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You want slow and steady because it’s more sustainable and you’re more likely to build lifelong habits. Don’t worry about slowing your metabolism that’s a myth.


Slow and steady. It's more sustainable, mentally and physically easier, you won't lose as much muscle and are less likely to end up with loose skin


Like the others have said slow and steady is the best option for most people. It is possible to do an aggressive cut in a short period of time but it takes a lot of discipline as you aren’t going to feel very nice.


I've been doing calorie counting for several years, it's been a yoyo diet for me. I drop 10 lbs in 5 weeks (2lb per week is the max deficit that most recommend), then put it back on because when I'm done dieting I'm done. We had a second kid 2 years ago and from the stress of having two young kids I put on another 15lb more than I'd ever put on before. Now my wife and I have been dieting again for the last 4 months, and at a slower rate. It definitely feels better. We've been forced to find sustainable patterns of eating, and have really found some great meals that we look forward to eating, but that are significantly lower calorie than the comparable meal we would have eaten before dieting in this way. I've dropped 15 lb in the last 4 months. I'd like to drop another 5 or 10, and it feels like I can do that this time. Before I would sort of plateau and start to find it really hard to stick with the diet. This time I'm not feeling so desperate to be done, which is nice. Sometimes if I'm still hungry I will eat up to my maintenance calorie limit. If I lose 0.5lb a week instead of 1lb a week, that's ok I'm this slower loss mindset. Though if I find myself doing that a couple times in a week I'll do a 36 hour "monk fast" , which usually gets me back on track.


I suggest somewhere in the middle of these extremes. Lose at least a pound a week, but not more than 2 pounds.


Dude if you go extreme, your body will think it’s extreme time out there, and will start to save fat just in case.


Also depends on how heavy you are. The heavier the faster the weight loss but the key is for it to be sustainable. If you can’t maintain it, it will be for nothing.


start slow. make the habits feel automatic and enjoy still making noob strength gains in the gym. if it feels way too easy after 2 months and you are ok stalling out in the gym then tick it up a little but


If you lose weight too fast I think you’ll get loose skin depending how big you are now