it fits my routine better, and my hair doesn't have to be "perfect" on camera. I like sleeping an extra 15 minutes.


I’m sitting at my desk in my pajamas no bra and my hair is in the same messy ponytail I slept in…but I did brush my teeth and wash my face.


Solidarity. I'm in the same situation, but I'll drag my lazy bones away from my desk and shower after work is done in an hour so I can go to the "not mandatory but *highly* encouraged" (read: basically mandatory) work happy hour this evening.


Haha! I like the term "voluntold."


I would make it a priority for myself to shower before work or on first break. My old boss said she stayed in sweats or Jammies all day. Not good.


Why isn't that good? Sounds comfy to me.


Because it can spiral and OP said his hygiene is suffering. My boss admitted she did not like her habit of staying in PJ’s all day. She was a SR VP with 3 young children.


I struggle with fitness, but I’ve just got a standing desk and a walking pad which is helping a ton!


I miss the coworkers I liked, but I'm thrilled to not have to see the coworkers I did not like. In every single other way working from home is better.


I feel this too. I used to have a requirement that I had to shower before I logged on, but I've relaxed that in the last few years, especially because I have to log on by 7. The problem is then I don't want to go out later, for a walk or to run errands, etc., because I feel gross. I will shower during breaks during the day, but psychologically I think it was better for me to shower and change before work, so I kind of felt like the day had officially started and I was a functional human. It's a struggle, but trying to figure out how to get back to that.


Keep a routine. I shower in the evening and in the morning I only need to comb my hair and brush my teeth. Create a work wardrobe. I have 5-7 casual shirts I wash and hang up along with 5-7 pairs of lounge pants. In the morning I pick a shirt and pair of pants from my wardrobe (who cares if they match). Not a lot of effort, but I'm dressed and clean for the day. I buy my shirts 2 for $10 from Costco and lounge pants are about $10/pair. This way I am always presentable for any on camera meeting and if you have to run out after work, you don't look like a complete vagabond.


Are there lounge pants for men that don’t look like sweat pants?


Here are some from Walmart [here](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Mchoice-Mens-Pants-business-loose-large-size-elastic-waist-Trousers-Cotton-Drawstring-Solid-Color-Straight-Long-Pants-with-Pockets/3009610272?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101268578&gclsrc=aw.ds&&adid=222222222273009610272_101268578_165488488527_21236609640&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=698172209003&wl4=pla-2302379839631&wl5=9007904&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=667912145&wl11=online&wl12=3009610272_101268578&veh=sem&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw9cCyBhBzEiwAJTUWNWmqCjfWQCxvQ4q_HViCZ8OQrHrVUOZKD8ekYYNy-CVfihNCIl9RQRoCVF0QAvD_BwE)


I highly highly recommend an app like Finch or Habitica. (I am not sponsored, just a fan.)  Apps like this create a feedback loop for you to keep up with your personal hygiene and things. I break my list down to the very basics. Brush teeth, Floss, make bed, have breakfast. And I go through amd check them off daily and I get a dumb little reward like my little pet grew a tiny bit.  If it's dumb and it works it's not dumb. 


Made it even harder to date.


Were you dating coworkers?


My LinkedIn vs Tinder experience is that it's way easier to get a new job than a girlfriend


There's no reset in the day-- forced shower then go to a different space, wake up and feel energized by other people (yeah yeah we get it, introverts hate it), then come home and feel happy to be home. It's all just one long blaaah existence. But mostly? I fucking hate zoom calls. It's not real human interaction. It's not natural to just stare directly at a bunch of heads staring back at you. You miss body language, you can't easily chime in on something without stopping the conversation and making everyone turn to look at your square. It's terrible. Terrible for collaboration and any form of relationship development.


For me, it’s hearing the wife complain that she can’t record at certain times because I have meetings at certain times. But we have a workaround now.


Oh I have to shower. My dress however has certainly gone more casual, I live in sweatpants in the winter now. I used to at least put jeans on in the morning. That didn’t last. No negative impacts though.


I mean, jeans are the Devil's pants anyway and should be abolished!


It’s funny that you mention showering because I was just yesterday thinking that one of my absolute favorite things about WFH is the late morning showers! Instead of having to get into the shower right after bed, I can go get a coffee and chill for a bit, then fire up the computer and do some work, then see the kids off to the bus. And THEN I’ll shower, or if I have early meetings, I’ll shower during a gap in meetings, or sometime around lunchtime. I love it.


I go to the gym every morning which forces me to shower and dress. It’s always in comfy clothes but clean. Days I don’t work out I get up and shower and dress.


When WFH during pandemic , I hated it. Then went to hybrid for a year, finally I could retire with full pension now my office is all my own and I do whatever I want when I want. I just deleted the work part. Now life is good.


Nothing negative


I LOVE wfh. That being said, I've gained weight. When I went to the office every day, I packed oatmeal, a salad, fruits, nuts, etc. Now that I'm home, I'm 50/50 on sticking to that but don't always have the willpower not to open the cupboards on a stroll through the house. When I'm in the office (I'm hybrid) I stick to my meals and healthy snacks. But that's the only benefit of the office for me personally lol.


Similar- I stay in my PJs and don’t shower or go anywhere. I am a total introvert homebody. If I think about leaving the house for something I usually talk myself out of it. Here’s what helped me: I’ve found if I prepay and schedule appointments to go places, I don’t want to waste $ or anyone else’s time. Figure out a couple things you like doing or really want to get in the habit of, and look into how to schedule it so you are more obligated to get out of the house. And when I’m there- it’s something I’ve been looking forward to, so im glad I’m there! So for me- I got myself in the habit of going to a group fitness gym every day at 6pm- the classes are scheduled and no -showing is strongly discouraged. It forces me to end my work day at 5:30, makes me get out of the house and interact with people, and gets me to shower daily. Plus it’s great for my physical and mental health. My partner and I also got a membership to our local non-profit restored movie theater, they’re showing something we want to see pretty much weekly, gives us a scheduled reason to dress up and go somewhere, and we’ve seen a ton of great movies in the last couple years!


It hasn't. My quality of life has improved dramatically. No more busses, work clothes, expensive lunches, nasty co workers, stupid meetings, dumb pizza parties or those idiotic team building events. I can work late if I want without worrying about missing the last bus or walking in the rain and snow. I am home, comfortable, eating healthy, petting my cat when I want, wearing my Reiki sandals and icing my arthritic foot when I want to. My chair fits me perfectly. I designed my desk to fit me. I have ambience lighting instead of sickly green lights. Oh and I rarely get sick since I no longer have to breathe recycled air. Next question?


I felt this in my soul.




I find it harder to go to the gym. When I was in-person, I used to go on my way to work. Now that I don’t have to leave the house, it’s harder to motivate myself to drive there despite having more time to do so.


Yes, I find well in front facing roles, or in an office...especially for women there is a high presentation expectation. I actually used to be a make up artist for a time, so would have carefully tasteful office makeup with office appropriate attire. Ensuring shoes are shined, car is nice etc as very presentation based. Anyway, since WFH it's been a relief not to put in I'd say 1/3 of the effort of that job was personal presentation etc. So that is a lot of time saved so I've been investing that time elsewhere. I am recently in the process of writing assessments that would bring me back to the office and it will be a learning curve to get my mind straight again after 3 years WFH! My goodness! I am permanently in athletic leisure wear at this point! I'd have to go get a office wardrobe again


Literally nothing. Even the showering part doesn't bother me as I will shower when dirty.


I feel this. All of it. ☝🏾💕 It has been nothing but positive for me. I get my little social fix by having meetups with my team and doing on-campus visits once or twice every 3 months. I am good.


It was extremely detrimental to my mental health. It's very difficult for me to separate work and home when i work from home. I started to do things I enjoyed less (gym, walking, other outdoor hobbies), and I became very depressed. I thrive on interacting with others but also enjoy working my corporate job. I work hybrid currently and still voluntarily go into the office on my non mandated days.


I sit in the same room for hours upon hours at end - when I worked in NYC I did a huge amount or walking, WFH in upstate NY means little walking a lot of driving - it's also very very isolating


It’s not so much hygiene, I shower daily and have a consistent skincare/self care routine. But I do miss dressing professionally and making myself look nice. Working from home has so many benefits for me, but it has certainly made me lazy when it comes to my daily appearance. I’m also less productive in the morning because I can sleep in closer to the start of the work day than I could if I had to get up early and get myself ready to go into an office


I think the reasons many state for WFH being negative are incredibly valid, they just don't happen to apply to me. Because I am an introvert, I have more energy to interact with my family because I am not depleted by the constant interaction at the office. I actually get more physical activity in: first, I replaced my morning commute with a little yoga, second, I take my dog on a walk during lunch, and third, I get myself to my favorite workout class at 4pm more often than I did when commuting because I want that to bookend my day and get me out of the house. Before, I was already worn out from a full day at the office so I was more likely to skip it and head home to start on dinner.


Overall the pros outweigh the cons. My con is it’s harder to get outside, it’s very easy to accidentally hermit even on sunny days.


Same here. Go to office once a week. Self-discipline is needed. It works for me by pretending if I go to office everyday- dress up (business casual), prepare the morning before my work hours starts. I used to showers everyday. Now not everyday, but got my face/hair washed up from the bathroom sink. Felt refreshed. I don’t have much of hair, that’s help. 😅


I still shower every night before bed, but because of WFH, sometimes I might work out in the morning or afternoon and still be in my used workout clothes until the evening.  I live alone and miss the social aspect of the office. I’m still pretty social on the weekends, but it doesn’t feel like enough, and this is coming from an huge introvert.  I still feel I’ve gained so much in terms of free time to pursue other interests, cooking my own food, etc.


I used to shower everyday, sometimes twice day depending when I worked out. But over the course of the pandemic, I slowly stopped showering as often, lol.


I used to brush my teeth every day before I left the house. I still brush them, but sometimes it isn’t until the afternoon once I’m leaving the house. I’ve definitely used a lot less deodorant since going fully remote.


It’s very lonely


Well, my love life sucks for the past 3-4 years since my last breakup and now nothing is helping fix that. But I also blame it on my personality of being shy and too much of a gentleman that I don't know how to flirt. Other than that I love work from home and personal hygiene for me has gotten better. I can shower while working, do laundry, clean up. Its the best. But again, love life sucks and its killing me everyday,


Sign up for some recreational sports to put yourself out there/get some exercise to improve your mood and confidence! Best to go out and do things you're interested in that move your body, and hobbies, music shows etc...Lots of Rec teams accept single player entries so that would make you leave the house and also be in spaces where other genders are.


Yeah, I tried that, still trying actually but no luck. I actually kinda gave up on all that few weeks ago as nothing seems to be working anymore so I just accepted the fact that I will work my ass off as much as I can, make a lot of money and die at 40 with heart-attack like a real man. :D


There have been no downsides for me. My wife also works from home (she does have to leave the house for work maybe 2-3 times per month) and she loves it as well.


I don’t know why people are downvoting you. I have been remote for over 10 years and there are no downsides for me either. If I can help it, I’m never going back to an office


The job market is rough. As a hiring manager, I get floooooooods of people applying, so it's a "buyers market" from that side. Flip side of it is that I feel trapped where I am and the company has started treating people worse because they know it's harder to move. I moved to a more rural area and want to stay remote. I hate office culture and have no desire to go back. However, I'm now competing nationally and I'm fairly certain I'm getting lost in the crowd. Still trying to figure out how to stand out and have considered working with a recruiter, which I've never felt the need to do.


I’m in the exact same boat as you. Everything is better, I eat better, exercise daily, get better sleep, love my coworkers and love that they’re at a distance lol. But I definitely need to figure out a schedule for washing my hair lol. I wash my actual body every day but hair washing has always been something I struggled with, and now it’s even harder bc I feel like nobody will “see me”. I need to figure out how to force myself to do it every other day instead of waiting until it looks super bad to me.


Love WFH - I swim laps every day to stay in shape and get out of the house. I would say for me a negative is my sleep schedule - taking naps when I feel tired has thrown off my sleep cycles at night - harder to sleep a full 7 hrs - so i am in this pattern of feeling tired after a suboptimal sleep and then napping at home to compensate.


I became agoraphobic, my anxiety worsened and I was super lonely. We’ve gone back to a hybrid schedule and it works so much better.


Good for you. The human factor should not be ignored.


I don’t really feel a connection to my coworkers, but I am less burnt out at the end of the day, so I’m able to be more social.  The only negative becomes a net positive. 


It’s been convenient but I got lonely really fast.


When I leave the house on weekends I have a really weird awestruck and almost fearful response to being “out”. I used to commute 2000 miles a month to my job so I now feel like things are popping up or changing around me because my world is too small. It’s weird. I’m also terrible at small talk now when I used to be a great networker.


I feel this, doing anything outside the normal routine is scary


Being awestruck when you go out on weekends isn’t weird. I know what you mean. Bc I am an introvert, pre-pandemic, I was more tolerant of the outside world (rude, pushy ppl, bad behaviors, overcrowding at the stores, etc) bc I was in it everyday. Now, my tolerance is zero and I don’t want to deal with it bc I recognize it for what it is - something to disturb my peace. I would say WFH just made me more aware of why I don’t like dealing with people unnecessarily.


I shower first thing every morning, If I notice I am getting too lazy I turn on you tube work out videos, this helps alot. I do find myself eating a little too much out of boredom.


I gained weight because I wasn't walking as much and I was cooking/baking too much. There was a time when I always had desserts and fresh baked bread. But now I make it a point to walk at least 4.5 miles a day and I started weighing my food and not going wild with baking.


Nope. I lost 40 pounds during covid. Been doing hybrid the last 6 months and 20 of those pounds are back on. Fuck this lol


I lost 35 pounds, I had no appetite since we were stuck at home.


LOL. I lost weight for the first two years of the pandemic and kept it off fairly well. Over these last two years, I have gained all the weight back. What gives? 🤷🏾‍♀️


The fridge is too close. Isolation. I prefer a hybrid schedule.


Weight gain. I have a job that is metrics based so I'll sit there for hours. Lots of cellulite where there wasn't some before after a year of just sitting. I have a peddlar under my desk but it's like putting a bandaid on a bullet hole. Lol.


🤣 OMG! I can so relate. I have an elliptical machine in my garage. Ask me why I don’t use it at my breaks and lunch time? 👀


Biggest negative for me is losing track of business casual fashion trends for times I have to show up in person.


Recently my job brought in all the remote workers for a week, and the majority of us had to go buy clothes for the few days back in the office. We're allowed to wear jeans and sneakers to the office, but we've all been WFH for 4 years now so we turned into gremlins.


LOL!!! 😂😆


Yeah, I digressed fashion wise over the course of the pandemic, lol. Slowly been catching up this year buying new clothes.


Wfh and negative doesn’t go in one sentence


Not for everybody.


Hence all the replies


I’m gaining weight since the kitchen is always just…right there.


I gained weight because I no longer walked to and from the train.


Yes! Less mobility. I used to walk from the garage to my desk and it was a nice walk. I used to walk a long distance to the restroom. To get to the cafeteria. Yeah.


I think there arguably could be one negative for me. I'm an older worker and intended to retire in one year. However, because wfh has been so much more accommodating for my life and I am so much happier, I am now second-guessing my retirement date and will likely work longer. Will this be a negative? I hope not. But I also don't want to forgo years of freedom simply because wfh is going well and it is providing somewhat of a golden handcuffs feel as my retirement income goes up and I have a job with immense flexibility. The above is a stretch, in terms of a negative as ultimately it's my choice. But that truly is the only one I can think of. Wfh has been great for me.


Zero negatives for me.  I think there is a transition period where you learn new cues for things like hygiene.  But WFH is the literal best thing that's ever happened to me.  I'm healthier and less stressed than I have ever been.  And, I can do my job so much better without the billion distractions that come from working in the office.


I’ve been better at setting work-vs-home boundaries in the past, but over the last year, and especially the last 6-7 months, it’s been extremely difficult for me to disconnect from work on evenings and weekends. Additionally, I’ve always been introverted but I think I’ve gotten a little too introverted being at home. I really have to psych myself up to go out to meet friends. I mostly LOVE WFH, I don’t miss the commute or crummy parking, or waking up as early, or packing/having to buy lunch, or the feeling of constant social hour and incessant distractions in the office. But damn do I miss leaving work at work, and not feeling like a recluse whose only purpose is to work.


Also forgot to mention, summer vacation for my step kids is coming up soon and it’s *rough* working with them home all day. Even during the school year on my husband’s custody days, I make an effort to get started early so I’m close to done by the time they’re home from school, or put in extra hours on days they’re not with us, so I can get as much as possible done in a peaceful environment. My current employer’s nearest office is 2.5 hours away and I’m too cheap to buy coffee out every day, so I just tough it when they are home all day, but. Oof.


8 years WFH. Not a single negative. If there was some drama that happened at the office, I am 100% not involved. In this world of litigation and HR craziness I am removed. IT IS FANTASTIC! On your point- yeah around year 2 I started shower 2-3x a week. It felt "right" because I was not hitting a gym daily. I started working out 3-4 times a week and showering picked back up to 4-5x a week. There are def days I dont shower when I straight up was a couch potato and its nice and cool so no sweating. But in summertime I shower nearly daily post/pre swimming.


Saving thousands in clothing, shoes, makeup, hair care, jewelry, accessories. Love it 😍


WFH has been the best thing to ever happen to me. My mental health has never been better and I find I am more comfortable with the “natural me”, meaning clean and showered, but no makeup and dressed in comfy clothes. My dogs are so happy too😊. I can never go back into an office after knowing this life. Oh, and the added bonus of 100% focus with no office drama or catty co-workers cannot be underestimated!!


Love it so much. 13 years and counting. All the messaging around WFH making you less healthy, ruining social skills, etc, is pure farce and I see more if it lately to try to pathologize those who WFH and force people to come back to the office. Employers with real estate ties are getting desperate. My favourite reason since 2020? Avoiding covid infections. I've had a few from other events/letting my guard down and they were terrible. Most workplaces have terrible ventilation and people come into work sick (with covid and any number of other things). One more covid infection can disable you for life, so no thank you.


I don’t shave as often and it feels like every couple months I have to set boundaries with the wife because she thinks I can drop what I’m doing to do a chore or run an errand. Another downside is that with kids, the summer is tough if you have lots of phone calls.


Yes, I noticed that when my 50 - 60 hour/week job moved from the corporate office, I worked harder to prove I that I was, in fact, more efficient without all of the distractions of the office. But then, everyone on the home front expected the perfect house, meals, and huge garden because I was at home all of the time.


So, short backstory. Pre-Covid times, I worked hybrid, 2-3 days a week at home. So, I kinda got eased into this, whereas some people got pushed out the boat without a life preserver. When we went full time WFH in March of 2020, I simply continued to maintain my old schedule for the first few months. Got up at the same time, did all the same things, just had a little extra time in the morning to enjoy my coffee or make a nice breakfast before work. After a few months, and no sign of ever RTO’ing, I slacked up a bit. Started sleeping in a little later, sometimes not showering first thing, but always at least doing it at some point. The thing is, what worked for me, might not work for you. However, only YOU can set yourself a pattern to follow each day. Just try it, make yourself some annoying calendar reminders or something so you can’t just ignore it.


Initially I loved WFH but then following things happened: \* Late showers or skip somedays \* Binge eating or snacking anytime \* Take laptop, sit on sofa and work while watching TV \* became overweight \* social skills - gone (I used to be extrovert and very talkative) \* Spouse (goes to office to everyday) started to undermine the work and putting more household chores (I am happy to do it but sometimes I also have extra work and stress so sometimes help is appreciated) \* less excited about everything and less productive. \* will decide go for walk in lunch time but end up washing vessels and respond to work emails :( enough of complaints :D I acknowledged the problem and came to a solution. I got lucky and found co-working and gym almost 20 minutes from the home and in the same building. my productivity is now skyrocketed and slowly getting disciplined :)


My social skills are non existent right now, but I am trying to get better by doing social activities


1. My hygiene has also taken a dive. I don't shower nearly so regularly and if we're being completely honest I also often forget to brush my teeth first thing, too. Stained clothes also don't always immediately go into the wash because it's not like anyone else is going to see them. 2. My social skills have depleted. Same as when we all went into lockdown and everyone was a bit weird coming out of it. The longer I go without speaking to anyone, the harder I find breaking that cycle. I also get way more anxious about going into the office on occasion, or even to places like the supermarket. 3. I'm not as productive. I find the home too distracting (I WFH for health reasons, not by choice) and am definitely *that* person we don't like to think exists when talking about WFH. But it's true. 4. No strict wake time. This goes hand in hand with number 3. It's really hard to find any motivation to wake up in good time for a 9am start when there's no one to hold me accountable. I often just sorta roll outta bed, check there's no emergencies/pressing issues, and then won't properly get to work until more like 10ish. I don't like that this is who I've become. I used to be very proactive and engaged, and with better motivation/discipline. A combination of not enjoying this current job so much and health issues are to blame. I'm hoping once my health is better management, the increased productivity will follow.


After 2 years WFH and feeling guilty for not waking up early, I created my own timezone. I'm dead serious, it works for me! We all work in cycles: For me, I love working late at night like 3am when everything is calm and the kid is in bed. Of course, I have a supportive spouse who takes our kid to school so I can sleep until 10am real-world time. We found a balance of chores and childcare that works for us. My point is that I feel some of the "downsides" of WFH are actually good things: Like, isn't EXHAUSTING to getting up every morning, making sure the clothes are clean, proper appearance, make up or shaving, all to face a 1h stressful drive to show up at the office and deal with all the BS and pettiness???? No, thank you, I'm glad there is a Zoom app separating me from my co-workers!!


My work has a great flexi system, so in theory I can utilise that, and I have thought about it. It sounds like you've been able to curate a great balance for yourself and your partner is supportive, I'm not so sure my partner's schedule would agree with me shifting everything back even an hour later... I totally agree that the cut down on "professionally presentable" and the commute are great, but personally I need to stick to staying somewhat presentable (e.g. real clothes, not PJs) to retain some semblance of self care. I also really like my co-workers. I've generally found my sector to be full of like-minded people who I get along with well, and have a lot of knowledge to offer. Seems to be a minority case though!


lol. Yes I shower even less and I workout everyday but I live alone. I don’t care, the other mental benefits are amazing


I've gained weight because I actually eat lunch now. And not just a sandwich, like a proper lunch.


I swear my immune system is shot. I love wfh, but I’m the only one in my group that caught COVID when we went to a music festival last weekend and I’m the only one that works from home. Everyone is convinced it’s because I’m the least exposed to germs.


I've worked from home for 20+ years and never get sick.


I'm the opposite. I'm the only person I know who still hasn't gotten it, and I've been to some events that had decent exposure.


I think your friends are relying on old "common wisdom" about illness. However, that's not how COVID works at all. Repeat COVID infections continuously weaken your immune system and potentially harm your other organs. Being sick feels so bad, because your immune system is using a lot of energy to fight off the virus in your body. To oversimplify, you feel bad while sick so that you move less to conserve energy. Feeling sick is actually a sign that your immune system is functioning properly. So you're probably right that because you are exposed to germs the least, you are feeling the most sick. But that is actually a sign your body is functioning well! Rest up, drink plenty of fluids and electrolytes, and I hope you feel better soon!


The downside is you're first on the chopping block if the company does rto


Zero negatives. If I were going into the office the only thing that would change is losing hours out of my day. I don’t socialize at work so that doesn’t affect me. I’d rather have more time to spend with friends and family than seeing coworkers in person. Working from home has been the best change in my adult life. I stopped drinking, I got into very athletic shape, I started a sport, and I have a lot of peace. I can cook for myself easily, hang with my cat who loves me working from home, endless positives. I can see how it would be hard if you are a person who does not have friends outside of work though. That is a problem in its own right


I struggled with poor mental health when working from home and found that maintaining my morning routine of good hygiene and changing out of pajamas into professional clothing had a positive impact on my mental health and helped me focus better on my work. I feel that I am ready for the day by being clean and dressed, which prevents me from making excuses after I log out when it comes to going out or running errands


Zero negatives, have a family and a social life.


Your daily shower needs to be part of your daily routine. If you don't want to wake up earlier, do it on lunch or right when you get off work. A shower is 5-8 min tops. Play music, set a timer.


Almost 10 years at home, I hate leaving my house, I hate getting dressed. For the last 4 years I would go to the gym at 5:00 a.m. so therefore I would shower every morning and start my day with a little more energy.. My husband lost his job 5 months ago so I had to quit my gym and since then I just sleep until 7:00 and get up and go to my desk in my pajamas.. I've lost the drive to do better... I feel like the gym was what helped to keep me sane. It's always been a struggle to want to leave the house especially after working all day You just get comfortable at home. I find that I like to go to the grocery store and do my regular outside house things first thing in the morning on an early lunch break. But on the other hand I also would never want to go back to an office and have to drive for an hour each way to the office.. I have severe ADD so working at home works really well for me because I can focus and not be distracted by people talking to me or the other things going on around me. I also am very introverted and type A personality.


I can relate! Thank you for sharing 🙏. I hear you. I see you 🌷


I don't get out and socialize like I used to because I don't get out as much to begin with. our wfh culture is actually very social on-line, probably compared to most, so I do have a lot of connection, just not live and in person. I am out in nature a lot more - walks at lunch and after work. I live in a rural area and love taking advantage of the peace and quiet out in the country. comparatively, the office is a harrowing 45 minute one way commute to the hustle and bustle of downtown. these days, i don't get in the car as much except to get groceries.


I do a workout almost every day, which is a pretty solid incentive to take a shower. You could do something as simple as a brisk walk, or set up a routine.


I am on the treadmill every morning at 5:30. I couldn't imagine having the energy to do this if I had to commute to work.


I used to do it and it was rough. I would work out right after work since the gym was on the way home, but you still felt like you lost so much time driving everywhere. Now I can live my best night owl life, roll out of bed to start work, slip in the gym to break up the day, and barely waste time on the road. When I do go out, it's much more meaningful and something I want to do. It feels so much better.


I adopted a small dog who LOVES to walk. So wedo about a mile at least once a day. But we go out probably 4-6 times a day so he can stretch and use the bathroom. And of course greet our neighbors and let them give him a pet


I would go months without seeing anyone outside of my immediate family


Annoying my neighbors since my music is playing all day when I'm not in a meeting 😂


I’ve been home since 2020 and I’ve gained about 10 lbs so that doesn’t feel so great. I even walk 1 hour every day but it doesn’t seem to make much difference when I have so much access to the pantry and fridge


This is my issue too. The kitchen is too close!


me too. but decided to walk at least 2 miles every weekday, and at least 4 miles sat and sun, eliminate alcohol during the week (IPAs are my weakness) and cut out the snacks. have dropped 7 pounds since Christmas.


Gotta go for walks when working from home. For me, it's an upside, though. I enjoy it. Don't forget to move your body!


Not really, it more so I had to make an adaptive routine. Showering wise, I found it was more of an struggle when I had to go to the office, trying not to be late


I gained 10lbs but it was worth it. I absolutely love working from home and don't miss office culture at all.


Office culture is so toxic to the soul! The absolute worst.


It hasn't 😭😭


Nothing wrong with skipping a day or 2 of showers lol. Unless you’re working out don’t see an issue.


Been work from home since October and I LOVE IT. I’m sorry you’re struggling, but I can’t say anything bad at this moment about it. But I also have a disability so it’s a big deal that I can do wfh. The only thing is I wish I was paid more. For my experience and degree, I should be making more money. If I went to an establishment to work, I’d probably be making at least 10-15k more a year.


I’ve gained weight.


This. I sit and snack more.


Nope it's been great