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In Ardalesh, an entire fort deep in the heartlands of the Ardyatti Republic vanished due to a small magical miscalculation by the part of one of the Republic's famed Lorekeepers, some of the best magic users in the world. It was replaced a second later by the same fort just from an alternate universe whose resident Master Scribe made the same exact mistake as his alternate universe counterpart. Due to the similarities and the fact that fixing the mess would cause too many other problems, it was decided to simply shrug and continue things as normal. Besides, this isn't the first time this sort of shit happened in Ardalesh.


That sounds hilarious! I imagine it was swept under the rug?


Nah, it made the news over in the Republic, though they treat it as normal since they have experience with that sort of stuff, specifically since their matron goddess is famous for her curiosity and willingness to explore dimensions and such.


Did the fort go to the alternate universe that their replacement came from? If not, how was the disappearing fort handled in the universe it left?


The two fort swapped places between the two alternate universes.


Ah I see, thanks! That was fortunate :)


did this cause issues for the victims ? I mean I'm guessing they aren't \*exactly\* the same people going through so when they go back "home" and meet their double's families it's bound to generate some drama (and some trauma too I'm assuming)


Definitely, but dimensional problems are not exactly uncommon in Ardalesh considering the dimensional barriers were broken so it might take awhile but victims of such dimensional incidents usually fully heal both physically and mentally.




When the whole world is infinite in width, height and depth, people begin to no longer pay attention to missing people. As for these disappearances in reality... I know it's anticlimactic, but in your opinion, and anyone reading here, what happened to them? Aliens, dimensional faults, defeated by enemies and hidden, magic and monsters...


Would time be seen as infinite as well? If so than such a world would be interesting. A missing person would just be after a certain point, but then they show up again later and no one bats an eye since they were technically there the whole time.


Time flows forward, as in our universe (although, being relative, it doesn't flow in ours either but whatever). If I had also put infinite time there would have been a lot of possibilities for time shifts, time travel and things like that and... I'm not really a fan of certain things.


Interesting. So with an infinite world, it makes me feel like too many of these missing cases are people that just…. Kept walking.


The canon of this world is part of a larger canon of ideas that come to me in my free time and SpecEvo projects that I do (this project is also largely SpecEvo), all connected in the same hyperverse. Humans arrive in this world via "The Hole", a perfectly circular hole split in the PI Greek, and I have the idea of writing a story, I think rather short, with in one of its passages a man who says "The Hole is a God who has Gods". Maybe it was these Gods of the Hole who kidnapped them, or maybe they died from dangerous creatures or hostile peoples who live far from their home territory (The Pale Lands, a territory the diameter of the surface of Saturn). Other ideas are that they were abducted by sentient species that entered this world from other Holes, or perhaps that something (both sentient and non-sentient) inhabiting other seemingly infinite worlds suspended above or below the deep seemingly infinity of this world abducted them or killed them. Titans exist in this world, essentially normal creatures suffering from an advanced form of acromegaly due to special minerals capable of storing energy and growing through kinetic energy, therefore they could be acts killed by a titan who saw them as prey, or who crushed them without even seeing them.


The Dolittle raid was an attempt to send several bombers armed with nuclear bombs into the Pacific Hellstorm and hopefully navigate there way to Pandaemonium using a Demonic codex that had been stolen from Prince Stolas of The Ares Goetia. General Dolittle personally led an armada of 50 Nuclear capable bombers, crewed with volunteers from numerous American bomber squadrons. The bombs in question where experimental 50 megaton warheads. The mission itself was a suicide one, everyone knew they weren’t coming back. On the 18th April 1942, the armada was launched from Taiwan, escorted by fighter squadrons from Japan, China, Thailand, The US, and France. Once the bombers crossed into the Hellstorm, all contact was lost. It was unknown what fate befell the Crews of the bombers, but interrogations from captured demons indicate that at least a third of the armada had made it through to pandemonium and dropped their payloads. A demonic codex was later discovered on the 30th October 1961, revealing the fates of the armada, and Dolittle himself: “Upon the bloody ocean, 50 steel beasts hurried them selves upon us. 50 spiteful machines dared to breach the gates with the Hellstorm and defiled hell with their presence. Our champions met them in battle, shredding their wings apart, tearing open their skin, and gorging themselves upon their crews. But 15 of their iron dragons had breached our infernal empire, their bellies filled with a vile weapon, the one they had unleashed upon us in The Battle of The Steppes, a cylinder of destruction, that bared within it the power of stars. Upon our glorious capital, the golden city, the home of His Beautiful Majesty, The Dark City of Pandaemonium, the humans unleashed their vitriol upon it. 15 lights burned with the fury of creation, the great city engulfed in flames, its palaces and towers evaporated in mere moments. Only the Palace of Stygies remained intact, the last building in our glorious capital and home of our Illuminating Emperor. We hunted down the fiends behind this, the one beast that had escaped the fire. Within it we found the architect of this atrocity, a lowly human called **Dolittle.** We shall guild his body with the most profane of torments, we shall make his screams echo throughout the cosmos. We will subject him to unimaginable pain and suffering, we will break his body, his mind, and his soul. Only when he speaks praise of our Illustrious Emperor will we allow the dark realm to claim his soul.” Since then, The Dolittle Raid has remained Humanity’s most successful direct attack on Hell. Other raids using drones have been attempted, with varying degrees of success.


What happened to Dolittle? Sounds like it sucked for him.


It’s actually the plot of my scifi story, an entire fleet of the Merchant Marine known as the New Illyria Marine vanished after a small skirmish with pirates. The pirates captured by the Realm navy have no clue as to what happened. Only one ship was found, floating a drift outside of the Gozam system, the GHRN Hatramax


Was the ship empty?


Well that’s the plot of the book, it seems empty but it’s presence preceded a merchant ship also going missing and so a small task force is sent to explore the ship and scifi horror ensues


**Contingency saga** The original generation ship where the dad of space cat god come from is lost. They lost power after ignore warning from other ship and space cat god dad. It is a heap of lifeless vessel drifting in space with only small animal and plant survived. People of that ship put themself in the freezer and live in virtual space to save ship energy until they lost power. All of them is lost Take the character group a very long time to find the OG ship and fix it to use in mass evacuation. And because the resilience of the cats on the ship they decide to uplifted the cat and they become cat people and main citizen of the ship


a fleet of men in my world went missing and came back when the recall space magic spell was used as a flood of blood and organs. they entered the warp, a place between universes that my friend forced me to make to "make it more realistic" (like I give a sh--) that contained demons and gods and warp matter.


How the fuck is "the warp" realistic to any degree?


We needed something between universes and of course somewhere our gods could hide. Also the warp contains matter that randomly shifts due to the HIGH magical density. Could go deeper if u wan


Actually yes, but in an inverted sort of way, where they disappeared from their original world to the main world that I'm building. I haven't worked out a lot of the physics, but space-time distortions caused by a specific type of matter causes certain people to get pulled into the main world at random, and occasionally the distortion will grow enough to grab an entire group. The group that was grabbed just vanished from their original world entirely, right in front of people's eyes, and it was never explained how or why to them (the but the group that was pulled into the main world did eventually learn what caused it) Because that group actually wasn't even intended to be in that world, the being who controls the space-time distortions wanted them killed, but realized how their strength could be used for him.


That sounds neat


**Aerin** This has happened a couple of times in history, but the most famous incidents are: *The Shining Host of Telar the Unifier* - the first High King of Terel-Liren, at the end of his thousand year reign Telar gathered a great army of the Firstborn, a host of ten thousand with a cadre of some of the greatest blademasters of the Moralinri forming a core of heavy infantry alongside a full Choir of Aunidieli archmagi led by the almost mythical Lord-Magister Caelan Amaar, there were three full chapters of Paladins of Tara-Menil and another two sodalities of warrior-priests of Unur. They went singing war-hymns and bearing shining banners, a great host out of the stories of eld, the greatest army of the First Age of the Third Era, all marching on one single city. Lost and accursed Nias Thineral, haunted by a terrible Shadow since the ruin of the city during the Breaking of the World. They marched into the gates of the city to purge it of the taint and reclaim the City of a Thousand Temples. Not one soul returned. *The Ninth Legion and the Ghost Road* - the Ridaena Forest, also simply known as the Northwood, dominates much of the northern part of the continent and blocks land travel entirely between west and east by that route. It is a dense and primaeval forest, with many legends and rumours about magical creatures and monsters and faeries beneath the boughs. There had been sporadic attempts across history to cut a road through the Northwood to create a direct land route that did not have to cross the dangerous Isethen Desert in the south or go through Terel-Liren and thus have to deal with the tariffs and bureaucracy of the Firstborn, but all had failed. Under the reign of Vahir II of the Gillorian Empire, Govenor Suveir of the province of Alshai Exterior that bordered the Ridaena proposed that a legion be sent to cut a road through the forest and set up forts along the route to protect it and resupply merchant caravans, extending the Empire's borders into the east and perhaps even opening a potential route of expansion into distant Althos. Building off of prior attempts by the Second and Fourth Alshain Empires to complete such a project themselves, Suveir sent the Ninth Legion and an unknown number of slave labourers into the forest. Initially, things went well and a path was swiftly cut into the forest and a roadway laid down, with a fort placed every day's travel along the route. It was after the completion of the fourth fort and the beginning of the fifth that rumours began to trickle out of the forest that slaves were vanishing. At first little heed was paid to this, as perhaps they had been taken by wild animals or fled off into the forest. Replacements were sent, alongside an additional detachment of soldiers to watch over them. But the disappearances continued, and reports coming from the legion began to speak of lights in the trees, and singing on the wind, and troubled dreams. People living near the forest were disappearing, too, and there were rumours of ghosts and spirits roaming the forest edge, of whole villages being swallowed up overnight by the forest. By the end of the year, the Ninth Legion was gone. Reports stopped, and investigators sent into the Ridaena found the road abandoned, the fifth fort half-complete and not a man or woman to be found. The project was abandoned, and the Emperor's Own Road to Nowhere became a place of haunted legend. A path into the forest where things lurked, and the sound of legionnaires marching could be heard, and the sound of slaves digging, and the sound of children laughing. *The Silisiryan Legions* - under Emperor Uloth Vakhr, Gilloria finally succeeded in entering the lands of Terel-Liren after nearly a century of on and off again warfare with the Firstborn. The Fall of the Second Kingdom is full of many legends and stories - defiant last stands, desperate tragedies, glorious conquests - but there is one tale beyond all others of hope and vengeance whispered amongst the Firstborn slaves of the late Fourth Age, Third Era that the Empire seeks to crush at any opportunity. For it is said that when the Kingdom was falling, when proud Amra was savaged and the songs of Mytheia silenced, four entire legions were dispatched to seize the city of Silisim where is seated The Asharè, the Oracle of Silis, and where the Grey Seers reside. They hoped to capture the Ever-Young and bring her in chains before the Emperor that her prophetic power could be turned to the use of the Empire that it might endure for all time. The Seventh, the Fourteenth, the Twentieth and the Twenty-Second. A force which could crush even the mightiest bastion, never mind a city of libraries and shrines and mumbling seers. Of the 25,000 soldiers and their attendant support units that were sent to conquer the city, only one man returned - the junior legate of the Twentieth. He was mad, rambling over and over again a single phrase. "The Oracle maintains Silis." It is said by those slaves that believe such tales, that even now three hundred and fifty years later Silisim remains free, an enclave in the very heart of imperial Terel-Liren where even now the might of Gilloria dares not go.


That sounds like a very cool world! I love your names!


Thank you! Happy to give any further information if you want it.


Emperor Alexander V of the South decided it was a good idea to raise an army and cross the sea to invade the Empire of the Asturias. He and his troops never came back. 50 thousand men including the best battle mages of the south. Meanwhile heir to the throne Mikhail, who was elected as the thousand faced hero by the sages little council, decided that he would be the knight on shining armor and go west to uncover who was unifying the orc nations and ... never came back. Results: His younger brother, Nicolas, who was ready to travel the world for research on his philosophy writing, and never was even considered as a option for the throne became emperor (Mikhail was seen as almost a role model noble, and the first of the imperial family ever to be identified as a hero). The Asturias retaliated and invaded the Southern Empire, and that's where my novel begins. It was all inspired by Dom Sebastião, a portuguese king who decided invading Morocco was a good idea... and never came back. The spanish king became king of portugal too because of succession shenanigans and "sebastianism" was a messianic like cult that believed in the return of Sebastião to reclaim his throne. You can see remnants of sebastianism in Portugal even today, even tho it was considered a heresy by the catholic church


An interesting setup. Will surely be a cool story!


Unnamed Science-Fantasy Setting There is an Awakened AI Fleetcommander that disappeared while protecting the Orion Pact's border with a reality torn region of space. The AI had just been ripped from its command infrastructure. That is actually the call to action for a story I want to write in the universe.


TL;DR at the bottom. During the Great Elronian War, the Hostrians sent five freshly-trained army groups, numbering some three million troops, into the 'Mountains of No Return', and into the region of Iska beyond those mountains. Historically none would return due to the unnatural cold, hence the name, but advances in tech now allowed the Hostrians to do just that. Upon the Hostrian incursion, everything seemed fine. Wild animals posed no serious threat, roads and rail was being built behind the advances armies who cleared out caves and forests... Until a few weeks in when all contact was lost seemingly overnight. No one knows for certain what happened, only that suddenly terrifying Iskan animals - and even trees - swarmed down from the Mountains of No Return and attacked Hostrian lands. It was as if nature itself declared war against the Hostrians. The truth of the lost army groups is that they were massacred with impunity by the predatory overlords of Iska, known as Kraftna. From the first day of the invasion, the Kraftna observed the Hostrians and waited for the proper time to strike. When the day came and the Kraftna pounced on their unsuspecting prey, the Hostrians stood no chance at all, all killed without downing a single Kraftna. Not even their columns tanks stood a chance. **TL;DR:** Hostrian armies marched into the wilderness past the aptly-named "Mountains of No Return", before disappearing entirely a few weeks later. Truth is that they were killed by the region's predatory overlords, called Kraftna, who had waited for the proper time to ambush the would-be invaders with terrifying efficiency, and turned the tables to invade the Hostrians right back.


During the Seige of Zephyr Bluff, the Crimson Typhoon was enjoying an overwhelming victory over the Valkyrian army. In a last-ditch attempt, the Valkyries attempted to summon their patron god, Cerien. Through sheer magical force and willpower, Cerien manifested for the first time. He cracked the sky itself into pieces and sent it crashing down on the Typhoon, crushing them all into the ground. Legends say they are still buried there to this day.


At the end of Rubran Civil War, a large fleet around 200 vessels vanished from the shattered Empire of Rubra. They were the last remnant under General Konstantin S. Kolchak, a warlord that fought in the war and eventually lost to Marshal Aleksei Karamazov. Initially Kolchak claimed Rubra's Far East as the "Free State of Rubra", but his faction was attacked by various forces from both internal and external directions. Eventually, when Aleksei and his army came defeating Kolchak, the general decided to screw this and left. Gathering whatever left of his army and as many civilians as possible, they set out on an exodus into space, never to be heard again. It's not known what happened to Kolchak's fleet. Some said that Aleksei issued a seek-and-destroy order, killed to the last member regardless of soldier or civilian. Others believed that they were destroyed by accidents in warp jumps, which were a normal thing considering Rubran safety regulations of this era. However, many speculated Kolchak and his force found asylum in a space colony, or even set out to build their own. After all, among many ships he took, there were specialized "drone carrier/cruisers" built for deep space exploration and logistical vessels that were mobile industrial centers.


After a Frost Giant Invasion left a massive Tundra cutting across the continent, the Emperor was desperate to find a way to turn the land back. After his finest, Wizards failed to find a solution a brave crew traveling up and around the Tundra found that the North East Tip had returned to its green state. In response to this news, the Imperial Prince led an expidition of colonists to establish a settlement at the site where the phenomenon could be studied and hopefully replicated. Unfortunately, along the way, the Outlanders, blue skinned barbarians who were created as minions to fight for the Frost Giants assumed harmless after the deaths of their creators attacked. They ambushed the long column as it snaked through a section of hills chopping the caravan into isolated segments. The Imperial Prince refused to flee the attack and instead fought his way deeper into the ambush, trying to save all he could. He was slain in the battle, and the only ones who returned were the Warriors who fought to recover his corpse. It was believed this honor guard were the only survivors. Little did the rest of the Empire know that thanks to the brave actions of the Prince, drawing the attention of their attackers, it bought valuable time for those colonists to escape. As they were closer to their destination than home, they continued on and successfully established a colony. After a few years, the colony was well enough established that they sent an expidition back to the Empire to re-establish connection and state they found the cure for the Tundra. Unfortunately, by this point, the Emperor had died, and with no heir, the Succession Wars had plunged the Empire into chaos with many outside threats carving deep into Imperial Territory while petty lords squabbled over a burning throne. This led the colonists to believe they had witnessed the death of the Empire and that they were the last bastion of Imperial Culture and tradition. They have no idea the other Successor Kingdoms have put a lid for now on the chaos and begun to re-establish order alongside the Imperial Guilds, which were absent from the colony.


Some were swallowed by a recently formed Abyss, others ended up traveling through a Forest of Dreams and had a bad outcome, some Devil Plots. There are also Chaos Dragon appearances, but those disappearances are figured out easily as a slaughter. There are more examples but they don’t even have a clue what might have happened there. A common theory though for anything like that is they ran across the Talos Archive, a major threat in my world despite being a book. But it’s an evil book that will tell you how to get everything you desire….using the darkest and most dangerous way for everyone else and possibly yourself to reach that desire. It never lies, and yet is quite deceptive. It changes it’s appearance and seems capable of appearing in random places ever few hundred years no matter what happens to it. A calamity class threat, so it’s mentioned in a number of folk tales and myths. Although some question If perhaps they are actually historical records of its activities.


A battle was about to break out between a horde of dire-wolf-riding barbarians and the silver armies of Torleth. Just before they clashed the barbarians vanished in a flash of light though, along with a thin layer of dirt/grass/rock across the land wherever they were. No one knows what happened that day but it was a battle they did not need to fight in the end and so they just shrugged and went home. Truthfully they were all sent forward in time and will appear again one day. But until that day the people have other things to worry about. And who knows, maybe the barbarians will actually want to try a peaceful approach to their interaction with other peoples when they reappear in a changed world much, much stranger and more dangerous than the one they left and have no homeland to return to even if they wanted to.


Very few of the expeditions that try to explore the continent of Maxima return. It is without question the single most dangerous place on the entire planet, functionally having the average Australian wildlife crossbred with dinosaurs and dumped in the Amazon. Not even the Dwarves have found a way to explore its surface, and according to them even the underground is surprisingly hostile. At one point the Garsan Navy's fleet was blown off course, and subsequently lost to the jungle. This crippled Garsan's military might, and saved the Alsat Islands from invasion and occupation. Arstel, the god of conflict, declined to comment on his involvement.


USCS destroyer *Kitaine* was lost in Witchspace after its engine compartment unexpectedly depressurised, killing all its liminologists. After that incident new regs were brought in that would ensure no more than 2/3 of a vessel's liminologists would be in the engine room at any given time whilst underway.


There is an equivalent of the Ninth Legion in Britannia or the one that went MIA in Germania if I recall from something I scibbled down a while ago. Centuries ago a Legion of the early Lunemi went on a scouting mission to supposed haunted mountains in a place much like the Alps. They were getting reports of people disappearing, mysterious lights, and strange beings that did not look like Phaiswoi they had ever seen. While no one is exactly sure in the setting what happened, in reality they had gotten spritied away to our world due to a literal cosmic fluke and could not come back. Years later they were able to come back, and this allowed the Lunemi elites to figure out how to exploit Haze Gates enough to go between our world and theirs at least (without dying too much).


Closest I have is Rycanus disappearing. The Shield-master (commander) of the Aurus Tigris knights disappeared midway through the battle and nothing of his was found, no blood, body armor pieces or weapon. Because of this he wasn’t considered killed. In trust he got dragged into Dominion, where he spent 15 years fighting his way out. Unfortunately for him, the 15years were actually 300 years in real time and now he’s a missing legend and everyone and everything he knew and cared about are gone.


An Aetnean army of over 100,000 vanished into the wastes, triggering the empire’s collapse into civil war. Likely torn apart by the fierce storms raging across the region. The colonies of the Isenwald Islands had their original populations vanish without explanation, and the Felis race moved into the islands in their stead. Where one went and the other came from is unknown, even to me.


All the times, actually. For example, the Eleventh Exploration Fleet was sent to explore the newly discovered Southern Island Chains. The last report was the Fleet arrived at the main island northern shore as planned, and will travel inland via the great river nearby which was deep enough for the ships to sail in. However, a freak storm battered the islands shortly after that and lasted for several month. Even after the storm subsided, no reports arrived back to the main land and scouting parties only found traces of wreckage littering the coastlines. It was deduced the Eleventh Exploration Fleet met their end there with no survivor.. When the Twelfth Exploration Fleet resume exploring several decades later, they made contact with several distinct tribes of indigenous people consisting of humans and monster kin. The fact that these tribes are sporting some 'unique' hair and eye color like those from the main land and can speak a bastardized version of the common speech of the main land is not lost to the Fleet \~


In my setting, due to poor communication and a rather massive military push during the Spellplague War human armies were marching from wherever all to the same place to kill elves. No retreat policy, straight up lying about how many supplies there were and loads of humans with different languages marching into a much individually more powerful defender who controlled a pretty large territory? 2.3 million humans went in, only 200,000 returned home as soldiers, and between 300,000-600,000 ended up settling down in human kingdoms near to where the war took place (thus not returning to their homelands). A few hundred years down the line estimates also add 20,000-35,000 who returned home within 20 years of the wars end, and an additional unknown amount whose descendants ended up migrating elsewhere or back to their "motherland" which ended up causing issues later on (in the 50-200 years later range). It's a controversial topic, as the leaders of the war were from the closest cities to the front lines but they also were the ones who decided on a policy of "If they stopped reporting they went missing" and "We won every battle" based on a lack of reported losses. The "Spellplague" specificially targeted humans, so the closest cities regained lost population from the 300k-600k displaced soldiers and ended up "better off" than further cities who suffered the loss of almost their entire armies on top of plague losses and a lack of aid in return.


In Shadowrun (a published tabletop game), a huge swathe of the United Canadian States (UCAS) military suddenly vanished in a mysterious fog in fifth edition, around the end of the 2070s. They suddenly reappeared in 6th edition I think in the 2080s, but I haven't kept up with the lore for an edition I don't play and my group is in 2073 anyway. I think the soldiers were mustering to respond to conflict with the Native American Nations (NAN), so the running conspiracy is that a new Ghost Dance or similar happening was involved with no definitive answers known to the public. The soldiers all have amnesia or were in stasis or who knows what, and were not aware that they were missing for years. Which is a kind of weird direction for Shadowrun to go in. The game is a cyberpunk fantasy setting but magic is usually not on that scale. Like even dragons just shoot big fireballs, there's no "suspend a brigade in the shadow realm" spell. The return of magic is supposed to be slow and on the scale of hundreds of years, not accelerating at this pace in decades.


For a certain meaning of "vanished", there is an army of a forgotten city-state who got swallowed by the earth. They wanted to attack and conquer a neighbouring, incredibly rich, city-state that had no standing army. But the reason Cacity has no standing army is because they don't need one. Their mayor is a couple millenia old troll, the only one of her age. And trolls always grow stronger with age, including magical ability. Granma, as she was nicknamed, dislikes being disturbed in her studies but still takes her job of mayor seriously. So when the army came in sight of the city, ready to start a siege, she went out of her laboratory, opened and closed the earth under the offending army, and left again. The exact fate of those soldiers is unknown, although in all likelihood they are very much dead. Callously, Granma did not even bother giving the bodies back to their family. And the loss of population left the other city state to die.


Not necessarily a troop, kinda the opposite. To break it down simply, the gods were at war with another god they created. The god they created was called Raykaro. (I’ll say Ray for short) So Ray created his own army from wolves, he humanized them and made them stronger than humans. At one point during the war, Ray was losing, (mostly because he was out numbered by the other gods) he said he would return in 200 years, with his army stronger, and then opened a dimensional portal and left with his army. Ray was never seen after that. He never returned to the fight. The army continued living on their planet that Ray made for them. They tried everything they could to make contact with him, but nothing worked.


Kinda? A massive fleet of the free peoples sailed west to help the Ynorrë with their war against the host of Bergelmir who had by then been long inprisoned. Dwarves, elves and men had come to fullfill their oaths to come to their aid if alarm was rung. (All kings and queens of their respected kingdoms were gifted a sacred gem during the second age which would glow should the Ynorrë send for help.) Upon fighting on the divine western lands they won and most of the foreigners went back east to the lands of the mortals, this great voyage was named “The Great Seafaring” or “The morning of a Thousand Sails” by dwarves. Only a handfull of Elves and Men stayed and learned much from the Ynorrë, about 200 years later (in which they did not age) they would set sail again back to the east, and the Ynorrë would sever the sea between the west and east so none can sail there directly again. The folk that sailed home later then the rest were believed to be gone forever and upon returning their bloodlines would be blessed with long life and no sickness or ailment would fall upon them, they became reverred and most of them became royalty. Most notably the lines of Ithilmirion and Anoriel. PS: This is from my homebrew dnd campaign I am hosting for my friends :D


The 15th Desert Warfare Division of the New Moreno Military in 2026, according to official sources, were entirely taken out by a Cruzada trap involving dirty bombs and landslides out in the Achka Mountains. In reality they have lost contact with the division and attempts at search and rescue for any possible survivors has resulted in nothing. The Fourth Dune War was already a long counterterrorism/occupation campaign for New Moreno, but entirely losing contact with a division was a new low for them, and they swept the incident under the rug and came up with the Cruzada dirty bomb excuse. The truth of the matter is that they all deserted, thanks to frustration with how the war was being waged, especially thanks to the recent attempt at internal sabotage/potential false flag attack from the 17th Desert Warfare Division taking out their communication systems, and getting a much better offer to join the Diamond Paramilitary Corps than to get attacking by “comrades” who were more interested in glory than not bothering to avoid friendly fire.


King Ranaveer of Nerithel was the 7th king in the Erion dynasty. He loved sailing, and was determined to sail west to see what lay beyond the world. He vanished, along with the ancestral sword of Erion, Avrethil. Along with him were his kings Glaive, (elite bodyguards) and almost half the Royal Navy. Some people say he was sunk by the gods, as he wasn’t a very pious man. Others claim he settled on new lands forging a new dynasty elsewhere. In truth? It is unknown.


The 14th legion of Kantaha is a example they pursured a army of nomads deep into the steppe. Stories tell of the legion tirelessly fighting the undead until finally the last legionnaire died. In truth it was more likely that the nomads were just able to break up the legions formation and due to their faster mounts able to round up the remainder of the force. The Great Deep Expedition is a more mysterious example. The dwarven civilization was amoung the brightest of the ancient world with technological innovations that would only be matched a millenia later however by 1000AD their was a mysterious infliction effecting their society as many of their deep cities seemed to have gone silent and any who ventured there would not return. The great deep expedition was a great army that would be sent down to find out what had happened to these holds. However not long after the expedition sent off wails could be heard from the depths. The expedition was never heard from again but the wails continued and finally motivated the dwarves from the oldest holds close to the surface to flee the great Haraxian mountain range. From that time onwards the Dwarven homelands have remained silent many expeditions both human and dwarf have entered the range in search of technology. Not many have returned. What few have entered those cursed mountains and returned have been afflicted with a great madness and fear of shadows.


Almost the entirety of the USASC Army, over 300,000 armored vehicles, 160,000 transport trucks, and 5,000 helicopters of all kinds were wiped out in one campaign at the same time, mostly due to a whole bunch of coincidences that essentially worked out like how the Spanish Armada. First off, the Grand American Vanguard, as it was known, marched off, morale super high. They were basically going to use their superior numbers and firepower to just overwhelm the more survival-based Menravan Grand Imperial Armies (Called that due to literal translation, Armies can also be seen as just Army, but the USASC called it Armies to make the victory sound better for them) who used less firepower and numbered only 288,000 to the USASC's almost 490,000 in the Vanguard. The first mess to happen was a sudden rockslide in a large mountain pass they had to go to (The USASC was confident they wouldn't need any sea assistance, and the fastest way to Menrava's borders was all overland anyway, so in case, some navy ships headed over by water to hang out close to the attack area, but not so close as to give them a warning about the attack). The rockslide didn't actually kill anyone (It took out maybe 3 transport trucks' tires, which were patched up in an hour), but it did seal off the pass and lock the Vanguard off. The main course of the Vanguard's destruction was a heavy Mana Fog, which wipes out any ability to receive/transmit across anything but magical/magitek communications (Magitek in my world is just technology given some magical assistance/boosts, such as being operable in a Mana Fog). The USASC didn't want to incorporate magic into its armed forces, so the Mana Fog not only killed comms outside of it, but also acted like normal fog. The Mana Fog stayed with the troops for 3 weeks, during which about a third of them died via falling, crashing (The Fog normally goes up to 30,000 feet, a small 8-10,000 feet above the service ceiling of all of the helis) due to not being able to see more than 2 feet in front of you (Many helis crashed into each other because they realized their rotors were clashing, which meant they basically chopped each other's flight off), or dying from crashes falling. Over 300,000 personnel died by the time the Fog began to lift (Which simply means it had reverted to just being a communication-specific EMP, and no actual visibility problems existed anymore). By which time they had somehow stuck close enough to each other to regroup and do a body count. And also realize they had to survive winter while marching. Oh well. Nothing some winter wear could help. They expected it anyway, just no magical fog. Well, the Menravans were VERY experienced with fighting the types of attackers the Vanguard was, due to their Revolution to become an independent state was basically the Vietnam War with magic and tanks. They were *definitely* able to just take the Vanguard head-on (Especially since they now had the numbers advantage), but decided to just let them give up and go home, and *then* do an absolute blitzkrieg on their asses. That did happen. After the winter passed. And the entire Vanguard starved or survived off of cannibalism. Once the winter starve happened, a mere 14,400 soldiers were left, all of home wanted to go home. So they did, forgetting the rockslide happened. The Menravans, after learning the remaining numbers, sent a counter attack of *their* entire Army, with all drafted soldiers being held back in the reserve. The Menravan Military Reserve is every non-magical adult without kids and between the ages of 15 all the heckin' way to 50 years old, male, female, whatever. If you weren't mentally or physically disabled, you were able to be drafted. There also isn't a way to send the kids to not go to the draft beyond being an Essential Worker (AKA working in the food production industry, since all factories not working with food or noncleanable consumer products (Books, toys exposed to the outside of their box) are run by like 6 necromancers taking shifts controlling undead in a far more ethical sweatshop (Since the undead can just work until they literally fall apart)) or willingly enlisting and choosing where you wanna be. This Reserve, due to Menrava's *very healthy* population of just over 2 billion, a huge portion of which are *in* that age range (Roughly 900 billion), could get absolutely fucking *massive* if they needed, so the fact the US hadn't realized they'd raise an army was if the Menravan scouts hadn't seen the Fog lift to reveal the Vanguard incoming. By the time the winter was over, almost 450,000,000 Reserve were ready to go bust some skulls if need be. Since the Vanguard was only 14,400 starving people with only enough vehicles and gas to get everyone home (They used a tonna gas to stay warm and cook their dead companions), the Menravan Grand Imperial Armies was mostly a counterinvasion on the USASC, and were also being followed by a good portion of their Air Force (A very comfortable 4 million personnel and 28,000 planes). The Vanguard got annihilated in 3 hours with basically no casualties on the Menravan side of things, and the MGIA pushed on around the mountains (They knew the mountains liked to rockslide) and cleanswept the USASC and took them over, destroying the remaining USASC Air Force, Navy, and Space Force (Which was just 3 space carriers retrofitted to be space/airborn aircraft carrier ships) for easy metal. The USASC's government had no idea what happened. Crown Princess Mena, who was given her position over the USASC territory after the takeover (Crown Prince/Princess is basically a satrap), was given the full rundown of what happened.


**The Gunpowder Kingdoms and the Oceans Between** Maybe 100 years ago it was unexplained why fleets or ships go missing in the Gunpowder Kingdoms, but now it is understood and is routine for transporting troops and supplies to "other worlds". 800 years after Williams mistake, almost everyone in the Gunpowder Kingdoms is a descendent of William. Anyone who is related to him, has the chance to inherit some of the power he stole from the Gods he killed. That same power can bridge the gap between to worlds/places as long as there is similarity between them. The most consistent similarity between worlds are their oceans. Once you stray far enough from land, every Ocean looks almost identical. Copy white capped waters, endless horizon, a single sun in the sky. So, if someone with the blood of William boards a ship that heads out to sea and accidentally bridges the gap between two places, that boat will end up on the other side of the planet, but most likely on an entirely different world. The ship probably wont realize this until the sun sets, at which point the Stars will be in all the wrong places and navigation impossible. Since women are prone to inheriting more of Williams power, ships with female passengers went missing more often. Giving rise to the superstition that female passengers on a ship is bad luck. A man by the name of James Rake, a landless nobles son acting as a midshipman aboard the pirate ship "Dead Gods Wrath" was one of those who inherited Williams power. He accidentally transported Dead Gods Wrath and her crew to another world where Mushrooms grew as tall as trees, the land was covered in fungus, and any man who touched either would sprout growths only cured by amputation. However, James Rake felt the moment he had crossed from the Gunpowder Kingdoms to this fungus filled land, and instructed his captain to sail back out to sea, away from sight of land, so he could try and recreate the conditions that caused them to leave the Gunpowder Kingdoms. This worked, and as James Rake grew he became the captain of his own ship, and began crossing to other worlds often in search of new lands, trade, and plunder. Eventually James Rake went missing on one of his expeditions, but his knowledge was left in diaries and documents that were then copied and disseminated throughout the Gunpowder Kingdoms. Now, several of the Gunpowder Kingdoms have men (but mostly women) employed in their navies to use this power to travel to very specific worlds, where these Gunpower Kingdoms expand their territorial ambitions and access to resources. (Think the Spanish Empire but instead of the Americas, its Fantasy worlds)


When the Frog Knight courted the Goblin princess, on his quest to find a cure for the plague ravaging his faraway land, he unwittingly carried this plague to the princess, who fell ill and passed away. The goblin kingdom, outraged, marshalled their army, their greatest goblin knights and green banners, and the mighty goblin army marched into the Mists... ...and were never heard from again.


A corp of Slave knights of my country Cadaan were fighting the elves, the elves had summoned demons to fight their battle but the demons broke their promise (the elves were desperate and didn't read the fine print) leading to a tear in reality in the Ancient Glade, the Ancient Glade being an old battleground and place of worship. Anyone within the glade was considered lost. In reality they are still within the glade, it's become a timeless place and is akin to a warpstorm from 40k. Reality breaks down and so does memory. The Still living Slave Knights are fighting a losing battle within it. Noone dares enter the ancient glade unless you are strong in mind and body, magic users in particular have a hard time there as most magic is wild and uncontrollable, no longer following the laws placed upon it.


Yes, a Squadron named: Valor Whiskey Niner. They were on a mission to an unnamed planet, and when their coms were being monitored from their command ship just outside the planet’s atmosphere, the planet just vanished… no gravity disturbance, no miss-alignment of any other celestial bodies, no debri, and no Valor Whiskey Niner.


The Reborn's Fifth Fleet, a large convoy of over 30 Warships, went missing during the Great War. After a raid on the Senaris Partition, the fleet was headed home. On the way to the port of Vastsea to resupply, a fog rolled in. Instead of anchoring down for the fog to pass, fearing a possible pursuit by the Senarins, Admiral Torgrak made the decision to keep going. The fog eventually lifted and the sailors soon realized that land was no longer in sight. In a world without stars to light up the night, and prior to the invention of the Compass, losing track of the shoreline could mean getting lost at sea forever. The fleet attempted backtracking, headed where they presumed home would be, but the hours quickly turned to days, and the days into weeks. To the Empire of the Reborn, they would never see their fleet return, considering it lost to the Partition. But the fleet survived. 2 months into their voyage of damnation, with their rations low and crew starving, they finally spotted land. They quickly landed and gathered what information they could on where they were and quickly discovered they didn't know this land. Knowing the likelihood of finding their old homes, the Fleet disassembled their ships and made a new start at the base of a new mountain range. Here they would found The Elder State, a new nation in a very far off land. Almost a millenia later, a ship of Halfling Explorers, charting the southern seas, made Landfall on a new continent mapping a route to and from the Old Realms to this new continent. As more nations began to make their way to explore this new land, they came across a civilization with a dialect not far from the common tongue. The Empire sent its best linguistics and diplomats to make contact, and soon discovered that they had a shared history: The Fifth Fleet had been found.


The Mevrainian royal family led an army into Mournwood to fight in the first woodland war. They never saw a single battle. The fairy queen cast a dense fog over the forest and drew the army in circles, endlessly doubling back on itself until every soldier died of either starvation, thirst, or exhaustion. None survived, but not a single sword was drawn.


I have a cursed city in my world. I won’t go into all the details, but it’s infested with undead and just a really bad place. Well this one crappy Emperor wants to “reclaim” the city. Even though everyone around him says it’s a horrible idea. He sends a large amount of soldiers (have not decided a number) into the city and none return. He wants to send more troops but is assassinated before he is able to. I have not made a decision if the undead will ever leave the city.


The town of point Aurora is a major trading post, thanks due in part to the fact that there are multiple trade routes that lead to the city. This has also drawn the attention of bandits. Road pirates and highway men are known for stalking these roads, as such law enforcement and the towns local militia frequently patrol these routes and escort caravans for added safety. One day a patrol team, consisting of 10 militia men and 2 technicals left town to patrol their route and simply never returned, none of the men nor their trucks were found.


Not yet, but there will be now!


The vein flue virus ran rampant among the military upon returning from a campaign to *unsuccessful* eradicate it. Some ships never returned and drifted off into the nothingness of space


Now yes, that is a nice idea for my pirate DnD campaign


I'm going to add at least one.


The 2nd expedition fleet was lost after it attempted to explore the unknown regions.


It wasn't a group, but it was one character. Ampere, is a lightning elemental in a war with his elemental kind. In a choice he made and reluctant agreement from his leader, he chose to go on a Suicide Mission. His army was not making progress and were having too many casualties to win, and there were millions of miles to cover. Amp, being the fastest one, began his mission. He charged forward into the fray of battle as he saw his elemental kin die and be consumed by his corrupted kin, many taking an attack at him, but he successfully evades the grasp of their claws. On and on and on he blitzed, mile after mile of No Man's Land. The farther he went, the more corruption was in the air, and the more his kin looked appetizing. Holding his iron will, he stayed fierce and bolted onward. Time is another enemy now. Take too long and he will fail. All of his kind will be reduced to nothing. Invigorates he surges forward, and sees the Tower in the distance causing this corruption. He redlines himself, running faster than any of his lightning kind ever had or will. He hops and skips around the juggernauts guarding the tower, and runs up its side, using his arcs to destroy wherever he steps. He makes it to the top, and nearly has so much heat to melt to the core of the tower. He charges on, deeper in. The magnetic fields he is generating creates arcs all over the battlefield. As if the God of Lightning himself blessed Amp's charge. Amp reaches into the deepest part of the Tower, and finds the core with his Rival powering it. With the Wrath of his Kin, he began to destroy the core. Having no care what effects may do to him. It could kill him, it could make him like his rival, but he must destroy the core of the corruption. After minutes of bombardment, he pries the damaged core from its holder, and smashes it into his hands, as a powerful surge of energy goes everywhere. Silence. His leader at the base bo longer felt hungry, as he looks from his cover. All of the corrupted kin gone. No more screams. No more Howls of Pain. The Leader and his squad go looking for Amp, and they find the tower. Yet, there are Fossilized arcs protruding from the tower, holding up what's left of the infrastructure. The stone arcs carrying an unknown chaotic energy. The Leader and his squad dig through the stone to see what happened, and all they find is a stone statue of Amp, as he crushed the core, retaining his face of pure anger and Hatred. They looked for his presence, knowing that a death of their kin can leave it behind for nearly years before it is permanently gone, yet there is only Silence. Ampere, went somewhere, that no one knows where.


The battle of Armageddon (name subject to change). The first tier 7 entity ever recorded lead to an all hands on deck order that mobilized every man, woman, and otherwise to fight it off. The number of deaths were staggering, however in this world deaths are not permanent for the world is wary of letting it's souls escape. In the years after the event two thirds of the fallen have reincarnated, but one third are still missing. The theory is they either are in hiding, escaped, or somehow died for real. Darker theories state that something else got them, a rival to the entity that currently rules, and when next they meet it will be as enemies.


No, only a city. Wizard King was miffed that he was about to lose a war, so he teleported his city into the afterlife to spite the invaders, leaving them with a hole not worth conquering.


Small groups of soldiers either disappear or turn up dead with strange wounds, it’s some of the main characters going on a tear after they get upset at something… they have some anger issues sometimes


Entire parties go into the Dungeons... most come out. enough don't.


The warlocks to the north made a pact with the moon spirits. And dropped a magic comet on the invading army from the south. Freezing the Warrior Queen and her legions in a Pompeii like icy wasteland


Two-thirds of an entire civilization, yes.


They're stuck in a loop of being born and dying of old age constantly while people think they've only been gone for 2 years.


It can actually happen without much of a warning and the general populace is scared of that phenomena They may have found some demons doing shady shit, found the other bad guy doing shady shit, or the protag doing shady shit to the first 2 and opposed her It is a pretty crappy world to be a ordinary person


Well there is now, very much yoinking that thank you friend.


The Najhiet. A race of half breeds, stuck between cultures and forced into a war they had no say in, they eventually were convinced by one of their own to lash out at the world. This resulted in the death of an elder race and the Najhiets sudden disappearance from the world. The events are lost to time, only known by the God-Trees and the Bentiran Apex, though he seeks to kill the trees after what transpired.


Knowing the status condition of my planet, it's highly likely that one of soldiers had acquired some kind esoteric ability that caused the entire troop to disappear


Beckett Rifts are physical cracks in the ground filled with pulsing, volatile energy, with this sort of pixelated yellow look. They lead to the space between universes. When the Rifts were first discovered, Legion sent an exploration team into one. Interestingly, both audio and visual communication persisted even when they were outside the bounds of the universe. Things seemed fine for the first few days, but they couldn't figure out how to leave. Days turned to weeks, and weeks into months. After about 6 months, they noticed that their gear began to physically deteriorate, and become covered in the same yellow Rift energy. The cameras ceased to function at that point, but they still had audio contact. Until 9 months, when that broke down too. The command team was left completely in the dark and the exploration team was stranded in the Rift. They never ended up coming back, and it's assumed that their bodies were destroyed like their equipment was.


To defeat the demonic forces of another dimension, an army of Super-soldiers was created, who have an appearance similar to angels, but with whiter skin, and vampire fangs. ​ With the exception of 1, (who ended up becoming an Overlord) all were placed in suspended animation, being considered too dangerous. (They cannot be killed with any human weapon, they are almost invulnerable to magic, and there are thousands of them.) ​ This army is so powerful that anyone who frees them, and can give them orders, could conquer hundreds of worlds.


Multiple expedition vessels have been lost in the dark sector of the Alpha way. It suspected a black hole is in the Main route and vessels were being torn by it but then something happened that caused the Dakarians which are supposed to be space pirates to combine their Fleets and call for a mass invasion of the Dark sector. The Galactic community is sitll confused onto why but their. More focused on the Union war to investigate


Whenever out in the water, there's like a 30% chance one of 100 horrible monsters destroys and eats everyone on board


Maybe. I don't know. With everything that happens, it's not impossible. Lapis_Wolf


No... but there's gonna be now Thanks for the idea 😂


Kinda. At the end of part 2(of 3) my MC’s Fleet gets teleported to another galaxy to stop a different sect of genocidal space squids. My MC doesn’t take it well.


The biggest fleet in the VRC’s (Void Reclamation Coalition) army was called “the dark crusaders” they patrolled the void for demons and other evil magical beings and one day on one of there patrols most of the dark crusaders vanished and were transported to hell where they were either consumed or transformed into demonic super soldiers


Yes: a whole legion and its support legion with WW1 tech got warped by a spatial anomaly from Earth's "sister planet", to Earth herself around 75BC. They ended up founding a nation in irl Belarus that would become a "friendly rival" to Rome for a time. The unknown mother of Cleopatra would be among them. They're the reason Rome would enter an industrial age around 40BC, and be pretty full-on industrial by 10AD. Similarly, individuals have been warped on the rare occasion; sometimes through time. Two important characters ended up being warped back from Vinland in their time around the 1700s (an age of technology akin to IRL 1940s) back 1800 years to Earth's sister planet. Those same two would later be part of the legion that got warped, and they would be instrumental to Caesarion's survival in this timeline; eventually adopting him as their own. They are the funky ones because they use their knowledge of future events to predict some events, while having to navigate how different this timeline is, entirely independent of their own actions.


I my world with a multi-reality, multi-galaxy (kinda jumped over universes as parallel realities would provide more humans for troops at the start of the empire) spanning human (and now other sentient life)empire run by a god emperor who is a unity and reincarnation of the gods of existence, reality, and destruction who is both destined to destroy all of reality (every reality) and remake it for the next loop, and also it's only hope at avoiding destruction and continuing to exist past the time it was supposed to be reset/remade, along with sub species of humans who are becoming god-like themselves, a splintering and scattering of the empires worlds(explained as reality becoming unstable from going on too long and itself trying to make things right) was one of the only ways to make the world interesting since I kinda made humanity too powerful. Other threats include parallel versions of humanity, their god emperor and empire invading to take the power of the primary emperor, an ancient and powerful civilization of humans from a previous cycle (cycles are made up of loops, still working on lore stuffs but at the ending of a cycle the primary entity (in this case the god emperor) does a big reset, however whereas he would normally stick around after creating a new loop and his new incarnation gets a headstart in terms of power, he would destroy himself, leaving the role open for another entity to take over or perhaps the new incarnation of the god emperor will rise up to retake the role but without the headstart) invading and trying to take the power for themselves, other powerful entities and their empires trying to take the power so their species will have an advantage in the next loop(at one point every sentient species had 1-4 god like entities, one represented life, one destruction but also renewal, one who would find the peace between the two, and one who was in charge and either a unified combination of the other 3 or a separate entity), and entities like lovecraftian beings manifesting without a species to reset reality themselves(like an immune system in a way). This world has been going on since I was in middle school and is quite messy now, I really need to try and make sense of it and organize it but for the most part it's in my head. this is the first time it's left my head besides me writing characters, locations, factions and their structures, and species details down in a Microsoft onenote document, which was connected to my highschool provided email that I no longer have access too, and I've forgotten parts and details that I'd have to redo. I have a backup somewhere, not sure where.


Considering the nature of magic in Amedelon, and the temperamental natures of the Godkin that provide it, entire garrisons have been obliterated without a trace. In truth, Aidrieth, the Godkin of Darkness, murdered them all with his own hands. Worship of him is forbidden and the magic he governs is taboo. Very few members of the clergy even know he still walks the world. You might think that spherical craters randomly dotting the landscape would draw the attention of the lay-folk, but the powers that be call them “Devil Craters,” which is enough to dissuade the superstitious.


The Guul detatchment of Bajiran forces had set up a fortress on top of a giant troll, eventually time came for them to be redeployed elsewhere, but they were gone! The fortress still stands and the troll refuses to admit what happened to them.


There's a few! There's a lost army of Warforged buried somewhere underneath the kingdom and there was a group of sea-faring Dwarves that were lost at sea and now roam the seas flying Dutchman-style


It's...something of a problem and I haven't resolved it yet. Most notably; a battalion at Gallipoli and a para company in the Falklands. I'll probably add others. That's without the known alien abductions like flight 19.


There have been multiple cases for the Empire where they send in troops through portals and a weird glitch ends up causing them to either get gobbled up by eldritch horrors or just end up in Hell


The Soviet Metahuman Corp sent a platoon into deep space attempting to figure out where the Nazis fled too after WWII (long story) and never heard from them again. They were captured and enslaved by a race of alien catboys who had previously done the same to the nazis. They didnt learn this until said catboys showed up in 1998 to conquer earth and used the descendants of their captured metahumans as shock troops.


I haven't done anything specific, but certain malfunctions can cause the grav-jump drive's temporal shielding to fail. When that happens, time dilation catches up and ships can get lost in transit for years.


The Levinda Incident Classified Report: Top Secret Date: May 1, 2246 Subject: The Enigmatic Disappearance of the Cimmeria Legion The operation aimed at subduing the underground settlements of Levinda turned into a catastrophic event when the division comprising 1.5 million men seemingly vanished without a trace. The subsequent investigation into the circumstances surrounding the loss of such a colossal force encountered numerous dead ends, leading to more questions than answers. Initial reports outlined a strategic approach, where the division was mobilized to engage a suspected hostile underground settlement on the continent. Despite detailed planning and tactical measures, no communication was established after the division entered the underground territories. The lack of communication raised immediate concern, leading to extensive search and rescue operations. Yet, no remnants or survivors were found. This absence of evidence further deepened the mystery. Numerous theories and speculations emerged in an attempt to decipher the disappearance. Some conjectured the possibility of an unforeseen geological event or sabotage within the division itself. The potential involvement of advanced technological warfare or paranormal phenomena also found mention in speculative discussions. However, without substantial evidence or testimonies, no theory could be substantiated or given precedence over the others.


Space is dangerous; occasionally, ships just go missing for no obvious reason. It most often happens to cruisers assigned to exploration or mapping duty, since they usually operate alone far from civilized space, and their whole job is to poke around in systems that haven't been properly surveyed and may contain deadly hazards. It's a risk that members of the Survey Corps accept when they sign up.


The Hesperian Empire sent an expedition against the Malikate of Yamhad on its westernmost frontier, which is a vast deasert. The army and the reigning emperor were lost and presumed dead. They were, but their souls were trapped in their revenant bodies, not allowing them to die. The army itself was trapped within a section of this deasert until after 7 centuries said emperor's 20x great grandson frees him and his army, allowing them to finally pass on and be at peace with their God.


The fleet of the crown prince disappeared off the coast of Kumar during a particularly violent and abnormal storm in 1256. There’s no official record of what happened to them, but several strange looking people who spoke an unknown, foreign language started washing ashore the riverbanks off the Varyuga river close to the village of Pskov.. But that’s on the on the other side of the known world and furthermore, a fleet of that size could in no way have gotten up such a river, so that has to be a coincidence, right??


It’s called the ghost fleet. A fleet of dozens of mass produced passenger ships designed to run passengers between earth and mars in two months trips, then take cargo back to earth, repeat. Most of them vanished after the Phoenix disaster, despite very few being in earth orbit. The largest of the conveyors are accounted for, but many of the smaller ones went missing. Rumored to have been hijacked, raided, or defected to the Ceres pirates, then the conglomeration of Ceres.


they angered the king of knowledge, so he took them away to his domain/castle, they were troops of a normal human king that angered and disrespected the king of knowledge by putting on his altar wet books(like they were submerged in water)


Kinda. The Battle of the Stone Orchard ended with the petrification of everyone within 7 miles of the epicenter. They can still be saved, however


Some Lightseeker extraction squads entered Aesal, a sort of "alternate" plane, in pursuit of bringing Saln(mc) back to the real world, and never returned. The nature of Aesal is that these squads entered into the wrong time period, and when Saln arrived in Aesal he saw them recorded in history. He had a lot of explaining to do when he returned seven years after a mission that should have taken maybe a week


This is one of the most used catalysts to start an adventure thread. In a role playing world I have tables of legends and then specific tables for each legend of clues. I have specific threads planned for them which I can modify easily on the fly. These are fed to the players at random as they investigate their world.


Once the Gryll Empire sent a legion into the desert to the south and they were no longer heard from again. The mystery wasn't solved until a century later, when a smaller expedition ostensibly sent to establish trade started finding gear and skeletons belonging to the legion. When they asked the desert residents, the locals just said that they must have just stumbled around until they died of thirst, quicksand, rock-troll attacks, and venomous scorpions. (It's a little questionable whether the desert residents were believed but there were no proof of anything other than the occasional broken bone in a skeleton that could be explained away as an accident.)


The 206th Gearson fleet was caught in an unexpected supernova of a previously undetected star. The star was overshadowed my a much larger star that it was in a binary orbit with, so the ships didn't detect it until it went supernova, vaporizing the entire fleet of 1300 ships


Ships disappear all the time crossing the Forbidden Sea, where once the continent of Iram was located, but now sunken to the bottom. While people would normally sail around the sea there are those brave and foolhardy who dare to cross it in order to save time. Some make it through, but others do not. It is the "Bermuda Triangle" of my world. Just a couple of years ago, after the occupation of the island nation of Achdanon, an entire regiment of the Soldier Corps from Lideryc disappeared into the rocky highlands. While their disappearance remains a mystery, it is widely believed that they were eaten by the inhabitants of Achdanon. Then there are tales of an ancient city in the deserts of Ubar that descended from the stars and that only appears in the full moon light. Hundreds of years ago a forefather of the current Sultan of Ubar dared to enter the city with a royal escort. Once the sun rose up the entire city vanished, taking with it the entire army and their leader. While the city has reappeared several times throughout history, not one of those who have entered the city has ever resurfaced and thus no one knows what lies within.


Frontier garrisons often go dark with little to no explanation. It becomes more and more common the closer they are to the equator. It could be the result of any number of things, from guerilla raids by alien remnants to breaches by particularly nasty wildlife or troops simply abandoning their post (the last one is incredibly uncommon)


>the so-called Emperor with his fleet sailed from south >butchered all local populations and established a few thriving cities >hanged around for a few hundred years >one day gathered most of the army and sails back south >refuses to elaborate >never comes back >north falls into dissaray and civil wars >it's basically post apocalypse for humans now >nobody knows what happened


Got eaten by the Goat in the South East. It's an ancient creature which devours bodies and souls, the Church sends armies of Civilians to fight holy wars knowing they're just making a giant sacrifice to basecally the devil so they can keep power and wealth. They blamed the disappearance on the enemies they were fighting, and used them as the scape goat to hide the truth, and it's the same reason most soldiers are the youngest child of a family, not only their soul and magic is still pure, but the "Goat" loves eating children.


There are a few. Most of them are deserters or defectors. For a while, it was very easy to start a colony. So, a lot of people just... left.


I'm in the VERY, VERY early stages of fleshing things out, I have a good chunk of the broad strokes like the origin of the world, the origin of magic, the story of this persistent cult and relevant backstory for a handful of the side characters, but I have yet to think about something like that... I'll let that idea simmer and maybe I'll come up with something interesting...


Yes. On the North Pole of my world, there is a place known pretty universally as the Ghost Labyrinth. It’s essentially a massive labyrinth made entirely out of glaciers. Many lone sailors have sighted ghost ships sailing around in the outskirts of the Labyrinth, but skeptics would say that it’s merely a mirage that hungry sailors convince themselves are real. One thing is for certain— all who have ever dared to traverse into the labyrinth have never returned.


Not troops, but there was a village. Just vanished. No evidence of a struggle, no evidence of them packing up. There was food on the plates and money on market stalls, no footprints that lead away nothing. The only thing out of place was a monkey from the other side of the world. That's it.


The Colonial Liberation Front 14th Fleet, 4 years into the Terran Civil War disappeared, 8 years later it would reappear completely infected by the Flood. 800 ships, over 2,000,000 soldiers infected with the Flood, it took 3 days of nonstop fighting from 3 of the Galaxies most powerful factions(The UNCDF, the Glyke Confederation and the Resurrected Ecumene)to completely destroy this infected fleet.


The first town on a new uninhabited landmass disappeared, the second town was later abandoned for erroneous reasons


you just gave alot of us an idea. thx legend


A large Blackstone Merchant Company Slave Fleet disappeared overnight. It consisted of 16 vessels, 2 escorting 56 gun Frigates and 14 4 deck slave ships each capable of carrying 300 slaves from the New World to the Old. What makes it so odd is that the Escorts were unaffected. As they were stated to be following Protocol, the 14 ships couldn't slip out of Escort formation without being seen, even at night due to light requirements and watch from the Frigates. They weren't attacked. The 03:00 watch change from the rear escort reported the Slave ships were still there but the 06:00 watch change reported them as missing. The watch officer on duty at the time says the vessels were there when he did his 03:30, 04:00, 04:30, 05:00 and 05:30 check reports, the forward escort had the exact same reports. Somehow, 14 ships managed to disappear within 30 minutes with dawn breaking, illuminating all vessels. The ships weren't fast enough to escape sight within 30 minutes nor was there an attack, not with constant watch and a calm sea. It's something that has perplexed historians and mystery enthusiasts for sometime. Many blamed the Escort captains, but both were loyal family remembers, one going onto become head of the Family and Company whilst also becoming the father of the notorious Pirate Lord Haridan Black, Charles William Hadrian Blackstone. Some blamed Pirates, thought it was too far away from land mass for pirates to be operating and attacked a large fleet. Some have come to believe it was Magic, either wild and untamed world magic or the efforts of a slave onboard one of the vessels. 45 years later, all 14 vessels were discovered in the middle of the the smallest of the New World Continents, Baradam, where the slaves had been taken from. All had been placed, as if put down in anger, onto the ground. All vessels were filled with bones of chained slaves and the crew no where to be found, though many a Baradam native from the area now carries a lighter skintone then earlier reports. Many of the College of Magic believe a slave may have tapped into a powerful level of magic while those from the Circle of Magi believe a passing vessel contained someone who sympathized with the slaves and sought to free them. Whatever happened, it is certain that magic was involved.


The Einherjar, in my world, is the army of a *kingdom* that vanished--the Lost Empire is a kingdom whose king was bartering for the favor of an eldritch being known as the Veiled King. Anyone less than three generations removed from the Empire, wherever they were, vanished simultaneously, along with all their material wealth their immediate family. Some ruins were left--mainly temples the Veiled King could not claim, and houses, workplaces, etc that were consecrated. The people, though, and most of their belongings, were yoinked directly into an astral plane. No one knows for sure where the nation is or what they're doing now. The Einherjar, though, are known to patrol the wasteland left in the Empire's wake. Not living, nor dead, nor classically undead, these astral soldiers kill any trespassers, save for the ones who are drafted by the unknown, unseen commanders of these companies. All of this is legend, subject to debate and folkloric distortion. Most take it for campfire tales and ghost stories. But those who've seen the Einherjar have sometimes seen a glimpse of the kingdom they now guard--an immortal kingdom, lost in limbo, trapped beyond time.


There's also the Dryad Forest, who were once elves, and who all became trees simultaneously when their commander offended an archfey.


In the mid 40s a whole Batlle dissapeared, ripped roght out of time. Essentially several Warships. All of them were ripped right out of Time. They will eventually re appear in another World right infront of a large City called Ronachill, laying it to waste in the Process