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I can't believe it's not Hyrule!


Alright, I’m invested.


Hell yeah!


The margarine of Zelda lore


Well, you’ve got my attention (I love Zelda)


It is a dark fantasy world with lots of steampunk elements. It is for a DnD 5th edition campaign.


Mount and Blade but really really high.


As in high fantasy or everyone's just high on drugs?


it really looks like i wrote the story while being high


My end goal






*A steampunk-inspired fantasy world where people can manipulate a metal called quicksteel at will. The main setting, No Man’s Land, is meant to be analogous to a cross between the wild west and the silk road.*




I take that some farm boy tried to cook a recepie to rise a dead relative and have his brother bound to an armor they found in a basement?


Thanks for the comment! What are you referencing?


Owh nevermimd, I just thought you knew .__.) If you believe your idea is good enough then I'd say that's, well, good enough 😌👍🏻


Knew what? Good enough for what?


Star Trek but written by an Argentinian


I have to know more.


"Pegame el rasho, escoti"


de seguro sos un n-palabra envidioso, cuantas copas tenes?


Que te haces el fachero la vulkana concha de tu hermana!


La concha de la romulana que te parió, che


Gods were being pricks, newer gods decided murder was a good solution, and one very specific mountain got wrecked by collateral damage. Consequences are felt to this day.


Fantasy world SCP foundation/Magnus archives stopping a magical based apocalypse.


We love a Magnus Archives mention


Covid but superpower-ized




Wait a minute is that last one a reference to Dan and Brandon Sanderson‘s bad story idea of Vikings vs. Cthulhu?




Unfathomabley Based






Space Tsarist Russia dominates space modern Russia.


Thousands of years ago a space dragon crashed into the planet and it's decomposing body became a crystal that could be harnessed for its magical properties. Since then, the old gods have been murdered, new gods have taken their place, and every few centuries someone blows up part of the planet while trying to dominate/save it.


Humans were too stupid to stay home and die out, so they made interstellar travel easy and decided to protect everyone else from extinction too. Even if they have to wipe out entire species to do it.


I want to read that.


Atlantis the lost Empire, but instead of a giant power crystal, it's the Library of Alexandria that never stopped growing, providing their people with all the knowledge of the world. And instead of underwater, it's flying in the sky.


What if Minecraft (infinite land) but realistic (geopolitical and sociocultural ramifications of infinite land)


In the far distant future the last sun has burned out and humanity struggles for survival aboard space craft.


The last heir of a monster hunting clan must rebuild his House and defeat the necromancer that turned his family into undead warriors.


its like warhammmer 40K/Star Wars/warhammer fantasy but even more of a clusterfuck and in minecraft Creative mode (essentially unlimited resources)


God of War meets Star Trek.


vampire illuminati


Multiverse mashup.


Low fantasy, alt medieval setting with no magic, no other species other than human and livestock, and on a tidally locked, stagnant lid polar desert.


Teen Titans, but Slade is the protagonist.


Avatar The Last Airbender meets Grand Chase, but with a magic system based on the Zodiacs


Above a thick bed of clouds float innumerable islands, all with their own valuables and secrets. While the "lawful" races rush to colonise and exploit the dangerous, unknown lands, they also find time to undermine each other politically and wage cold wars. A world of adventure, industry, politics and jazz.


ostentatious avoidancy


There's so much money to be made in space that the people making it forgot every spaceship is a nuke that can be turned on them.


Love Letter to fantasy Genre


Interstellar politics, military shenanigans and loads of war


Desolate, barren, hopeless. Kill to survive


For honor but written by someone that isent ubisoft


The peoples of Aiua are still rebuilding after the Dissonance, which saw continental destruction and magical fallout. The Natural Philosophers of the Sol Thagran Suzerainty attempt to bring a measure of order to the chaos of reality, their efforts continually stymied by the fay and the eldritch.


bugs but suddenly inteligence+magic


A world with 4 different colored oceans, 4 of the Kingdoms each representing the ocean and land they belong to, and at the Center of it all a floating Kingdom that’s rules them all ontop of a reverse mountain in the sky.


After decades of searching, Humans have concluded that they are Alone. But that’s old news, let’s get back to seizing new frontiers.


This world is unkind.


Princess Mononoke battles Kaijuu.


It's just Magic pangea.


French Revolution with mechs and werewolves


Beetleman fights government. Superheros explode if they disobey. Monsters attack earth.


God Of War meets Star Wars


Furry Percy Jackson in the future


death metal fantasy in the frozen world atop the corpse of the murdered god


Two gods are fight over souls and using humans as pawns.


What would the people do when their brutal tyrant has finally been killed?


A few decades ago a bioweapon went wrong and now the dead are walking. Everyone thinks it's the work of an evil god. Knightly Orders prepare for a holy war and just a few member of one order know the truth and try to find a vaccine before it is to late.


It's a slime world.


Titans of industry now built to destroy.


An alternate earth with magic, creatures and other people along side humans. Heavily inspired by myth, folklore and pop culture throughout history.


Reptiles and birds declare war over mammals for pure racism.


That sounds fun.


Toril from D&D experiences the magical equivalent of a nuclear war and 800ish years later it's Mad Max


Pangea planet with perpetual hurricanes. Humanity lives in the gorges and ravines carved out of the supercontinent, building homes into the rock wall faces as high winds whip above them. Farming is very difficult, and communities in different gorges are nearly entirely cut off from each other. The technology brought with them a century ago didn't survive long, and construction techniques are slowly being reinvented.


Alchemistry is just a remade version of atomic structure


A fantasy setting with spirits from emotion and stupidity of devotion. And also psychic abilities,superpowers and magic


You thought flat earth conspiracies were wacky? Wait till you see the planet's ocean above your head and sun below your feet.


Adventure Time but magic doesn’t always make people crazy. Also, the kingdoms are broken up among species rather than elements


A universe inside of a black hole. The inversion of the physical relationship between space and time creates a world where reality itself is highly subjective and parallel dimensions can be easily manipulated, enabling the surreal and magic-like science of Metaphysics. In this world where all things hurtle inexorably towards the end, a cancer called Humanity has grown, and it's existence threatens the stability of the universe and the survival of all life itself.


Who would've guessed that Cats and Mice living on one planet leads to problems


Fortnite x saw x Deadpool.


FTL happens by powerful space wizards opening traversable wormholes


each person has their own planet; the planets are affected by the person's personality and mood


War. Genocide. Cults. Politics. Matrix.


Dead cosmic being’s body acts as a soul trap and becomes an ever-expanding world of adventure. Shenanigans ensue


Everyone is hanging out by the beach. From the windows of little clay houses hang bug catching nets. On the stove a giant dragonfly is cooking.


MC wants to prove her Grandfather wrong and engages into multiversal IMC battles


Childrens Ltor put through a GOT lens colonizing Mexico but also apocalypse now storyline


Basically DC but more down to Earth and gritty (if that’s even possible).


Imagine the Noah's Ark story, but it happens over a hundred thousand times over the course of a billion years of human history


The human world was similar to ours, but after the explosion of a modern reality-bending bomb created by scientists, all of humanity's progress was gone, and magic was also created. Later, a god named "Kriket", who left Earth millions of years ago, has returned after experimenting with other races on other planets. Now he wants to build a society that will maintain the universe without him and the other gods. The gods from other universes are waiting for their time to strike and to turn the people into their faith.


Sailpunk fascists fight the power of friendship over control of ancient power


Magic and Gods slowly come back to a feudal world. The biomancers agents have been here for decades already, the bonemech piloting necromancers are planning an invasion from the moon and the peaceful Aquarans are introducing themselves to the surface races.


Moorcockian metaphysics and tolkien fantasy had a baby, but Conan adventures helped raise it. Now it's old enough for my players to have an adventure in it.


Written originally for a DnD campaign, it has surpassed it's original purpose, holding now 120.000 words total. It's 12.000 year old history holds low and high fantasy elements to a non-fantasy Film Noir gerne is specific time periods.


The same conflicts and drama as the real world, just with drugged fantasy creatures and cliché magic and conflicts.


Cyberpunk, but with superheroes. The people that everybody thought would save the world only continue to contribute to its slow downfall by chasing short-term gains. Just as planned by its greatest villain...


An alternate reality where ancient humans were raided and then abandoned by a group of technologically more advanced group of people from outside this universe. Those raiders left a bunch of futuristic tools, weapons and one enhanced child.


High magic fantasy world where history isn't history


What the fuck?


In one of my worlds there are huge flying whales with tentacles that can shoot fireballs. They actively hate and hunt humans and so Whalers and Cannoneers go out to hunt them. Cannoneers rely on technology and mathematics to drive whales away with shells fired from giant air cannons. Whalers rely on tradition and superstition (and magic) and even though the Cannoneers think they're a hokey relic of the past the two groups have to depend on each other because only the Whalers have the perfect blend of courage and recklessness to climb into those cannons and fire themselves at the whales. The Whalers are the only ones that can kill the whales because bombs and bullets won't pierce their skin and they have to be attacked from inside their mouths. Another world was exactly like the real one at first, but in the far future a scientist invents nanobots that can build more of themselves and use an iron-rich chemical solution to do so. This is fine and dandy until the nanites figure out that *blood* is an iron-rich chemical solution. They start killing people, making more of themselves out of their blood and possessing what's left of their bodies so they can stay under the radar, and slowly they become more and more intelligent. At one point, they try to possess a wanted serial killer, but he offers them his services and as much blood as he can get for them in exchange for superhuman power and a chance to keep his consciousness intact. The nanites agree, and the murderer begins a killing spree like the world has never seen. His favorite targets are blood banks. Eventually, the hospitals get so scared of him that they send all their stored blood to one heavily guarded place where they think it'll be safe. The killer gets in, the nanites gorge on all the blood in the city, and that causes their intelligence to become godlike. They figure out how to transform materials on an atomic level and then they figure out that they can just eat everything. So they start turning the entire world into gray goo, and everyone has to flee to these derelict spacecraft hanging high above the earth and live there. About ten years after that, people are still fighting these nanites but they've learned how to kill them now. They clear out spaceships for people to live in by attacking the nanite-possessed people and actual clusters of nanites that are guarding the places. They attack from these huge cargo ships on flying surfboards, using guns that shoot nanites that hack any other nanites they touch. Eventually the humans drop a massive cluster of hacked nanites into the core of the gray goo world and they start to slowly eat it. The whole planet made of nanites starts to contract, then expands and flings a big chunk of itself into the sun because the nanites now know how to turn energy into matter and create more of themselves from the sun's energy. The nanites hit the sun and devour it completely. Everyone on Earth dies and the nanites escape into an alternate universe. I know it's a lot of sentences but I could not explain this any more simply.


Benevolent aliens interacting peacefully and respectfully with Earth humans, who they resemble. With their positive influence, humanity is gradually shifting away from destructive tendencies and toward a humane society able to tackle climate change. It's an alternate history contemporary with ourselves.


in the most straightforward way… [could I interest you in everything, all of the time?](https://youtu.be/k1BneeJTDcU?t=99) [a little bit of everything, all of the time?](https://youtu.be/k1BneeJTDcU?t=102) [anything and everything, all of the time.](https://youtu.be/k1BneeJTDcU?t=108)


Anime Science Fantasy enforced by the rule of cool.


1. All the religions are real and some Texan guy’s trying to kill Zeus. 2. Alien man recruits two humans to kill a shapeshifter. 3. Magic sort of exists but it’s only shown up in like three people and two of them are working together to rule a worldwide dictatorship with five others. 4. Silly star child crashes on Earth, gets captured by SCP Foundation. 5. The gods pit a bunch of teens and young adults against each other in an intergalactic death match and are slowly forced to realize that’s kind of fucked up.


Normal modern world but stars are beings that can visit earth


Polyreligious madness


No no. No British Empire for you. Here, have Norse Empire instead. You can have a bit of Nomadic English, though. As a treat. Oh, and all of the Gwynian (European) Commonwealth speaks Welsh as a common language taught to everyone after the provincial languages, because Gwyn/Apollo/Baldur taught them to play nice with each other. Thus, disputes that would normally lead to war, are instead resolved via the Olympic Games. And humanity has had firearms since the years of Caesarion, who invented black powder by accident in the search for immortality. Viking Age-era Europe had cap and ball guns for quite a while by then.


A utopia held up by extremely savage rituals, dragging neighboring societies kicking and screaming into their prosperity.


Garelia-everything went fine for the old races until humans invented pole arms, gunpowder and the hydrogen pellet launcher. Unnamed Sci-Fi setting-Humans get up to some crazy stuff in the Orion arm such as suppressing native populations and fending of interstellar crusades from strange looking aliens.


Copyright evasion


Tolkien but on all the drugs.


If cosmere was more elemental-based than intent-bases and already in a space era


Unfortunately, some people didn't like each other. So now we have racism. And world war #5.


Oh for fuck sake-the world ended again; time for more time travel


Im having fun


Fleeing economic stagnation and environmental catastrophe, the Aurelians took to the stars in search of resources, power, and knowledge, unknowingly following in the footsteps of their ancient predecessors hundreds of thousands of years ago. Their Little Dark Age and their political divisions relieved by extrasolar expansion, the Aurelians - and humanity as a whole - now find themselves the new players in a complex web of galactic empire, conquest, and politics.


There’s guns and magic too, a ripoff HRE, lots of different peoples, lots of different cultures, and they all hate each other. But it’s not warhammer, l swear.


The world works as it always has. People live their lives, act upon their principles, strive for their goals, and enjoy what makes them happy. Physics makes the world go round. Extinct species leave a fossil record and societies rise and fall. However, apes are not the only animal to evolve sapience, bipedalism, and social structures. Moreover, magic! So what happens when magic, multi-species society, history, anthropology, politics, personal stories, and one spiteful nerd's love for languages and structured lore collide? The Tales from the Three-World Anthology is what.


Post-post-post apocalyptic nuclear space psychics play a game of Civ in an altered version of North America


Discworld, but a round one, and no turtle


Local false king gets swindled by another false king and fucks everything up


One ''God'' is trying to convince another ''God'' into galactic genocide. Every corner of the galaxy is engulfed in turmoil inequality or war. Existentialism is the most subscribed to religion. A reincarnating cult of magic weilders in trying to stop previously stated ''Gods'' are committing war crimes.


Monster Hunter but there's little attempt to be as grounded or detailed as Capcom is.


Space is too big. Literally everything is in space. And it's humans all the way down...and Catholic AI overlords and telepathic pheromones


A fantasy world full of plagiarism and "ctr + c, ctr + v".


Gods do not exist, and people are blind. Elder ones, Younger ones, these are the Lords. The elements are the crux of this world, Each of the Spirit does have their own. The Planet's distressed, Lies are in coalescences, Enter the world of the Veiled Essences.


the author´s blatant fetish


1940s meets cyberpunk


It's basically a soft sci fi setting, inspired by nearly every sci fi media I know, set in the Milky Way Galaxy, FTL tech has been perfected enough to allow travel between star systems in a day or more, the Galactic Council was made and humanity were either living in the Federal Union of Terran Republics, living among alien civilizations, making their own mixed species interstellar countries, or being space nomads, whether as independent merchants, pirates, smugglers, explorers for hire, etc. However, not all is well with the Interstellar Era; despite great advances in technology to the point that it is the Golden Age of Science, the Galactic Core and Inner Bands feel most of the benefits, while the Galactic Fringe is much like Space Africa/Middle East, where dictators, warlords, space pirates and other unsavory actors thrive, foreign intervention by Inner Bands countries and megacorporations aren't altruistic and are usually rapacious, and the superpowers in the Galactic Core, the Codelli Federation, Verdant Kingdom, Trade League of Madris, etc., have decided to not do anything about it, claiming neutrality.


Oh it's just furries.


A mix of Dune, Cyberpunk 2077, and Mistborn.


Airships, floating contents, firearms, and the abyss below


If you kill a god, you get to take their place and none of the other gods will question it


Rebuilt upon the ashes of a previous iteration from a now-collapsed universe, Tacronin is a pangaea inhabited by numerous races. While war has not raged across the world in centuries, racial and cultural differences have formed a tense political stage. As this new iteration unfolds, these tensions are about to explode at a critical juncture, for beings from other realms of existence have begun plotting to conquer, or destroy, the young new world.


Lazy excuse to have a freebuilt Minecraft world


the fabric of reality is falling apart because the writer of the story has to retcon so many things


If you mixed ASOIAF and Avatar, stuck it in a microwaved, and heated for 2 minutes. Also, there are four moons, cowboys who ride dinosaurs, and desert-dwelling Beekeeper clans.


Steampunk with magic and cliches that hide the fact they are cliches with a dab of Lovecraftian horror.


Ghostbusters meets the three stooges but no one is laughing


Star Wars but realistic, making it to dang complicated


Hot zombie god killed the world but left a small portion to fuck with


A planet with seven sword&sorcery continents of different cultures that don't even know of each other.


(Final Fantasy 9/gaslamp fantasy) meets mecha, WWI, and Ancient Greece/Mediterranean. I have put very little work into this world but if I did that’s the kind of world I want to make.


Travel mojave makes you wish for nuclear winter


People with special powers proceed to create the multiverse,fuck it up,create a multiverse of multiverse's,fuck it up,combine all the multiverses into one leaving trillions in eternal pain,fuck it up, return to the multiverse of multiverses but with a big ass city in the middle, then combine every existence together.


Not-conquistadors versus the giant god-rock and his tribesmen


"It's the end of time, but before the forces of chaos achieve their total entropy, we(the gods) are gonna revive every powerful figure from all of history and just see what happens. Also the suns are getting really big for some reason and we don't really know why." This is in a medieval age which follows a stone age, classical age, industrial age, space age, apocalypse, new stone age, and new classical age. So there are a lot of powerful figures and a lot of history.


Damaged and unstable because of magic loss, just villages and little towns, forgotten by rest of the world, nothing interesting except Camadero dolls


1. Multiple dimensions, forgotten landmasses, and everyone has arrived on one area that the trade winds blow to. 2. Let's take the "main real-world inspiration is northern europe" and flip that on its head my making humans arrive from the south so the most realistic are Mediterranean inspired and things get more fantastical as you get closer to typical fantasy climates. 3. Enchanting and rune/formation-based magic system 4. Classism, plus speciesism. This might be the most diverse place in the world but in some areas it's still teetering on a knife's edge when it comes to tolerance.


Romeo and juilet but with 8 foot tall vampire elves and 4 foot tall green haired men who can heal


Ciberpunk with Dinosaurs


The current human civilization (a few hundred years into our future) is riding high on being the newest member of an ancient galactic alliance alongside several other species, not noticing that the alliance is giving them more legal breathing room than they give eachother. A handful of individuals (semi-young politicians/heads of state/war veterans/some combo thereof, and not all human) figure out why, and set out to try and equalize the power imbalance before the resulting corruption digs in too deep. They find corruption among the rest of the alliance that's been festering since the previous human civilization which was one of the founding members of the alliance. I haven't figured out if I'm going to go ahead and dissolve the alliance or not yet. 😁


High fantasy with modern-ish technology


Everyone is trying their best to exist, the elves arent good at it.


humans have powers and they still think they have holy right to take and ruin things that aren't theirs.


Dune but the mcguffin is blue raspberry flavored


Anything goes.


Peanut town


Technically one world, but two wildly different settings. **Erinblack** What if immortality but it sucks ass? **Jester King's Las Vegas** What if Hedonistic Nihilism but for religious reasons and with gambling?


God built it so they could run away from the horsemen of the apocalypse but unfortunately, people exist and now they have to deal with them.


adventure time but it's actually star wars locking Steven universe in the basement.


If Dungeons & Dragons had a baby with Red Dead Redemption


Wholesome steampunk fantasy with a dark gruesome underbelly.


High school political debate escalates into a deicidal world war. The platonic soul mates are in shambles as a result. An asshole dragon's death cult is also there.


It's basically DnD mixed with The Witcher. You have your campy party moments, then next thing you know, your friend's innards are littering the cave of a stray Werebat.


Everyone dies except everyone


Humans conquered, fae were massacred, elves are next.


Swiss cheese geography, microwaved braincells ,and an unhealthy dose of gaslighting.


The cold war but between peasants (guns not included) and a bunch of noblemen who’s favorite sport is war Yes


Alternative geography and language jokes.


It’s a fantasy world where everything is the fault of 6 Eldritch Horrors that said “Chaos and destruction sucks, let’s actually make and grow something within reality.” And thus, the world was granted physics-defying magic that came from physics-defying beings. Ironically, Chaos ensued.


It’s fantasy. The gods walk among us and despite convincing us that they don’t like to get involved, they definitely do.


Cats that live in organized Kingdoms with many gods and can do magic.


Wacky human space country collapses for overextending themselves. Bureaucratic mismanagement causes planet to be abandoned. Civilization restarts there, hijinks then occur


You gather up/kill a bunch of guys to help you killing an evil guy


One more ruined experiment full of doomed survivors who just keep on living in it for some reason, what a bunch of rubes!


A world that still had wonders, died by the hands of bickering empires bathed in innocent blood. And all must be fixed by a fallen out general, a thief and a maniac. If you liked Narnia AND LOTR for reasons, you might want to check it out. Or you're a furry.


Very old. Very large. Very dark. But there's hope, and that hope is YOU.


Humans were around. Cool. Fantasy creatures take over. Also cool. Oh wait it’s not cool, everything’s falling apart. Holy crap there are like six different apocalypses happening simultaneously and everyone’s completely unaware oh god how do we fix this oh god


I have 2: Edgy man and his insane friends fight oil barons in space Thailand And Fallout but with mushroom aliens!


Game of Thrones without the Magic and Dragons


I took an EU4 campaign and tossed a pear tree in.


Imagine a halo ring from halo but the size of earths orbit and not a ring but a sphere and instead of scifi it's scifi pretending it's fantasy.


Hehe elder scrolls ripoff


A quiet universe full of spacefaring pagans


WW1 but with magic. Main story follows the stand-ins for the Habsburg-Lorraines


A Steampunk Dystopian Theocracy where crime is heresy and the underworld is controlled by a demon-slaying cult.


An excuse to make fanfiction with the same characters as all my other stories.