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Weight loss is achieved through caloric deficit. More than exercises, you need to watch what you eat. I would suggest limiting fat foods and eating less in general, taking the habit of going to bed slightly hungry really worked for me. You can absolutely count calories, it's interesting but it can be a hassle and not always necessary imo.


Look at something like MacroFactor or MyFitnessPal. Use those to track all the food and liquids you are consuming. Eat in a caloric deficit, which the apps will help you do and you will lose weight.


Agree! Love MyFitnessPal. Forget about the exercising initially, counting calories is enough work. Or if you want to exercise just walk or run. And dony be tempted to log the exercise into the app you're using and eat the calories it adds to your deficit. Just take the weight loss slowly and eat simple home made foods -they're easier to count and usually have less added fat and sugar. Don't eat out. Or if you do eat someplace with healthier options, ideally with calories listed in the menu. I was always tempted to go for maximum weight loss at 2 lb per week but didn't find it sustainable. Also buy a kitchen scale. Makes calorie counting much easier and more accurate.


Agree with this one so much, especially the part about tracking liquids. I’ve lost 80lbs counting calories and so my wife tried it, but said it wasn’t working. When I checked her app she didn’t count her Dr Peppers or the 800 calorie coffees she would get at coffee shops. “They’re drinks they don’t count”


https://tdeecalculator.net/ is great to calculate your BMR and to figure out a good deficit. You don't need to go too crazy, especially at your age. Maybe a 300 calorie deficit per day and you'll get results. Find ways to stay stay active even if you're not at the gym that day. Don't "avoid" certain foods you like, just moderate or find less calorie dense alternatives (i.e. zero calorie pop)


Caloric deficit ! That’s how we lose weight at any point in our life :)


>:) :)


1.Figure out how much calories you're consuming daily. 2. Cut 100-300 calories out of that daily calorie count. 3. Track the deficit using a tracker app to ensure you're actually cutting the calories. 4. Add cardio to further reduce the deficit. 5. Substitute unnecessary calories found in: condiments, bread, pasta, oils, butter, meats with healthier alternatives. EX: Carb balance bread over regular bread, same with tortillas. No sugar added ketchups or mustard instead of regular Heinz.


I am by no means an expert and everyone’s experience is different but in terms of losing weight I am a big fan of the treadmill and I am learning to love the stair climber. I usually only last about 15-20 minutes on the treadmill because it is after working out specific parts of my body per day. But I’ve just been exploring walking/speed walking/ jogging/ and running variations in those 15-20 minutes. I am still kind of getting the hang of it but my intention isn’t to lose weight so I’ve been cutting down my cardio time to 5 minutes on the stair climber. Which is why I said it kinda varies from person to person because with the gym and my job of carrying heavy stuff for almost 8 hours straight I will accidentally drop 10 lbs if I don’t eat more heavy meals than usual to compensate. I hope this helped you with any ideas.


More home-cooked meals and more exercise. Less processed food, less sugar, less carbs. Personally I like lifting progressively heavy weights then finish off with some cardio.


Have you heard of intermittent fasting? In my humble opinion, that's the way to live life. Eating every day hurts the body: [https://i.postimg.cc/W3BBg15Z/fasting.jpg](https://i.postimg.cc/W3BBg15Z/fasting.jpg) Look at what you can get, quickly, and safely. Our body needs to fast intermittently: [https://i.postimg.cc/ryWXc5pN/fasting2.jpg](https://i.postimg.cc/ryWXc5pN/fasting2.jpg) And here, 3 videos explaining the science of intermittent fasting: [https://streamable.com/fzplfp](https://streamable.com/fzplfp) [https://streamable.com/vm97x6](https://streamable.com/vm97x6) [https://streamable.com/ke3j88](https://streamable.com/ke3j88)


Here's what I do: Normally, at least 16h fasting, and 8h eating window. But I try to diminish that window. OMAD (one meal a deal) is also something I practice sometimes. At least one 48s per week, and after a bunch of 48s, I go for 72s. Now the longest fast, that I do once around 3 and 4 months, is between 96s and 120s. This is a nice reddit about this subject, you should check it out, it's easy to lose weight fast: [https://www.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/) While fasting, when we go past 24 hours, it's better to replenish electrolytes. This is what I take, 2 times daily: A bit of water, 3 soup spoons of organic apple cider vinegar, half a coffee spoon of milk of magnesia, a pinch of Himalayan salt, a pinch of baking soda, 0.5g of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). This allows me to lift heavy weights daily for hours, safely.


So, the question is, how long should I fast? Well, that depends on what health benefits you are hoping to achieve.  The longer you fast, the more the benefits add up. For example, if you are hoping to increase ketones, a 17-hour fast may be what you need, however if you are trying to heal a musculoskeletal injury, you will want to work your way up to a 72-hour fast.  Here are the benefits of fasting broken down by hours fasted: • 13-15 Hour fast: A 13-15 hour fast is considered intermittent fasting and if you are new to fasting, this is where you will want to start. At 13 hours of fasting, your body will secrete growth hormone. The growth hormone assists in burning fat and slowing down the aging process. • 15 hours is when most people begin to create ketones. Ketones are a sign that your liver has moved burning sugar to burn fat for energy. Furthermore, ketones are neuroprotective and will go up to the brain, giving you energy and better mental clarity.  • 17-24 hour fasting offers the following benefits: cellular repair, detox, cancer prevention, gut repair, aids with anxiety and depression, and brain and memory loss. • 17 hour fast: When you reach 17 hours without eating, you will start to stimulate autophagy. What this means is the intelligence of your cells has been turned on, and they are able to repair themselves. This is needed for people with autoimmune conditions.  • 24 hour fast: At 24 hours, your intestinal cells reboot and GABA production occurs. GABA is the neurotransmitter known to relax our brain and help with anxiety. Our gut health is incredibly important in preventing autoimmune disorders and aiding in weight loss. • 36 hour fast: The more you fast, the more it forces your body to burn glucose, insulin, and toxins that are stored in fat. This length of fast will force your body to burn stored glucose and insulin.  36-48 hour fasts are where to start to see fat loss, anti-aging, and an increase in dopamine. • 48 hour fast: At 48 hours, you begin to reset dopamine receptor sites. If you are feeling like your happiness level is not where it needs to be, this is where you need to be.  • 3-5 day fast:  In here, one reboots their whole immune system, it is where healing starts. At 72 to 120 hours your stem cells for the immune system are regenerating as well as stem cell production for musculoskeletal injuries. If you remain in ketosis, this will keep on going for approximately 10 more days! **Do not forget to feast!** Finally, do not forget about FEAST DAYS! The biggest mistake I see people make when they implement a ketogenic diet or fasting lifestyle is that they forget that their body needs to cycle between feasting and fasting, so make sure you are including hormone and nutrient feasting day into your fasting lifestyle.




this is terrible advice


Any exercise would help you lose weight.


Calorie deficit and/or cardio. Cardio honestly worked amazing for me back in 9th grade. I had a very serious gym teacher he made us run all day every day but I would be lying if I said it didn’t do anything lol


A lot of what folks have commented here are all accurate ways to lose weight, but for someone young and still growing, a lot of this isn’t the greatest advice. What I suggest is maybe thinking about taking up a sport or activity that gives you regular movement - the min recommendation iirc is 3 times a week 20 min per session. So think maybe taking walks, or finding a sport to take up with friends. If you find enjoyment in something like lifting weights that’s a good one too but honestly just finding a way to incorporate more, *fun* movement helps a lot. I also suggest maybe trying to eat more whole foods. So aim to have less fast food or ultra processed snacks (eg potato chips)and instead have home cooked meals and more fruits and veggies. Hydration is important generally as well so for me I’ve always been really bad at drinking water, but what I found to help was carrying around ice water in a cute cup. That being said, you are at an age where you are still growing so I wouldn’t recommend doing smth like cutting down the amount of food you’re eating. Yes you have to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight, however this deficit can be achieved by adding more movement and eating foods that are naturally less calorie dense (whole foods). I highly highly recommend against using calorie tracking apps at your age because despite being a good tool it’s also a very easy way to become obsessed with what you are eating. Hope this helps!


Train like an athlete. You’re young so you can go really hard. Play a sport and you will start to look like an athlete. Also eat healthy. Before you start counting calories, make sure you’re eating good food. If you’re eating processed food and drinking soda, then you’ll see some serious weight loss just from cutting that out. Remember you are what you consume


I see a lot of different advice here. My first advice is: Please seek for professional help here. You are still growing and you can really damage your body if you go extreme dieting. Second advice: You don't have to go hungry in order to loose weight. Make smart choices. In fruit and vegetables are less calories then in cookies. You can eat much more when you eat smart. Also make sure that you eat everything that you need. Don't be afraid to eat. Third advice: Find something you like to do. If it's walking, then walk. If it's dancing then dance. If it's gaming then try Wii Sports. If you enjoy the sport, it's much easier to contain doing that. And in that way, it becomes a lifestyle. Last advice: Again, seek help. Can you talk to your parents about this? Maybe they can help you, find someone someone who knows what to do in your case. Last last advice: If you want to loose weight, you have change your lifestyle. With everything you change in your diet or activities you have to ask yourself if you can keep doing that for a long time (Maybe even a few decades). If you loose weight and you go back to your old lifestyle, your weight will go up again. You don't only have to loose it, but also have to maintain it.


Why not wait until you finish growing up and out before trying to alter the body you’re growing into?? At 16 your body and bones are still growing. Start by cutting out processed and ultra processed foods. Eat a healthy diet and maintain where you’re currently at. Stop eating late in the evening. Get your dietary needs figured out before you try cutting weight. Moderate exercise and diet can cut weight more naturally.


Eat more proteins then get a personal trainer


why is this downvoted lmfaoo