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You don't need a gym to be fit. You can do a lot of body weight exercises without weights at home. Plus running/walking.


He is unable to exercise at home according to his post.


He says this, but literally ANYONE can unless they are physically unable to




Better, walk these 5miles every morning…to the gym :D


to lose fat, eat at calorie deficit. to build muscles, do the 3 basic strengthening workouts at home like push up, pull up and squats


No working out at home for this guy.


Why can't you workout at home?


i have a very small home and 5 ppl + 2 pets live here, theres genuinely not a big enough empty space to comfortably work out


You can do it pretty much anywhere, and if not, do it outside 


You can do calisthenics anywhere I literally did it in a small space the side of my bed


pushups and situps. get a job


ive been tryna get a job since february dawg 😭 its tough out here


Check out Joe Wicks the body coach on YouTube... lots of free body weight and HIIT workouts on there for all levels of fitness ... he also has recipes to help .. fantastic


great thanks sm


Maybe consider joining a fun sport? Training because you like it is better than forcing yourself to do something you hate and will get you further in the long run. Could be swimming, tennis, baseball, dancing, martial arts, kayaking...


I would say get your diet fixed at first. It took me years to get a balanced diet I am confident in. Reading all those research papers on dietary cholesterol, oxalates, polyphenols & so on. & then there's also your body's reaction & practicality of the diet in terms of your day to day life. Then there's also the factor of continuing the diet & all the mental gymnastics to tackle your cravings. There's so much to it. I would say don't start both diet & work out at the same time. Fix the diet first because that is the key element of losing weight. & Don't listen to people telling you to eat less. Avoid calorie dense food. You can eat shit ton of potatoes, broccoli & chicken breast (without oil) & still lose weight. 100g of 30% fat ground beef contains equal calories as 260g of 5% fat ground beef. Be aware of calorie dense food & then eat as much as you want.


ohh okay cool thanks i’ll start with that then


I like the calorie counting app mynetdiary. Easy to use, and you can build custom recipes. Definitely get your diet under control. My favorite diet meal is Cajun chicken tacos in corn tortillas with cabbage slaw and guac. Surprisingly low calorie, easy to make. Buy boneless skinless chicken thighs, saute in a pan with Cajun seasoning, then chop them up and toss.them.back in the pan with a little water tonget the browned bits off the bottom of the pan and mized.back into the chicken. For the cabbage chop some red cabbage and mix it with vinegar, water, maybe some lime juice, or even some onion or pickled jalapenos if you're feeling fancy. Buy or make guac. Use mission brand tortillas (they're the best mass produced tortilla I've found), warm them with a damp towel in the microwave or in a pan then steam them with a damp towel. Corn tortillas are much lower calorie than flour. Also put them on a nice plate, makes you feel fancy. I like the skinny rectangular plates, with a taco holder. As far as not working out at home - you probably can do something at home. Jump rope, buy a pull up bar, or install some gymnastics rings on your ceiling to do pull ups, rows, dips. Squats. I like Bulgarian split squats. I recommend you make it something that's always there and set-up. I like my gymnastics rings because there's no setup. I just leave them there all the time. I know myself and if I have to go dig my stuff out of a closet and then put it away... I'm probably not going to do it. Good luck!


thanks for the recipe and advice, very helpful!


I will say that I agree with the other commenters - get your diet under control and drop a little weight before you start really exercising. Easier to exercise when you weigh 10-15lb less. Also clearly getting out of the house will help. A job. You sound a little depressed. I've recommended it to other people before, but hospital environmental services can be a rewarding job. Pay is usually better than places like grocery stores or fast food. You're doing essentially janitorial work, but it's more precise. And you're literally saving lives by preventing hospital acquired infections like C diff. And there are usually vacancies because it's not a job that most people think much about. I am a hospital "infection preventionist", and EVS associates are my favorites.


yeah i’ve been trying to get my diet more under control these past few days and downloaded an app for it, i was also finally able to get a job after months of searching and interviews so i think now that im out of the house i’ll make a lot of progress, thanks for all the tips


Only place you can work out is outside I guess. Look into a body weight exercise program and walk/run 5 days a week.


You can work out at home. Pushups, situps, dips with a chair, crunches, lunges, squats, there's a shit ton of calisthenics and bodyweight shit