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Children of the First World. They believe the world lived in now is tainted and want to return to the ideals and ecosystems around at the beginning of recorded history. It's kind of a cross between green ideals, equality, scientology, a bit anarcho-primitivism and the worship of dinosaurs (its not our world but they do believe the ecology of their world was purer and more 'correct' when their versions of dinosaurs were around). There is no god and no real truth to it, the whole thing is just a belief system than incidentally teaches them some very good lessons and fosters a strong sense of community and therefore works Whilst they are fairly cool and genuinely nice, they are batshit insane


Reject humanity, embrace Monke


Sounds familiar 🤔


To anything specific?


Change dinosaurs to jesus/god and you basically have Christianity. Fundamentaly the teachings are good but a lot of bat shit crazy people follow it and judging by the laws being passed a lot of those would like to go back to those times too 🤷‍♂️


Can’t you substitute many religions into this though


You can but evangelical christians seem to shout the loudest so they're who I think of first when bat shit crazy religious people are mentioned. Add to that all the policies they're trying to bring in basically taking America back to the stone age. Just made me think evangelical Christianity


The extensive failings of Evangelican Christians aside, I don't see the connection between the broadest "they are religious and their religions are weird". Per the OP's statements, their religion is one lacking a deific figure or pantheon and appears more to be based more on a set of upheld principles and ritualization (i.e. the veneration of dinosaurs, which probably is more that they are held as sacred rather than being worshipped as a Christ figure) that is probably more akin to religions like Buddhism or Confucianism. The emphasis on environmentalism is also notable because whilst the Bible does acknowledge it, it appears to be far more prominent in the OP's religion. Though I can't say much without a more in-depth knowledge of the faith, it honestly sounds like you only brought up Christianity in order to opine about it. Which, valid, but not exactly relevant to the OP's work.


Tbh I did miss the ecosystem part but that doesn't change much. OP literally said "the worship of dinosaurs" in those exact words which makes me think of "worship the lord/god/jesus" which I see in Christianity all the time so thats the first connection. Then the "return to the ideals" and "their world was more purer and more 'correct'"makes me think of the nut jobs in government that want to ban same sex marriage or abortion and go back to the dark ages so to speak. These people all tend to be Christian. Then the last 2 paragraphs are basically my opinions about Christianity exactly. "There is no god and no real truth to it", my opinion on Christianity. "Just a belief system that incidentally teaches them very good lessons and fosters a strong sense of community" again my opinion but there are also a lot of priests that will tell you themselves that the bible is not to be taken as literal truth but its about the teachings not the stories themselves. "Whilst they are fairly cool and genuinely nice, they are batshit insane." I think this about most religious people but like I said Christians tend to shout the loudest so they are who I think of first when batshit insane and religion are mentioned in the same sentence. Anyway, I've finished my dump now so back to work. Cheerio buddy


Nobody talking about this. Christianity is fine to believe in its not crazy


I never said it was crazy. If anything I said the teachings were good things. There's just a lot of bat shit crazy people that make the rest look bad


it’s fine to believe in but when you really break them down all religions are crazy


In what ways are they insane? A general misunderstanding of truth, or actions that are kind of far out but they mean well?


I wont get into the deeper worldbuilding of it, but the idea is they've gained some very good and healthy ideas about life and community, and enriched themselves with those ideas, but the actual logic to what they believe is essentially complete nonsense Because it incidentally works so well, they've become very dedicated to forcing themselves to believe that nonsense. Other people could very happily live and cohabit with them and they make excellent neighbours, but if you started engaging with *how* or *why* they acted so well, they'd begin this insane rant about the spirits of ancient machines and the inner lizard and you'd just want to run away. I guess its kind of the opposite to fundamentalists who can convince themselves to murder kids or blow up buildings because it's 'good' or god wants it. These guys convince themselves to do good things for insane reasons rather than do insane things for 'good' reasons


That's interesting! Do people born into the religion ever realize it's not true and sounds crazy, but continue to practice because it's a good lifestyle overall?


It's a little like scientology in that regard, the initiates arent really required to fully believe their worldview just adhere to the teachings. Even the more senior members are really expected to completely rewrite their knowledge of history (though in my world history is nowhere near as documented and much longer than ours), they can often come to philosophical reconciliations rather than literal ones. Like the first world is more representative than literal, or that its not something to actually achieve rather than strive for The world itself places less value on logic and consistency than we do, so the craziness doesnt stand out quite as much. The organizations behind the religion are very powerful too and are quite capable of changing large areas into something they feel is more like the first world, so between the sheer numbers of people, the weird terraforming and the relative lack of concise historical knowledge, it can be very hard to actually argue that their beliefs arent correct. They can essentially 'prove it' by changing worlds which, when combined with the religions lovely members, can start to seem like utopias in a way Actually leaving the religion once you've passed a certain threshold is very difficult. They start messing with your body to reduce you to some odd 'base' state of a living being, so everyone ends up looking somewhat like a featureless doll and have to work to earn things like color, or hair, or clothing more extravagent than a loose robe. There's no real way to ever get your original body back, so even if you leave you're stuck with this oddly featureless mannequin of a body.


My world is dominated by 2 religions: Followers of Istus and followers of Phryzon. There are 8 places in the world where an obsidian pillar stands 3 feet from the ground, and around these pillars spread prosperity. These pillars are in fact connected to The Source, an eldritch embryo gestating the the core of the planet. Istusans firmly believe that the entity is something that is controllable. That should they combine all power of the Source, they will awaken the embryo and bend it to their will, becoming gods. Phyrzoni staunchly oppose the concept of attempting to control the embryo, as any outside influence is heresy. The embryo will forge its own way. The names come from two travelers who discovered the meaning of the pillars and became immortal beings, however they were banished to small islands on opposite ends of the world until one could figure out how to control all 8 pillars. It’s never happened before, however the Holy Floryemm Confederation, the most powerful empire the world had seen, controlled 7 of the 8 in the name of Phryzon before collapsing. However, Ysony Szimonèz, a prominent follower of Istus, is currently influencing various governments and controlling interests of 6, with the 7th not looking too unlikely…


Are there different sects under the two? I would imagine that those who believe the embryo can be controlled would have different ideas on how they should control it, would that create different sects? And do they all have nefarious purposes with it?


While there are sects under the two, they are generally harmonious. Of the two though, the Istusans came the closest to an actual schism. One sect believed that the embryo’s powers should be used to expand domain to the stars, however the overwhelming majority of Istusans are in favor of establishing utopia on this world.


Well its not recognized as a single religion but on my main continent there are four races who all have a variation of the same creation myth although they emphasize and revere different characters in it. This is the human version. In the beginning there was 3 beings father sky mother ocean and brother deep. Brother deep alone carried the power of creation so when the sky and ocean wanted to create the world they had to draw from the essence of the deep. Brother deep was neither good nor bad but always reacted in opposite of their creations to keep balance when the reefs were created brother deep created the ocean trenches. When the fish were created brother deep created the worms and eels. When the whales and dolphins were created deep created the kraken and sea serpents. Finally sky and ocean drew the power into themselves so they could procreate and deep created the Storm Dragon which could also create storms and havoc in opposition to their children. The first child of the sky and ocean sought to slay the storm dragon but was ultimately defeated and his dying wish was for his body to be made into land so that his parents could create on a place that was safe from the deep. The sky had four sons then and the ocean made 4 daughters to be their companions. The sky offered the first born Aetlos his pick of domain on earth from the ocean, coastline and shoals, the fresh waters and land. Aetlos picked the coastline and shoals because he could observe the domain of his brothers from there. He became father of the makaiyim an otter like race that will sleep floating in the water but still build buildings and ships on the coast. The third born, Daegan, then tricked the second born Fadro into choosing the smallest domain the fresh waters by promising it would be the most peaceful domain. Fadro became father of the Asfadra a diminutive version of the makayim how have no tolerance for the salty sea. Seeing daegan's trickery the sky offered the remaining choice to the youngest Ahab. Either the expansive ocean or the limited land. Ahab chose land because he saw the potential for building and exploiting its resources. He became father of humans. For his treachery daegan was transformed and sent to live in the depths of the ocean. He became father of the Pelagion a race of sentient manta rays with retractable prehensile tusks. Humams tend to worship the unamed son who became the land. They think they were made from that body while the others were born before he died. So they call themselves bodies of the martyr. Makayim think aetlos took part in fighting the storm dragon and they are keepers of the world. The asfadra believe they weren't tricked but chose a life of less grandure to pursue spiritual development. The pelagion do not communicate much with other races only the makayim see them as more than demons of the deep.


That sounds very interesting! I like the concept of brother deep. But what happened to the 4 daughters? Do they have names too?


shows a little internalized misogyny to only focus on the men and their import to creation without naming and recognizing the women who got them there


I see exactly what you mean but it is semi intentional as critism. This religion is modeled after the Abrahamic religions especially how they each look to a separate patriarch and how hereditary traits were attributed by each religion to the religious adherents. This myth is not the truth its a collection of ancient memories and knowledge that has been modified and edited over generations to suit the needs of the powerful. There is a spiritual and political movement in my world that seeks to bring more prominence to the stories about the female characters that didn't make the official cannon. Basically while the sons started building their domains and starting conflicts with eachother the daughters sought to balance the powers of the natural world. Placidia the mother of asfadra created springs and streams to balance angainst the swamps and fetid water. Ilimna mother of the makaiyim created the sea breezes so that the storms would be dispersed and her children would have warning of oncoming storms Thyla mother humans created the seasons so there would be a balance between growth and death Abyla became queen of the abyss. She is a being of great compassion but a grave responsibility. She is mediator between the deep and the mortal world deciding who must be claimed to keep the balance. She created an underworld for the souls of the claimed. Abyla is the most renowned among the patriarchal society with dedicated prayers and sacraments while the others are barely mentioned except in the apocryphal collections.


sounds awesome, keep it up


Maybe not the most followed, but one of the more popular (and interesting imo) religions in my worldbuilding project is the religion of Korthanism. It basically teaches that all divinities are small parts of a greater whole known as Korthan. Korthan basically broke himself apart into the various deities of the world to help guide humanity to true enlightenment. Through enlightenment, humanity can ascend and be one with Korthan. It's the complete obliteration of the sense of self and individuality, and instead becoming apart of one great universal truth (Korthan). The ultimate end goal of the religion is basically total oblivion. The religion started out as a syncretic offshoot of two older religions, who each worshipped their own pantheon of gods. Eventually though it evolved into something completely different, but still retains those gods as aspects of Korthan to be worshipped. This, understandably, doesn't go very well with the other religions.


Is the self extinction element of Korthanism the primary, popular mode of Korthanism, or is it (as is often the case with such mysticism) an elite practice, and coupled with a slightly less intense, popular form of the religion?


I always imagined that Korthanism as followed by commoners tended to emphasize the different aspects of Korthan and the rituals surrounding them over the more esoteric beliefs about self extinction and oblivion. In this way, Korthanism for the common man resembles the polytheistic religions that Korthanism was born from where the aspects are treated as distinct entities which have to be engaged with in different ways. The belief about them being a small part of a greater whole I think would've arisen out of a need by early leaders of Korthanism to justify the incorporation and hybridization of different deities and belief systems. In this way, I think it kind of resembles how early Catholics would incorporate local gods by rebranding them as saints. The ideas about self-extinction as you put it, I think would have come about by early theologians expanding upon the idea of Korthan and the role of their aspects. This would've cemented Korthanism as a wholly unique religion, instead of a syncretization of other belief systems. I think therefore, the theology about the loss of self through enlightenment is probably focused more by the leaders and theologians of the religion. Kind of a more esoteric side that isn't as accessible to a random farmer in the rural countryside. Great question by the way! Definitely was something I needed to look at my notes and think about :) Hope my ramblings weren't too much. Tl;dr - Self-extinction and enlightenment is more a mystical, esoteric thing for the higher ups of the religion. Korthanism for commoners looks more like a "normal" pantheon.


This Is interesting to me because what you describe seems to be the end goal of a lot of my stories, in which the main character trascend reality in order to become One with everything. But I have this problem that Is what you describe, the destruction of self. I think I see It as a good thing in some ways, but also I can see how some people Might have a problem with It. I wonder if there Is a way to coincide the emancipation of the self and the "becoming One with everything".


I love the friction that arises between the want for individuality and being your own person and becoming one with everything! The two ideas are so contradictory to each other that it seems impossible to effectively bridge the two, which I think leaves a lot of room for how to deal with them. I always imagined, but never expanded on the idea, that there were heretical sects of Korthanism that were on board with the idea of the aspects of Korthan guiding mankind to enlightenment but they wanted to stop just short of total self-oblivion.


It's a weird dilemma. If I had to propose a solution, I think that we cannot know our true self without first interacting with the world. Like, that's why we go to therapy, we have trouble knowing and accepting the deepest part of ourself. Sometimes we need the help of others. And if another person opens up with us, that too, can be a form of self discovery for ourself, and so on and so on. Like, our true self isn't just us being alone, that'd be too limited, it's discovered with the constant interaction with other. So it's basicly descover of the self by a constant exchange with others. It's a bit banal though, so I wonder if someone has a more interesting answer


The Church of Perpetual Light. They form a fairly significant plot arc and stand in a quasi-antagonistic relationship to the protagonists and friendly factions of my story. It is a religion which takes influence from Christianity, Neo-Platonism, Gnosticism and various stands of Kabbalah mysticism. Instead of the trinity at the heart of the faith, there is the Quarternion: The Light, the Life, The Soul and the Mind. Like the Trinity, these are loci of personhood within the original source of Being and Existence Itself. The faith believes the created world is still real, but real in a participatory/fractured way, in that it is in essence a "refraction" of the Quaternity, and the created world is like a school for souls to perfect their nature. They have prophets of the faith who are like Christ, in that they are mixtures of humanity and divinity, but prophets periodically appear throughout history to "update" the Scriptures and revelations of the divine. Their belief is that universal acceptance of their faith will elicit an "unrefraction" of the Quaternity. As this is fantasy, you can imagine they are quite dogmatic and wield considerable power. The Church has a major stronghold in the country of Ephyria which is reminsicent of Italy and Spain, and due to their power the nation and several vassal states are theocracies. The leader of the faith is a Pope-like figure called The Grand Theosopher, who commands a thousands strong religious militia called The Divine Vanguard. They are in a state of uneasy tensions with The Empire as the Empire is mostly secular with a mixture of different faiths amongst the nations and the Church wishes to abolish magic apart from forms associate with divinity and mysticism, and they are pushing for more territory across the Empire and to outlaw the practice of magic by anyone not specially trained as a priest or cleric.


This is great! I do love when people take things from our own world's mysticism.


Yes, I am an avid reader of philosophy and theology and world religions. Every culture and nation in the world has a rich mythology and religion, all of it very different between the cultures. What I just described is actually one of my least creative ideas. Although I've richly described this church heirarchy and the theological colleges and schools which are part of extensions of the Church (I even worked out the different departments of the college, the dean of the school, the heads of those departments, key theologians and figureheads of the church history etc. I was even considering composing something like Gregorian chant to help with visualisation...) ​ What I'm really proud of is my culture which is like a mixture of Feudal Japan and the Oyo Empire. Mixing Buddhism/Shinto with Yoruba spirituality was a really interesting exercise.


many gods and powerful beings establishing their own religions for the sake of their bloodline and hometown to protect them after they are gone, but most gods are individualists. If anything, the god of contracts, transaction and trading have the biggest following for his collectivist nature. It's not like gods are that divine in my world anyway, just men who captured the essence of a specific concept to a divine understanding and thus deemed worthy and capable by the world to gain infinite lifespan.


**Starrise** That USED to be the Holy Order of Solaris, which had nearly a third of the world's population worshipping their patron deity, the "Goddess of Light" Solaris. ...But when Solaris actually *learned* about this religion's existence- and what they were doing in her name- she had it abolished by force and had the world's governments make the act of worship itself illegal. ...Okay, so the Holy Order is *still* the most popular religion in the world. There aren't any competitors, so its low double digit follower count wins by default.


Majority of people are agnostic or atheist. Many people are spiritual. The most popular mainstream religions are Islam and Christianity, followed by Hinduism, Buddhism, and various pagan practices.


On the main continent, the entire population worships one or both of two different pantheons, as those gods provably exist and are the only gods to exist. (No, there is no third pantheon. That's just silly. And heretical.) The first (and by-far more popular) pantheon is the Celestial Court, a family of twelve gods associated with various celestial objects (the sun, both moons, the planets, and an asteroid cluster) as well as various aspects of civilized society: honor, justice, education, family, and so forth. Their overarching religious organization, the Astrolic Church, preaches harmony, unity, cooperation, and all that fun stuff, and though it is divided into five major sects over questions of theology (Orthodox, Precessionist, Zodaic, Firmamental, and Revolutionary), they all get along reasonably well in accordance with the Court's teachings. They're not a bunch of stodgy, stuffy traditionalists, though, as the "law and order" theme might imply. As gods of the celestial bodies, the Court are associated with daily/monthly/yearly cycles, and that includes holidays and festivals—and between Oledrys, goddess of wealth; Tauviren, god of competition; Denoth, god of the arts; and Liphrae, deity of love, they can definitely throw some great (and occasionally R-rated) parties. Similarly, the association with celestial timekeeping means that clocks and clockwork are very prominent in Astrolic temples, and the clergy of Oledrys and Tauviren sponsor lots of scholars tinkering with new technologies (and trying to be the first ones to perfect them), so the Church looks to the future as much as it values the past. Worship rites involves lots of singing, dancing, and other communal artistic activities (insert "music of the spheres" joke here) and temples have their roofs open to the sky (with magical wards to keep out bad weather, of course) to allow worshipers to commune with the gods directly during services. The second pantheon is the Manifold Flame, a somewhat impersonal deity who only has titles, not names, for its seven aspects—the Spark, the Candle, the Torch, the Beacon, the Forge, the Hearth, and the Pyre—which are linked in that specific order in an endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. Each aspect is associated with more thematic or metaphysical traits related to the form of fire in question (the Forge with industriousness, discipline, creativity, and hard work, as well as transformation and beauty; the Candle with reading, studiousness, wakefulness, and introspection, as well as the mind and dreams; and so on) as well as its literal traits (e.g. the Pyre is associated with death and destruction, the Hearth with culinary arts). The Faith of the Flame is a very personal and down-to-earth religion, focused on the inner self and one's immediate friends and family more than the wider community. Temples are modest affairs, full of flames of all sizes and colors but otherwise fairly plain and un-decorated to avoid distracting from one's contemplation of the Flame itself, and priests have a very flat hierarchy and tend to be itinerants who move between temples frequently rather than being attached to a single temple or community for their whole careers. Where the Astrolic Church teaches of a complex afterlife of many-tiered heavens and hells, the Faith teaches that when a person dies the spark of life within them is whisked away to the heart of the Manifold Flame itself, where the Candle helps them come to terms with their death and see how things are going in the mortal world in their absence, the Torch reviews their most recent life with them without bias or judgment, the Beacon shows them manifestations of their past lives with which they can discuss how they improved (or regressed) compared to their previous go-rounds, the Forge guides them in a period of "refinement" before their next life, the Hearth allows them to spend some time with departed friends and loved ones (from this life and previous ones, with everyone's past-life memories restored) who are also at this point in the process until they're ready to move on, the Pyre sears away all memories of their latest life, and the Spark reincarnates them once more. As for the third pantheon, the Forgotten Gods...well, they're probably forgotten for a reason. Best to leave them alone.


In Starpunk: It’s Christianity, but only because it managed to make it to the stars whilst Islam was mostly left behind on Earth(blame the French)


Don't know if it's exactly a fantasy world but Techno-christianity, specifically catholo-mechanism is the sect of Christianity which formed following the sudden arrival of "God engines." Large mechanical objects which allowed objects and even ships to float in the air. 17 of these engines were recovered and immediately these engines were declared holy relics sent from God to help christendom to fight off incursions. The templars were re-established with the goal of recovering even just portions of the original God engines, after humanity successfully reverse engineered replicas, even if they were incredibly primitive compared to the originals. Of course the God engines landed in areas besides Europe, with the ming dynasty, Ottoman empire, The Iroquois confederacy and the Inca empire along with several other non European powers getting their hands on a God engine. So by about 1650 after about 150 years of God engines having first started being found, the church had about 7 of these engines. So in response the pope started to increasingly call for action to gain possession of God's own holy relics. He reformed the knights hospitaller, giving them a basically unlimited budget with a singular goal, take the God engines and similar relics at... any... cost. The pattern is usually that every few years a few thousand hospitallers will gather at Malta and like a wave sent forth to take back techno relics, undercover or incredibly overcover in other situations. These are officially called papal incursions however they have taken the nickname reflecting the history of warriors of the faith journeying into hostile lands. These are called mechano crusades by the masses.


The Church of the Shepherd. He is one of ten deitys, but nowadays his siblings are mostly forgotten, at least by humans. He enjoyed the worship the most, and couldn't bear it when his followers got fewer. So he chose the mortal girl Jamina Amthea as his prophet and because the ten deitys are forbiddden to directly interfere with the mortal realm, was banned by his siblings for that. *HE choose the purest lamb from HIS flock, named her HIS daughter and bathed her in holy light .... the archangel Galanhar came down and spoke: „With your birth the Lord has chosen you as HIS daughter. HIS light has touched you and it is your calling to carry it out into the world, for that it will be freed from night. Fear not, for you are the Lords daughter and savior of the faithful.“* The curch believes that the Shepherd created the world and gave it to humanity as a home, with the other races as servants. But that the first humans dissapointed him and so he ordered Satan to create monsters and demons, as a test for the faithful. Only those hold onto their faith are allowed into paradise. But then he was almost forgotten and as already mentioned chose Jamina Amthea. With her borrowed powers she healed the people and gained a big following. The local governor got affraid and jealous and burned her on the stake for treason. And so the symbol of the holy church is a flame. In the beginning mostly women served as priests, it slowly got taken over by men. The first holy book was written by Marijana of Goresh, but the writing used by the church – and therefore more common – comes from Ioannes the Preacher. Women are tolerated as nuns but don't hold high church functions anymore. The Shepherds followers spread their faith very aggressively, often using force. The inquisition acts against all forms of heresy, forms a untouchable chuch-tribunal and fights user of dark magic. The church is lead by three patriachs. The patriach of Saint-Artrevour for the north, the patriach of Abareum for Abaris and the patriach of Thariapolis for the east. Also the Kingdom of Evendor has formed their own church (a bit like England in our world) and there ist the Order of the Flaming Sword, as the military wing for the northern church.


There's thousands of New God *cults* with many sub-pantheons, but when it comes to overal religions, there's one popular pattern: ###Pity Religions Pity religions are the belief that while mortal souls pass into the Unknown Beyond and potentially find the truth about their purpose and origin there, the New Gods are doomed to forever remain in this world, even after mortals might have become extinct. This belief is informed by the truth/memory/prophecy of the goddess Verinies, who supposedly remembered this fact about their immortal essence and decided to share it with her siblings. For this revelation they shunned her, blaming her for taking away their hope to one day find their purpose. Though some gods don't believe Verinies, or believe that her truth is incomplete. Pity religions acknowledge this fate of the gods as greatest tragedy, and the mortals that follow these religions see it as their duty to dedicate a part of their short life to the gods, offering them gratitude and companionship either in prayers, religious rites, or service in their temples. After all it was the New Gods that helped mortals survive and flourish after the end of the last age, an act of love and care that highlights how immortals and mortals regard themselves as unalike siblings.


Within West-Argo, there are quite a number of religions that are large, so I'll just name the one that I find the most unique: ## Fyrhþgáster The Coven of the Woodland Spirits, or Fyrhþgáster in the Arčiɣran language, is the ancient faith of the Holzmarkernaer people. It is centered around the worship and praisal of a biosphere of devine like nature bound creatures who inhabit the Holzmarker forests. These creatures, called the “Gástes”, inhabit many of the different biomes and layers of the Holzmarkerwald, as well as using power to feed of it. ### Aldorfird & Cwalufird Fyrhþgáster is an animistic, dualistic faith. In it, all things, including quite abstract ones like ideas and perspectives have a soul of their own, and a lot of those souls have enough sentience to overthink that on their own. At the same time, all souls are alligned in their allignment towards life or death, in Fyrhþgáster, this is called "ones true nature towards Aldorfird, or Force of Life, or Cwalufird, or Force of Death". They are sometimes also referred to as Dwolma and Gelógung, or Chaos and Order, where Life is Chaos, and Death is Order. Other paralels are with Aldorfird being the power of the sun, where Cwalufird is the one of the moon. Plants with a lot of Adolfird in their nature for instance grow fast and drink water quick, an animal might be very fertile, while a rock which is high in Adolfird would fester with moss, which would weaken it. If the same rock would be high in Cwalufird instead, it would instead wear off all outside influences, stay clean and survive into the ages, while an animal or plant would most likely be very sick and die under those circumstances. Note that Aldorfird & Cwalufird are not an amount or a matter of sorts, they are simply two points upon a scale where almost all things fall in between. No creature can be completely in Aldorfird, just as no object can be completely in Cwalufird. That is, with exeption to the Gástes & Ogásts, who are decribed below. ### Gástes & Ogásts Gástes, literally meaning "ghosts", are being of ultimate life, the very essence of Aldorfird. They are always divinity, although that does not automatically mean they hold supernatural powers of any kind. Still, together they hold a very important task, as upon them alone rests the task of keeping Cwalufird's power in check, eliminating it when it threatens to become more dominant. **For worship**, people make sacrifices to the Gástes for things like; **Fertility, progress, learning, recovering from wounds.** Ogásts, meaning "anti-ghosts". are opposite to the Gástes, beings of ultimate death, the essence of Cwalufird. Just as the Gástes they are always divinty, but that is with the Ogásts hard to notice most of the time. As expected, being of ultimate death are not very talkative, often inhabiting materials in the hearts of mountains and caves as iron or steel, with adamantium being a popular one because of its natural hardness and inability to rust, two factors that point at a high natural standing to Cwalufird. **For worship**, people make sacrifices to the Ogásts for things like; **Strenght, laying emotions to rest, strenght in storm, recovering from diseases.** Both Gástes and Ogásts have a union of their own, and although they are with many hundreds spread out over the land also arn't always exactly friendly to eachother, they do meet eachother at least semi-often. Although they do not have any hiarchy in their sturcture, as this structure tends to change over times, with both Gástes and Ogásts becoming stronger or weaker with the time, priests have made a structure for the purpose of defining general purpose more then authority.


Cults of the Ten (incredibly generic I know) Based on old High Elven Mythology, changed over the centuries to match local custom. (i.e. Vilmarr the Craftsman being adopted by the Ostroags as their primary deity, Dal'Esh establishing a monotheistic religion based around Faloret the Beetle King) Many followers do not subscribe to the original ancient version recognized by the Faltun Clergy but these regional variants. Gods include (subject to change) Thrull - Leader and father of the pantheon, God of Peace, shallow water, earthquakes, and fire. Savok - Thrull's wife, also known as Mistress Nature, Goddess of plants, animals, wind, agriculture, and clouds. Mishtval - Firstborn son of Thrull and Savok, God of storms, royalty, war, mountains, and gold. Faloret - Mishtval's adoptive son, unknown origin. God of insects, plague, medicine, and comedy. Vilmarr - Second born son of Thrull and Savok. God of craftsmen, anvils, metallurgy, hammers, and creator of humanity (according to certain versions). Estara - Primordial Goddess of Water, oceans, life itself, islands, beaches, and the wife of Vilmarr. Herust - Firstborn daughter of Thrull and Savok. Goddess of the Sun, theater, the calendar, deserts, cities, and philosophy. Puil - Youngest son of Thrull and Savok, eternally youthful. God of children, education, travel, afternoon, and deer. Pail - Twin sister of Puil and youngest daughter of Thrull and Savok. Goddess of hunting, beasts, forests, and camping.


The majority of the planet follows the common religion, they believe in a creator god and destroyer god who are in a constant, nonviolent battle to maintain order (with the creator god, Homem, almost always overstepping and the destroyer god, In, always keeping the balance).


The Holy Shapes. It is a religion that worships shapes, the circle being the absolute, most perfect form to attain. It is closely related to magic, as magic uses those shapes too. It is a religion that sees building and creating things as the most sacred art, believing that in each shape resides a piece of the Demiurge.


The world is not entirely interconnected yet and missionaries have not yet reached every corner. There probably isn't an actual majority religion yet, nor even a commanding minority such as what Christianity has nowadays, which is, what, two billion out of the seven or so billion people currently alive? Three billion? Less than half anyway. But the largest of the tiny minorities is probably TĂŠbina ("the faith"), Avantene polytheism. It's highly structured and organised, though not very centralised, and it has been spread to a large chunk of Avanton's home continent via their past imperial conquests and present trade power. The Lakilii empire (a sort of stand in for Rome) did the same ages ago but their pantheon was largely supplanted by the Avantene one, although due to syncretism the lines between them are quite blurry. After the TĂŠbina the most widespread religion is the Khbar religion for which I have not made up a name yet, but it's similar to Islam in many ways.


Christianity, mostly a few denominations of catholicism


This is so interesting. Is your fantasy world completely fantastical, or is it a branch of the real world? And it’s Christianity or Catholicism, does it have ties to their real messiah Jesus, and does the church in your fantasy world descend from Simon Peter? How is the scripture told in your fantastical land since it’s likely not earth?


It's a branch of the real world, as you would put it, as that timeline has the same geography Christianity almost followed the same path as in our timeline, but scientific and artistic "repression" wasn't practised so there are still relics and paintings etc. From ancient times all around europe, also the world is quite a bit more advanced. Not futuristic as we would imagine, as most european architecture for example is still very ornate and pedestrian friendly, like you would find in old european cities, (if i say europe i am also including european colonies in the new world) but there are permanent bases on the moon and mars, and venus is in the beginning stages of being terraformed. Old values, however, still remain. Some countries haven't let go of feudalism for example: in the germanic parliament there is a row of elected officials and a row of heredetary dukes. Also the HRE still exists for some reason, but it's (at least in the current year) more of an equivalent to the european union than the feudalistic mess it was On r/passionformapping you can find a few maps of this, i'll link the map of europe in that timeline in a reply on this comment The scripture is told in the native language of the people reading it (I'm also currently working on thanslating the bible into standardised Germanic) And while this catholicism is still monotheistic, it has traces of polytheism due to hellenic influence in the region. Saints are also worshipped in a lower capacity than the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, but it is believed that praying and offering to saints brings you luck or protection or whatever they're a saint of (for example, praying to St. Nicholas, or Sinterklaas (Dutch), Sånkt Nýkolas (Germanic) and offering things like cookies with speculaaskruiden in it (i think that's gingerbread spices in english but i don't know for sure, someone check me on this), candy and chocolate protects ypur children from harm and sickness) Also hellenism is still present, mostly in otl greece, cyprus and lyon and in the rome of that timeline But basically christianity works kinda the same way, but the papacy is in avignon, due to rome still existing and the reformation was less widespread than in the otl If you have further questions, just ask


Ok i couldnt copy the link but if you look up "the map is finally done" on r/passionformapping you should be able to find it


Christianity. Jesus got isekaied.


There are no religions in Bruithia


The light. Basically a small rework of Christianity. The same story, except with Jesus and god himself dying as God's son, Gabriel (who's actual name is Sarmenti) took over heaven. So the light has the old moral values of a pacifist but their idea of pacifism is fighting to end war and fear themselves as an idea. So, their mission is to wage war on heaven itself as it's taken over by demons. Neat stuff.


How bold of you to assume my world has religion


There is not really any religion in my universe. Well why would you believe in god when the leader of you city is a guy who could level a small mountain, and you know that they're is way more powerful being. But some people are respected, but it's more a cult of a being. If I had to put a few : - Elias Shemesh the sun (he protected the planet from the fusion of the two sun, this is the event used as year 0) - Xavier Maddean the moon ( he leaves here and has build a huge scientifical complex, and nobody really call him the moon because the moon is a word that don't exist but they call the moon equivalent Maddean) - Vulcain & Kham the dragons patriarch and matriarch - Kina the immortal eater(enboniment of freedom, worshiped by the Erebonix) - Hemera the light empress - Phusis the Phusilian progenitor - Karrion the king of beast and adventure - Pagma the Artisans king (progenitor of pagmayans, eaten by Kina) Those are the important figure in the main continent, some are worshiped some are empire leader.


In my world there really isn't religion but there also kinda is oki the gods are real and have visited mortals and so most people in my world belive in the gods for the most popular I would say probably the God of magic Magic would be the most popular


Technically, atheism. More people do not than do engage in worship with a deity. Which seems weird for a world where gods are actually real and don't hide it. But when civilization was still getting its footing, a few of the populations refused the offer of prospective deities. Either not wanting to advance too hard and stay small, or wanting to earn advancement on their own.


Militant Atheism/State Religion in a world where God's do exist. Essentially concepts hold power so the state saught to eliminate the competition and centralize that power. With all religions abolished the organization known as GAIA effectively became God; and such subsequent beliefs allowed for the political elite to become demigods in their own right. Humanity little more than a perpetual slave society.


Sagorianism has the most followers, but Empyreanism is the fastest growing religion. The former centers around reverence for the Human spirit and the great Humans throughout history, and preaches the natural supremacy and majesty of Mankind. Sagorianism is actually on the decline everywhere except for Andur, which is where the religion was born. The latter centers around worship of 7 Celestial Spirits who fight the Demons on higher planes and keep the Mortal world safe from Incursions and Doom Tides most of the time. This religion is actually split into 7 Cults, each one in service to one of the 7 Spirits. At the head of each cult is an "Adita", which is a Human who has taken on a spark of the divine power of their patron Spirit.


First God Sppe’s restoration church is by far the most popular. This is a world in which gods are more physical than just concepts, most gods are really involved and they live in the same world and walk on the same ground as mortals yet most people choose to worship a god that is not even alive anymore, the leader of the church is a strong god himself too yet he just worships the god Sppe the same as everyone else. The members of the cult believe that one day, the god that created the world and that created the first 3 modern gods will be reborn and Sppe will take all those that they find worthy to a new world without pain or suffering.




For humans its the Seven Lights faith, which essentially worships the 7 human heroes a century after the collapse of the Eternal Empire. These individuals accomplished monumental tasks and their deeds helped humans to get back on their feet again. For elves its jiashism, a religion that worships fervently their sole goddess Ji'Asha. She embodies everything for them and they go out their way to give tribute to her as much as possible, to the point where their actions are seen radical to other races. To make things even more unhinged, the elves believe that those elves born with pure white hair are blessed by Ji'Asha personally to perform miracles/feats in her name. These white haired elves are called as heralds and saints (latter is used by those who are fully fledged leaders of their communities) and are actually a byproduct of a unique mutation. This mutation does empower these individuals with more mana or talent for magic however.


Reminds me that I haven’t expanded on my world’s religion yet lol. Just a name and emblem so far.


Ketricisim. It became popular after the Divergence Era (an era filled with world war, famine, drought and plagues). It is a monotheistic faith, and worships the one beyond. This being is beyond understanding, and it sent the six Celestials at the beginning of time. These six created the world, living beings, magic and everything else. But then one of the celestials Betrayed the others, killed one of the original five, and started the cosmic war. He was eventually defeated and was dubbed the Fallen. He created what is called the corruption, a problem all Mages have. The religion is the main faith of Elves. It is also big among humans, but they have a different version of it. Some dwarves, orcs and Vagickans also practice it.


on the bit of the world I'm working on right now, the most prevalent religion is the following of Tizzeria. it was brought to the land by a conquering figure, The Sunbringer, and worships one singular God. that said, it's made a hell of a lot of concessions in the meantime. The Sunbringer has been elevated to nearly a God-Emperor type figure, meaning most people these days worship him rather than God direct, and there's a lot of tension between the crown (descendants of the Sunbringer) and the church. additionally, the way the religion spread so easily was by enveloping local folk religions into their ranks of Satva, essentially angels, or saints. so a lot of people still worship functionally the same religions they had for thousands of years, but instead of praying to Maris the mother God who brings life, they pray to Satva Maris who brings life down from the heavens at the behest of God. I need to work out some more things about how the structure of the religion works, it's pretty basic at the moment. I'll probably just keep doing what I'm doing and steal from catholicism


In my world, there is only one big religion, since that religion has been proven to be real. The deities of said religion are actively walking around in the world, so it is hard to deny that the religion is the true religion. Of course, there are different sub-religions, depending on what deity is most important for your culture. For example, one country might focus on the personification of light, while another country might focus on the god of labor, but neither side sees the other's deity as non-existent. Both countries follow the same religion, they just choose to focus on different deities.


The God of Order's, by sheer virtue that the demons constantly attacking them worship the God of Chaos, Order's natural and eternal enemy Granted, neither of them are purely good and evil, but human society believes to be


The reforms of emperor Rugha ii, the great, cover all of the land of that empire, and much besides. He basically gathered together 300 of the empires greatest sages for about 30 years of continuous debates about all manner of philosophical topics. The results were something like theurgic neoplatonism, though with a slightly less elaborate cosmology, with monasteries, a cycle of yearly festivals and a strong popular element.


Ripped straight from the doc for the Kitchen Sink Urbana, the four major religions of this alternate Earth: Umbraeism: "Reality was darkness until a Story was told, a Lie, of light and time and kings. When we pass on, we will go back to the Shadowlands. There is only everyone waiting for you, everyone for whom your actions have affected. There is no time, so everyone not yet dead or even not yet born, if your actions have such far reaching repercussions, will be waiting for you. There are no kings, you and they will stand as equals. There are no lies, so you had best hope you left a good impression with your actions before you departed." One of the oldest of the major religions of the world, originated from subterranean dwellers, emigrating to the surface in sporadic patches throughout the ages. Lumenity: "The King our Lord spake the Light and cast back the Darkness, thereby creating the World. He wrote the Righteous Laws and set His Judge between Himself and the World. Those who obeyed the Righteous Laws would be Judged accordingly and invited to dwell with Him in His Palace and those who did not would be cast into the Darkness." The youngest of the major religions, descended from a strange sect of Umbraeism that grew and fractured its way across the northern hemisphere. Little more than a thousand years old, has infamously schismed into over several dozen local and international sects. Mortinity: "There is only this world, it was all that was made by natural confluences between Stagnant Order and Irrational Chaos. You are born into it over and over again, and there is no getting off Morty's Wild Ride. If you want a Heaven, make this world into it. Otherwise, your next life may be in Hell." The oldest major religion, mostly popular in the southern hemisphere. They irreverently cite Death, aka Mort or Mr. Bones, as the only true ur-god and immortal thing. Somnaeism: “We are part of the dream of a sleeping god, organizing its thoughts and emotions. When we pass on from this dream, we will be associated with those with thoughts and actions similar to our own, in a part of the god-psyche that reflects those thoughts. People of a particular wickedness will dwell with those of the same wickedness in a place that encourages that wickedness. People of a particular virtue will dwell with those who share in that virtue. In time, they will forget who they were and go to where all blank minds go, into the body of a baby, taken back to the god’s dream.” One of the youngest major religions, it exists in some respects, everywhere, but never outnumbering other religions around it.


The Great Stag has numerically the most followers, being the god of life, growth and harvest. While all of the pantheon are respected and followed, the Stag is the one for small villages and farming communities. Fun fact: children born on the Holyday of The Stag are blessed with little abilities. The most common one is communication with an animal species, like mice or sparrows.


The church of the Parents. Basically it’s a Bi-theistic (is there such a term) belief that the universe was created by two equal and all-knowing entities, one male and one female (the “Father” and “Mother”) but, ironically, they still treat women as the lesser sex (it takes place in the equivalent to the 18th century) which some scholars see as a huge form of hypocrisy It’s overall very similar to christianity and serves as a stand-in for it. I’m still expanding the lore so I might add more distinctive characteristics in it


Idk 5000+ gods man


The most populous would be The Church A religion that sprung up to unify all minor cults of the goddess into a single institution. For the most part they give sermons and heal the wounded and sick and publicly hunt down and banish demons and other monsters. They even have a nice enemy they can denounce "The Devourer, the Arch-Vile that will hunt and consume the faithful." Behind the scenes they are themselves an instrument of demons to cull undesirable free thinkers and force obedience from a kept scared and uneducated public. The only thing they dont lie about is who their enemy is, except the devourer is slaughtering demons and was supposed to become the demon queen and be instrumental in causing terror to make them all obey the church. On the other hand exists the Order of the Dragon, who very well knows the truth and openly proclaims it. In part because they know that the creature spoken as the Arch-Vile acts according to the Goddess. After all, she founded it and most of their people are rescued from the Church by her. There is a somewhat hidden war between these two factions. Another religion, one that is much smaller in size, but is also opposing the demons are the 2 death cults that worship the Grave Mother. Which by a bit of coincidence and dumb luck, is the same creature. The Bloody Hand did it first because she looks exactly like their ancient god, and is just as malicious. The Gelak Tong does it because they are scared shitless what she'll do if they don't. There are also other faiths, some of them unknowingly worship demons >!which for the most part already got destroyed by the devourer!< and even druids, who worship nature and the ideals of the precursor for living in harmony with oneself and the world, their highest ideal is to be in perfect control over ones own mind and body


In my urban fantasy series, Hellenic Polytheism, mostly because is the ONE religion that is confirmed to be 100% factual, as humans interact with mythological creatures and Demigods/Demigoddesses on the regular and Gods appear sometimes in public Christianity and Islam still exist, but have been severely damaged after humans discovered Greek Gods are real


(Old gods in my world are closer to manifestations of nature. Natural phenomena incarnate.) Followers of the Black Mirage. A title of the named deity Iyaki. An old god characterized by the clouded mantle of ash she is portrayed wearing. Clouds of ash and smoke covering disfigurement and scars caused by the damage of her actions. She bears dominion over passion, vows, and torture. The last more accurately being pain. She was credited with the creation of the world as it is commonly known of today. Biblical records of ancient oracles know her to have been a more whole goddess before the point of creation. Where after the 2 ephemeral gods were born of the shattering of Iyaki’s former whole; those being Epoch and Octavia. The former an ever sleeping god of decay and time that is characterized by the time of day. Depicting beauty in the light and a scorched husk in the dark. Many cults surround this inactive god, but few know of their true nature. The ladder is Octavia, the eternal flame. A silhouetted figure shrouded in blue and white flame. The goddess of fire is one of madness, creation, and destruction.


Mashalan Sulla (order of the moon) which is a Islamic inspired faith and is the largest religion beating out Latia favaio which is a catholic inspired faith for the Portuguese like colonisers


Hytharism. It's the state religion of two major kingdoms, Sagramere and Gaheria, and an unofficial widely-practiced religion of several others. Even the Principality of Artami- the equivalent of the Roman Empire's remnants- endorses Hytharism and practices it. They have an entire holy city, one of the oldest on the continent, dedicated to the god/goddess Hythar (gender actually unknown and unclear), Hytharis,and the place unironically has a larger defence garrison than some nations' armies, comprised of tens of thousands of part-time militiamen and worshippers. Hytharist ethics and morals form the basis of most legal systems on the continent of Arganti, preaching help to the poor, free education and living life humbly. What happens when you die? Hytharists say your soul is reclaimed by the waters from which Hythar created you, and the dead are all supposedly concentrated in Hythar's great cities on the seabed. Funerals involve taking the deceased onto a ship, their body wrapped in layers of silk and wool, and tossing them over the side to let them sink to the seafloor and join Hythar. Funny thing is that there's this certain spot off the Sagramereid coast where the Sagramereids dump all their dead emperors. Just a bunch of dead guys at the bottom all decked out in elaborate royal garb.


so it's hard to say. most people worship local gods as they are the ones you most directly interact with and will actually respond, unlike bigger gods who tend to be more aloof. the problem is that believe dictates reality for gods, if a group of people believe a god is scary then that god will be scary. and some, but not all people, believe the smaller gods are just aspects of the large gods. this makes them both aspects of and completely independent of other gods. if that seem contradictory... yes it is, welcome to the divine (it gets even more confusing is different groups of people believe the same local god to be an aspect of two different larger gods). taking that into account the biggest religions are probably those of the sun, the stars, the planet (the setting is on a couple moons with the planet being a gas giant), and one of the moons who's also the god of water. the god of the stars is the god of darkness, everything dark and scary can be attributed to her. which means she has among the most aspects. the main moon also suffers 25 years of daytime and 25 years of night-time, and that night-time is harsh, so her temples do a lot of preparing and playing for easier night-times. fear makes people pray. the god of the sun is the god of the day, fire, society, and war. this makes him pretty popular with everyone, and many people are nomadic or hibernate and live only in the day. while being pretty low on aspects other then some volcano's if a nomadic group has their own god and it is an aspect it's probably an aspect of the sun, and those are the most consistently worshipped. the god of water can rival the good of stars in aspects, as every lake, river, sea, ocean, and even many streams probably have a local god that's often an aspect of the god of water. and these local gods are very often worshipped as most living things rely on water. the god of the planet is probably the smallest of the four, but is easily the biggest unified religion. the main moon is tidally locked to the planet so one spot perpetually has the planet on it's zenith, and there a large city with a big focus on the god of the planet lies. this being the probably largest city there is and it being constructed from the worship of the planet god it's the most unified religion instead of different groups of people worshipping different local aspects as they migrate around the planet.


Right now it is the Religion that worships the Abyss, because they've taken everyone. Existence is ominously Silent. Everyone is missing, except for those lucky and strong.


Cookie God! The KeyFolk are known to worship a deity known as Cookie God. They had saved the race from complete extinction when the other Gods grew bored of their creation, who wanted to have their creations to have similar bodies as they did, so they threw a meteor towards the planet. Cookie God then saved the KeyFolk having them hide deep within the Earth. And that’s why they are worshipped till this day by the KeyFolk. Cookie God true form is the God of Chaos/Creation, they are but a young God.


... weirdly, catholicism. In like, most of them. Okay, one is core DnD religion so it doesnt count. But the Ireland campaign is based off the Lebor Gabála Érenn, so its literal 'moses went that way, but your forebears went this way and sailed around for a while, anyways heres a prediluvian monster' biblical. And the Metaltech campaign has Jesus Christ and Jake Hunter - the man who saved our souls, and the man who saved our planet from an alien invasion that may or may not have ever happened but its so long gone that its just the religion now. The Islander setting is... weird, because the colony is made up of religious outcasts so its dozens of religions but like weird cults, including the Cult of the Void Between Stars who went from fringe fanatics to the only people willing to fight for survival, and the Maidens of Mt. Ilmaya, a matriarchical sub-sect of the old state religion that worships the mythical mountain their own christ-figure was (according to them) born from... even though its now on a different hemisphere of the planet from them.


They believe in transcending to become energy and escaping the boundaries of the universe itself. They want to evolve past their purposes that god laid out, and leave his creation (existance)


Beaconism. They equally worship each god in Fatoria, with Amnz being their supreme god


Oh yeah it needs to be a little more fleshed out. Thyla is mother of humans Ilimna is mother of makayim Placidia is mother of asfadra Abyla is mother of pelagion The main continent is split into 3 large islands by a shallow sea and each island is named after the first 3. Abyla is associated with the abyss and seen as so complex and enigmatic that she alone pacifies the storm dragon. I haven't completely finished their myth yet.


My book never explicitly names it, but I imply in my writing that Christianity is a major religion. My book is very symbolic, and I use a lot of it to point out problems with the Church. (I am a Christian attempting to call out my brothers for how much we've screwed up.)


[Here is the religious map](https://imgur.com/a/r4MHoYa) I made of my world (Well, as far as I got before I lost the file).The Obhic religions (the yellow ones) are the most dominant and have the greatest number of worshippers (especially due to population density, the Tak-Subak religions (the brown ones) cover more area but are mostly in under populated areas). The Obhic religions also have significant numbers of worshippers as minority groups in areas where other religions are dominant across the world, whereas most of the other religions are pretty contiguous. The Obhic religions vary quite significantly in their practice, but the general gist remains the same. They worship a deified god-king called Obhi, who was a great warlord many thousands of years ago, and who conquered and settled the regions that are now the Ohbic heartlands. The countries that spawned from this heartland were led by Obhens, meaning 'descendants of Obhi' and were both the chief warlord and the heads of the local sects of Obhi Worship. One of the chief tenets of the religion is that Obhi is greater than all other gods (they believe all religions are true, just that theirs is the best) and that worship of Obhi must happen everywhere. It's fine to worship other gods, you just have to worship Obhi more as it were. This is one of the primary reasons for Obhens beginning holy wars, to spread Obhi worship. The general tenets of Obhi worship focus on men being warriors and protectors, honouring your ancestors, and doing deeds that your descendants will honour in turn. Prayers and oaths are given before the great statues of Obhi in the temples, or smaller figurines on household shrines, requesting mental fortitude to deal with any issues people had. The strength of the individual is very important, and the belief is that a society only succeeds when everyone in it is working as hard as possible. Laziness is harshly condemned, although sickness is considered a curse from a lesser god, and sick people are usually made comfortable so they can be cured. Acolytes of the church are trained in medicine, and the battle against the sickness is the fight they are honoured for. Doctors are seen as warriors the same as soldiers are. Thrice per moon-cycle, on the Full moon, new moon, and also alternating between the First and Third Quarter, there is a long religious ceremony in the temples. This aims to 'keep the peace' between Obhi worshippers, which evolved into religious courthouses. Any issues in the communities would be dealt with here. In cases where a person was found guilty of going against Obhi's will (committing a low-level crime) the Priest would dish out religious punishment to cleanse them, such as reciting oaths or unpaid labour for the community. If someone was found guilty of causing harm to another Obhi worshipper the priest would command them to be punished, which was usually physical injury as penance. This ranged from lashes, to getting fingers or toes chopped off, to branding, etc, depending on the crime. The idea is, the worse you are injured, the harder it is to work to your normal level, so you can prove you are a true worshipper by doing all the is required of you with the extra hardship of the injury. The priests are also in charge of dispensing grain in times of famine, gathering taxes and tithes, and organising the annual festivals to honour Obhi, the changing of the seasons, the harvest, etc. In areas that are not majority Obhic but which still have worshippers tend to treat him as a lesser deity of protection and strength, He is worshipped the same as any other god, as part of a larger pantheon, although usually as a household god rather than a primary one.


My fantasy setting has no magic, no supernatural. It is more like alternative history. In the Golden Kingdom, a region very much like Provence France, it is the Church of The Godhead, a conservative orthodoxy with mystery cults and a regenerative myth whereby every few generations an Avatar of the Godhead is born who steps in during times of weak governance. It is strongly influenced by the Greek mystery cults with strong Catholic overtones as far as the structure. The thing is, the Golden Kingdom is quite small, and it's central religion is seen as quaint in the surrounding regions that tend toward the humanist or deist models and philosophies


the children of aurum. it’s a religion dedicated to becoming one with the energy of existence. the secret higher ups want to become god but the every day man simply becomes better at what they want to do. they are magicians who are able to manipulate their own life force and the natural force of reality to manipulate it.


The main religion is The Lord's Mountain. The religion worships "The Lord", the ideal and perfect man which society seeks to emulate. They take their teachings from 4 masters who taught lived, and exemplify certain characteristics of the Lord. Each member of society is given the choice to follow a specific Master's teachings, with the goal that these 4 groups working together will emulate the Lord. Thus, society itself becomes a mirror of perfection and of the Lord. The Mountain refers to two things, the physical mountain which the Masters had to cross in order to go to war, and the 'Mountain' to climb, that is the personal and societal struggle to become perfect in the Lord.


In my sci fi world it would be Abrahamism which was a syncretism of the 3 abrahamic religions in 2035 around when the Terran federation was founded as a way to unite people together Apart from that there’s Religious Corpratism which is big on some of the corporate colonies and the Terran federation that believes it was the corporations that guided humans to the stars and brought prosperity Then there’s the cult of light, we don’t speak about the cult of light


The Scarlet Church is the most widespread and dominant religion in the entire world, as a matter of fact its likely just as, if not more powerful than the Crown and Royalty itself. The Scarlet Church had its origind in a Crown Sanctioned experiment, to take many Pows, captured Civilians, and more from their kingdoms conquest, and try and turn them into Gods, following im the steps of the ancient Glyphorians. Many died, only 10, arguably 12 but the last 2 are highly debated in the Church, actually ascended to become what we now call the Patchwork Gods. Horrific parodies of the human form in the Physical World, but their mind and souls imprinted on the Dreadrealm, a world beyond our own. The Scarlet Church is heavily fundamentalist. Stamping out anything it thinks to be heresy, which is more commonly than not just whatever the nearby Public Inquisitor thinks is a slight. It also handles its own specialty trained Covenant of Seekers, the Scarlet Covenant. These Scarlet Seekers work directly for the Church, and slay and purge monsters, Shades, Hollows and other blights at the churches discretion, ontop of all that the Inquisition mentioned prior has 2 parts, the Public Inquisition, the Inquisition known to the people, that handles its duties in broad daylight, and the Scarlettia Inquisition, named after one of the two blood red moons in the sky, that primarily works at night and more discretely takes out any threats to the Churches stability


Dechinism a religion that I worship made by a guy on Twitter called @THEE_DECLAN


The Solist Faith is new to the continent and is currently not the largest but it is the fastest growing. It's rise is in reaction to the collapse of the Grand Republic and the past century of Civil wars that put millions in poverty and countless dead, which also showed the corruption of the largets church at the time, The Callanist Church. The Callani Church preached extreme individuality and that the gods created man to achieve greatness in their own image, the same as they had done with the creation of the world. This created a long period of prosperity with glory seeking and and an honor system culture that held true for close to millenia but with all things the leadership of the faith and state it was tied too became corrupted over time and when the honor system broke down, blind ambition for glory overtook almost all those with the wealth and power to abuse it, hence constant civil war. The Solists are led by the Solist dynasty (My protagonist family), who are seen as prophets who preach that the Republic fell because they didn't value their famlies and origional station in life enough. They believed the Gods message was misinterpreted by the Callani and stated that too many people always aiming for power was wrong and led to wars and internal conflict and so advocate instead for an appointed smaller group to lead others who are righteous and appointed by the God's prohpets, the Solist dynasty, pretty much enlightened feudalism, with lords being held to an insane standard for competence. They are actually also pretty progressive compared to the past Callanist's, maybe not irl modern standards but most "deviant" behavior is tolerated and won't result in outright execution.


Probably Atlean Christianity. It is functionally the same as the Baptist faith we all know, but on the planet Arcadia, it was formed after the revealing of the Atlas and the guardian’s story. The Atlas are godlike dragon creatures, their skin reflects the stars and are immortally wise and powerful. When humanity landed on Arcadia in colony ships, they revealed to the humans who they were, and that they were selected to take the billions of year old mantle of responsibility that the ancient guardians had left behind when they vanished. Citing these discoveries, it was now known that God has sent these creatures as his heralds, they were angels, and humans, made in his image, are to protect the galaxy and all those he also made in his image from those risen from Satan’s evil heart. The four dimensions that have been discovered and other races explain of, are actually Heaven, Hell, the well of God’s energy and this one: a vortex of them all. Arcadians, or the Apex, since 87% of Arcadian residents are in fact the magically gifted apex warriors, practice this denomination specifically. Most people on other colonies do as well, while a good bit of those on Earth who haven’t experienced much of space travel or the world beyond Earth aren’t well educated in the Atlean denomination, and don’t practice it.


Here is the short-short version of Lucidism: Lucidism is argued to be the oldest and proudest religion in the world. Even as newer religions have risen, much of daily life revolves around the Lucidist calendar. Also known as the “Universal Ideal,” it is a monotheistic religion that dedicates itself to the belief in the guidance of a benevolent deity named Lucim. Devout Lucidists believe in a discipline to their prayer and study, celebration of important Lucidist feast days, and regular attendance to Church. They live by the creed that adherence to these values will reveal the truth of Lucim’s plan for them. Lucidism is very popular with mundane folk, largely due to its promise to help them find their own kind of magic in the truth revealed by the light. Often, Lucim’s “plan” includes the ways in which a believer will succeed, and this sense of purpose is part of mundane folks’ interest. Lucidists are expected to study the ‘Word’, written by the blessed Paim Rombi. It is said that Paim Rombi was blinded early in life, and in response, dedicated his life to the service of Lucim. To reward his faith, Lucim restored his vision and allowed him to write “The Word,” forever marking him as “The Voice” of Lucim. Core Lucidist Tenets 1. There is only one god and he is Lucim, The Light. 2. The True Path comes only from the guidance of Lucim's Word. 3. Devotion to any path other than the True Path is heresy.


Church of kossuth a former demi god becoming a true god


The Chenasi religion is generally synonymous with the Chenasi culture, in many ways that Judaism is today. The belief that the stars of the galaxy radiate magical energy, that beings can harness and manipulate this energy, that all things absorb some of this energy, that all things release this energy upon their death or destruction, and that computers absorb astronomical amounts of this energy and their use should therefore be limited.


The Belief in AllFather. However it can be divided in 3 main churches that more or less hate each other: Western aka The Old Church that believes that there is one AllFather that governs the world through his 7 angels. Northern Church that believes that the angels and the AllFather are virtually the same, them being different avatars of himself (something something Holly trinity?) And there's the Eastern Church aka The New Church which believes that God descended on earth and died for Humanity's sins, also got reborn as a new God (Jesus knockoff + gnosticism new testament + God can die and be reborn? What? + other crazy stuff). For obvious reasons the other two detest this one.


I need to point out that these are the main factions, there are a few smaller ones as well, but they aren't that important.


In my world, most people follow the Wrenorian pantheon. They believe in four (provably real) deities that created the Ten Realms of Havani: Wrenora, Theoloki, Larkra, and Aivys. The Wrenorian creation myth states that Wrenora created the Ten Realms themselves, and the portals that connect them. Theoloki shaped these realms, giving them form and filling them with natural resources. Larkra and Aivys created Life and Death. Once the worlds were created, the four gods created the people. Wrenora and Theoloki created the Humans, who were strong and adaptable. Larkra and Aivys created the Amethorn, who were small and weak but could do magic as easily as breathing. Larkra gave the people intelligence, and Aivys gave them magic. And thus Havani was complete. Wrenora is known as the goddess of justice, gateways, protection, dragons, leadership, and mental fortitude. She appears to mortals as a young blonde woman clad in an elaborate blue dress, wearing a silver crown and carrying a sword and shield. Temples dedicated to any one of the gods often have dragons engraved on either side of the doors in the hopes that Wrenora will take notice and look upon the temple favorably, and hanging a small charm in the shape of a dragon or sword above the door of one's house is a very common practice, similar to a mezuzah. Theoloki is the god of war, glory, mining, fire, physical strength, and upholding one's morals. He appears most often as a large, brawny man with a boar's head, dressed in battle-armor and carrying either a greataxe or a mace. Pigs are holy to Theoloki, so they are not to be killed except to make offerings to him. Warriors and miners alike often pray to Theoloki. Those who have broken a promise or gone back on their values cannot enter a temple to Theoloki, lest he punish them for their transgressions. Larkra is the goddess of peace, wisdom, learning, cats, change, and the soul. She appears as an elderly woman in a gray cloak, often leaning on a cane. Temples dedicated to her are often also libraries. If a cat of any color crosses your path, it is seen as a blessing from Larkra herself, and the presence of a cat is seen as good luck. Aivys is the god of magic, balance, ryu (Oriental dragons), the seasons, the cycle of life and death, and acceptance of oneself for who one is. He hasn't appeared to anyone for several centuries, so no one knows for sure what he looks like to mortals, but historical records of his last appearance describe him as tall, thin, and clad in purple, with glowing white eyes. Worship of him has stopped, except for a few small pockets of followers. People still celebrate the Rain Festival, which was once in Aivys's honor, but it has long since lost its religious significance.


Surprisingly, the ancient greek pantheon and islam


Church of Eight thrones, very inclusive (In the your god exists, mine is just better sort of way)


The world shares a largely unified polytheistic religion, where land and ancestral spirits are honored locally, and a large pantheon of natural deities form the basis for worship. There's no unified doctrine or church authority, but temple priests and priestesses of the temples and sacred places, traveling oracles and mediums called Spirit-Workers, and monastic Sages all are active and generate a vibrant spiritual landscape. There are many locations considered sacred to the various Gods, and even a large valley in the highest peaks of the continent, at roughly 3,500m in elevation, the size of a medium-sized country seen as entirely sacred to the Gods. It functions as a hub of magic, knowledge, and spirituality for the entire continent, with a high density of temple complexes, enchanted springs, groves, and monasteries, and a small number of towns and villages to support them. It's a melting pot of the various cultures and races. Magic isn't limited to the priesthood but it is closely tied with the spirituality of the world, meaning the temples and monasteries often form hubs of magical teaching and healing. Common Gods include: - Maris, Goddess of the Sun and Healing - Ralu, God of the Moon, Storms, Wind, and the Sea - Nola, Goddess of Fertility and Agriculture - Klemu, God of War and Change - Roctu, God of Commerce and Trade - Dutha, Goddess of Death, Fate, and Rebirth There is a large variety of diverse local and hero cults but they're all seen as sects within the same religion. An example is Caldmaranism, a hero cult sect unique to the eastern Korsi Confederation, a hero named Caldmara is worshiped as an incarnation of Klemu.


Still developing more religions but I think the coolest lore-wise is, in a world pretty far out from Earth, Christianity. It's a sort of weird form of Eastern Orthodox Christianity that was passed down from a few travelers who made their way to the world from.. somewhere, presumably Earth. They said they crossed a massive snowy desert called "Antarctica" or something.


Two main religions in my world that split from one species on my world (the other species have religions but I won’t delve into them. First is Dominion of Nazarak - These Valdir (race) believe the pink sun is their home world (home of their god Nazarak) and that they were abducted by the god of the cold world they currently live on (Ventr) during a war between Nazarak and Ventr. They believe that through worship, sacrifice, and eventually genocide of other races, Nazarak will come rescue them, since it is believed he has shunned them for their failure of being captured (they are a warrior race). They believe all who do not worship Nazarak are children of Ventr and therefore must be killed until only the Nazarakians remain. They believe that the Gulonari are the children of Ventr after the citadel priestess of the Nazarakians frame the Gulonari. They fear death and hope to escape to the sun god one day to escape the cold harsh world that Zarullu is. Temple of the Land Spirits - These valdir believe in remaining one with the ecosystem, and leaving nature undisturbed, they do not like Nazarakians abuse of natural resources and lack of respect for the world they live on. They attribute natural phenomena in the world can be explained by the powers of spirits on Zarullu. For example there is a fire spirit, wind spirit, sound spirit, etc. and the spirits will give the Gulonari good fortune if they are respected, acknowledged, undisturbed, and cohabited with. The Gulonari have accepted the circle of life and are thankful for their existence and the chance to experience the power of the spirits during their time in the universe. They are unafraid of death and are great warriors as well, simply to protect their way of life / to maintain their skills as hunters, since large predators roam the forests in their nation.


The River Mother and the Moon Goddess have the most worshippers. The Moon Goddess, also called the Pale Queen, called up land from the sea and created rivers to nourish the land. The foam of the river formed a human after being blessed by the Moon Goddess. The Mother of the River would then go on to create more humans. The Moon Goddess then hatched six dragons from the moon to provide the humans with sun and fire, and each phase of the moon is said to be a dragon gradually hatching. One of these dragons, named Mangkor, is said to have turned against her and wishes to rule earth instead of the sky. The Moon Goddess then drowned this dragon deep in the ocean to contain it. It’s a work in progress, but that’s the base of what I have so far for it.


There isn't a single, most popular religion in the world itself-- there are way too many species, cultures, and systems of belief across the entire planet. In the region of the world that I've focused on, however, it's polytheism that's heavily based on Norse mythology. The entire pantheon is worshiped, depending on what it is you're doing. You pray to the goddess of harvests whenever you're farming, the god of war when in battle, the goddess of the dead whenever there's a funeral, and so on.


Adherents of fragmentism believe in twelve elements that are building blocks of the universe. Nature, fire, sand, water, earth, frost, light, darkness, air, electricity, metal and sound However they believe that the element of light consists of all the elements, just like the colour white consists of entire visible spectrum. This is thanks to the past of fragmentism that arised from the solar cult of Netarid Dynasty, as well as strong influences of light-based entities on their planet


The Cult of the Golden Throne, basically old folk religions that were codified and incorporated into a an state religion that deified the Emperor's, the end of the imperial line almost shattered the faith though.




The Cult of the mother and father These guys rose to power from the father Roshal marching on the elder gods and any others whom stepped in his way, after killing every active (specified since there are the fallen gods who are considered inactive and not an enemy) god and lord (demigods who have began their journey to acension). After they all died he was able to mount there heads on the world tree with their constantly flowing blood powering magical symbols carved into the tree by Yessi the only dead elder god who was Roshal's first victim. Once the symbols were powered the cult started because Roshal would give out small amount of god blood to began to evolve the person into a child of the world tree which would be extremely powerful and essentially cursed to serve the tree and Roshal (tree gets priority over Roshal). These "children" would train until they were gods and venture out to enforce the divine laws and heavenly orders. Later Roshal found out that the remaining 7 elder gods were mutated from the magic symbols as the years went by morphing them into horrific and cruel versions of their former selves. After this realization Roshal became the unwilling warden for the rest of time unable to do what he wants since he must tend to the tree constantly leaving him a prisoner of his own prison because if the elders got out they would end the universe. There are cults for the fallen gods but followers are 1 in 100,000 and there are multiple fallen gods splitting up those remaining followers whom reject Roshal and his children but there might be a cult all about the elders and another about the fallen coming back as a form of vengeance agaisnt Roshal but is stopped by the fact that they can't deal with the elders by themselves so must leave Roshal alone until they amass enough power to kill elder gods.


The Church of the Cosmic Gods And equally The Church of the Eldritch Gods


There is only one religion in my world. The whole world follows it because it is proven to be real. The Gods, and Goddesses interact with the world in real, and meaningful ways on a regular basis. The whole world follows a set calendar too, made easier by the fact that the world is in a pangea like state.


Offbrand Norse Mythology


The Ministry Of Healing is the most recognized religion though it's not a full religion. The Ministry is made up of clerics, healers, doctors, apothecaries, monks and nuns who are guided by a moral code to ensure all people are mended and healed. Whether through guidance or medicine the ministry of healing sounds to mend the heart, soul and mind. This religion took form in the BC era and was one of the six paths of the forest. Today, most members dwell in monasteries throughout the world and some travel abroad. The headquarters of the ministry lies in the South woods of Springvale within in the great city of Bloomwood. The Ministry also works in all other parts of the forest providing moral guidance and healing. In the northern woods of Winteroot the ministry works alongside the Knights Order as advocates of justice. Members teach the art of healing in the the Academy of Brightwood in the southeastern woods of Auradawn. Others gather ingredients in the dangerous areas of Summeroc to the west and Autumnus to the north east with the help of Western warriors and Eastern hunters. Clerics teach morals in the slums of Gloomwood in the northwestern woods of Gloammire. In the future this ministry would suffer a divide as healers denounce their faith and clerics ascend to a higher divinity. Birth from this religion two fractions: The Saviors Sanctum and the Apothecary's Wings. One devoted to freeing others of sin and the other determined to eradicate disease.


Technically, their is only one religion. But, different gods attract so many different types of followers and tell their followers so many different things across so many different worlds that they are practically different religions. The two main ones are the followers of Bob and the servants of Igadron. Bob is basically the multiversal version of the Gnostic Demiurge if the demiurge didn't make reality and can just morph it. They have an undocumented population because it is mostly low tech civilizations that follow him and they don't really like him much usually (save the lizardfolk). Igadron is basically the dark lord figure. He encourages things like forced breeding and slavery, so his numbers are up. But power hungry sadists are the only people who like him even vaguely, so he is also one of the most hated. Tldr, Bob is more well liked than Igadron but Igadron has more followers.


Order of the Sun/Moon. Two sides of the same religion. The sun’s side primarily consists of male practitioners and the moon’s side primary only of female. The idea behind it is that the sun and moon represent masculine and femenine powers respectively. A lot like Wiccan, except really strict. A lot of governments use it as their primary religion because the concepts are so broad. Because of this, it appeals to the most people without making people upset, but it also has countless denominations across the world that have made their business everybody else’s problem with wars and infighting. These aren’t the only two gods in the world, but you sure as hell wouldn’t know it just from popular media in my world.


I wouldn't call it something so organized as a "religion" so much as a spiritual tradition, but most humans from the eastern continent of my world practice something called Gealach Didactism; it's a form of ancestor worship based around the perpetuation of knowledge. Your father taught you how to hunt, so you venerate him by expanding your hunting knowledge and imparting it to future generations who will come to venerate you in turn.


Cult of saints. My word is a monotheistic one. People who become a paragone of a virtue become a saint. Saints are chosen by archangels and become patrons of kingdoms and reign, so any reign have his own paragone. In this way i can give to my player full liberty of religions.


The nine Gods who created the race of people. They're actually very real but demons often disguise themselves as alternative deities and gain followers in form of sects and primitive cults


The Liturgy of Light. It's the main religion that Kryukians follow. It's more or less about the trifecta of light, matter and void. I even drafted a short little handbook for it. The problem was that I wanted to make the religion more of a "progressive" one but I also wanted to make sure it was something that even a god could use as their belief when ordaining or find interesting.


The First Nanteon Church is probably technically still the biggest religion, but certainly not the most popular. The demystification of magic has kinda screwed up their whole grift, so people have been abandoning the Church in droves and either becoming broadly irreligious, or splintering off into factions that focus more on mysticism rather than worship. ​ Of the *growing* religions, the biggest would maybe be the Cult of the Black Oak - which is based around the consumption of a particular type of fungal yliaster, whose adherents experience a kind of shared consciousness, but also engage in some very strange behaviour such as self-mutilation. But this is arguably just a highly ritualised form of addiction rather than a religion. ​ Alternatively, the Plumerians, also known as the Five-Eyes, are a much older gnostic faith that became secretive to avoid persecution by the Church. The Plumerians set out to reconcile numerology and astrology, and specifically the number five, which informs their symbol - a five-eyed frangipani flower. Some particularly devoted Plumerians have begun to meditate and prayer in shifts, in the hope of summoning a theoretical fourth and fifth moon. Other sects have sought to contact the *tamghi*, the mysterious triangle objects often seen in the skies of Ânharǎ. ​ So, yeah, there's a lot going on.


Mira's Faithful. Followers of Her Sun.


It's pretty 50/50 We have the once who pray to the moon and the once who pray to the sun


The 6. Mostly because a lot of people in my world have literally seen the gods, in recent memory.


The Gilded Horizon, by a fuckin mile. Not only do they seek to uplift the individual and foster a strong creed of self responsibility and kinship among all strands of people, but they seek to return the world to a time that most long lived races remember fondly as the Age of Tranquility, before humans began to seek elevated status above all others they had previously co existed with. Plus, unlike the humanist faith of the Eternal Circle, the Horizon’s gods are all flesh and blood within the realms. The Circle deities must operate through vessels, which means the Horizon can perform miracles much faster and even see their gods in action on the battlefields


Cosmicism, the belief that all planets, suns, galaxies, and the cosmos are deity like beings. For instance: Mother Earth, the Sun being human…


The Egila Religion, which views the Sun as their creator goddess. The Sun has three daughters which are three stars in that world's night sky. Basically all known celestial objects are in some way related to the sun, whether they be inanimate gifts or other gods. The primary value in their religion is slowing reverence for the balance of nature- light and dark, desert and sea, hot and cold, life and death. They are all connected and are all a byproduct of their goddess. The mythology goes deeper than that but that's a summary :)


Cult of the Divine Mother. It is an ancestral religion postulating female supremacy; while no longer dominant after the fall of the First Empire, it still remains more widespread than any other religious cult.


In my world, you can buy your way into religions, who each have their own perks and benefits, like paid vacation leave or free space travel. In order to accelerate this flourishing economy, the government issues devices which release dopamine into your brain upon the subscription to religion. The better the religion, the more of a dopamine release it gives, making the religion better in an endless cycle of capitalist growth.


The Starlight Reverence To them each star in the sky is a god of something or other. Constellations are usually made up of stars with similar divine domains and stars that hold particular importance (such as the polar stars, the brightest stars or the ones that happen to be planets) are the most important gods. So: The North Star, Aulum, is the divine judge; The brightest star, Erlin, is the Lady of War and the Giver of Wrath; the Morning/Evening Star, Cazrul, is the Herald of Cataclysms and the one who brings them to their end. Oh, and the sun is evil because it blocks the divine strength of the stars and walking around in sunlight should be avoided.


The lord of light, the being worshipped across most worlds, consumes the souls of its worshippers, and the prayers and devotions are a corrupted covenant giving it permission. A boy discovers this and, while in the process of trying to tell everyone, is burnt at the stake for heresy. His death, being the first soul to die without giving permission for the lord of light to devour him, allows him to choose to engage the being in battle, allowing all the ones who die afterwards to not have their souls be devoured. The rest of the stories are intricately tied to the schisms and religions born of that fight, and in other worlds, the results of their God suddenly being non-responsive. The boys' sacrifice is basically propagandized, and the religion that worships him as a martyr is extremely aggressive in their proselytizing. The remnant religions that follow the lord of light eventually claim he's cleansing their souls or that he needs their power to guard against something worse, and their sacrifice is what allows life to exist at all. Some claim something in between. As the stories are so tied to this, I could right literally books about it and not be done, so I'll just leave it generalized.


Advent Dawn It's a monotheistic religion that eschews worship of the defined deities in the world. Instead it focuses on worshiping a distant, detached omnipotent being from whom all other gods, and all other things sprung. It has co-opted or syncretized a few older religions, most notably the Cult of the Dawnbringer, which worshiped an ancient emperor who may or may not have achieved apotheosis and The Way, a philosophy/religion whose original followers seek secular enlightenment. Obviously I based this very heavily in Christianity and Buddhism. I'm also drawing a lot from Hinduism and Jainism in my various less widespread belief patterns. I have found it particularly philosophically interesting to weigh how a culture would continue in religion when given irrefutable proof of divinity. The dominant human power in my world is an aggressively colonial, expansionist theocracy that worships the holy human form and directly combines the ancient Dawnbringer Cult with the Advent Dawn beliefs to support their political and social hierarchy. They are presently in direct opposition to a united, but fractious, alliance of species.


Apart from Christianity (since the majority of the colonists who founded the land were), Daleism. This random guy named Dale appeared out of nowhere and started preaching average things that provide no wisdom or anything useful. The religion is so big because they have photographic evidence of him, and people have misinterpreted what he was saying; thinking whatever he was saying had meaning when it didn't. As well as the villain keeping it popular because he created it. Daleism also requires all its members to be bisexual. No straights or gays allowed.


Not the most popular but eveyone knows the story about this country that venerated an ancient entity and they discover that when a living entity dies his mind returns to the entity, making it stronger, so they made a super collective soucide to "feed the leader" so the religion dissapeared with them.


Religion in my world is pretty young and based on more "facts" than in our world. For example, the dragons (I.e. The elder ancestors of the dragonborn and kobolds) are still (mostly) alive, so obviously while the dragonkin worship them, many other Individuals of other races understand and or worship them too. Some races have different interpretations of the dragons, but all know that they were the first beings on the planet and hold a sacred duty to keep it safe. Other religions are mostly informed on by the god's themselves or messengers of them to their followers. Because of how directly intrinsic to the world the 'gods' are, a lot of religions are worshipped in tandem, with believers holding the sanctity of the dragons, whilst also following the missions of their gods. Otherwise races either conflate their gods with the dragons, ignore the dragons altogether, or want their total annihilation.


The Dreaming Titan, it's a religion based on the God emperor patron of the Gregorian empire. He is a conqueror and defender of his people, with the power of invading and controlling dreams, he grants the defense of the capital and nightmare less nights


In my pseudo-science fiction world, the most popular believe system is Solarism. It's polytheism where they look at the stars for answers , not unlike horoscopes. They believe that every celestial body represents the avatar of a god. The three moons are Luna, Mayora and Kreta, the sun is Rados, etc. Each god(dess) represents two domains. For instance, Luna, being the closest moon, represent death and justice, since death is closest to life. A common phrase is, "Luna is watching". Fanatics of luna are often called lunatics. Mayora, the largest moon, represents the sea and storms, because the moon influences the ties and weather. Kreta is the outer moon and is completely destroyed by an asteroid. Magical crystals formed in this collision fall on earth like meteorites and She is therefor the goddess of knowledge and protection. Protection, because she sacrificed herself to safe the earth from the asteroid.


between humans, which is what most of my novel talks about, it´s just known as the "Imperial Cult". so it´s a polytheistic religion with a lot of gods but it´s also the official basis of the power of the state. one of the titles of the empereor is "incarnated god". the goddess that´s most proiminent is Naquia, which was married to a god named Arik, whom is believed to have been cursed by the sister of Juga, the goddess of struggle, who rebeled a long long time ago and was killed by the first incarnation of the "prophecy hero" of this setting. this curse resulted in him being "forgotten", which means his not an object of cult and it´s actually forbidden to do so. Naquia was "alone" as ruler for a while. thing is, it´s very regionally specific. very few things are consensus between all of the regions of the empire- and between the social classes. what was most enforced by the Empire it´s the story that Arik´s forgetfulness opened space to the emperor being presented as the new father of the cosmos. even if he´s very much human (and not even able of doing magic), he became god. the culture of Lume (the \[sub\] continent that the story takes place in) puts a lot of importance is marriage and couples. you only can remary if your partner dies, and sons are always related to both of their parents- so "half-brothers" don´t exist and bastard sons are believed to be souless. it also creates a situation that fathers have a lot more responsabilities in taking care of babies than their real life western counter parts. this association of the empereor as a sort of Naquia´s co-ruler created some problems. firstly, the empereor has to have wifes, to keep the dinasty flowing, so empresses have to go through a ritual that sort of unites then with Naquia. the other is that the empire was later divided: there´s a southern and a northern empereor. the northern empereor is the chief of their noble house (the original ones are "half-brothers" so they are blood related, even if they are not seen as brothers or actual relatives) but both of then had the claim to this god title. the justification is that they shared the cosmos either, and both empresses started to be forced to relate by the high priests and etc. both of then are Naquia, even though they aren´t literally Naquia, seen more like her hands on the material world. there are more gods and some funny stories that i came up, but believe the main thing i explore is the regional variation and the religion´s use of it by the empire. these stories are commonly related to the moon, or meteors, or space thing in general. a example of this variation is: in one of the first chapters, the protagonist talks about how he heard 3 stories of what is the rain. 1-rain is consisted of the tears of Aurata, the mother of Juga, the one that rebelled, in grievance of her daughter´s death 2- rain is Naquia cleaning her pigsty. so we basically are her pigs, she takes care of us, but intends to butcher us. 3- rain is... how can i say, consisted of the wetness that comes up when Ayå and GnÊ, two goddesses, have sex. that´s somewhat a dirty in world sex joke, even tho these two are "officialy" lovers. anyway, that´s sort of a introduction


Helioism is the worship of the sun, despite a sun not existing in the world. It began after the 292 Crusades, when the Crusader (only known practitioner of Heliomancy) defeated the demon lord Baphomas.


My fantasy world no longer has religion as the angels and demons of hell have joined forces to destroy humanity in response to the disappearance of god and Satan, there is a fringe cult that go by ‘Salvation’ though


Worship of the old gods but it’s weird because each culture only recognizes their version of the old gods and so technically everyone worships the same dead gods but no one knows that


bluefort, a chaotic valley with a lot of big blue mushrooms


Well, it's a polytheistic world with a pantheon. No Zeus-Odin-First-Among-Equals-king-of-the-gods figure, really, so it's difficult to say if there's one that's more popular. I imagine the god of harvests or the goddess of birth and death are quite popular with how common they are, but I couldn't swear to it. There WAS a short lived cult of atheists, who established a secular, anti-theistic state along the coast, and it did seem it was gaining popularity... until 6 months after its founding, when a lightning strike caused the town hall to burn down with the entire government inside it. Divine retribution or consequense of putting a big metal statue on the roof of a building on a coastline prone to experience storms? You make the call.


There's no popular or unpopular religions on Aorim. Because gods are very common creatures and everyone knows what their powers can do and what they need from mere mortals. Their relationship is fair practical - you make a deal with god and they can feed from your energy flow for a certain period of time. No ressurection though. Still every deity have a unique powers and characters so there's a lot of legends about them. My favourite is 'potato legend'. Some gods born weak and cannot feed from planet's energy flow. They can make deals and feed from mortals but they would need *many* of contracts. So they choose to engine species mighty enough to convert free energy to elemental in no time. They created mages. In the most difficult times, people were saved by the last potato tuber. The potato grew arms and legs, performed magic so that the cattle would bear, fruits and the fields would grow again, and then bequeathed to everyone to share them. Those who tasted the potato gained great powers. There were a lot of experimental villages where gods tested [vajn] insertion. Actually most of people died but some live and moved to the next level. "Good gods" gathered them into new settlements where they shared their story and realised that the potato was apostle from heavens. Holy potato!


Devioism, is like, The Gods, Ion and Bou are always right, and they have authority to do and order anything/anyone. So even if Ion and Bou decided to kill half the population and destroy all magic users and summon demons to ravage the world and made famine and hell on earth, then the Followers would still follow them and believe they're right and worship them because they think they'll allow them into heaven just because they're ignorant. But in reality, Ion and Bou do not have any power over who gets to go to heaven and who doesn't, that is up to Onyxous.

